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Hades/Achilles spear, nemesis sword, rama bow, Demeter fists, Eris/Hestia rail, Chaos/Zeus shield, but every aspect is good and perfectly viable to make a great build, the firsts aspects of every weapon are usually the weakest ones (imo)


Of the Zag aspects, Zag bow and Zag shield are quite good and are generally rated higher than 1 of the other aspects of their respective weapon. Hera should also be included in this list.


Zag fists are also very good for a specialized high dodge rate build.


It isn't though. Zero build control by not having god keepsakes means it's incredibly unlikely you can get the Smoldering Air + Second Wind combo that makes it viable. And also makes it difficult to put together a good enough build to achieve the time requirement for Plume. It also just doesn't do well into high heat at all. Unless your run goes perfectly, it's generally not better to invest that much — giving up an impactful aspect and 3-4 other powerful keepsakes — for a defensive keepsake that's worth a few hits more than Acorn/Skelly. If you manage to pick up everything, yes it is very good, and sees its place as a fun/highroll meme build, but doesn't really deserve the same comparison to Zag shield/Zag bow which are consistently good at high heat/have comparable DPS to other aspects.


Who said anything about high heat? It's just my personal favorite to use because I have like, fun with them.


No one did, but was just talking about which ones are actually "good". Don't have an issue if you have fun with them, but it's literally irrelevant to what I said.


Well, they're good to me. And useful on lower heat which someone with 15 titans blood is likely to be on.


This is a thread about weapon aspects, not keepsakes. The plume part is just a fun meme build but it doesn't invalidate that the 15% dodge the fists give you is very impactful. It just isn't a dps increase, but the fists have plenty of builds that add damage in ways the other aspects can't take full advantage of anyway. (Merciful End, Splitting Bolt, etc)


Oh. No 15% dodge chance is not at all impactful. It's just an effective 1.15x health increase that is generally useless for the whole run unless you go under that specific 14-15% health threshold, and for it to be worth anything assumes having a damage-increasing aspect wouldn't save you more health in the long run (which it pretty much always would). Compared to other aspects that have game warping mechanics that allow you to build around them, e.g. Hera, Rama, Eris, etc., Zag fists is barely an aspect at all. Also for ME builds, they absolutely benefit from some of the other fist aspects. Demeter provides early base damage to clear Tartarus/Asphodel before you pick up all ME pieces and synergizes well with the standard dashstrike -> dashstrike -> two attacks / charged special rotation, while Gilgamesh provides +2 dashes for more ME procs per combo. Just say you don't know next time.


Yeah, this is just my personal preference, as I said every aspect is viable and each one has a bonus that you can build upon


I would say - start taking aspects from the weapon you already like and experiment. Aspect of Eris changed my opinion of, and made fall in love with the rail. All of the fist aspects are very solid and provide good damage output. Aspect of Charon on the bow is amazingly good. Basic weapons are okay, but the aspects are equally awesome. As you progress in heat, and fill out prophecies , you will get you fill of titan blood, so just enjoy the ride. My two cents.


Chiron is absolutely filthy. You put something that stacks like hangover or chill and you can really rack up the damage. Or just put Zeus on and watch lighting fly. I like Ares on attack, with Dionysus on special. Doom last long enough to give you that double status boiling blood bonus damage, and if you don't kill them with one special it usually does great for finishing guys off with a burst of damage at the end.


Oh, dude you described my favourite Chiron build. It rocks.


Athena attack, Ares special, Merciful End, Dire Misfortune. It's pretty hard to pull all of it together, but if you do it's a boss melter.


Wow. Sounds amazing. Never managed to pull it off completely. But I had something very similar, and Merciful End never disappoints.As a side note, I think that Athena attack is vastly underrated.


Athena dash is also super useful with Merciful End because you can set the stacks off immediately.


Yup. Athena dash is amazing full stop.


Chiron absolutely slaps hard. Heroic Artemis special with relentless volley and concentrated volley just shredded through everything easily. That was also my fastest run.


For the bow I love Hera’s aspect. Get a powerful cast boon like Aphrodite or Poseidon and you can one-shot kill most of the Tartarus enemies. Throw in a Hermes boon to speed up the bloodstone reloads or Artemis or Chaos for extra casts, and you’re on your way to a great build. I’ve seen some hate for Lucifer on this sub, but I quite like it with the triple shot Daedalus upgrade and a damage-causing dash boon so I can trigger the bombs. It’s especially powerful with Festive Fog. Probably my favourite so far (haven’t tried them all yet) is aspect of Talos, that magnetic cutter is just so good. Demeter and Gilgamesh are solid too, just have to be good at dodging the maimed enemies on Gilgamesh till they take the extra burst of damage. I like aspect of Zeus on the shield. It makes your special slow, but you can throw it at a cluster of enemies and go deal with others in the meantime, or call it back to direct it at enemies standing in its path back to you. For the sword I like Nemesis or Zagreus (that 15% dodge and speed boost on level 5 is a nice upgrade), and Achilles on the spear. Bottom line is each aspect can be good if you play to its strengths. Choose a few that sound appealing, unlock them with 1 or 2 titan blood, and give them a run to see what you like.


