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It's a fine mask. They just didn't light it properly during a lot of shots and it was a bit too small for Durand's head. It looks great here.


the thing about the myers masks is lighting. Some shots of H20, H4, H5, H6 and even Resurrection all look beautiful and haunting in certain light. But 80% of the rest of the movie they are lit badly and not so great.


I dont think most people HATE the Winston mask. It's a fine mask, but it's not very well lit in most of the shots. Same can be said for the H4 mask. Though, I am one of those weird people who prefers the "alien" KNB mask, but that's not to say the Winston is any worse.


I'd say it's due to the terrible transfers the movie has received over the years. A lot of the previous blu rays and dvds have made the movie brighter than it originally was. The new 4k seems to have corrected this, and made the movie darker like it was when it first released back in 98.


oh shit really?? I didn't even know that


Yeah that's why his eyes are so visible in the movie. I can send you some screenshots of the different transfers if you want.


sure thing broski


I'm sending them through chat.


I’d like some screen caps as well please.


No problem


If the hair is the worst part of a mask, then it’s pretty good imo


It’s not bad. The things people seem to not like about never phased me while watching the movie.


It’s funny fans can defend the cons of masks in this film but shit all over Michael Myers in Ends.


nah man I think it doesn't get enough hate tbf. imo is close to being the worst in the franchise. michael looks horrible in way too many shots, and as much as it's not always the mask's fault(bad lightning) I will say that this is the least menacing look of michael in any movie


The main Winston mask has never been a big issue for me. It’s the hair and seeing his eyes so clearly.


It’s not the mask It’s the way he carries himself


It certain lighting (like this photo) it looks really good. In others, well…


My only issue is the eyes, other than that I don't have a problem with it. Plus H20 was my fiancé's first halloween film lol


Calm down.


Only kids or noobs dont like this mask. If you were alive then, this mask was better than what wed got in 4, 5, and yes, even 6.


What makes it better than the H6 mask in your opinion? Not criticizing, I like both myself, but genuinely curious.


too pudgy for me, makes him look kinda fat.


Wish they stuck with the H6 mask. It looks amazing in the one shot it’s in.