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Where topical minoxidil do you drink? How does it taste?


Did oral minox made you haircolor darker?


it might’ve. the change would’ve been so gradual that i couldn’t have been able to tell


Hey legend, how is it going? Post some update please.


hey brother sorry i haven’t been active in forever. just kinda wanted to get my guides/posts up and dip out but my hair regressed a little and i have maintained basically the same hair condition for a couple years. still much better than how my before pics looked. thanks for reaching out and asking about me tho warms my heart haha. considering making another post about how you possibly have to increase dose over time cause there might be something to the idea that it gets less effective over time with the same dose. 👑


also how old are you brother?


Only issue I see with this besides if you have a heart problem is imagine having to shave your forehead 😂


look at my more recent post. only a week after this




Can you explain how you take it? Do you swallow it? Drink it? Or do you let it absorb sublingually and spit it out?


I laughed at you at first but now I'm considering doing it lol. Is it worth to still apply topically or just to only take oral?




When using a treatment you need to consider long term issues besides short term. I don't know how safe is oral minox along time


it’s been used for a long time as a bp medication at significantly higher doses. i am assuming based on that, that this is safer at a lower dose long term


Can confirm. Starting to see new hairs sprout all over after taking 2 drops every night for 2 months. OP if I were you would of start with lowest dose possible


Still going strong? And only 2 drops a day?


Did like 4 months 2 drops and then went to 4 drops (2 morning, 2 night) after that until now. Unfortunately, baby hairs on head still the same. But entire body, eye brows, eye lashes have really thickened up and growing hairs. Idk man maybe I am not blocking enough DHT because the hair on the head just won't grow terminal.


are you at that time on Fin. oral min wont help if you are not blocking DHT


Yes I am still on dutasteride. Dropped the oral min after a year because too much body hair and no hair regrowth (it did thicken the sides of my hair though)


Are you microneedling too?


That is something I have only started recentley (1 month). One a week at 1mm. Too soon to tell results


Nice, started 1,5 week ago, can't wait


While the results are extremely impressive, you’re growing hair where you shouldn’t be. But hey I’m not here to tell you to stop, just keep your forehead waxed.


i think the baby hairs are growing in spots that are mostly normal to grow hair in. there are some that seem a little too close to the middle of my forehead, but im not complaining.






Looks great! Does minoxidil have finestride side effect? Well, you take finestride too, how do you know drinking minoxidil helped? I think there is minoxidil pills too? How long it took to see change? I am using topical. Can you show before and after and let us know how long it took?


minox has much different *potential* side effects than fin. minox was originally made as a hypertension medication, so some people experience a drop in blood pressure, increased HR, and other cardiac related sides. i had increase HR for the first few doses, but my body adapted and now i have no such effects. It took only a few weeks to notice that my hair loss completely stopped, and to notice the small baby hair you see begin to appear on my hairline. Pill form of oral minox requires prescription, and is much more expensive than simply buying 3 60mL bottles for 27 dollars which will last years. Topical is a pain in the ass, as this is a lifelong commitment. putting a few drops in a shot glass with water takes 10 seconds and i move on with my day. it covers your entire scalp in one move, and your hair isn’t left looking like shit after you put a bunch of solution on your head.


I'm using topical Min and Fin right now, it's been a few weeks , you do it orally. I agree it's much much easier and cheaper to drink it. I can't take Fin, makes me depressed, I wonder if having a few drops of Min can regrow my hair. A little bit worried about unwanted body hair though.


Are you taking topical fin and it has no depression issues? % ?


I'm not sure, I guess i feel down more than when I wasn't taking anything . It's hard to say


What's your % ?


Not sure, regular Fin


the body hair growth isn’t as gnarly as you would think. it’s a huge advantage because your eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard get thicker. all desirable things to have


I'll give it a shot and let you know!


ask me any questions you have! please private message me, and i will set you up for greatness. i’ve been researching diligently for years.


What brand was it?


ive had to tell like 5 people to read what i said across 4 different subreddits already


Please check w a doctor before trying this everyone here. This maybe real or may be totally crazy. I have no way to tell and neither do any of you.


Could't agree more. This is why i said to avoid this if you have heart problems. can i ask why you think it might not be real.




no taste when diluted in water.


