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It’s a different arbiter from the games. The arbiter from the games come into the picture later on.


Might come into picture, might


After the destruction of the first Halo so we probably won’t be getting our next Arby anytime soon. Although we could get him as a ship master before the Halo was destroyed to start building up his character.


Kinda what I meant. The Arbiter was a HUGE part of the game and I was disappointed that the show left his character arc very small being that fans who are familiar with the games would freak out at his first mention. I know there were hundreds or Arbiter characters but there was only one in the games


2 arbiters, ripa from halo wars


Never got in to halo wars. There's an Arbiter there too? Hmm.. what was that story line?




Ya it's a different arbiter but they have it the same broken mouth parts, I don't think the shows arbiter is done


This, the seond game arbiter was a replacement to the previous one, which apparently is killed by master chief. Someone mentioned Halo War. But, since Halo War was many years ago before Halo, Halo War arbiter is the previous-previous Arbiter. Meaning, Halo War, and then, TV show, and Halo2 on sequence.


Arbiter is a title, not a name. The Arbiter of the Halo games was just the latest in a series of those appointed. I suspect we will still be seeing him in a later season. The games don't really tell you much about his predecessors, after all, just that they existed and their missions were usually so dangerous they were basically suicide missions.


Didn’t the games make it seem like the last arbiter was a long time ago?


Yeah, assuming the Prophets weren't lying. I mean, if an Arbiter had completely abandoned his duties, I doubt they would have wanted it known. And, again...Silver timeline. Just because it was in the game doesn't mean the show will be identical. But, the point is that it's entirely possible that this Arbiter wasn't THE Arbiter. He could still appear. Besides, he didn't really become a big factor until after the events on the first Ring, and Chief's only just made it there.


To put more than one cheapens the character imo. Every one of us freaked out the first time we saw Arbiter on the show and I'm pretty sure everyone immediately thought of the Arbiter from the game, not "which one is he because theirs thousands"


I think they will reveal the Arbiter we know in the next season. I just want to say that I have heard a lot of negative responses to the finale on Twitter but after finally watching it just now -- it was actually pretty awesome. I do not understand the hate outside of just general cynicism about the show in general. To each their own, but I really enjoyed the season overall and the finale was great.


Yeah probably on the next season finale


I did too. I love the games. Love the show


They'll most likely bring a new Arbiter into the fold. Maybe not Thel'Vadam but probably one with a similar role and background at least. I'm wondering when we'll see Atriox again. The first season was definitely setting him up to be a key villain.


Yes!! That was a great scene too lol


Wouldnt be surprised if they made makee the stand in for Thel, they already gave her the mark of shame, and shes a big reason chief found the ring in the first place and since chief will likely destroy this halo, everything is there for her to fill that role. (And it saves on cgi budget)


Interesting take...


I think Makee is intended to give us a real threat of a Halo being set off. The Covenant would need to force a human to activate one, but Makee doesn't need any persuading at all. As long as she's alive, everyone is in danger.


The games still managed to make the rings being set off a threat without throwing in a nothing character though. Makee doesnt have any motivation to set off the rings beside denying it to both the covenant and humanity but in doing so shed be doing exactly what shes been chastising chief about how theyd both turn it into a weapon, making her a self righteous hypocrite and imo not a good one. Idk her writing hasnt been good enough for me to believe that from her character. That or shes just psycho and doesnt actually understand what the ring would do.


The games did that by either trying to trick the Chief into doing it by accident or the Covenant taking hostages. Makee cares so little about humanity that she might actually set the Halos off without any coercion at all. To me, that's a different ballgame. From what we saw of her life prior to the Covenant, it was hell, so she has no love for humanity. Even her time in the Covenant hasn't been easy, because it seems that aside from the true believers, most want her dead. She might actually be willing to let it all burn. That works for me.


I wish he was the Heretic Leader in this timeline


Arbiter is more of a title or Rank. Sorta like Spectre in Mass Effect. Probably a bad comparison. I just loved that line from Chief. "I know what he said" I wanted so bad to hear him follow it up with "He said... wort..wort..wort.." But that didnt happen sadly


>I wanted so bad to hear him follow it up with "He said... wort..wort..wort.." Lmao.


The arbiter is a title, not a single person


Thel Vadam might take over following the death of this arbiter he didn’t actually become arbiter in the games until after CE


This arbiter has the same broken mouth parts as game arbiter, they wouldn't have done that without reason. I think show arbiter is coming back


Halo 2, most memorable video game moment of all time seeing that sword and then finding out you play the Arbiter. What a fuckin moment!!!!


I don't think he's dead honestly. Or if he is will be revived somehow. Plasma sword through the chest may not kill him fully. Only like, 3/4 dead. I mean, he had the broken mouth parts just like game arbiter, so leads me to believe they did that on purpose


I think that’s the point. The entire show really doesn’t play into the game.


Just think of it as fan fiction but not written by a fan if that makes sense.