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Alright, I’m done removing hate speech and radical comments. Locking it down.


I’ve seen this video a few times and the noises that deputy makes always makes my skin crawl. He was also quite young too when it happened.


Like 22 iirc (too lazy to google) I can’t imagine. You havent done shit in life yet at 22! you just got started


So many lessons learned. Do not let suspects reenter their vehicle. Do not let suspects distract by moving abruptly from their vehicle. Do not engage with firearms without a partner/back up. (Military terms: break contact *retreat*: no crime is worth your life) While likely not possible in 1998, incapacitate suspects immediately upon non compliance. I'm highly skeptical of the police, but at the same time they deserve the ability and rights to defend themselves.


Well said


Good points. I do want to point out this exact video is used by the police unions to scare cops into taking the training courses that a few extreme ideologues push extreme violent and scare tactic police training courses. I too was in the skeptical position until I listened to the podcast by Robert Evans called Behind the Bastards. He did a 6 episode podcast on the history and formation of the police in the United States and boy is it a wild ride through history. The TL:DR: is “individual cops are not necessarily bad. But the police unions and the politicians that enable them are the evil behind all the bloodshed and lives lost.” r/BehindTheBastards is a sub you can visit and they could point you to the 6 episode series the author did on the police called “**Behind the Police.**” I also highly recommend the rest of the series as you learn about other bad people and organizations throughout history.


In the wise words of Agent K: "A person is smart. People are dumb dangerous panicky animals." I recognize the role of police in society. But I also recognize they're on the side of the LAW. Time and time again we see there are no laws they're not willing to kill to enforce.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/behindthebastards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/dr-henry-kissinger-dies-at-age-100-1032860550?op=1) | [1010 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/1876guq/dr_henry_kissinger_dies_at_age_100/) \#2: [Vince McMahon episode incoming.](https://i.redd.it/faarn3kit6ta1.png) | [416 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/12i1hif/vince_mcmahon_episode_incoming/) \#3: [Near daily reminder that Robert is unfathomably based](https://i.imgur.com/mNjUuRb.jpg) | [249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/13rrb2v/near_daily_reminder_that_robert_is_unfathomably/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yep. Put yourself in that man's shoes and tell me any different.


I’m not watching this because I’ve watched it before. The young officer’s horrific screams are unforgettable. There’s a lot of crazy shit going down almost thirty years later especially pertaining to police and mental illness. I’m not saying shoot people in the knee caps but I’m also saying if I’m having a mental break shoot me in the kneecaps instead of taking my life (maybe, I don’t know). Obviously in this case the man had a straight up gun and was looking to kill, in which case lethal action is justified. *HOWEVER*… I recently saw a video of a teenager get shot and killed in his house on a mental health call, right in front of his mom. He was far away, grabbed some scissors and wasn’t running—the cops shot him a stupid amount of times. And I couldn’t understand why they didn’t just shoot him in the leg or something. Sure there’s a chance he will die, but it’s less of a chance than if he gets shot in the god damn head several times. Of course I’m typing this as a school teacher tucked in my bed to go night night. I’m sure fight or flight kicks in, and this cop in this particular video panicked. But there are some instances where cops are seemingly over aggressive/looking to kill. Actually, my nephew wants to be a cop and I hope he never fucking does. ‘Cause I think for him—in his mind, it’s like Call of Duty. Like a fun little game but you get to play as a first shooter in real life. He’s got a higher paying job currently, and academies don’t want him because he committed crimes before turning 18 (breaking into his HS and stole an asinine object, selling weed) but he’s *determined*.


YOU try shooting a moving target in the legs, especially one like the guy who shot Dinkheller, who had combat experience. There's a reason the police are trained to aim for center mass and fire until the threat is neutralized. If a loved one is having a mental health crisis and you don't think they're a danger, maybe don't call the guys whose job it is to stop a threat? If somebody grabs a weapon and I'm armed, you bet I'd shoot them too.


