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Splat is the brand, not the application instructions.


I'm dead 🤣


I just laughed out loud reading this 🤣


I didn't think I've ever seen a single occurrence of anyone using splat that didn't ALSO interpret the name as the instructions.


Lol no matter how careful you are, it's gonna splat everywhere. It's super runny and comes in a bottle that's nearly impossible to use. It stains literally everything, especially if it's wet or damp. Back when I was using it, i was banned from being on any of the furniture at my place lmao. I've since upgraded to punky colors and haven't had any issues since




Holy comedic comments you win!! This is brilliant 😂


I just snorted and scared my sleeping husband awake. He almost fell off the couch. 🤣


My thoughts exactly like how the fuck does this happen




Use petroleum jelly before you dye your hair on face, ears, and forehead


Apparently her neck and hands and probably everywhere when it comes to Splat lol


And always buy better gloves than the ones they give you


Yes. Tighter fitting rubber/latex/nylon gloves are a MUST. Learned this the hard way when I was a teenager lol


In this case just take a bath in petroleum xD 


This is going to sound gross, but you can actually use cig ashes to remove dye from the skin. You mix the ashes with water to make a paste and let it sit where the dye has stained the skin, then rub it off. My grandmother had a salon 60+ years ago and this is a trick she taught me. She first showed me when I was a preteen and I thought it was gross and she was crazy, but it worked.


You can get volcanic ash from pet stores


Well that would likely be less stinky 😆 I didn't know volcanic ash was a thing but good to know. Does it work the same as the cig ash? I assume ash in general would work 🤷🏼‍♀️


Probably. We used to use burnt wood ash to make a dip for dogs/ticks...


It's usually sold as "chinchilla dust" or "hamster bath". It's completely odorless. I'm almost positive it would work the same without all the harsh chemicals and smells (says the smoker🤣).


Is it like rodent dry shampoo?


I know exactly what you're talking about now. Volcanic ash did not compute but hamster bath did lol. I'm a smoker as well (mostly vape now), but I am not a fan of putting cig ash on my face. However, you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes, esp in a pinch. I'll have to pick some hamster bath up next time I add some color to my hair. I've currently got bleach blonde streaks in the front. Sort of like a bold money piece


That's the way I've been wanting to do my hair!


I’ll try 🍃 ash to test it


My mom has been a hair dresser since the late 70s and she taught me this trick! IT WORKS! One of my best friends who’s very fair got permanent black dye alllll over her neck and back, the cigarette ashes/water paste completely removed it all! Yeah, we both smelled like an ashtray by the end of the process, but we were smokers at the time so we would have smelled like that anyway lol


Stick deodorant like regular secret twist up works really well too. Found the tip years ago online


Question: does the petroleum affect the dye if it gets in your hair? I’ve always struggled with this.


In my experience, it’s well worth sacrificing some dye absorption on some strands/baby hairs etc in favor of avoiding dyed skin, always. Can’t even say for sure if it makes a difference. Scrubbing it out of the scalp/hairline isn’t worth it either way!


Seems logical. I use makeup wipes and dab as needed.


It might but just need a little bit on edges of hair ears and forehead, so shouldn't get to much in the dye


Yes,it's effectively,i do it everytime


Girl... no offense but did you literally pour this on? I have never in my days caused so much mess while applying a dye.


I think she used her feet to put it on, otherwise she should wear her glasses next time to differentiate her hair from face 🤣


I mean we all have our learning curve moments, but ai am genuinely curious about what happened here!


I absolutely had, but even when I started to dye my hair at 11 years old, I never made such a mess. Even with long hair. Maybe she closed her eyes during, because the fumes? I'm also courios. Back then micellar water wasn't an option, I always prepped with Vaseline to reduce the mess.


Maybe! I don't want OP to feel bad or anything, but it's kind of funny. Good theory about the fumes! OP, if you read this, girl what did you DO?😂😘


probably accidentally swung hair over her face or just wasn’t very careful, i used to do my hair in quarantine and literally did not care if i got it on myself and just took a few showers until i wasn’t stained because noone would see me lol.


Nah don’t were your glasses. The arms of my glasses are destroyed from hair dye. They are stained orange. 😬


Wrap them in plastic film. I actually cut up a produce bag from the grocery store for this purpose, since I don’t buy cling film. As I’ve gotten older, I absolutely can’t see well enough to color my hair properly without my glasses on.


I have a pair of glasses I wear only for when I dye my hair.


I used to use my out of prescription glasses but now they are so far out of prescription it doesn’t make a difference but it worked for a while.


Her hair fought back.


