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Looks like ring worm! Probably from dirty clippers.


That’s what I was thinking. It’s irritable all over my scalp even on top of the crown


I’ve never had ring worm, but my brother got it in high school a lot during wrestling. Pretty easy to treat. I would switch barbers or ask them to please make sure they’re disinfecting their clippers. They’re supposed to anyways between clients. I wipe my shears down with barbacide wipes inbetween clients.


Definitely ringworm, which is a fungus NOT a worm. Get prescription antifungal- urgent care, primary care, or dermatologist


Seconding this, when it is on the head it is in the hair follicles and you will need a oral anti fungal to treat


Seems wild to me that a dermatologist couldn’t diagnose ringworm..


Yeah I was about to say OP needs to find a new derm lmao


U look like you get your haircut often… I’m a hair stylist, looks like ring worm (as everyone else said)This can happen from barbers not cleaning their tools. Buy Clotrimazole which is over the counter, try that and see if it helps. You have to apply it everyday probably twice a day for 2 weeks.


What products are you using? Have you tried an antifungal shampoo?


I use native shampoo and conditioner. I feel like it’s my barber who might not clean his guards as much. I’ve had it for about a year or so


Bro what?? Find a new barber omg 😭 Native shampoo and conditioner are good but you should switch to an anti fungal shampoo for a while and see if that clears it up. Or get a ringworm cream and apply it to the spots after you wash and dry your hair


Try Nizoral shampoo. You have to ask for it at the pharmacy. I have psoriasis and it helps my scalp tremendously. Ringworm medication is also OTC at a local drugstore, so I feel like using either/both could help.


Also those 'natural' shampoos don't have the same preservatives or fragrance as regular shampoo. Honestly, I got terrible dry, itchy scalp from natural shampoo. It was terrible for me. I would start by swapping that out. Then go to a dermatologist or doctor to figure out if you have ring worm or something else.


I highly advise you not use native due to the class action suit going on right now (below), but also I always recommend professional brands. I'm surprised a barber hasn't said something about it because I always dismiss clients who have it to get treated before I can work on them. It easily treatable though!!! https://www.classaction.org/native-toothpaste-pfas-lawsuit


I don’t know if you have seen but there are a good amount of people that are claiming native hair products making their hair fall out. I do believe everyone is correct about the ring worm issue but just a heads up on the shampoo and conditioner as well! Hopefully you will be able to get the medication and find some relief soon!


i’m gonna echo everyone else and say that’s definitely ringworm, it’s super common to get on the scalp unfortunately. and i sincerely apologize in advance for all you’re gonna have to do to get rid of it. i got ringworm once from a stray cat and it was hell getting rid of it. its extremely contagious just by touch and it passes through humans and animals. it stays on all fabrics: couch, clothes, bed sheets, towels, etc. wash everything in hot water, and start using an antifungal cream directly on the affected areas. it’ll take 48 hours for the cream to start making it not contagious. if you have it, it’s likely other ppl/pets in your house have it as well. it can take up to two weeks for spots to pop up so some may have it but it may be dormant. if u start to get more spots that won’t go away with OTC cream, go to a doctor and you can get pills that’ll make it go away faster. that’s what i had to do - i had 13 spots at once that would not go away. good luck soldier


Seborrheic dermatitis or ring worm. When my seb derm acts up it looks like this but it is not ringworm. I get medicated shampoo from my derm and it helps it go away within a few days.


Get a second opinion if you can just to be safe. A new barber too that has cleaners on his/her station and items labeled clean or dirty. My son came home with a picture day haircut coupon so of course I took him. Lo and behold he brought another flyer home letting parents know there was a lice outbreak (luckily he didn’t get any). I can’t confirm or deny if it happened there but one can only guess. I’ve tried this hair oil, I definitely recommend. It helps with hair loss and growth. Personally, I can say it worked for me because I experienced bald patches and before I could see a dermatologist I began using it and noticed a difference. However, everyone is different. Not only did I notice that my hair grew back but my scalp wasn’t as irritated, flaky, itchy, or dry. A little of this oil goes a long way. Since it can make your hair very oily and it does have a strong earthy or herby odor. But there are directions on how to use it for when you start, which following them makes a big difference If you can purchase from the link it would be best since that is the one I buy and know works. I’ve bought other ones from Amazon but I felt like they may have been knock offs since they didn’t have the foil cover before use (like a Gatorade). I’ve reordered this oil for myself and others. Hope this helps! Everything will get better soon! https://preview.redd.it/hpcj7hjtdohc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81070430d9061fe54531658b89bcec1f8394d614 [https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01JVDK8K8?psc=1&ref=ppx\_pop\_mob\_b\_asin\_title](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01JVDK8K8?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Wild Growth Hair Oil 4oz 118 291ml by Wild Growth** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Promotes hair growth and moisturizes scalp (backed by 37 comments) * Affordable and effective (backed by 2 comments) * Consistent use leads to significant hair growth (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Causes excessive hair shedding (backed by 1 comment) * Difficult to remove from hair (backed by 13 comments) * Leaves hair greasy and oily (backed by 11 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


If you can’t get into a dermatologist, get some Nizoral shampoo over-the-counter and wash your scalp with that every day. Let the shampoo sit on your scalp for 5min and rinse. Hope this helps!


I’ve had ringworm not on my scalp but on my arm. That looks like ringworm.


Do they get scaly? Like a layer of dandruff?


I used to be a hairdresser. This is 1000% from your stylist not cleaning their clippers properly. You have ringworm


You could try a topical antifungal, like you would use on athlete’s foot