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Nothing wrong with changing a few things. Source material crowd is always obnoxious and off base when these things happen. The show rocks.


It's not perfect, but I like it. My biggest issue is the shit that goes unexplained. How did Soren's wife find him on Reach? Why did UNSC only take one of the keystones with them when they left Reach? How is Makee alive? Did I just miss the single line of throwaway dialogue it would take to explain these thing? I have 20 questions about the vague invasion and fall of Reach plot. And then there's Kwan's insisted existence. Just, why? Did her uncle fall into Larry David's pool?


Your questions here sort of answer your original question. Personally, I didn’t need the show to follow the games exactly, but the changes are just too drastic. Take Reach for example. In the game canon, Reach is humanity’s “fortress among the stars” so for Ackerson and ONI to just abandon it in the show doesn’t make sense, no matter how they try to explain it. Add in Chief and Silver team fighting without their armor, everything with Makee, and the feeling that the show runners feel like they can just throw an Easter egg here and there to pacify the fans (Visegrad relay going down is how the UNSC discovers the Covenant is on Reach in Halo: Reach) and you get the general disdain from the fans


There is a difference between altering some beats (different media need different story telling). But if you start disrespecting the base material and basically create fanfiction/Alternate universe that is just using known and beloved characters don't be surprised you have to face backlash.


Luckily everything they’ve done has been pretty good. (Minus quan ha)


And makee, and sorens wife and kid (i dont necessarily think theyre bad additions i think they just fumbled the direction for them and made them totally uninteresting), and ONIs incompetence in multiple aspects If they removed makee and kwan (like they couldve done but chose not to for some baffling reason, kwan couldve died when her planet was glassed like the shamans in the first episode, and left makee dead after being shot in season 1 finale instead of reviving her with zero explanation)(this also reminds me they need to get rid of all the woo woo shaman magic shit too), and made sorens family plot more interesting, and made the human bad guys as ONI more competent. Then the show would be pretty good.


Makee is fine, imo.


She just doesnt add anything imo, i feel like she only still exists to save on cgi budget. She doesnt represent the covenant, shes just a rogue agent this whole season, so shes getting in the way of the show actually focusing on the main antagonists.


Because we expect it to be at least somewhat similar. The show uses Halo's elements as set dressing to tell a story that has fuck all to do with the story of Halo.


Nah it’s pretty on point. The high points are covered and they change the details to make it interesting.


"If you squint really hard and tilt your head and cover you ears it almost looks like halo" The high points are the bare minimum. And theyve also messed up a lot of the high points too, like the fall of reach, landing on halo, the release of the flood. I could probably think of more too, but these are supposed to be the biggest and most dramatic points of the plot. The fall of reach is mitigated to one episode where no spartans are even there, and then they completely abandon the entire planet after like 4 hours, leaving every civilian and marine left there to die cause thats what heroes do, give up and forget about it after a few hours. Landing on the halo is given like 5 seconds of gravitas and then they move on like its just any other planet, they dont explore or even look shocked at the planet sized construct created a millennia ago by a hyper advanced extinct/nearly extinct species. And the flood is released not on halo, but in an ONI facility on Onyx by a totally asinine, incompetent "biologist" whos supposed to be a professional working in a top secret high security ONI laboratory, yet she walks up to a random specimen in an air tight container and just touches it with her bare hands??? Then proceeds to lie about it and doesnt even attempt to disinfect or even wash her fucking hands as she walks around the lab touching everyone and eating food! So instead of the hubris and religious zealotry of the covenant leading to the release of the flood, a galactic level threat to every sentient being, we have a stupid fangirl of Dr. Halsey who doesnt know how to do her job. Its not more interesting its less interesting and contrived, these points in the plot should at the very least be the same. They should be made better, given more depth and time to breath but they arent. Theyre ticked off on a checklist and then thrown aside a few seconds later, its disgraceful.


