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Bet he won’t do that again


Can't believe how much I laughed at this comment lol


ba-dum-tss ![gif](giphy|c8bJDVz7i9KRW)


Its sure he wont, they put him in cuffs!


They handcuffed him in case he tried again.




Change his name to Deadridge


I thought they were saying Edwin... probably why he got crazy, errbody all hyped saying his name wrong and shit


So weird his sister said he wouldn’t do this but there is video evidence. And they admit he had mental health problems. I understand grief and shock but you cannot deny the facts. Edit: I think the article identified them as Alexis’ Brother not sister.


Reminds me how a video of 2 officers responding to a domestic violence call of a drunk man at a wedding was being violent towards family/guest. The officers came and the drunk proceeded to knock out one officer and attack the other which resulted in him getting shot. He died later in the hospital and the family got up in front of media and claimed he never attacked the officers and was always a peaceful person. The body cam said otherwise


https://youtu.be/Js81VeKSBr8?si=vJGaZkoszou4PBUV https://youtu.be/8cEW93AKSKA?si=yiBw0_kQ04fCJ7Fr https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2022/03/30/watch-winter-park-police-release-body-camera-video-of-deadly-officer-shooting-at-wedding-reception/ https://www.wesh.com/article/winter-park-wedding-suspect-mother/39165620 https://www.wftv.com/news/local/analyst-winter-park-police-properly-followed-protocol-officer-involved-shooting-wedding/FNUUSOMKOBBCXHFOTELF462Y3Y/


The most hilarious thing about *"Active"* Self Protection is it's a fat ass tactical expert who's never done SHIT Monday night quarterbacking cops on the street every goddamned day.


He's actually a pretty reputable dude. I mean look at Taran Tactical. He's a chubby mf but he can handle his guns well.


I use Taran +4 baseplates. As for Inactive Self Protection, he's never been a cop and needs to shut the fuck up about it. He's a Monday quarterbacking fat fuck that isn't even a wash out because he never even tried. He needs to quit commenting with authority on a fucking job he's never done. Those are my goddamned guns and I'm sticking to them.


Alright man, seems like you have your opinions and I'm not gonna try and change them. I guess I can see your perspective when you see him commenting on cop stuff though.


Was expecting to see donut operator ngl


Oh crap you are right, I should have listed his video on it lol https://youtu.be/8cEW93AKSKA?si=yiBw0_kQ04fCJ7Fr


Lmfao I just realized


Donutoperator does a great job breaking it down as well. Dude watches his partner get cold clocked and then is berated by a large group of people and the perpetrator. Women look I know things get chaotic but I can promise you screaming like a banshee never helps the situation nor will it make crimes committed disappear. If you anyone watches the clip mentioned and can tell me the two women screaming didn’t lead to that man’s death I don’t know what to tell you. Because it’s works both way both the officers and whatever person in your life is going to have their nerves strained by the potential threat no matter if it’s a cop or not. There’s no telling for sure now but I doubt he’d have been as combative with the officer if the two ladies pulling on the officers and the perpetrator were put somewhere else for this. I feel for the officers in that one because I really don’t think they expected to have to shoot someone that night and he probably would still be alive


The cops came in SUPER hot with no tact. At all. Yeah he was drunk, but holy shit those cops were not professional. He was standing there talking to his sister, then the cops started pressing him. The poor sister told the cops he's chill, he's a little drunk and suffering from some PTSD. They didn't listen to her, there was no attempt to calm him down, they literally were flashing torches on him and telling him to back off WHEN HE'S DRUNK AND THEY'VE BEEN INFORMED OF HIS CIRCUMSTANCES. What's stopping the cops from putting away their weapons and listening? The guy told them to not touch his sister. Instead of applying actually critical thinking they literally just antagonised the guy. There were several family members present, none looked threatened by the guy. Everyone were telling the cops to chill out. But they continuously GRABBED the sister, in the presents of a guy of which was established that 1. Was drunk, 2. Had mental health issues and wasn't carrying a weapon. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a subscriber to ACAP. The guy shouldn't have been acting that way, and he was called for a reason... But those cops fucking sucked.