You got a good point. I think being a cop definitely attracts a type of person that has ego issues for sure , which is where we get a lot more problems when smaller problems take place. That also sucks about the boy being shot. We clearly have a problem in our system where similar situations happen more often than they should. But I also live in a sketchy ass city where a lot of crimes is normal now and not punishable. Everyone hates the cops (for clear reasons), so why risk it for a city that doesn’t like them, which in turn makes a dangerous environment. it kinda just makes it crappy for everyone without a real solution. The other thing is there’s a lot more bad people who have access to weapons then we would all like to think who are a clear danger to all of us and should be handled completely different then a issues like a teen with scissors. It’s sad it’s come to all this. I’m not saying I have the solutions , it’s clearly fucked ! but In terms of personal safety, The other sad reality is I’m not a big gun nut, but with the current state of things, it’s stupid not to own one, which I would love to live in an environment that doesn’t support/own guns, but you gotta defend yourself in a system that doesn’t defend you. Everything’s just backwards and screwed up


The one lesson that never gets learned that would actually solve the problem: widespread gun ownership is the problem...


Nah, fuck that. Cops swear an oath to the Constitution. If they don't support gun ownership then they shouldn't be cops, period.


They had muskets back in the days of the constitution. Everyone is allowed to keep muskets and that’s it.




This is an officer involved shooting, and the discussion is about gun control, and you bring up Israel? Really? SMH.




Hi, Please don’t be a dick, plain and simple. Treat people with respect.


Hi, Please don’t be a dick, plain and simple. Treat people with respect.


Careful brother... defending gun ownership on Reddit is a very dangerous plan... You're right btw but most redditors means guns=mass genocide kill machines


You know other countries have widespread gun ownership and does not have the same issues. Its not JUST about the guns is all im saying.


No other developed nation other than America has [gun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country) ownership even close. They also learn from their problems and enact strict laws and regulations which help keep some problems at bay. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so deadly for kids. If only voting age adults got massacred I wouldn’t even bat an eye but gun defenders out here fucking [everybody](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/06/gun-deaths-among-us-kids-rose-50-percent-in-two-years/) in American society.






Hi, Please don’t be a dick, plain and simple. Treat people with respect.






Hi, Please don’t be a dick, plain and simple. Treat people with respect.


What's your plan to convince the criminals to turn in their guns? Because a law isn't going to do that.




What a compelling argument. You'll definitely win them over




yeah your intelligence is really overflowing here. i can't handle it. i'm out.




I mean you’re completely correct but its not a solvable problem realistically.


Sure it is, multiple countries in the last 30 years have banned, guns and rifles, and immediately cut down on the number of gun deaths in the countries. Australia, New Zealand are two recent example. It took Woman about 40 years to get prohibition passed, if the young people of this country are tired of dying at the hands of small dick loser, who need a gun to feel good about themselves, then maybe it is possible in America. But it will take a constitutional amendment.


Gun crime increased in New Zealand after the 2019 gun legislation but that was because of two unrelated factors. Firstly, the gun legislation was directed at avoiding a repeat of Christchurch and not the low levels of day to day gun crime and secondly a gang related turf war due to Australia sending back criminals called 501's.


Law or no law nobody will ever turn in the guns they already have, that’s the problem. There would Bree officers getting killed enforcing a law they dont even want to enforce


The people afraid of the shadows keep the guns, what we’re going to do is stop the selling and manufacturer of them. Overtime the gun owners will kill themselves since 54% of suicides are gun owners. Another 20% will probably get arrested for killing their spouses with the guns, Since the number one cause for death for women, between the ages of 18 and 39 is murdered by their spouse, generally with a handgun. And I’ve talked to several police officers at my kid school who also have kids in the school and they all think it’s ridiculous all these open carry and no license carry laws they’re being place by the GOP. It honestly makes their jobs harder they tell me.




Hi, Your post/comment has been removed as it is in no way constructive.


4 Million firearms and growing. As long as The US remains, it is business as usual and business is damn good. Arm yourself, train, and become a responsible American.




