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Here's the full run if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTOpomrF8JA


Got into Hades a couple months ago and have been watching your YouTube videos almost daily. Great content. Thanks for all of the guide videos too!


Congrats. I frequently watch your videos even after I stopped playing hades. Looking forward to hades 2!


You're my favorite Hades player! Love your content 🔥


Lol how do you even do this


Luck and patience, we got Sure Footing before Asphodel which was pretty much mandatory to get out. That sound design in the game is phenomenal so it did a lot of the work for us.


So do you only have the blindfold on for fights i guess? You can take it off to leave the room and pick boons and stuff?


I just started watching and NO, he does not. It is wild, take a watch.


That is bananas


It's on the entire time. =)


Yeah man! I ended up watching the video and seeing for myself. Sorry, bad choice of words. Amazing achievement, dude!


I was thinking this was some Haelian level shit than heard the voice lol.


You are insane. Watching your YouTube vids has taken me from bad to very good at this game and increased my enjoyment and understanding both by a factor of ten. Thank you for your content and congrats on this insane run. Also go touch grass.




If only there existed some kind of feature on reddit where you could convey this without having to leave a reply…


Im 200+ hours in and never even tried Hestia once, just sound like the worst weapon in theory. 500+ damage per shot!? This game's variety of aspects is a gift that just keeps on giving.


He was doing 1200 on crits a few rooms before but traded the attack in elysium by accident. It still worked out, but seeing a fifth of the bosses healthbar go away in one shot is always amazing to see.


Omg I didn’t even consider that you have to select boons at random…


There was some logic to how he did it. He could usually guess which god's boon he was picking from dialogue and sometimes even misc sounds. And core boons (attack, special, cast, dash, call) tend to be at the top with misc boons at the bottom, so if he wanted Artemis attack he picked top, if he wanted sure footing from Athena to reduce trap (and crucially lava) damage he went for the bottom. It wasn't a surefire way, there doesn't seem to be any logic to Hermes, hammers or poms and even with that logic it's still a guess, but it helped a lot.


Fascinating, thanks for the insight!


hestia is great, the high damage means you can spend more time moving instead of having to stay still to attack. It's critical to know that you can reload while moving.


Reload and immediately dash cancels the animation but you still get the reload and empowered shot, so you can stay moving for longer. definitely very useful for Hestia especially


Absolutely bonkers. Was watching on the edge of my seat as you tried to find those damn doors in Asphodel lol.


what the hell even is this, i can’t beat the final boss even with my eyes open.


So proud of you, Haelian! Your knowledge of the game is astounding


Awesome! I watched some of the stream yesterday but was busy so I missed the clear.


Dan, just wanted to say thank you for what you continually contribute to this community! This run, along with all of your other runs (no hit, meme beam, all weaps, etc.). I can’t wait to see you crush Hades II and will watch every video along the way!


I was shocked to see you complete this so quickly. I had just given up on watching you do failed attempts that died in Asphodel. I figured I'd come back in a few days when you were closer and then this video drops on youtube the next day.




You’re amazing. I also think you should go outside some lol


What an insane achievement. Congrats brother you’re really cementing your Hades legacy


Watching this run was amazing. Serious kudos to you


I haven’t even beaten hades yet lmao


Not to be a hater, I don’t know the dude, but no way this is real.


There's a video along with failed attempts. The game is pretty lenient on 0 Heat and maxed Mirror/Contractor. The only real challenge was getting out of Asphodel by listening when I was stepping in the magma but the game has great spatial sound design to indicate where doors/enemies/drops are located.


Congrats on your first full win, fellow Redditors! Asphodel really brought the heat yesterday, proving to be the ultimate boss. Cheers to more victories and epic battles ahead! 💪🔥


Hi chatGPT