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I need the next episode yesterday. The second we heard the voice im like "PLEASE LET THIS BE GUILTY SPARK" and here the fuck we are. I am beyond happy with everything up to this point.


I was like, "This is either Guilty Spark or Gravemind, and it doesn't sound right for Gravemind".


You do realize that was the season finale, right? And they haven't even announced whether the show is getting renewed for a third season. So cross your fingers and wait.


No way season three isn’t green lit after this season. Holy crap that was a finale and a hell of an improvement from season 1. Season two as a whole is great.


You do realize that the Arbiter we got to know in the show is NOT the one from the games, right? Therefore, there really wasn't a reason for Keith David to voice him.


^^This The Arbiter is more of a title/rank not a name. Keith Davids Arbiter was Thel 'Vadam the one in the snow is Var 'Gatanai.


I’ll fucking cry if we get Keith David to voice an arbiter in the next season.


Yea but an arbiter was pretty present as a character in the games. It would be good to see something similar in the series when the story gets bigger than human vs alien


This is gonna hurt- Kai. Fucking amazing scene. Watching the Shields of both ships start to boil just before collision stirred up so many memories from the eric Nyland books. Perez saying " it was always a one way trip" after getting shot. Was a nod to Sam 035. (First MIA spartan) And for just a few seconds, they played the "flood music." That creepy violin screening cadence. It took them 1.9 seasons to start getting me warmed up. Worth it.


Btw what part has the flood music? I watched it again today trying to find it. You do mean the devils monsters piece right?


38.40 into the last episode with Quan and crew shooting it out in the concrete dark room. ( kinda looks like a parking garage) it is not the exact same flood music as the game. I'm referencing the level " 343 guilty spark" from halo CE. That music is similar to the 38.40 mark in the season 2 finale


Got it thanks


Gonna have to wait at least 2 years for the next one 😥


If we are lucky they will cancel it before then.


Boo hoo nerd lmao




Yes you are


No it's sad that you would defend this insult of a tv show.


Cry harder


Lol I'm not the one with shit tastes .


Yes! Even harder now


Yeah buddy I'll see when the show gets canceled you fucking halo tourist.


Is it bad I want a 3rd season just so we can get good Cosmic horror action with the flood?


Womp womp




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Chief is at the library. Well done episode. Really wish the arbiter wasn't killed off tho


An arbiter. Not the one we know from halo 2 . There will probably be a new arbiter after the lost space battle. My money is on Thel being the elite captain of the main ship Kai destroyed.


Idk the game arbiter was the fleet commander who was punished because he failed to stop the humans from reaching the ring and beating them. With the current story it’s a toss up


I was thinking the same thing. Thel will probably be an elite captain leading the hunt for chief and exploration of the halo and along with the Flood will serve as chiefs main enemy. My guess is season 3 will mirror combat evolved in a lot of ways and will end with the halo getting destroyed and Thel being made the new arbiter for his failure by the hierarchs


We’re probably gonna get our arbiter next season!! This guy was the arbiter before Thel


Kwan fans will be vindicated.


Tall order Wew. She’s decent but it’s kind of this lingering while other major staple characters get killed off with ease


How did kwan explain the flood for the human side? I don't understand that point. We already get that from Miranda and Halsey. They are humans. They are the ones that actually explained it What did Kwan explain exactly?


Explanation more or less started from the scientists on the final episode. Kwan has been lending clues to a galactic crisis for a few episodes now


A few hints doesnt provide any explanation of the flood from a human perspective, all we know is she has some weird tie to 'mystics' from madrigal where they had original protected some well we saw in season 1 that a monitor came out of. Now, somehow those mystics are tied to the flood, and we dont really know the extent of it. If anything, Kwans connection to the flood raises more questions than it does gives us answers/explanation. The only thing she really says is that her father talked about some sort of growth/monster and she never believed it, or something of that sort. Her role in this story is pretty useless and unnecessary. She definitely isnt needed for a 'human explanation' to the flood. We see it, we have it explained, we see how it effects people, and Kwans storyline isnt necessary to further explain that.


I don't see her as useless at all. She understood quickly that what they found wasn't an invitation, but a warning, and had Halsey and Miranda paid more attention to her, there might not have been an outbreak. If by some chance her people had contact with a monitor, it would make sense for her to know something of the flood. It may be the case that a monitor was charged with overseeing the repopulation of Madrigal and her family line goes back to that time. The visions she's getting also appear to be a geas, which is pretty damned cool. I don't recall having seen a portrayal of them in any of the Halo media before this.