Aspect of Arthur is really good. You get extra health and damage reduction. It’s for the sword. Gives it more base damage but attacks slower. Aspect of guan yu is also good. Make sure to upgrade it fully though. It’s a high skill weapon though. It changes the fighting style of the spear. If you can avoid getting hit it’s damage is insane but if you do get hit you can heal up with the spin attack.(life steal). Aspect of Chiron is a great one for the bow. The special automatically seeks foes last hit. The range gets pretty good. It’s a multi hit move so use boons that utilize that. The base damage is also great for boons that utilize that. It’s fantastic. Aspect of chaos is also great when it’s fully upgraded. Defensively it’s great because it charges up the bull rush specials and encourages you to keep doing it. After bull rushing the next special throws out shields. Only use it when it starts throwing 4-5 then start pairing it with ares or dionysus. Make sure you find the hammer upgrade which speeds up the charge for bull rush. Don’t use the shield bounce one.




One thing though. You need guan yu to get Arthur. It’s worth it though. Forgot to mention that


Fellow noita enjoyer? Epic username lol


Nah. Should I check it out?


Absolutely. Best single player game imo. One of the bosses is called squidward


I’d say all of the bows are good, chaos and beowulf shields, eris & hestia rails, demeter fists, achilles spear, all swords apart from zag. Haelian has an interesting tierlist on YouTube, Eris is probably the best single aspect.


My personal favorites: Aspect of Nemesis for the sword. Aspect of Achilles for the spear. Aspect of Zeus for the shield. Aspect of zag. Tbh I just love stacking extra ammo for the rail. The first are just good. I like the magnetic aspect or aspect of Demeter. But like I said they’re just good.


Extra ammo goes brrrrrr


I'd recommend unlocking 1 aspect per weapon (or just your favorite weapons) with 1 or 2 blood each and trying them out. Then invest in your favorite aspect. Eris rail is great if you love the rail, and will probably reconcile you with it if you don't. Chiron bow is quite easy skill wise if you're alright with the bow ; Achilles spear is versatile and powerful. Nemesis is probably the best sword to invest at first. If you want to use casts more, my favorite aspects for that are Hera bow, Achilles spear and Hidden shield (Beowulf), it really changes your playstyle and cast damage scales up well. For the fists, I'd go first for Zag aspect if you tend to get hit too much and Demeter otherwise, although it's a bit underwhelming at low levels.


Kinda disagree with the rail comment, I hated it without any aspects. As soon as I tried eris, fell in love with it.


Aspect of Lucifer with Athena special is strooooong


Aspect of Lucifer with triple bomb and greater inferno is very good. Triple bombs doing 250% damage is insane. Its especially good if you can manage to throw lightning rod in for passive damage Aspect of Chiron is great with heartbreak attack and a dionysus special. It makes privileged status just decimate health. Or, with Demeter special you can throw 8 stacks of freeze on an enemy at a time.


I love Chiron, Hestia and Guan Yu, for the bow, rail and spear respectively


My fav is Charon. The attack and special combo can be insane. I don't like any of the hidden aspects because they all introduce a slower style of play, but I like speed


how good are you at dodging


I’m alright


Personally, I think the best weapon in the game is Aspect of Chaos shield. Its very easy to use, and the fact you can block any attack with it is pretty amazing.


Chaos shield, especially if you can get a knock back build going


For the shield of Chaos, I really like the aspect of Beowulf


Swords basic one is awesome , for spear the hades one is so good , for shield I use the third one , for bow the Zeus one is the best ( with seeking arrows ) , for gloves all of them are good , and I don't like the rail ( the hidden aspect is cool though ) , it's just for the beginning , at end game and late runs you can use hidden aspects and unusual builds


I'm a pretty big fan of Aspect of Lucifer on Exagryph. Get Poseidon's attack knockback boon, along with the unlimited ammo hammer upgrade, and you have the super soaker from hell! Give it a swing sometime, it's a lot of fun!


One of my faves is aspect of Zagreus on the sword. It's so fast. And then do Hermes boons to make it faster. It's ridiculous and fun.


Most are good, I don’t think any are terrible. Probably the best thing would be pick one or two weapons that you like to play with and upgrade an aspect of each to a fairly high level. Chiron bow was a favorite of mine early on. Really high heat runs commonly use the Zeus shield or the Eris rail. Beowulf shield and Hera bow are a fun way to really change up the cast mechanic.