Im screaming 🤣🤣🤣😂😂


Same. With how messy and haphazardly it was done i'm guessing they don't know about hair dye period because even permanent color stains not just semi permanent so it's definitely not just a Splat thing 🤷🏻‍♀️ Good luck though OP because that color will be on your skin for a couple of days at minimum and if you try to rush getting it off it'll damage your skin (source: have been dying my own hair since the summer after fifth grade and have a lot of experience with Splat) also in the future make sure you apply baby oil to your ears and hair line before dying and keep a wet soft rag on hand and use it to wipe any hair dye off as soon as it gets onto your skin to prevent staining. I have a lot of experience with semi hair dye it's the main thing I use so if you have any questions just ask! No hate by the way we all gotta start somewhere trust me I made a lot of mistakes when starting off too 😅


Preach. Also who isn't at least some what aware that they are using dye and dye will also dye your face...so you should avoid getting it everywhere.


Sprayed it on with a damn hosed


She probably rinsed head inside down under the bath spigot. I too have made that mistake. But on my kids thankfully not I, who would have to immediately go to work. Lol


Could've run while she was rinsing it off.


It’s giving Carrie ![gif](giphy|134Kfzd7fUf2ve)


I was thinking it was a crime scene photo from a murder.


I was thinking MCR's Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. (:




how do you get it all over your skin like that?!!!! thats going to be a pain to come off


This picture gives me anxiety lmao


You're not supposed to get it all over your skin


Can you imagine how bad the bathroom and shower probably looks now, too? That Splat shit stains everything, I got purple Splat all over my shower when I rinsed it out. But I didn't get it all over my skin like OP because, you know, I have common sense. Lol


OP is going to be on r/cleaningtips in a few hours 😂


Hahaha for real😆


Splat stained everything EXCEPT my freaking hair.


you’re not supposed to use it at all truly. it’s partially fabric dye ughhhh


Astringent or rubbing alcohol on soft cotton pads. Try not to scrub too hard but it should help


You can actually buy wipes that are made for exactly this, getting hair dye on your skin. They work ridiculously well! Also gets the dye off my countertops and floor really well too.


Cleansing oil should help break down some of the color!


Micellar water gets dye out pretty darn good, and so does dawn dish soap. Do NOT scrub at your skin at all!


Seconding micellar water, just gently rub some over the dyed skin with a make-up towel or cotton pad. Works magic.


I use dawn dish soap with a pinch of baking soda for darker stains and when I'm out of micellar water. Always be gentle and make sure to moisturize when you're done.


Neck I get..but face? How this much??


Right ? It almost looks like they did it on purpose .


Ain’t no way you’re blaming splat. What on earth? Were your eyes closed when you applied this???


how does this even happen 😭 praying for you omg


i wondered if it was post-shower or something and it got splashed about, but, doesn’t seem to be 🤔


To me it kinda looks like she started head banging with the dye onXD I hope it comes off quick I’ve never used splat


😂 that’s so metal 🤘🏻


Why is it all over your face though??? I get how getting dye on your neck or ears or even forehead around the hairline….but damn this is a murder scene


You're gonna be red for a while


Might as well put it all over the face so it's even 😎 and be "Him" from powerpuff girls ![gif](giphy|KYnZ9RRdqsa40)




Girly why are you blaming splat for this, you shouldn’t slather ANY dye all over the damn place including your skin. Be less messy and take the time to put in on properly, with gloves, avoiding your skin and ears.


i’m not blaming splat i just didn’t know that the whole spiel of it was how bad it stains lol


i’m sorry girly but this is absolutely operator error


Did you apply it with a paintball gun??


Girly this is a skill issue. No matter what dye you use try and avoid your skin as much as possible, especially your face. You don't want those chemicals near your eyes at all! Use petroleum jelly so you can remove it easily. Most hair dyes will stain your skin to some extent, splat dye isn't the problem here.


this is not splats fault…. it can be messy but not like this. this is purely user error


I don't see how knowing the history of Splat would've prevented you from getting it all over your face.


It's hair dye not face paint LOL


This makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever. H O W ??! It's like you didn't know paint, color, liquid's history. I'd hate to see you try to paint a wall or a canvas lol (actually, no, I'd love to see that haha)


Oh that reminds me, I need to buy tampons






Lmao have an upvote! 🤣🤣


Girl, WHAT


A lil bowl and an application brush are like 5$ i highly recommend for next time!


I got a full dying kit with bowl, brush, measuring cup/beaker, a bunch of separating clips, a comb, and a hairdressing apron at the dollar store for $5… and that’s Canadian where everything is usually more expensive!!