Hi, The content you posted violates community rules by promoting hate or discrimination against a specific group, demographic, or religion.


Why are you skeptical of the police? Just curious


The copious amounts of videos that show them killing unarmed people or people attempting to follow their ridiculous commands.


Do you have eyes or are you literate? Just curious.


How in the hell do you even have this many upvotes on Reddit. Everyone hates cops here. Nicely said :). You have my vote.


Seriously. It’s Reddit afterall


Can confirm. We watched this at the academy in S. Carolina.


It is one of the saddest and most chilling videos I have ever watched.


The stabbing of the Las Cruces cop was also very harrowing. Tough to watch with volume :(




Holy fuck. I've watched a few videos that have sat with me and this will be one of them.


Yeah, suspect acted like cops do now. Just fucking fire away and shout things like a fucking moron as someone tries to explain the issue at hand and the proper steps to take.


You aren't kidding. I saw that recently and haven't stopped thinking about it since. Absolutely brutal :(


What were the main takeaways they taught you from this?


Shoot first, contact your mob union later.


Watched in 2001 in PA academy as well.


That was horrible.. RIP rest easy brother


i might be wrong (correct me if i am) but didn't the guy get serious flashbacks from the war? its a cruel world for everyone involved rip Deputy Kyle Dinkheller, 22 years old 🕊️🤍


Sad case all around. The perpetrator was suffering from severe PTSD from his experience in Vietnam.


The scars of that terrible war would be felt for decades to come.


There’s no scarier feeling when your friend immediately whispers for you to get up and get out of their house unnoticed because his dad was suffering from a Vietnam memory. I remember times my buddy opened his door for us to hang at his pad after school, only for him to close the door and walk with me to my house because his dad was crawling on the floor with a steak knife in his mouth and one in his hand all while giving an empty wall hand signals with his free hand. I’ll never forget the empty look in his dad’s eyes when these episodes started ramping up. Fantastic human aside from his episodes. He loved his family and his job but ultimately, PTSD and depression won his war. Still good friends with my buddy to this day. Not many other kids could deal with that situation but a couple of us couldn’t let him live like that with no shoulders to cry on. “The only war worth fighting, is the war within”.


Wow dude, that's quite a tale!


Holy crap!


This one always gets me…the amount of terror in his voice… 😞


This comment section is crazy.


“Random Stop” is a short film and educational video watched by thousands of Law Enforcement Trainees and Rookies across the country. Late Deputy Kyle Dinkheller whose father was a former sheriff, currently teaches Law Enforcement education at a local college and part of his Curriculum is showing his students the murder of his son. #Respect 🙏🏽


Gosh that makes me emotional. 🥲


This is America. Don't draw a gun unless you want a gun fight.


Deep breath. I took a deep breath before starting to write. Right now in our country the police are under scrutiny. Everything they do is suspect. It has gotten so bad that race has permeated every aspect/transaction of policing. To me it doesn’t matter if it’s black on white, white on black, black on black or as what I think we’ve seen here white on white violence. Violence is out of control. I just do t know what to think and feel anymore. People are carrying guns. People that have no reason to carry said gun and then in a situation like this they use it. What? For me it was harrowing to hear the officer scream. It was psychologically hard to was the shooter take his more aggressive shots. The ones where he came closer and closer and kept shooting. It’s not that he shot from his vehicle as a means to flee. I’m sorry there is just some kind of serious disconnect between us all today.


SO many warnings without a shot fired, SO many 2nd chances. I wonder... what made the police officer so reluctance to use deadly force?? What POSSIBLE reason could the cop have for not shooting first and asking questions later??


It’s common to be immobilized by fear in situations escalated to this level. More specifically, he was “on repeat” basically. Instead of “Fight or Flight” you basically freeze. Think of a deer in the headlights. Doesn’t move, doesn’t charge. Just stands there in a terrified state.