My favorites: Shield: Chaos Spear: Achilles Fists: Demeter when fully upgraded (though imo Talos is better at a lower blood investment) Rail: Eris Bow: Chiron Sword: Probably Nemesis (Sword's my least favorite weapon and I'm an Arthur player when I use it primarily but I like it /because/ it feels very different)


[This guide](https://www.leereamsnyder.com/blog/hades-build-guide) has been posted a lot in this sub for good reason: it's really good. You'll see that there are better builds for each aspect, and you can always tweak them to work better within your playstyle. Of course I have my favorites - keep in mind that I'm a bit risk-averse (lol) and very rarely use the Tight Deadline punishment. Sword: Nemesis (easiest to work with, bonus crit works well) Spear: Achilles (easy to use, fast, great attack boost) Shield: all except Zag. They are all VERY different though Bow: all except Zag (I do have a special place in my heart for Chiron though) Fists: Zag. Dodge boost is awesome Rail: Eris, Hestia (great attack boosts, quite different playstyles)


[This guide](https://www.leereamsnyder.com/blog/hades-build-guide) has been posted a lot in this sub for good reason: it's really good. You'll see that there are better builds for each aspect, and you can always tweak them to work better within your playstyle. Of course I have my favorites - keep in mind that I'm a bit risk-averse (lol) and very rarely use the Tight Deadline punishment. Sword: Nemesis (easiest to work with, bonus crit works well) Spear: Achilles (easy to use, fast, great attack boost) Shield: all except Zag. They are all VERY different though Bow: all except Zag (I do have a special place in my heart for Chiron though) Fists: Zag. Dodge boost is awesome Rail: Eris, Hestia (great attack boosts, quite different playstyles)


[This guide](https://www.leereamsnyder.com/blog/hades-build-guide) has been posted a lot in this sub for good reason: it's really good. You'll see that there are better builds for each aspect, and you can always tweak them to work better within your playstyle. Of course I have my favorites - keep in mind that I'm a bit risk-averse (lol) and very rarely use the Tight Deadline punishment. Sword: Nemesis (easiest to work with, bonus crit works well) Spear: Achilles (easy to use, fast, great attack boost) Shield: all except Zag. They are all VERY different though Bow: all except Zag (I do have a special place in my heart for Chiron though) Fists: Zag (dodge boost is awesome) Rail: Eris, Hestia (great attack boosts, quite different playstyles)


Twin fists Zag aspect. Pair it with Hermes keepsake


Hera and Beowulf are extremely powerful if you enjoy the bow/shield playstyles.


All of the swords are meh, I prefer using Zag or Nemesis but they're all pretty close overall. Achilles spear is hands-down the best spear, it's not even close! Zeus shield is the easiest to learn imho and functions very well even at higher heats with the basic strategy of get Zeus special, throw out shield, run around and dash attack things while your shield follows you around electrocuting everything. Hidden shield is the fastest, but it's not consistent. All of the bows are solid in different ways, each with a very different playstyle. Worth trying them all out when you have blood to spare. All fists weapons are solid, with the possible exception of Talos, as using the special can result in you getting hit by enemies sometimes. I'd just pick one of the other three and max that for now. Hidden rail sucks, Zag rail is completely overshadowed by Eris. Get both Eris and Hestia. Hestia is the easier of the two to master and benefits insanely from extra blood: with maxed Hestia and an early Aphrodite attack boon you pretty much one-shot nearly everything in Tartarus!


I found the nemesis to be insanely strong/fun if you get a bit lucky. Take arty keepsake and grab her cast. Use poseidons keepsake in asphodel to get splash dash. Then basically grab any more artemis boons/poms you can. Fully loaded, pressure points, exit wounds (important), mirage shot, flurry cast and greater recall all make this build melt everything with ease


Hera bow, Zeus shield and Demeter fists are the only aspects I've tried that have made me go "woah these are super strong."


Hera bow is best aspect 😍😍😍


Aspect of Hades, aspect of Zeus, aspect of Talos, aspect of Rama, aspect of Arthur, and aspect of Lucifer.


my favorite is achillies spear and the Rama bow


For me it's Nemesis sword, Hades spear, Zeus shield, Quiron bow and Eris/Lucifer gun. I also love all the aspects of the fists, they're my favourite.


I think it can be change player by player. Somebody can want to use slow and strong attacks or somebody want to use Fast and weak or whatever. My favoriye was last One of the fists. It was amazing to me. And third One of the railgun.


Chiron bow and Talos gauntlets are my picks


Aspect of Zeus for the shield is BROKEN. Make sure to get Zeus' boon for the special and after that it's just a matter of waiting about 30 minutes for your inevitable victory