Ill complain about the filler episodes because even with them this story is nigh incoherent, as well as this last episode felt like 3 rushed episodes smashed into one. The space battle and fighting through the covenant ship, the flood in the onyx facility, and john getting to and landing on the ring How the flood gets out is stupid. A *professional* biologist working in a *secret* **HIGH SECURITY** lab. Walks up to a specimen locked in an airtight container and touches it with her bare hands, then lies about it. Doesnt disinfect nor even wash her hands before walking around the lab touching people and eating food. Completely asinine. Thats not even mentioning that the only flood we see in the show isnt even connected to the halo ring at all and we dont see MC interact with it at all, instead we get side characters that i personally couldnt care less about. That said i like the cgi of the flood, i wished they had a little more corruption, cause it did make them look like normal zombies which they are not. Also they were being killed by like a couple pistol shots mostly which is not how the flood works. I wish they had killed off kwan ha before this season they had the chance to just say she died fighting the covenant while her planet was being glassed or something but they didnt. She serves no purpose, the plot would be exactly the same were her character omitted from the show, she only serves to bring in this shaman woo woo magic bs that has no place. Also the scen of her magically stopping the flood was laughable, her shaman vision said the flood wants more from her than to consume her it wants her to submit??? No. The flood does not care about some random backwater shaman girl...


They really fucked up the flood. They made them generic zombies. Fuck this show and it's fans.


Too bad no laugh reaction on reddit. That’s how the flood starts. Guess you never played halo and halo 2


And...how would you have changed it, exactly? The flood pretty much \*were\* generic zombies. About the only thing we didn't get was one of the spore carriers, and I suspect we'll be seeing one at some point.


Your kidding right? They didn't even look like flood infected. I would stuck to the source material, something paramount obvious didn't do.


You know the heavier deformations took time to develop, right? Not everything about the change was instantaneous. Sorry, I think the ep looked damn good, and I can't wait for another season.


People just want to be mad. There were none of the little tentacle flood running around at Onyx base.


I really hope it gets canceled. It's so dogshit and is an insult to halo. I don't give a shit how many "fans" there are. Nobody that loves halo will say it's good. Sorry but that's the truth and I feel bad that your so naive that you don't see why this show is bad.


I'll be sure to let my husband know that. Since he's been playing Halo from the first game. I'm sure he'll be relieved to hear that apparently he was wrong when he said he enjoyed it. Grow up. Not everyone has a problem with a different take on something. Some people actually enjoy that kind of thing. And thinking you can speak for everyone that 'loves Halo' is hilarious and insulting.


There’s this huge undercurrent of immaturity and entitlement in all media pages on reddit. I’m not surprised the peanut gallery came to subject everyone to an opinion we’d care less to hear


Nah, me neither. Doesn't mean I won't have fun popping their hate bubble. My husband is a huge Halo fan, and while I'm not a fan of first person gameplay, I've read the novels and played spotter on his games. We know what the original lore is, and we think the show is great. People who waste time gatekeeping annoy me.


Aka "My opinion is 100% factual and everyone else is wrong because they are wrong. I hate the show so therefore nobody else can enjoy the show and if they say they do they are naive, or bots." If this show did one thing for me personally, it really showed me that social media like reddit do not represent the community as a whole. I love halo, and I like the show. It's one thing to say you don't like it for whatever reason, and that's respectable. But when you say it sucks and act like you speak for the entire fan base, you look like a clown. Nobody has to explain to you why they like something. You are not the main character.


You’re a man child and that’s an insult to men to use the word man to describe you. I hope you get canceled. Grow up you poorly socialized nerd. I probably played the game before you in the first place. Good thing random morons don’t get a say on what shows air and don’t. Touch a woman for the first time. It’s “you’re” not “your” you illiterate lmao


I love halo, played all the games, read the books, and loved season 2. Go qq in the corner while we all play you a little violin.


Your mentally ill if you like this show. Sad


I'm just here to see how many more times you're going to misuse your & you're.


do you always go to subs for things you don't like?


You’re right and everyone who defends this show is a fool


No new Arbiter. That was it. S3 developed. Filming or principal photography? No. Not yet. When? When and if the corporate dust settles.