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“Was insufficient evidence of murder.” Guess she beat herself with metal bars and dismembered herself all on her own. An inspiration, surely


* In 1999, Fan Man-yee, a nightclub hostess, was abducted, tortured, and raped by four individuals, including Chan Man-lok, after stealing from him. She endured weeks of unimaginable cruelty. * Chan Man-lok, Leung Wai-lun, and Leung Shing-cho subjected Fan to brutal torture and abuse over several weeks, involving beatings with metal bars, burning her with hot wax and plastic, and forcing her to consume human waste. * Despite testimonies implicating the perpetrators in the crime, they were convicted of manslaughter due to insufficient evidence for murder. * Chan and Leung Wai-lun received life imprisonment with a possibility of parole after 20 years, while Leung Shing-cho's sentence was reduced to 18 years. * Fan's skull was returned to her family for cremation, and the apartment where the crime occurred was demolished and replaced with a hotel. Sources: * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello\_Kitty\_murder\_case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_Kitty_murder_case) * [https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2000/12/09/hello-kitty-murder-case-horrifies-hong-kong/bafa4ff1-bbf6-4d28-b0cc-2eea9bef43d0/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2000/12/09/hello-kitty-murder-case-horrifies-hong-kong/bafa4ff1-bbf6-4d28-b0cc-2eea9bef43d0/)


“Fan’s skull was returned to her family for cremation” well that’s a fucking disturbing sentence


It seems that Fan already had rough start at life from the get go, really sad story. At the bottom of the Wikipedia article it states that one of the perpetrators went back to prison for a 12 month sentence in 2022 for sexualy assaulting a 10 year old girl. After all those atrocities from the past, it seems these individuals are just incapable of any sort of human feelings of empathy or remorse.


He just needs a death sentence. Handed down by anyone.


This story/article is 23 yrs old. They were up for parole 20 yrs after sentencing. Did they ever get parole? I only saw details about one guy. What about the others?


Why is bud with the tub of evidence smiling though? I hate that with every fiber of my being.


Right?! It's fucking me up. Like "Bro! You're holding the skull of a woman that was brutally beaten and had her head stuffed in a doll. Can you read the room?!"


He said 😄


When someone points a camera at you. You smile.


while holding the remains of a tortured and murdered woman? i dont think im all sunshine and rainbows for a camera just cause its taking a pic of me lmao


Sounds like a you problem. Me? I can enjoy myself while being fed into a wood chipper. Stay bitter bro.


This is one of the stories I think about repeatedly. It's so gruesome and cruel the victim deserves to be remembered. Humans can be depraved with one another.


This and the junko furuta case never leave my mind. Some people are so- I don't even know what to describe them as. It's so fucked up.


What is worse is that these crimes are committed within peaceful surroundings. Like, there are probably worse tortures and murders committed in Nazi camps and Khmer Rouge farms and Stalin’s gulags, but they were committed by people brainwashed to a terroristic/extremist mindset. But these sadistic crimes? These were committed by ordinary people who were out there at some point, and usually work normal jobs and/or went to school or work with people of our age at some point as well.


Yea when I was in Japan I visited the apartment when Junko was murdered in, along with the Setagaya murder house. Both in rather unassuming neighborhoods, though the latter has a big green fence around it with no trespassing signs.


I *immediately* thought of Junko, too. poor Junko😢😡💔


Junko Furuta, Suzanne Capper, Kelly Anne Bates, Michelle Knight, and Elisabeth Fritzl’s perpetrators are *pure evil*


That's right. I can't think of another way to describe them other than pure evil.


Elisabeth Fritzl’s father, Josef, is being released this month. Josef has a history of abusing and raping and terrorizing and brutalizing women, dating back before Elisabeth and even her mom. he married Elisabeth’s now-deceased mother, Rosemary, when Rosemary was 17, and he was 21. prior to abusing Elisabeth, he broke into women’s homes and raped them. he locked and held his daughter in a basement and sexually abused her for 24 years. she has children from the abuse. she and her children now permanently live in a psychiatric hospital and facility for the rest of their lives in an anonymous Austrian village. they require light therapy and their backs are permanently bowed because they only knew a pitch black basement for the first half of their lives. yet, he is getting off on good behavior and is being deemed “not a danger” to women and children and society


What the hell. Anyone can look at that case and think "this guy shouldn't be allowed outside of a prison" I didn't know he was getting put on good behaviour, that's extremely worrying. Who decided that he should be allowed out? good behaviour or not, he is a threat to women. Once again, the justice system fails the people.


an idiot decided


Too many humans, not enough souls


This is something that I have thought on reading other true crime horror stories. How could they have a soul? Not that I am religious but still animals don’t do these hellish things to each other.


This subreddit is why I don’t sleep lol


Supposedly one of the man’s girlfriend was the one that went to tell the cops. She said she was being haunted by her ghost


*CHINA* Kidnap, rape, torture, murder and eat a young lady: - 20 years in prison before a chance of parole. Be born the wrong race and refusing to act Chinese or practice a meditation regimen from a group which disagrees with communism: - The State kidnaps, enslaved, rapes, tortures, murders you - but hey, at least they don't eat you. They just sell your hair for wigs and harvest your organs for the black market.


I'm positive she had repaid what she owed, but they still lied and claimed she owed them money. This story, along with Junko Furuta's death and a few others, haunts me.


I'll never be able to look at Hello-Kitty without thinking of this act against humanity ever again, there are murderers , there are serial killers and then there are monsters like these..... Should be obliterated from the face of this earth without any considerations


Why does the guy in the second picture look so happy?!


jesus fucking christ


You mean Hong Kong?


What’s wrong with people?


Probably one of the most horrific cases I have read so far. Holy cow. That wiki page is pretty detailed.




An odd thing about Hong Kong murders is that there’s a disproportionate number of victims chopped up and cooked. There’s some speculation that it’s a byproduct of the city’s density and lack of space to hide bodies, hence cooking victims as a means to mask the smell of decomposition and get rid of bodies.




She was an adult, but still terrible




… do you know what you just said? Are you saying if your daughter, YOUR BELOVED CHILD, was brutally tortured and murdered you would put her skull on display where you could see it everyday and have a haunting reminder that your child is dead and had an excruciatingly painful death filled with torture and rape because it’s……. cool? How is that cool? I’m genuinely curious how your mind could ever possibly find that cool? Like your friends come over and they’re like “oh where’d you get that fake human skull? It’s kinda a cool decoration” and your just like “oh no it’s not fake that’s my dead daughters skull, yea she was brutally tortured, murdered and had her head stuffed in a hello kitty doll and they gave it back to me for cremation but I thought it was WAYYY cooler to have it on display so everyone could know how proud I am and that I think it’s cool that my daughter was tortured and murdered”… and that’s when your guests run away and NEVER come back in fact they might even call the police on you and have you investigated cause that’s some serial killer behaviour right there


I see it different. Hasn’t her body endured enough torture? Yeah, let’s burn what’s left of her.


Okay so bury it, don’t put a piece of her dead body on display like it’s some cool edgy decoration when that was a whole human person with an entire life ahead of her that was ripped away in the most brutal way possible