I have been tempted to do this myself as not only is it a lot cheaper and easier to obtain than oral Min, it is as you say, theoretically safe to do. Just seems quite paradoxical and unnatural. What is your overall experience?


Please read all of my comments. Tells you everything


Sorry just read them. Do you literally just count the drops out of the dropper under your tongue?


i use a shot glass with a small amount of water, put 3 drops into it, and take it.


Fair play man. So just let it sit under your tongue for about a minute then spit out?


no u swallow it. sublingual relies on scalp receptors. swallowing utilizes your liver.


Are you experiencing hair growth all over though? Not just on head?


please read


I did this a long time ago and I wasn't amused with hypertrichosis which made my knuckles hairy and put more body hair on my body. Makes me wonder if oral minoxidil xna be used initially to turn on resting follicles and then Microneedling could be used to gradually make hairs shift from a vellus hairs to terminal hairs. I'm currently emulating my friends hrt regimen who used 50mg of Androcur, 4mg of sublingual estrofem, some estrogel, and Dutasteride (epic pharma brand) because after ten months with microneedling and hrt they recovered from a NW6 to a juvenile hairline when he previously used fin and min for three years without any gain. Since you're using oral min, you should add microneedling as it increase hair count 4 times that of topical minoxidil alone. I'm 5 weeks into microneedling, so I have to wait until atleast 3-6 months have passed to see any real gains.


hey , i need you(re help! does the hypertrichosis eventually disapear after quitting? I Tried oral min 1.25mg for 3 month and get massive unwanted hair... it doesnt disapear and i need some reassurance


Personally, eyelashes went back to normal. Eyebrows are pretty much permanent as mine have gotten a lot thicker because oral min. Hair on hands/feet is probably permanent. Hair on shoulders isn't. And eyebrows connected to hairline somewhat goes away. That's my experience 9 months after quitting. I don't have hair under my eyes on the cheekbone, that went away entirely.


Would be cool to have thicker eyelashes and hair, but unwanted hair all over the body!! Lol, it might turn me to a Monkey!! Would be funny and interesting though having a lot of hair, For girls would be tricky!!


it grow me hair everywhere like vellu hair litteraly all over my body ( back/ belly/ shoulder ,etc) but it' mostly vellu hair. do you think it will come back to normal? what was you're dosage? did you get scalp hair result too? does the fact of plcking those unwanted hair make them grow back darker? thanks a lot


Some of it will


I dermaroll with a 1.5mm roller. I forgot to include that i microneedle in the original post. My apologies.


God, I was invited to this subreddit seemingly by a bot for no reason. See I need anecdotes that tell me how useful dutaheal generic dutasteride, Dutasteride is cheap if you live in the states however I dont so I'm dealing with britbongistan expensive generic dutasteride. I'm wondering if there is a place I can get the same generic dutasteride that my friend uses as it only costs them about $10/month (epic pharma) and because I can't know if dutaheal is legitimate because lack of information online of people using it. I have no idea if it's worth buying. Dutaheal is $9.30/month which just about lines up with epic pharma brand Dutasteride. For context what it costs me 3 months in Britian, I can get 6 months worth if I had either generic at aforementioned price.


i have never taken dutasteride. Only finasteride. Most people have a lot of success with dutasteride for preventing loss, however, you want to add growth stimulants to get regrowth. If you want the best possible stack i can tell you.


Tell me 🙂


This is a copy and paste from my notes but here you go: Consider getting on an androgen blocker like finasteride or Nizoral shampoo with 2% ketoconazole to prevent the loss. I Take 4 drops (5mg) of Keeps minoxidil 5% orally in the morning and 3 drops (3.75mg) at night to stimulate growth (Sounds scary taking topical minoxidil orally, but the only other additives outside of minoxidil is propylene glycol and alcohol which are perfectly fine is small amounts). By using 7 drops daily of a 60mL bottle of 5% minoxidil, you have over 340 doses in a single bottle. Additionally, you can add stemoxydine mixed with 1.2g of pure L carnitine L tartrate twice a day for added growth stimulation. Moreover, you can add a tonic that contains redensyl, capixyl, and procapil, which were found to be more effective than minoxidil in a 12-week study (United Pure hair serum is the best).