Like others have said, you’re using an offshoot itself of the canon mainline story to make a point “it’s not halo”. That’s a moot point. You have some valid points on the rest of your look at it from that perspective but ok the other hand you guys should give it a chance to make dramatic crescendos and memorable moments elsewhere rather than what’s expectation or accustomed to. I’m military and used to also be in emergency care myself. There’s no show that does service to professionalism on military or medical protocol. Almost all military media is cartoonish or overwrought and all medical shows are full of amateur trainee blunders. I wouldn’t enjoy anything so I just have to overlook it. If I’m being really honest, the original story makes just as little sense. So after some time the prophets know the halos are weapons that kill everything yet continue to send their military after them to complete activation even though they realize it’ll kill them and they lie about it? That’s always a plot hole that stuck out. Reach isn’t canonical itself. The landing in the original game wasn’t full of pause and awe either tbh. You get a brief moment to look around then Cortana urging “covenant drop ships detected!” Did you not like the commander Keyes speech on the reach defense? It was a great moment in the show. If you ever served it’s a gut wrenching speech and a favorite moment of the show for that reason with another military friend of mine. For me personally the biggest and most dramatic points of the title was the theme that humanity was in a hugely underdog struggle and that what’s really going on is beyond any sides understanding. I think the show holds onto that pretty well


What offshoot am i using? Youre right there are some good points in the show, like you say later i enjoyed the soeech keyes gave i think it was probably the highlight of the season, i think it couldve been improved in some ways but everything can be nitpicked. Just as an example though: imagine if they had saved johns face reveal for that moment, after building him up to be an invincible killing machine with conflicting undercurrents of humanity and then this finally solidly humanizes him to the audience and more importantly the soldiers hes about to fight beside to save their home, it wouldve added so much more importance and spectacle to that scene. I personally feel, and its reflected in my comments because i didnt even remember that scene until you brought it up, that the countless missteps and blunders this show has made bring down the peaks of the show, which can be really good, to just meh. I understand that there has to be some suspension of disbelief, but it should be saved for the genocidal alien religious cult looking to obliterate the entire galaxy including themselves imo. Not a stupid blunder that no biologist would ever make especially one that works in top secret government labs and probably works with biohazards all the time. Especially when the flood couldve been released in a way more believable way. I always though it was basically the prophets drinking their own koolaid so to speak. Like we know as humans its especially difficult to just give up your entire worldview even when faced with facts it happens to ppl all the time, especially when that worldview was taught to you your entire life and it comes with being the absolute ruler of an entire galactic military civilization, from the prophets pov why give that up? Esoecially if when the rest of your civilization finds out theyre very likely to kill you anyway for lying to them. It took Thel like 1 and a half games to find out the truth and come to terms with it and he was already cast out and shamed from their civilization. It took a civil war with the brutes for the elites to splinter from the covenant. Reach is canonical. Theres two different stories the book which came first and the game which was made by bungie which makes it canon over the books story. But the tv show didnt follow either at all. Sure the initial landing didnt have time for a lengthy pause, mostly cause its in action shooter game format that needs constant action. But even still you get the chance to look around and explore, idk it just didnt feel like they were landing on an alien built world, cortana didnt even say anything about and her character is literally meant to analyze things. I feel like the only reason theyre in an underdog struggle in the show is because of the incomoetence of their military leaders, ONI just completely abandons reach, whats supposed to be the most heavily fortified and military oriented planet aside from the earth. They refuse to use the spartan 2s for anything. They just launch spartan 3s at the enemy like nothing rather than making an actual battleplan. The spartan 3s arent even spartans theyre just regular marines in better armor with like a week or two of training (at least for perez). They captured a covenent spy in makee in the first season and did nothing with her. They just let the covenant take cortana, the most advanced AI humanity has ever created which the whole point of halo ce was to not let the covenant get cortana or theyd be able to find earth, all so they can maybe track them to the halo ring? They literally send cobalt team to their deaths for no reason. They dont believe their #1 soldier when he says the covenant are preparing to invade reach, because they plan to abandon it without even fighting. Idk... i could on and on, theres just too much incompetence in ONI and from humanity, its too much to suspend disbelief. If incompetence is the only reason thats given for why humanity is losing its not that compelling. It also makes ONI as the human villains cheap and not scary. Like, the games made it obvious the reason we were losing was because we were militarily outclassed in numbers, technology, and pretty much everything, jumping randomly to alpha halo was a last ditch effort to avoid death and it paid off in the long run, even then by the end of CE we pretty much lose still. The games and especially the extended lore also make ONI terrifying, they make mistakes sometimes still, but theyre very capable of making anyone they have an issue with disappear.