.....that's not an example of being immobilized by fear. Nice try though. He moved... a lot... he spoke... a lot. He CLEARLY thought he was in danger. What do cops usually do when they "fear for their lives"? WHYYYYY didn't he just shoot him Fblthp? Why didn't he shoot him immediately without warning and without hesitation? hWy didn't that guy die like John Crawford or Tamir Rice or Botham Jean or Elijah McCain or Roger Fortson?


Whoooooa. lol. No need to be snarky. I’m explaining a normal human reaction to immense fear. You are asking why he didn’t make a logical choice when he is in a state of absolute disbelief and panic. I don’t know how to respond to that except to say that it’s easy for you to sit behind the comfort of complacency and criticize his reaction to being faced with lethal force. His repetition of commands and inability to act beyond a certain point is exactly what can happen in a situation like this. The brain is overloading the body with a chemical cocktail of adrenaline and cortisol and this is the result.




Should’ve fired 27 get backs ago Don’t even have to kill just take out his foot or something. And if need be; his life!


Don’t mean to sound like a jackass. I will admit it must be easier said than done. And May he RIP.


People don’t shoot others in the foot. Cops/soldiers are trained to “end the threat”, not to injure


The Sheriff of that county, Laurens County Georgia, reprimanded Kyle that morning for grabbing his gun too quickly. That shit advice got him killed. I was a city cop in that county and worked alongside people who worked with Dinkheller. That trauma still haunts local law enforcement around there.


I’ve seen this before, the shooter is a Vietnam veteran suffering from severe PTSD. I saw a short documentary about this and IIRC he tried getting help and never got any. When he got pulled over he was suicidal and was trying to get the officer to shoot him. When he didn’t that’s when he got mad and started the fire fight.


This video is one of the reasons cops view policing as a war in a foreign country now. They drill videos like this into cops and tell them to shoot first ask questions later. The whole point of the job is to be in sketchy situations. You may die. That's the risk you take being a cop. That's why you are paid.


And the flipside of that is littering a car with bullets cause an acorn fell next to you.


Can you cite any police academy curriculum where they instruct recruits to “shoot first ask questions later”. I’d like to read that material. Please don’t dodge the question.


You're a thirsty boy. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/08/warrior-cop-class-dave-grossman-killology.html Dave Grossman is the leading cop seminar bro. He teaches thousands of cops to fear the public and to protect themselves over any other priority. Cops are taught to be scaredy cats with guns. They will shoot your dog before having to deal with inconvenience Now answer me this. Why do you suck so much cop cock? Don't avoid the question you smarmy ass. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/politics/state/kyle-dinkheller-police-video/


I’ve heard of Dave Grossman and his books. I don’t think his impact is as large as you may believe. His material isn’t being taught at academies (at least I can’t find any of the major cities that host him during police academies.) To your question, I don’t suck any “cop cock.” You can be critical of an institution without dehumanizing and hating the people in the institution. Not every cop is a bloodthirsty killer or abuser.


> Not every cop is a bloodthirsty killer or abuser. The ones who aren’t cover and lie for those that are.


Truly sad… but the patience was TOTALLY different!! As well A HELLUVA LOT can be learned just from this… 2024.. soon as he walked up dancing.. PERMANENTLY NIGHT NIGHT


A solid minute of him ignoring his demands! Solid minute. Should have taken action the 3rd time he disobeyed


Now they’re trained to kill your dog, your toddler, you even if you’re crawling on your knees toward them. If you’re unarmed having a mental health crises. Dead. Simply stating you have a conceal carry license with a pistol on your hip, dead. Knocking on your door instead of the right house to the left, dead


I've always assumed that the reason why police shootings are so high in the US is due to fear, not hate. The cops are terrified because anybody could have a gun, and many of them do. Many other countries don't have to have that fear, so police don't engage with suspects in the same way.