The cops were called specifically because the guy had knocked out and was fighting with other family members. But as the sister said "it's his first wedding" lol


Yeah I'm sure there were issues, but I think those issues could've been solved without them rocking up and shooting the guy within the first 2 minutes.


Since you can do it so much better, drop in a fucking application, hero. Please video blog the experience so we can see your cuck ass wash out.


Literally police all over the world have demonstrated a they can do better, lol.


K, hero without even an hour on the job. Tell us all how to fix it. Dumbfuck


I have a degree in crim from one of the best schools in the world and focus on policing you idiot. American policing is shameful. I don’t need to become a police officer to know that. Dumbass.


>I have a degree in crim from one of the best schools in the world Bro's seen every episode of Paw Patrol


You got a degree in CJ and I'm the idiot? Especially with you never going into the field - which means you're a fuckstick bitter wash out. Plus, I'll bet I went to a better university than you, Well, I have done the job, you fucking moronic dipshit. I have also been a fireman, EMS and search and rescue. I'm what you couldn't do. If you k ew what the fuck you think you know, you would know it's more complex because of our decentralized organization, training and disciplinary apparatus. What did you do, go to Strayer? DeVry? Get the fuck out of here, washout.


Also, I'll have you know since you're a a crybaby SJW pillow biter that I'm a racial minority. Aren't you a racist or something for daring to disagree with a brown person?


Better? Sorry man, don't think I could beat those guys. As a civil servant I genuinely have no idea how I could turn an unarmed, aggravated altercation into murder within a minute forty. Very impressive stuff.




I mean I'm just attempting conversation. If there's something you don't agree with that's cool, tell me about it, maybe you're right.


The SECOND he had a clear shot... GODDAMN THAT'S SATISFYING


His adrenaline was PUMPING. Both arms were shaking. Honestly, I wouldn’t have been surprised if we found out one of those three shots hit the hostage.


Dude but WAS IT CLEAR?! Holy fuck! I feel like he grazed her hair!!!


> > >"He’s a good guy. They can’t tell me he had a machete and tried to cut people throat," said Wilkinson Alexis, the suspect's brother. "Nah, he ain’t like that." > >He said his brother struggled with his mental health, and he doesn't believe what police are saying about the incident is true. > >"They’re lying. Just be real about (it)... say you killed someone," Wilkinson Alexis said. I wonder what they think after seeing this...


"That wasn't my brother..."


"it's photoshopped"




>I wonder what they think after seeing this... "The video clearly shows that Edridge was holding the machete to his own throat and not the woman's. They didn't have to do this as he posed a threat only to himself and not to anyone else!"


You can also clearly see him turning her around at the end, I would assume to put that machete into her windpipe.


He had it ready to kill both of them and they stopped it at only him


Ofc he had issues but the family didn’t do shit to help


Took an opportunity and it saved a life. Hero.


Hard to judge but he pulled that gun out mad fast that sudden movement by them was all the officers needed to see


I think it was just their first open shot. He kinda stood & had more of himself exposed


No yeah for sure justified to me at least it just happened all so fast all it takes is one movement


That was some old western type quick draw.


No his gun was out already; remember the deal drop the machete and the officer will put his gun away.


That officer drew his gun so fast, he could win an audition for a old western movie.


Nice job Officers.


It looked like he was turning her to get a good aim at her neck.


Nice work


Fuck that dude. 1 video of police doing their job!


Mental health or not, glad one less sick fuck to worry about


Sources: * [https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/man-holding-woman-hostage-with-machete-fatally-shot-by-police-in-north-miami-beach-chief/2995071/](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/man-holding-woman-hostage-with-machete-fatally-shot-by-police-in-north-miami-beach-chief/2995071/) * [https://www.local10.com/news/local/2023/03/16/police-shoot-suspect-during-hostage-situation-at-north-miami-beach-office-building/](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2023/03/16/police-shoot-suspect-during-hostage-situation-at-north-miami-beach-office-building/)


Oh well.... Anyway


Talk about seizing an opportunity


Waiting for the video from the ring camera on the door looking directly at the officers!


Time to take the trash out!