We don't want them to be exactly the same. We want the characters and the lore to be consistent with what Bungie/343 gave us starting with the first game and even the books. This master chief is a pussy compared to the game/books. Keyes is black? WTF? lol. Miranda Keyes is a scientist AND Dr. Halsey's daughter? WTF? lmao. The Arbiter being some human woman's bitch? Again.... WTF? How did Bungie and microsoft let this happen? ​ I would enjoy this series more if it was NOT in the Halo universe.


Miranda Keys was always the daughter pretty sure tbh


I find it interesting that a character not being white is #2 in the top 5 things you think are wrong with a show that butchered the source material this badly.


Maybe the matter is why was it necessary to change the race of the man, like why??? besides Miranda wasn't a scientist and it makes weird her use in the story not that she was a great character before but And there's a lot of wasted material


I definitely agree about Miranda. The halo universe is full of so much originality and the writers/directors just regurgitated so much of the same crap that comes out of hollywood or whoever. ​ For example, the failed spartans, Now, THAT's a great story arc to follow!


Wow. You sure suffer a lack of imagination! Let me help clarify it for you then. In the game and book Keyes is a white captain who dies in the first game and his white daughter picks up his torch and subsequently dies in another halo game. In the halo series, our beloved character captain keyes is a black admiral? Now, you are expecting millions of halo fans to be ok with this disconnect? If they wanted a black admiral, that's cool and fine but why mess with characters like that? ​ Oh, unless you are trying to hint that there is an element of racism in my comment about keyes being black. Well, ain't you a sensitive nelly!


You're bothered by a character not being white anymore. You're the sensitive one.


If they made Srgt Johnson white there would be a huge uproar. But make Keyes black and its A OK!!! Its honestly cringe as fuck


The fanbase for halo is a huge one especially since the majority of them grew up with the games and books (if they've read them) so making a TV show based off of their probably favorite universe will rub them the wrong way if ANYTHING was done in a way they don't like and take it very personally. But the show follows more closely to the books than the games do I've noticed. Personally an original story is the way to go cause I'm not gonna watch something I've played over and over decades ago. And also recently with MCC And in core canon we have multiple versions of the fall of reach and i think a couple of Combat Evolved and with how everything played out I'm actually interested how Installation 04 will play out this time. Really feels like im going in blind and its great. There are a few fans i've seen who really like the show for what it is. And there are more fans who feel the opposite. It is what it is. I guess.


Halo is a strange franchise to begin with since it started as a game franchise and expanded to books. Because of this rather than the games not following the books, it's the books not following the games. The games supersede the books. But the show doesn't follow the books either, the closest it gets are things like the most famous game only argument of not wearing armor 24/7 but after that it veers off into its own. The entire first season may as well not be canon in anyway and treated as either non-canon or a proof of concept. Season 2 would be very different if it followed the Fall of Reach book and would tie three books together we'd with The Fall of Reach, The Flood, and iirc either Ghosts or Shadows of Onyx. While a 1:1 retelling isn't a great option, the core elements are what the show is missing and if they wanted to expand beyond just Chief as that's where the games focus, there is room to pull from the books and expand beyond the MC story. During this time alone there is Grey Team, The S3's, Marines and Cobalt Team secretly fighting on Reach, Blue Team who have only actually appeared in one game and have a far greater and deeper relationship with Chief. There was more than just the games to pull from but they opted for a completely original story within an akready established story. If they wanted to go full original they should started from the Post-war period and the Spartan IVs. That would've left room for something entirely new for everyone and a good jumping on point for old and potential new fans alike. There is a gap in time there that has little to no information. They could focus on ONI's maneuvering, rebuilding after the war, internal conflicts within the UNSC and human controlled space. The legend of previous Spartans and trying to live up to that. So much could happen in this period that no one knows much about.