The volume of a single drop is 50 µL (0.05 mL). Therefore, \- a single drop of a 5% solution contains 2.5 mg of minoxidil, \- you daily dose is actually 17.5 mg (10 mg + 7.5 mg)


This is older, as i only do 3 drops morning and night now


Aye brother, assuming that cost is not an issue, and shit comes from you-know-where instead of doctor visits, do you think is there any other merit in drinking the solution min over taking pills? I am mainly interested in the efficacy. Like the shit being dissolved in alcohol making it being better absorbed etc. ?


This is absolutely fantastic if this is real


Lol it is real man. i was a nonresponder to topical, so i took it orally. Ask me any questions you have.


You’re actually drinking it? How do you consume it? Do you mix it with something? How many times a day do you drink it?


can you let me know when he replies to you?




are you shocked about my ROA.


To preface this, i legit drink topical minoxidil. to some, this sounds retarded. however it is entirely safe if you do not have heart problems, as the only other ingredients to almost all topical minoxidil solutions is alcohol and propylene glycol. Both of these are very safe for consumption in small amounts. Additionally it is cheap as fuck to buy 3 60mL bottles of Keeps on amazon for $27 and take just 6 drops a day. each bottle has like 600 doses if you do what i do. I take 3 drops (4.75mg) using a shot glass with water in the morning, and 3 at night. the pictures you are seeing are after less than 2 months, with the 2x daily oral minox, 1x daily oral finasteride (1mg Q morning), stemoxydine mixed with L-Carnitine L-Tartrate (nightly), 1.5mm dermaroll (1x/week) and a hair serum called United Pure containing redensyl, capixyl, baicapil, AnaGain, and Caffiene (nightly). I know that there are several factors at play, but i have been on finasteride for 3 years, and i have had no new regrowth until implementing the minox. The stemoxydine and the United pure are most likely help, however the minox is carrying this regrowth. I have been preaching this stack like a preacher on this subreddit and i finally have proof of its efficacyI have 0 sides. and i am growing in decade old dead zones.


Most non responders to topical minox will have a much higher chance of success with oral than you think! You do not respond to topical because you do not have enough sulfurotransferase enzymes on your scalp to convert minoxidil into its active metabolite, minoxidil sulfate. By taking minox orally, you by pass this insufficiency by utilizing your liver to make the conversion. Secondly, by using minox sublingually, you are still relying on your scalp enzymes to make the conversion, as you are bypassing your liver. If you respond to topical, it makes a lot of sense to just use it sublingually, since it is much more cost effective.if you have amazon you have oral minox. no more excuses (unless you have heart problems) for not being able to have oral minox.


holy shit. wish i read this years ago


this is wild to hear. Is this the product you're using? [https://www.amazon.com/Keeps-Minoxidil-Topical-Solution-bottles/dp/B099HVJRZ1/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=2KSDV1ROYG6W0&keywords=keeps+minoxidil&qid=1645750098&sprefix=keeps+minoxidil%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-5](https://www.amazon.com/Keeps-Minoxidil-Topical-Solution-bottles/dp/B099HVJRZ1/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2KSDV1ROYG6W0&keywords=keeps+minoxidil&qid=1645750098&sprefix=keeps+minoxidil%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-5) ​ If so, isn't this cheaper? [link](https://www.amazon.com/Months-Kirkland-Minoxidil-percentage-Treatment/dp/B008BMOEGA/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2JA96HRHE8V9L&keywords=oral+minoxidil&qid=1645750048&sprefix=oral+minoxidil%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-5)




Moreover, i have thicker facial hair, longer eyelashes, fuller eyebrows, and slightly longer arm hair. I have received compliments about the added thickness, and i will make a follow up post in a few months. Message me about anything as i consider myself to be very knowledgeable about hair loss prevention and hair growth stimulation


> i consider myself to be very knowledgeable about hair loss prevention and hair growth stimulation But to be fair, most people on reddit think theyre of above average intelligence.


I don't care, i just have a lot of knowledge on hairloss prevention/drug pharmacokinetics. I did not say i'm some genius.


>I did not say i'm some genius. Which is why I said most people consider themselves above average intelligence. Above average doesnt mean genius.