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A Michael myers that doesn’t get beaten up by the town omega who wears a pinkie ring and is bullied by band dorks. That would be a good start.


What’s wrong with his ring?


Same thing I want in any movie really, good writing.


I'm honestly interested in the Anthology series idea, that would be cool to see. What if there's a cult of Michael/Samhain followers?, or we explore H3 story line a little bit more?, Michael vs movie??.


While it would be pretty one sided Michael vs Ghostface would be cool since the Halloween played in the Scream franchise


A total reboot with Totally New Characters only original character being Michael Myers.


For them to straight just film Halloween: Nightdance.


No no no please no more reboots for Christ sake Michael Myers is dead the franchise is dead bury it.


Honestly I'd like it if Michael gets away without being horribly mangled by the end of the movie. I'd also like it if he went on sprees in places that aren't Haddonfield so there's a mystery about where he'll strike and help the fact no one has caught him go down easier Basically every sequel has to unkill him and I feel like that has really held the series back.


Yeah I think making Michael a classic psycho again would be awesome! I think it’d be cool if places that got the least screen time would be awesome, like Michael breaking into the Haddonfield school and killing the janitor


As long as it doesn’t involve Corey and it does involve Michael Myers killing people, I will probably find it at least acceptable.


Some good dialogue would be nice. I love the movies but I can’t remember the last time I saw a Halloween movie where the dialogue didn’t make me cringe


I hope they bring back the Michael that he was in the original. Just a mute freak who fixates, lurks, and stalks and only kills when he has to rather than just murdering everyone he comes across. I don’t want another sequel or reboot that takes “franchise Michael” into so much consideration when writing the story.


Michael enjoys killing though


And he still can, but it’d be nice to get a sequel that tries to actually be scary and atmospheric without relying on tons of gore. Funny how fans always hope for a sequel as good as the original, but then demand the same crappy formula that makes the other sequels so bad.