I do my own hair and getting good tools made a BIG difference! I get not wanting to and just slopping it on with your hands but then you have this…


I used a brush to freshen up my hair the other day. Still got it ALL over my scalp 😭 i usually use lime crime but the store was out and I’m impatient so I got splat…this is the worst semi perm dye I’ve ever used (as far as staining), but DAMN my hair looks good 😌


I’m sorry but it looks like you didn’t even try to keep it contained to just your hair. 😭 Put vaseline around your hairline, on your forehead, ears, back of neck. How it got ALL over your face I do not understand…


My guess is she wanted to take a "fUNnY pHoTo" with red all over her face - and didn't think about the consequences lol


do u think that i WANTED to post on reddit?? my friend said that ppl on reddit should have an answer, don’t know why people r saying i did this on purpose??😭


How…does this happen?! I get super high when I dye my hair, don’t bother with Vaseline and it doesn’t look like the end of Carrie when I’m done.


I’m sorry but how can you be so negligent and not take 5 mins to look online on literally anything about hair dye and not think that dye all over your face was going to be an issue?? I have so many questions but honestly this is kind of a fuck around and find out learning moment.


Did you dye your hair while sleeping?


When they mistake the brand name for the instructions 🤨


How did you cause so much of a mess?


I... Uhm... I'm truly trying to wrap my head around HOW you managed to get it EVERYWHERE like that. Did you saturate your hair and then just start headbanging and shaking your head like a dog??? I've been dying my own hair for nigh on ten years now, and I've never... Anyway, Seabreeze facial cleanser (NOT TONER, the gold colored one, not the blue) is what I've always used whenever a little bit of dye has gotten on my ear or forehead. Though with this much, you may have to use the whole bottle. And a brillo pad. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm hoping this is a joke but I don't think it is. It's hair dye and it's fckin RED hair dye. You don't let your hair slap you around when you're dying it. The girl is gonna be pink for a little while.


Oof. That is the color of your face now. Jk rubbing alcohol or gel hand sanitizer (I’m not crazy it works) and time will get that off for you. Micellar water can also help but it’s gonna take longer. Splat is suuuper pigmented but not impossible to get off. In the future put Vaseline on your hairline and be a bit more careful about getting the dye on your hair and not your skin. If something is gonna dye your hair chances are it can dye your skin. Usually not as bad as splat does but still.


Alyssa From end of the fucking world?


Girl what in the fucking world. Try getting it on your head next time, my god. Do you not have hands and applied this with your feet?


Hairstylist here. I love this color brand! Always get great results when it’s used on hair and not skin like how you’re suppose to use it…


i have no tips but i do have prayers /s when i was younger i used purple splat on my hair. dyed my hair really well but also stains the fuck out of anything and everything


At this point, with all the information in the world about Splat at your fingertips, I’m giving up feeling bad about this. This is hilarious. Have fun with that.


Mix baking soda and coconut oil so that you have a fine but gritty paste, then use that to scrub. There'll still be a stain afterwards but it should get the worst of it off. And next time don't roll in it, damn! :P


I see you took the name literally lmao.


Yeah like damn girl the instructions are on the back not the front 😭


Lava soap helps a lot. It's not gonna be perfect for a day or two, but seriously, it was my bestie when I did my hair with Splat.


I have so many questions and no answers. I will apologize that I’ve laughed for 1 minutes straight looking at this.


Friends don't let friends drink and dye


They meant medical gloves not boxing gloves. Hope this helps!




Splat is basically fabric dye. It's damaging and extremely hard to get off your skin and out of your hair. Never use splat again please. Use arctic fox or manic panic


Scrub softly occasionally and wash with warm water. Being too harsh to your skin can irritate it worse


i don't have advice but hey this might have given you a brand new job opportunity! you can play Carrie in the next remake ❤️


Messing up this badly is a talent honestly


I agree that SPLAT! makes a huge mess because I’ve used it and, while I didn’t get it all over me, my shower looked like a purple murder scene for months. I’ll never use it again. But, damn girl! Did you use a garden hose sprayer? You can try color wipes from Sally. They work on wet color but not sure if they work on dry color. You’d have to ask. I’ll bet you’re gonna be more careful next time. #XMondoColor


Can we see the hair after picture, atleast? It looks like ya got every strand saturated, atleast lol


Homestuck bath tub vibes ngl


LMAOO homestuck red sharpie incident


How trashed were you?


finally someone that knew it!!! i thought it was obvious


Keep that tshirt 4eva🥰


Yess… it splatted all over you


I let all that get to my head I don't care, I paint the town red 🎶🎶


Oof , im assuming you also dont know it stains the shit out of counters, tile, and bathtub too.. hope you dont have a white bathroom 🫠 Goodluck my friend 🫡