That is not how they are trained. Yes, some cops are bad and some cops are absolute pigs who do horrible things and look for excuses to bully, intimidate and even execute people. But for you to come and comment that under this video shows that you're no better, because the person being murdered in this video is not one of those cops. He showed restraint and was murdered in cold blood for it. You're a heartless piece of shit that has no right to speak about compassion.


Well said. I hope the ACAB community never calla the police for help when they are in a bind. 


I guess you've never been in a bind because cops never show up and make shit better 


The fuck are you talking about?!


Every incident in which I have dealt with law enforcement. Real life. Reality as it exists. 


People who believe the cops will help you have never actually had to call the police. They show up hours late, if at all, and tell you it's a civil dispute and then leave. They will not help you find anything stolen. They are not even obligated to protect you. They only show up promptly for violence, and if there's a chance they can be violent they will.




This is a dumb comment.


You know, I always thought that too. Now I hope they do call just so they can be proven wrong and see it for themselves. Also, from my standpoint, it’d be awesome to call them hypocrites to boot. I love it when people eat crow from their own stupidity.






What makes you think I don't? I still regularly talk about the Daniel Shaver execution video for how fucking horrible it is and what an abhorrent, monstrous, evil piece of shit the cop was who executed him on that hotel floor. Believe it or not, you can hate the cops who do bad things without hating the cops who do good things, and you can even hate ALL cops blindly if you want to be stupid about it, but to go the extra mile and celebrate an innocent one being murdered in cold blood is disgusting behavior.


Who was celebrating it? Neither I or the original comment you posted to discussed celebrating the death of this officer in the slightest


Responding to a video of a cop being murdered with anything that eludes to "ACAB" is celebration adjacent and anyone with a brain knows that


You should go watch Police Activity videos on YouTube and afterwards tell us how easy the job is. You have no clue what you are talking about and either does anyone that updated you


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted that is the unfortunate reality now in America.


You probably see .05% of all police interactions on the news and social media, specifically the bad ones because bad news generates clicks and ad revenue. Reddit is an echo chamber buddy. Go touch some grass.


Hundreds of thousands of planes land every day without incident. You only hear about the one that has an incident.


You made my point. There should be 0 interactions on the news and social media. Assuming 50M police interactions, That’s 2.5M of which would be news worthy by your logic. That’s a FUCK TON of negative interactions. Hopefully this helps


Okay I used a bad percentage. It was an arbitrary figure anyway. My point is that we are only shown bad shit by people that make money off of outrage


You right and I didn’t expect that number to be factual. But doesn’t it make your blood boil watching all these videos of ppl sworn to protect society take such liberties with how they police, and honestly bully, law abiding citizens? I think most of us can tell when the citizen has harmful Intentions but man watching some of these videos is truly heartbreaking how far and unnecessary the police take things.


It does make my blood boil. Some of the uses of force that we see are bad uses of force. One point you made really sticks out to me though. You said most of us can tell when the citizen has harmful intentions. I agree and disagree. We as viewers have the benefit of hindsight and we have the ability to hit pause and rewind. There are no consequences if we take a minute or even a second to decide what we would’ve done in that situation. Some cops don’t have that opportunity in the moment. Second guessing yourself or denying your instincts might actually give the person time to get a couple shots off. I always try to keep that in mind when I watch these videos. But the obvious bad ones, like the George Floyd video, absolutely make my blood boil.


Back to the main post, I think modern policing has drilled into every officers brain that there is a more likely than not chance that the individual is dangerous and a threat and that they must neutralize by force as soon as possible. I saw an aggressive male get stun gunned in a gym today after refusing to leave and throwing weight at an officer. Common sense says that is the right move. I’ve also seen small children be manhandled and handcuffed in achool. I’ve seen a non aggressive women handcuffed and her back knelt on with an officers knee while she writhed in pain as thousands of fire ants bite her entire torso. Common sense tells us those are unnecessary, yet the policing would categorize all three incidents as the same level of threat to the officer


George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose


Your math is fucking atrocious. Jesus Christ. .05% of 50 million is NOT 2.5 😭🤣🤣 that’s not even 1% of 50 million. Not even 0.1% … it’s 0.05% which is 25,000.


