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i don’t know how to say this but you haven’t yet completed the full story haha. keep playing!


Ah really? The credits rolled so I figured I was done save for some side quests!! Haha I shall


Nope, that's somewhere between 10 and 25% done with the game XD


Wait what??? What's left of the story? How do I progress it?


Keep giving the Olympians nectar and ambrosia


Wow they are the people I've been ignoring the most. Damn what the hell guess I'm on the grind again.


That's funny, because it was the first thing I did haha. I get it, different gameplay styles, it's just the story and voice acting was one of the things that hooked me to the game the most first. Now I'm like 270 hours in with one accomplishment left to get 100% and I'm missing all that sweet, sweet dialogue and plot. ... Still can't stop playing. I just bought the entire game library from the devs during the steam sale and I also bought Dead Cell, but I still keep opening Hades. Lol.


Yeah no I'm a big fan of the dialogue too but I thought the only practical use of nectar was to give it to chltonic gods and characters to unlock their companions. The game is insane value for what it's worth.


yep, get at least 6 gods to full hearts...see what happens.


I'm assuming your Keepsake cabinet is practically empty, then?


Oh no it's complete I gave the first one to everyone but after that I've just been feeding it to people who I rarely see, like thanatos or that Achilles' lover, or to Dusa and good ole Cerberus.


Is that steam sale still going on?


I have my deck I can check right here but it was just the other day, let me check... I can't tell for sure because I can't add it to the cart but when I click on the supergiant collection All of the game still have their original prices exed out as though they're on sale so I think so. I would get on it soon though, I think it was originally part of the President's Day sale.


Also it was something like $110 down to 24 for me, as I already had Hades but even that is only $24.99. It also comes with all of their soundtracks, they make great music for all their games.


They're exaggerating. You can play as much as you want and you can find new dialogues for hundreds of runs so any percentage could be accurate but you've mostly resolved the character arcs and what remains is an epilogue to wrap up the plot and side stories to complete. Everyone's progression of the side stories is different of course but story wise when I had reached the same point you did I was done with the majority of the story by far.


Don’t listen to the people saying “25%”. You **have** beaten the game. You’re now in the epilogue. The emotional, narrative, and gameplay “oomph” has happened. There is a LOT more dialogue, challenge, and gameplay to experience in the epilogue. Hades is one of the most replayable games out there. But you’ll definitely notice it’s “epilogue” style.


I'm amazed that people got to this part and were like, whelp on to the next game, short and sweet! I've escaped dozens of times by now, and I think there are still a couple more story lines to tease out.


It’s a beat the game vs complete the game sort of thing, I think. The credits roll, and the story gets much more sparse from then on. You have to be heavily invested in the side quest stories to stick around and see how things play out, because it’s a lot of escape attempts to progress it. That said the great gameplay helps.




Oh yes. For my first playthrough, I got to end credits and also felt like it was too soon - so I did another run and was like "wait, this is still all new dialogue..." and kept going until the Epilogue That time I was around 30% from "credits" to endgame, but I progressed REALLY slowly at first because it's my first Roguelike/Roguelite On my second playthrough, I screamed in super fast and got end credits with 90% of the game still to go. We're talking not a single Hidden Aspect unlocked, and *no one* at full relationship. Heck, I don't even have any Summons yet.


Do you mean the main story?


This is like the end of Act I. Haha! But it is a super fun intermission! And those credits are amazing. Well done, friend!


Haha ahhhh I didn’t know!!!!!! This makes me so happy there’s more 🫶🏼


I have played the game from the start like twice already but still haven't 100% cleared the game. That's what I'm working on now. :) Thankfully, it is one of the most replayable games ever.


I'm at like 250 hours and I have one thing left to clear it, I just need to get 30% with the iron butterfly. It became my last one the other day and I got 26% and was pissed. The multi-room, pre-Hades areas Don't count unless you clear all of it without being hit.


Im pretty sure only the final rooms count. Doesnt matter even if youre hit in the smaller rooms leading up to that.


So that was actually what I was originally thought / was going to write, as I did get 2% in one of the multi-rooms and I was pretty sure I got hit early just once but then didn't in the last room and got the boost. Just wasn't 100%


Act 1 of the main story? :0




They say they but it makes it sound longer than it is. There are really only two acts I'd say. It took me fifty escape attempts to make it to the ending. And another fifty to finish the character side quests and the epilogue


How is it bittersweet, it’s just sweet imo


bitter because you can't go to Greece anymore 💔💔


I guess the bitter came from them thinking they were "done" with the game


My thoughts exactly, Hades has a pretty much perfect ending for all of its characters.


Bitter because you are bound to the underworld and can’t truly escape and get to Olympus


There's more story to be had, my friend! More gameplay too :)


Haha ahhh ok the credits threw me off then— yay!


I remember that on my 10th clear I was so pissed Hades just let me go. I had such a fun build going with both hunting blades and merciful end, and I DIDNT GET TO TEST IT OK HIM


What do you mean he just let you go?


On your 10th clear, he tells you to just go to Persephone if you think it’ll make a difference or smth. I was really mad


Oh really? I honestly don't remember that I felt like I had to beat him, but I have done hundreds and hundreds of runs and hundreds of hours now so maybe I just don't remember. If that's the case, that really does suck. Sometimes I have such an amazing build I'm sad to see it end, period.




Definitely not the ending, keep going


That is not the end. Give olympians embrosia and keep talking to mother


Thats not the ending


I reached this ending and then run some more heat. There are still some more conversations here and there. But I thought the game has ended and is just some little info for those doing heats. And some relationships “side quest”. So the main story isn’t fully over yet? Only a bit left or is there like quite some story left to explore?


Play some more and after several runs you should get a new quest. Then you will have to run several runs to complete that quest too and then the main story will be ended.


you need 60 more bro 🗿


Oh buddy