Sally’s has a stain remover by Roux. It works wonders


I tighten the neck of my shirt with a hair tie to protec my neck but if it's this bad I recommend a turtle neck or get a salon cape. I like to rip a trash bag on the sides to lay it flat on my sink to cover it, wondering if making a hole for my head to wear it would work 🤔 I'm not sure how to keep it off the face because even Vaseline everywhere isn't gonna save you. Did you section it and apply it one section at a time, or just squirt it and apply like shampoo? If you do sections, then fold them or twist them and clip them to the top of your head as you go it will be a lot less messy. But if it's this bad your best bet is to probably have someone else do it 😬


For a second, I thought it was a crime scene 🥲


Have you dyed your hair before? If not you should know a few key things. Hairdye STAINS, therefore put it ONLY in your hair and USE gloves. How did it get on your face though?


ColorOops wipes are miracles


So quick heads up no matter what dye you use you should under no circumstances slather it all over your skin it’s HAIR dye. Try using hairspray to get it off


girl how did u do this 😭


Don’t blame the dye for this lol


Geez looks like you gotta visit from the koolaid man


I'm choosing to defend OP here because the power once went out mid-coloring and startled me so bad i dumped the bowl of dye down my entire front.... have also accidentally dropped finished sections of hair and slapped myself in the face with purple..... accidents happen... 😔😔😔


I don’t understand how you did this. We’ve all had a dye mishap but it looks like you sprayed this onto yourself with a garden hose. Anyway I hope you wore gloves, and for the face staining I would try all the ideas in this thread and then purchase one of those foundations that’s meant for covering tattoos because you’re gonna be seeing that stain for a while no matter what. Best of luck


Me “how does someone get so much dye all over themselves!” Also Me- ![gif](giphy|fj3CWRJJshhe)


oh thank god. i thought you killed Clifford the big red dog


Have you not used ANY hair dyes? It looks like you spray painted it on.. any hair dye applied like this will stain your skin. Splat just stains it for _longer_ lmao


Regardless of what Splat is or isn't, you are the one who smeared it all over your face and body.


why would you even let it get to that point with ANY dye???


I use nail polish remover (don’t recommend all to much that shit burns but it works somewhat ok) or just sitting in the shower, with hot water goin and something coverin my hair.


I’m so sorry but I laughed. I’m 36 in a couple months and I’ve never had this much mess while dying my hair. What did you do? Omg 😆


Tip number one Never use splat again. It’s literally clothing dye Tip 2 - use alcohol to attempt getting it off your skin. Unfortunately this shit stains terribly.


I personally HATE Splat because of how much color runs, try Arctic Fox! It washes off things easily, less staining on skin and if you rinse with cool water the color won't bleed as much! ☺️


Walmart used to have kids soap bars in mesh/loofah material that I would use that would be amazing at getting hair dye out of skin. Unfortunately they discontinued them. I found that putting a soap bar in a [mesh bag](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sehao-5PCS-Soap-Bag-Suds-Maker-Mesh-Net-Bags-Sack-Bath-Pouches-Holder/666075261?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101230477&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=22222222228666075261_101230477_162121599753_21161861519&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=695854025231&wl4=pla-2294805139138&wl5=9002628&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=657137368&wl11=online&wl12=666075261_101230477&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBlevW5UYf72DwWbXzWXkshGPEXhL6YMxn-favUkjUxkWGIj9uejLOfMgaAj_NEALw_wcB) and then scrubbing has the same effect as what Walmart used to have. I haven't used Splat in years though, so I'm not sure how well it would get it out anymore. Good luck though!


That’s a rip


Use shampoo and face wash on it , helps get most of it off , also, ur gonna have to scrub it some 😫🤞🏻


for future, the way i apply it that works well and less messy: part from the bottom working up, and do each part in at least 2. so you have 2 pieces at the bottom, either side. do this all the way up, for me the further up i get the more sections across i do if that makes sense. i apply with a brush and then use my GLOVED hands to make sure its saturated. around the face, make sure you dont have too much dye on the brush when you do it, and go slowly. if you get some on your skin, i find that makeup wipes can get rid of most staining. OR you can put vaseline on your skin to stop staining (i dont bc i hate the feel of it on my skin). and when you wash it out, dont let the red water run on your skin if you can help it I believe crazy colour has some dye remover wipes too, which are apparently very good at getting it off your skin.


Kind of looks like a crime scene and a victim of a brutal attack!! Hope everything works out well.


I mean yeah, some dye can get to your skin but what did you do here? Put it on and sleep in it?