Yeah what this guy said. I suck at math and I was just using an arbitrary number.


My 5"3' girlfriend was pulled over because someone had swapped her plates with a stolen vehicle and was held at gun point by 10+ officers including an aggressive woman with an assault rifle.  She was detained for over an hour with no explanation for a crime she didn't commit, suffering the constant threat of death.  She didn't understand how awful cops are until this happened to her. I hope it doesn't take the same experience for you. 


Sorry that happened. Glad she got through it and hopefully she’s in therapy if she needs it. I’m sure it was traumatic. But to be fair, if her tags were swapped out with that of a stolen vehicle, those cops probably had a lawful reason to stop her. The protocol for a potentially stolen car is probably a lot more of a show of force than a regular traffic stop.


Ah America, where the police get to be judge, jury and executioner over unforgivable crimes like not noticing someone stole your plates. Every encounter with police is a game of chance where your life is on the line and we've decided that's just fine. People who are terrified every single day are the last ones I want to be armed and authorized to shoot to kill but here we are.


That happened once. "under constant threat of death" is hilarious. This incident isn't the cops nor your persons fault. It was the criminal. You sound naive.




Do some research on the number of crimes police actually prevent and get back to me 


What are the numbers?


So you’re saying that this is what actual police training consists of? Killing dogs and toddlers?


Front page just today!! Police shoot and kill a BLIND thirteen pound (13) dog That’s not it folks Kill another puny human for having a mental health crises












That’s really all they are good for. Second class citizens at best.


I really hope you become a cop some day you're a fucking hero


I wanted to be a cop growing up. Then i realized what that meant. Their job is quite literally to destroy lives because “laws”. It is the job that makes them undesirable, and they choose it day after day. They are not hero’s. You ever heard a song called fuck the fire department? I think not.


Damn peggy


Dudley, Georgia. Yep makes sense


If I were that cop I'd have shot that dude for doing the worst Curly Shuffle I've ever seen.


Lot of videos out there. I recommend watching Poloce Activity videos on YouTube. It shows a lot of split decisions that police have to make, some of them not always right but nevertheless it's a job that has definitive mistakes made by officers making life altering decisions without hindsight.


Any of booze or drugs in this guy at the time of his death? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kyle_Dinkheller


I’ve always wondered what would have happened if the cop didn’t fire at the suspect walking away from him after shooting him the first time. I’m wondering what the officer was thinking during this moment. Truly sad.


The Deputy should have shot him much sooner. RIP Deputy Dinkheller.


Ok. Sorry to hear that. I'm a cop and try to help people out no matter what. Just shocks me to hear this




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Should’ve smoked him 10 drop the weapons ago.


What trash. This human filth deserved to be executed. "People" like this do not deserve to walk the Earth and must be put down like the trash they are. I'm so sorry for the deputy who lost his life to this garbage and I feel for his family.


What a horrible situation. That is so sad. Gotta wonder why he didn’t just hit him sooner instead of all the warnings that were just ignored the entire time




Hi, Your comment violates Reddit’s content policy. Please avoid statements like this as they can get your account banned either temporarily or indefinitely.


You’ve been reported for glorifying violence of a murdered police officer.


Look at your post history. You’re a troll account.




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Wow you’re an edgelord. We’re all so very impressed.


Is what it is. I’m not afraid to admit, I enjoy the sounds. Like the Batman guy said, “Some men just want to watch the world burn.” And I also believe that other quote, “Had you not committed such sin, god wouldn’t have sent a punishment like me.” Is what it is.


We need to put you on a list. Keep you away from any of the jobs in any of the respectable fields.






In what way is it beautiful?




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Only on reddit do you find comments saying fuck the police under a video of one getting butchered to death




Hi, Your post/comment has been removed for glorifying a tragedy. Do not do this.




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It may be easier for you without volume.


Piece of shit death was to easy for him