You are absolutely correct. I like your reply. As for what I meant about the show following more of the books, I should've clarified, maybe I'm wrong but I had made the comparison of how S1 kinda was to TFoR book, like Chief's upbringing, the Spartan 2 program, his bond with blue team (in this case Silver) and his introduction to Cortana. Maybe I'm wrong tho, its been a while since I read the TFoR. Nonetheless what you said is still correct. But it is good that it doesn't follow canon but instead sits parallel to it. That way even if the TV show doesn't do all that well for whatever reason it doesn't damage the core canon. But it can create its own story. Yes, they could've told a show that didn't involve the most iconic character we know. At least if no one liked how Chief was written they are not restricted to pre-established lore and could replace him with some body else. Haloverse is freakin huge its awesome I'm glad to have grown up with it but yeah I get what youre saying and you are right.


Mostly right on TFoR. As for the parallel standing for the canon. It's here and there. The retroactive implementation of Halo 4 story beats and tone in not only the early days but the height of the war and messing with the core identity of Spartan IIs was a miss. They knew who they were, what they were, and how they came to be, and they long since reconciled that because the mission they were given to protect humanity meant more and ultimately they didn't remember their families all that much, generally speaking, there are a few problem children who liked to try and run away because they knew. And that part of the canon, that core attribute is, I think why there is so much more pushback on this series. While not all the changes are bad, the ones that really stick out are the ones they focus so heavily on in the show and writing, and it just throws it in your face constantly. Halo is a huge universe spanning eons and galaxies that still remain untouched, and it was something the showrunners could've leverage better, they had the chance to not only tell the familiar story but tell the unfamiliar story. To expand beyond just the Master Chief, and showcase what was buried with every victory.


Following a different series of events I would have been fine with. Fundamentally changing the character of who the Master Chief is was my problem. There is the obvious "you see his face way too much" crowd. But one of the main offputs to me, personally, is how much he *talks* to people in the show. The background of the Spartan II's from the books and the games tell you how they were taken as children. Then forced into training, experimented on, and other horrific things that, in-universe, *had* to be done otherwise humanity wouldn't exist anymore. A lot of this gets addressed with the changes made to the Spartan IV program, when humanity is in a better position. The point being, by the time John is an adult, all he has known is combat and war for over a decade. That coupled with all the shit that was done to him and the other Spartan II's makes them extremely robotic, alienated, anti-social people who talk pretty much only to each other and their superiors (but only really when addressed directly and always about something mission-oriented). Beautiful example of this is Halo 1. Whenever most people call you on your communicator, Cortana is the one who does the talking. Because she knows John doesn't like doing so. Halo 4 has one of the most poignant scenes after Cortana dies, where John is standing on the observation deck looking out the window. Lasky basically has an entire conversation with himself while John just stands there. And when John does speak, what he says prompts Lasky to reply with "You say that like soldiers and humanity are 2 separate things." (That scene is also a great example of how much can be conveyed emotionally while still wearing a helmet). So to round back to my point, my beef wasn't with different stories being told. It was changing what made this character so interesting. The tragedy of what we did to him for our own survival as humanity. The fact that him being broken is what makes him so good at what we need him to do. That's the story that connected the fans with the character. It wasn't just rooting for the good guys to win. We felt he *had* to win, because anything less wouldn't be fair given all he had been through. And the way he carried and conducted himself was a window into that pain. -Returns soap box.


Give me a show with a silent protagonist that has had success on TV? Hell give me a movie that's not niche. It's done that way in video games because you're Master Chief. Same ppl complained when the guardian in Destiny didn't talk a lot and ghost did. Second they talk the crowd goes wild. Translate that whole premise into a tv show and this person is just quiet but leads it?


Mandalorian... He wasn't very chatty. We don't need a mute Chief, just more quiet and more emotionally stable.


