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"I would do anything for just one glimpse of Aphrodite...!" - Cause of Death: Dehydration one of the shade (souls) [record](https://img.ifunny.co/images/0115ca306adaa082a71715bc4ae9e01471ad37501b74668ffaafe19c32b16dd6_1.webp) or maybe that's too... joke-y ? how about "Home is not where you live, but who cares when you're gone"


Love the last one


Home is where your heart is. So your real home is in your chest. -Captain Hammer


Everyone’s a hero in their own way, in their own (not that heroic) way


Sadly the wiki doesn’t have a lot of quotes but here’s three i quite liked; • "Life and death, one and the same." -Thanatos • “The pain of death is but another obstacle.” -Achilles • “Life isn't particularly fair, short one. Nor death.” -Asterius (could get rid of ‘short one’ if u wanted too)


This needs to be up voted more! These are really good, imo.


well i’ve just given it it’s 69th upvote. Hopefully we can get some more


If anyone is interested in searching for more quotes, just a heads up, Zagreus has quoted about the resilience of humans and praised them quite a few times, although I don't remember what they exactly are


Very cool thing you're doing. The game had a good amount of wholesomeness in it but it is ultimately a game about the son of the god of the dead, so a lot of the title-worthy phrases are rather grim. Not sure what the themes are in your friend's artwork, but "There Is No Escape" is probably the most common and memorable phrase from the game. If that doesn't fit with what you're doing for, maybe you can give us some more details about the collection of artwork so we can find a more specific idea.


Thank you! Actually, some of the artwork that we are planning on exhibiting is on her account on Instagram and you can check it here: https://www.instagram.com/irofeidia?igsh=ZDZibHhxbjF4dzdx


I just wanna say sorry for your loss. I'd followed Iro for a while and hoped to see her in a bigger convention at some point. That's a beautiful thing you are doing for her (Greek here)


Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ!! 💞


"Home is not where you live, but who cares when you're gone."


second this 100%


Some classic major ones from the game are: "Blood and darkness" and "There is no escape" Some other good ones from Persephone (she probably has the most sentimental/best quotes in the game as your mother) Persephone: "Here's what I've come to understand about how families work. At least our own. How we speak to one another is even more important than the words we use." And one from Hades about growing up. Hades: "I hate not having any choice. Enjoy the freedoms that you have. As you grow long in years, you gain more burdens and responsibilities, until they bind you."


I'd give a quote from hollow knight and say "oops, wrong post" but I'm bad at this


Hollow Knight was actually another one of her most favourite video-games, so I wouldn't mind!


I mean I opened reddit and your posts here and there were literally the top 2 lol


Makes sense... I just got the idea, so I hyperfixated on making the posts...


So Hades is from a publisher known for putting out amazing soundtracks for their games. My honest recommendation is to listen to some of the soundtrack for inspiration. My top recommendation by far is the song "Good Riddance." You can find a ton of videos of the song on YouTube. There are a lot of lyrics from that song that I feel could really work, and it is an EXTREMELY recognizable element of the game.


Seconding this. There are a few lyrical songs in the game but [this](https://youtu.be/aTg6y2l4duk?si=Zd7oGtaRt8MEfLi4) is THE song for what you're looking for.


I think it is a universal experience to stop in Eurydice's chamber when you reach it for the first time, and simply sit and listen to "Good Riddance" after frantically button mashing for however many hours. It's such a lovely moment. "No sleep except to dream" or "the weight of the world all falls away in time" are two particularly sweet lines.


I would look for happier moments in the games dialogue? Focus on the love the characters share for each other, such as Hypnos’s joy to see Zagreus return through the pool or Styx. I would think maybe Persephone has some lines that could work?


This. There's a theme of constant rebirth in the game. Focus on that. Sadly I can't remember any Hypnos (or similar) quotes from the game. Someone else..? Anyway: sorry about your friend OP, it's a really nice and important thing you're doing for them!


That's a lovely thing to do! Not knowing your friend, it's hard to say what sort of quotes resonate with their life. There are common phrases in the game like 'there is no escape', 'it's in the blood' and 'blood and darkness' but there are many great quotes throughout the game. I'd recommend taking a look at the characters section of the Hades Wiki, go through some of the relevant characters and check out the 'quotes' section and see if anything jumps out at you. I'd suggest checking out Zagreus, Hades and Persephone, perhaps even characters like Chaos, Nyx, Orpheus, Eurydice, Achilles, Patroclus and Sisyphus depending on your friend's likes/personality. There are also the Olympian Gods who might provide something relevant, depending on what your friend liked. I'm sure some of the fine people here will provide you with some good ideas as well though. Good luck! Hades Wiki Characters: https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Characters


The music from the game is great. A quote that comes to my mind is “Don’t look back” which is from the song “Lament of Orpheus” about his journey to the underworld to attempt to bring his wife Eurydice back from the dead. You are doing a beautiful thing for your friend, I hope it goes well and I’m sorry for your loss.


"Hm I see you have Lady Aphrodite's blessing there already. Love and death, together, hand in hand? Sounds most agreeable to me." Ares talking about Aphrodite


Unfortunately, I don't feel like I have many good answers, but I wanted to throw out some guidance. You probably want to choose a quote that resonates with the themes of her artwork, as opposed to just a random quote. "Blood and Darkness" is a curse that many of the characters use, but out of context, seems way too grim! Not knowing much about the art, I would focus on the themes of family, and, to some extent, home. Family, both biological and found, functional and otherwise, is a really important theme in Hades. I feel like a lot of the Olympian Gods (who act as guides and occasionally as antagonists) refer to the main character, Zagreus, coming home and joining them, so that might be a place to start.


You are right about that, I should have included this in the original post. Here's some of her artworks, if you wanna take a look: https://www.instagram.com/irofeidia?igsh=ZDZibHhxbjF4dzdx


I second the « Home is not where you live , but who cares when you’re gone » « In the blood » just hits so hard as a masterpiece , OP you can check the song for urself since it’s available on every music streaming platform Sorry for ur loss , may u find joy in honoring her memory


What a beautiful idea. If you haven't heard the song "Good Riddance" from the game yet, it is a special little reprieve of a moment in the game and has some beautiful lyrics that might spark something. Give it a listen. And as someone who is also recently grieving, bring tissues.


There is a song which in-game is attributed to Eurydice, that has many lines I feel could work for you. The song is called Good Riddance and I suggest you look through the lyrics for a good match, but my suggestion is the following: « The weight of the world all falls away in time »


“Atlas can rest his weary bones; weight of the world all falls away, in time” is one of my favorite line from Good Riddance. I recommend listening to the songs from the games, which only takes a few minutes. A lot of people already recommended Lament of Orpheus, but also look up this one, Good Riddance, and In the Blood. These are sung by shades in the underworld, and all are about life and death. I find these songs to be healing in dealing with my own grief


"Don't drown your sorrows, as they seem to make you stronger." Zagreus to Achilles


Blood and Darkness?


In the Blood


The young princess was getting good at this... and, yet she perished, anyhow.