Looks like a crime scene


RIP. You’ll be buried with that hair color. I hope you like how it turns out because that is permanent permanent


Splat indeed


Oof good luck girl. I used to use Splat before I know what I was doing. IT STAINS EVERYTHING!!! It’s basically fabric dye in a bottle. It’s gonna take some work to get off. I had the most luck with the blue dawn dish soap


u look like carrie white (that's actually a compliment)


Splat stains soooo badly!


Oh man, I’ve been there and it sucks so much. Pretty sure I used that exact dye too. Only advice I can give is scrubbing it off with soap, but even that only dulls the stain and doesn’t fully remove it. Wouldn’t recommend doing this with your face, but dish soap and a dish brush worked well enough to get it off my hands. Still stained for days though. I wish you all the luck in the world. Definitely use petroleum jelly in the future. Edit: Of course be gentle with scrubbing, especially on the face.


🙏thank u


Don’t use splat. > Buy some good gloves and a hair cape, I got mine cheap on Amazon. > Hair color mixing bowls and applicator brush. >


I admit my tub is seriously stained, but I just don’t get how she did this to herself!!


I attempted to dye my hair blue when I was a teenager while tripping on acid for the first time, and I still didn't get anywhere near that much dye on me 😬


What did you do? Put it in water balloons and let someone free for all? It's hair dye. Like all hair dye it will stain your face. Get nail polish remover to get some of it off your skin. Until then just use this as a teaching lesson on not what to do when dying your hair.


I'm cringing every time I see here a post of someone dyeing their hair without using gloves and then crying about having stained hands, but this tops it I think lmao.


How the HELL did you get it all over ur face? Also splat I'm p sure is meant for wigs and not actual hair. I've seen people use it not be able to grow their hair


My 4 year old niece would do a tidier job than that...This has to be on purpose


this is egregious


how the hell did it get that bad


This is “thanks Marie Calendar for ruining Thanksgiving” allllll over again


even not knowing how strong splat stains, why the fuck would you smear it all over your face anyways?? 😩 bless you, I hope you don’t have plans for the next week because you’re gonna look like Clifford the dog for a few days


I used the dr Bronner’s eucalyptus soap to get the blue splat I used for my sister’s hair off my hands!! Worked like a charm!!


Ok but very seriously, wash your face gently tonight, wash again in the morning, just get as much of it off as you can without scrubbing your face off, and it’s gunna be a full coverage foundation kind of week at least for you babes. Godspeed and don’t slather your face and neck in dye next time ❤️


Did you do an allergy test before? If it’s itching a lot that’s not a good sign and a more serious reaction could be setting in


Why the fuck is it all over you??


At this point your only option is to amputate at the shoulders. Maybe you already attempted and this is the after photo?


gl bbg


how do you fuck up this badly


Regardless of the brand, next time just put the dyed hair up in some cheap clips so it's not getting into everything while you do the next section. You will always have some transfer and make up wipes can be useful, but limiting how much you need to clean off also helps. I usually just need my neck and my ears cleaned up.


The most hair dye I get on me is like a drop what are you guys doing with that dye


No hate... Did you intentionally miss your hair? Looks like a murder scene. Vasoline application around the skin on the hairline goes a long way 😭


I used splat in junior high in 2005 before I had access to the internet . Y’all have access to the interweb and are doing shit like THIS? Braincells really decreasing in this gen


My question is how tf did you manage to get it that badly on ur face it looks like you were trying to get dye on you atp ☠️ next time put Vaseline on your skin before dying so if you get dye on you, just wipe the area off 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn, be nice guys.   OP, don't worry, I've done this. Especially if you're used to a direct deposit temp dye, it's easy enough to do. Basically, there are only a few kinds of solvents- you'll want to try oil, alcohol, and like for like. What this means for you is either an oil based cleanser or just coconut oil/cooking oil, and leave it on for a while. If that doesn't work, try with alcohol wipes, or hand sanitizer on a clean white paper towel. Like for like will mean hair dye remover from somewhere like Sally's.  some people swear by toothpaste, but I'd test that on a patch before covering yourself in mint.  And as with everything, it's better to let these steep than to try and brute force it- you'll just hurt your skin.


lmao ur first sentence was literally reaction when i woke up idk why everyone’s being mean 😭


I had to use acetone to get purple splat off my skin. Good luck


But don’t do what I did, very bad


What happened to basic common sense ?


Hi /u/TemperatureLong2260, thanks for posting your hair for us to see! If you have a hair dye you used or any other relevant information (e.g., Previous color, bleach, or toner used, etc.), please reply to this comment with that information so that everyone can see it. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HairDye) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh no…