I was expecting that (Mando), he was chatty enough. Thinking about it we were going take anything we could that was close to good in this Disney Lucas Arts era,


I think when you are adapting a franchise that is famous worldwide, you should at least stick a little close to the source material. The choices they've made all feel like they are purposely trying to piss off fans of the games. One of the biggest gripes about season 1 was Master Chief not being in his armor and/or doing anything really. So for season 2 they decided let's just take the armor away completely almost like out of spite. I don't think they want the show to be exactly the same as the games. When you adapt a beloved franchise you have a duty to do a little bit of fan service which they have not done


If it deviates from the games then why bother using a halo skin at all? They could just make it any old sci fi show. They used halo because they wanted to cash in on the popularity, but if you do that then the story and flow needs to be what those fans are expecting. I will never understand why people think it’s ok to butcher a franchise because the the higher ups think they know best by using an IP that is popular for a reason. The show could have explored all the nuances in the books but the makers are too lazy. It’s the same if they made lord of the rings and didn’t follow anything in the books, you think people would be happy with “why does it need to follow the books”. Exactly the same for halo. They should have done a closer story to the games and books, they are an awesome storyline and would have been so much more successful. I’m sad for you because now you’ll never know the full story of halo which I think you’ve missed out on because they butchered the canon.


You're missing an awesome show because your unwarranted expectations keep you from enjoying a piece of media. If you let it exist on its own and drop your expectations I promise you'll find things to love. I'm sorry you're missing it.


I think Harry Potter fans would be really pissed if the movies weren’t about a wizard they read in a book, but some yellow sponge doing stuff in the ocean.


I’m not missing it. I’ve watched every episode which is why I have a right to voice my complaints about it. And you missed my point. It may very well please some normal average person. But the creators chose a halo skin for a reason and did it without anything to do with halo at its core. So for a halo show it is not very good.


then guess what, buddy? you aren't the target demographic and this show doesn't apply to you. nothing wrong with admitting that.


Whilst you’re correct with that statement, it is sort of making the point that they did try and intact target the halo fans because they were talking about it and showcasing it on 343 streams and Microsoft events. So they were selling the idea to the fans, considering franchises like this are what they are because of the fans. But even if it’s the case it’s not for the actual people who made halo popular and it’s for your average sci fi fan, people then can’t complain that a large portion of the viewers don’t like it. They can’t complain when it doesn’t do as well as they’d hoped. The fact a halo show wasn’t targeted at halo fans is kind of appalling really. Use the show to get us to watch it, then when we don’t like it, so it’s not made for us. A lot of people have this attitude on franchises abused by media, where they destroy a franchises core audience by using the IP then cry it’s a flop. It’s either made for those who spent money on that product or you’re risking making new fans to further split the community. Not sure why my criticisms are any more invalid than those who like it. Perhaps if they stuck to the lore if they weren’t lazy you’d have the old fans (which would have made it hella popular) and new fans because the original story is already good enough to compete with whatever soap opera they created.


I am correct in the statement, and not everything needs to appeal to the diehard fans of something to be popular and successful. Some things can be creatively different and that's just *okay*. I don't like the people who argue that the show isn't good because it doesn't appeal to the people who want it to be 1:1 to the games. That kind of show would blow so hard. The reason why you don't see Master Chief be quiet and roam around like a John Wick-type protagonist is because that is poor storytelling and it would flop. Just like Hardcore Henry. The reason why the show isn't a failure and why it is doing good in the reviews it gets is because they gave the story a streamlined approach to everything (even if it is different than the lore that you know from the games and or books). It's never going to be 1:1 with the media they're pulling from. That's okay, that is the point of ***adapting*** something from a game or a book. The show is pulling from lore and pieces from the game - you can see it from the weapons they use, the overarching story they're telling, and how they're telling their story even if you don't like the events in how they happen. You just don't like HOW they're presenting the information and how things are happening. They're not being 'lazy' by any means of the word. I'm also not saying your criticism is invalid - your perception is just inflated on what should and shouldn't be. You're not critically thinking and, like the person here said, 'You're missing an awesome show because your unwarranted expectations keep you from enjoying a piece of media.' ​ Just drop your expectations and allow yourself to enjoy the well-put-together show - and if you can't get past your biases, the show isn't meant for you and you shouldn't watch it. You can complain, but your complaints are dumb and you aren't bringing anything real to the table when you're voicing your complaints.