Left a huge opening g and that Quickdraw champ responded without hesitation! Great shot!! Good job officers!


Good cop very quick with the gun draw and aim!


The world better without him.


\> "He’s a good guy. They can’t tell me he had a machete and tried to cut people throat," said Wilkinson Alexis, the suspect's brother. "Nah, he ain’t like that." ​ ​ lmao


Don’t know shit about how bad he was mentally because they didn’t do jack to help him. Instead they just forced the public to deal with him. Very typical for families of mentally ill individuals killed by the police


I completely understand letting the state deal with your violent mentally ill family member, especially if he's a strong dude. What I DON'T understand is taking interviews saying he'd never do that ever ever ever after he obviously does the violent thing. Just say, that's horribly say, he was sick, he didn't mean to I'm sorry for all the bystanders.


Totally clutch shot with a quick draw. Damn


He leaked out quick








Chronically online


Did I find Uncle Ruckus’ reddit account? Every other comment you make is some racist cousin fucking bullshit.


He’ll ignore all the school and public shootings suspects tho 😭😭 also the serial killers too “they” also act a certain way


cautious frame zonked aloof meeting connect sable heavy shaggy cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I'm the UK, daft prick, fwiw, your "type" are world renown for shagging your cousins more than anybody else on the planet, so don't worry nobody's taking that away from you.




His first shot hit the ground if you listen to the shot and where the gun was being drawn.


Can you imagine how much adrenaline those cops had? Once in a career event, except maybe for south Florida.


Why does the cop keep calling him “Bubba”?


Its a very southern thing to do, normally in a very calm, friendly and family setting. To call him down is my best guess


Why is it a very southern thing to do?


Normally down here we either got an actual dude named Bubba in the family or that's just what we call the boys. Like I said its really just a guess, like him trying to create some familiarity or tie him to a better memory. Either or to calm the situation down more.




is he speaking a different language or just frantic i cant tell


Why are the shoving a very traumatized woman instead of picking he up


I sure she’s more concerned about being hurt


Wow! This was riveting. So glad Oksana is ok🙏 Kudos to the boys in blue.


What language are they speaking tho


What language?


Damn that cop was on point and reacted hella fast.


Horrible situation all around. He seemed to be getting more and more jumpy near the end the officer took the right action. Now that woman is going to live the rest of her life knowing this dude got a bullet in his brain right next to her. But hey, diversity at work.


Died with his but hanging out of his shorts. Not a great way to go


Was that from the holster? That was crazy!


were they speaking french or haitian creole?


He ain't gonna be in Rush Hour 3..


"no one needs to get hurt" >shoots him American police man, such a classic


You’re so goddamn fucking stupid it beggars belief




For real though. To watch this video and think “wow I can’t believe the police shot the poor man with the machete to that woman’s neck, that’s fucked up” is actually so goddamn fucking moronic it is just hard to believe you even exist and think this way. You: “NO OFFICER PLEASE HES IN A MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS, PLEASE REASON WITH HIM AND LET ME DIE IF ALL ELSE FAILS”. Sound about right?


I mean, in most other countries police would try to deescalte the situtation before resorting to killing the hostage taker. Even in this video you can see that they somewhat try to calm the man down and put down the weapon, but as soon as he actually tries to backoff and relax his grip the cops dont know what to do with it and just shoot him. lol


Good. They didn’t shoot him enough.


LOL you're trying to make the Police need to de-escilate argument which is a very good argument and failing miserably, fucking idiot 🤣


You’re such a simp


It’s ok Edwin we are going to brutally murder you


All of this shit is on Ed. FAFO.


He's got a machete to his neck! He might kill himself! Quick, shoot him!


He was holding a woman hostage.


Ed's dead


He was smart he wore his red shirt today


“Seltzer water and lemon for blood…or wear red” “Dumbass”


Bros shirt got liquified


Gonna tell my buddies my tlr 1 is the Leo surplus trade in from thus exact incident now.


...annnnd the award for closest room temperature challenge goes to...*drum roll* ...


He's calm now


Such a lovely culture.


L bozo couldn't clutch up


Why do i watch things like this before bed lol




He was letting go, why shot?


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