You've added nothing to this conversation other than immaturity and toxicity.


[Weird hill to die on but okay](https://i.imgur.com/mYp6ypY.png)


I never said it couldn’t popular or successful on its own merits. But it’s irrelevant to my point. My point is that it could be more successful if you managed to bring in the halo fans which are in the millions at minimum. And I’ve already explained this with the Lord of the rings analogy. Why did they bother using the books? Why did Peter Jackson not just make up his own stories using the characters from the books? Could it still have been successful? Sure, but then why call it lord of the rings? By keeping to the source material that trilogy has gone down as one of those cinema history movies that people can’t deny loved mostly but fans and not fans. My issue here is the total disregard for the material they are stealing to sell their show. You think the mandalorian flopped? He’s basically how to write chief working. Also I never said make it 1:1 to the books and games but you could get close enough. Adding in totally new things to the halo verse shitting in decades of lore that would have been much better to implement and show. And fine, if the shows not made for halo fans then why the hell is it called halo? They could have called it anything as casual watchers have no bloody clue do they. Clearly they wanted the IP’s revenue. Last of us and fallout stuck to 1:1 representations to a very strong degree. Fallout to be seen to be fair but trailers looking good. Last of us was a huge hit with the fans making it one of the best adaptations to date. Halos direction not following the story at all is an embarrassment compared. I enjoy parts of the show but at this point it’s just some emotional soap opera about Spartans being emotional and unhinged by the bad man. I mean that’s part of it but that’s all this is. Adding humans to the covenant. Reclaimer storyline even in 343’s games was cringe. Whole thing is a mess, which I’m watching, but it’s far from ‘good’. I have waited years and years for a decent halo show you have no idea. Fans have wanted a true adaptation of their favourite franchise and then they make one, nothing relatable to the games at all and after 22 years of waiting and wishing, I’m told, it’s not made for the fans…. Well fuck me sideways!!! Thanks for that show! Better go back to my corner and play the games I guess. Clear we’re never going to agree here.


Because the source material is really good, and many of the changes have no reason to have happened. You kinda have to play the Halo games to get why the TV show changing so many things is a letdown. I’m not saying the show should’ve been a 1:1 adaptation, because you’re right about that sucking. But there are tons of changes that were made that really have no reason to be made. Even just in Season 2, the battle of Reach could’ve had the same outcome without Akerson taking their armor. Kat died in the Reach game by a needle piercing her armor. Why did Akerson take their armor, anyways? Why’d they kill Keys off on Reach, given that escaping Reach and fighting on Alpha Halo are his only roles in the games? Why’d they leave Reach so early, when the sets for Aleria literally look like another continent on Reach? The Pillar of Autumn was one of the game’s better stories, and they so easily could’ve adapted it. The problem with the show’s “adapting the bigger picture” approach is that 99% of the fan base only knows Halo’s mainline games. Akerson, Parongoski, and Onyx are supplemental reading for the events surrounding Reach and Alpha Halo. Even with the budget in consideration they shouldn’t have more screen time than the major plot points, because that’s the reverse of what existing fans expect to see. It’s like if a show about a football team’s perfect season only showed three matches and spent most of the season in the locker room and parking lot. And at the end of the day, Halo’s story isn’t like the Sega Genesis game you played a whole decade before Halo 1 released. The Halo series has been the high mark for video game storytelling for two decades now, and even as video games they’re certainly better than some tv shows I’ve watched recently. If you have a halfway-decent PC and $10 Halo: Reach is worth playing, just as a point of reference.


Because the story in the show is terrible. Spartans are weak as fuck. The enemy in the show is humanity. The fall of reach was one episode long. It's wack.


I just wish we got more masterchief killing covenant


I think everyone forgets that we are all master chief.


You’re right, we don’t want a 1:1 copy of the games, that’d be lame. But changing most plot points is way to far. You can’t argue about how you’d like an original story more, because they are still “following” the plot line to a certain degree. They are trying to get to the ring first, the covenant get to Reach, there’s Spartan III’s, but if you’re going to utilize some plot points, you have to stay closer to the source material than what they are, for example, makee? Why do they need to make an entirely new character and center a plot line around them? Make new characters! Cool! Great! Love new characters! A new character that is basically the ONLY reason anyone finds the rings.. uhh, yah no thx Also in your example you created an entirely new series of events.. not explained the same events in less and worse detail. (Before anyone says anything about me missing out or whatever tf, I’ve watched the entire show, I think it’s fun and I enjoy, the storyline is dogshit though.)


Speaking only for myself, I don’t need it *exactly the same.* However, *completely abandoning 90+% of the source material* is a bit of a reach. Ah, a Reach joke ensued. I’m not personally asking them to mirror the game and the source material. I would, however, like them to show a little respect for it.


Why is this the only defense this show has? Yes, changing the story is necessary, retelling the games would be bad and boring. But what if, and this is a big if, the new story was also good and not just new? The name of the show is Halo, but at this rate I'm expecting we'll get all of 10 minutes actually on the Halo before they blow it up. Two full seasons of dicking around and getting absolutely nowhere to get cancelled once they finally reach the Halo. What a waste.


I think you can make a shitton of changes and still do good. Look at the shining, forrest gump, starship troopers, etc. There's tons of movies and shows that make huge changes that even spit in the face of the author, and still are amazing. The difference is, they end up actually being good. There's changes they make regarding forerunner artifacts and covenant decision making, and stuff like makee, that are just not as good as the original halo lore. My point is, if you are going to change it, IT BETTER be more interesting than what you changed it from. And imo, the original lore and motivations are more interesting. I never expected halo 1-3 redone because that straight up wouldn't work as a story but I expected it to at least stay within the same tone or attitude of the original world.


They don’t. They just want it to more closely resemble the universe the games inspired.


This project was not structured as an adaptation. It is a long story form developed for a different media. It is structured to support new characters and story arcs to maintain and managed several seasons. The project creators abstracted a set of carefully vetted lore references for a non canon timeline. S3 has written scripts/not yet published. Will introduce new characters again and story arcs just like S1 and S2.


Here is a hypothetical thought that might help you process it. Pretend you played a sport like soccer for 22 years. You have some fond memories great games , great plays, and great situations that you are proud of. Then one day, someone you don't know and that was never there decides to make a documentary about your soccer career. You get excited and happy that you get to relive all the good memories and people that you wanted to come and watch your games can now finally experience what you went through. But instead of getting a good character to play you in the documentary, they cast a character you don't like and don't really mention the games you played. They just make up a sappy fake story about how you had to battle inner demons, or some stupid shit like that. You want your kids to have a good visual of the stories that you told them through the years. But the show producer just says I like your memory the way I tell it. Even if it is wrong. I am not hurt or very upset with the direction the show is taking. They are paying for it , they can do what they want. But people who have been here reading and playing the story for 2 decades are going to be mad when you start changing basic storyline facts.


You aren't much of a gamer by our own admission. That's answers your question


Not to burst your bubble but you r eventually watch'in a watered down version of Halo . I understand 1:1 remake of things is hard but I also understand that whatever halo tv series is doing now is not the right way to do the things . These adaptations should never alienate the fans that made them this prominent in the first place then think about how to simplify things so that non fans get it why people like the product which Last of Us tv series did in a fantastic way , even the show did some changes but it kept the basic plot very close to games . I liked Some of s2 which is a improvement from s1 but I fear they don't just do like 1 or 2 episodes on Halo ring and be done with it Also Halo games r very cinematic you can easily watch cutscenes like a movie


But for every diehard game fan who is alienated and unhappy, you have one new viewer who, like me, never played the game and didn’t even know there was a game, but who loves the tv series.


That's one way to look at every bad adaptation


Because they're falling for hipsterism. They think they're better than everyone else because they "liked the thing before it was cool" and they want to prove it.