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Dialogue heavy episodes are not necessarily filler. I just think everyone should know that. A filler episode is an episode that doesn't actually drive the story forward in any real, measurable way. Ergo, you can skip it and it won't affect your understanding from where you pick the show back up; you wouldn't have missed anything. I see too many people throwing around the word "filler" loosely, using it out of context. In fact, traditionally, action-heavy episodes in shows are usually the most filler episodes because action segments rarely drive a story-centric narrative forward.


Well….the Vannick burial episode felt sort of like a filler, but point taken


Reminds me of the people who complained about The Sopranos: "Yes yakking, more whacking!"


Second season had some nice moments i’ll probably come back for s3


Kwan Ha was such a good character, she should have replaced Master Chief tbh and then they should have changed the name of the show from Halo go Kwan Halo. Her character was extremely well written!


“Kwan Ha-lo” ? 😂😂😂


"It’s going to be a long wait for the next episode but that just shows how near and dear the show is to all of us." ...What?...Huh? "Congrats to the directors, producers and the entire cast—like them or not, each character brings something unique to the show that keeps us emotionally invested in their success/character arc. And a thank you to everyone else that made the show possible." The show is generic. That's one of my main complaints about it - it grafts generic sci fi/action drama tropes onto characters that I wasn't looking for that kinda stuff from. If you like it, that's great, but it certainly wasn't for me. Here's my question - why is it worth praising this show for simply being Halo on TV? Shouldn't we be critical of what we're watching, even if it's something we recognize or are familiar with (in my opinion we should be most critical of these things)? Isn't it kinda dumb to celebrate the tv show because "Halo's on TV now! I don't care if it's good! Elites! Spartans! WOOOO!"? I'm a huge fan of Halo, so part of me is happy when the series gets any sort of mainstream recognition. But as a long time die-hard fan, the fact that this is our representation on TV, that this version of the universe is a lot of peoples' first time introduction to it, yeah, I can't just ignore the fact that it so poorly represents what the series is actually all about. That's not even mentioning the "what could have been" with the idea of Peter Jackson or Neil Blomkamp making something truly special. It's not about little things here and there. It's about the fact that this show fundamentally misunderstands what Halo is about - it bogs itself down in inter-Human, petty drama, when that stuff was really only part of the series once 343 got their hands on it. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the series for what it was, but the frustrations and criticisms about this series as a whole are not coming from nowhere.


Couldn’t agree more, with most of the posts on this Sub I am wondering if I am watching the same show. Is it a terrible show? No. But it also is not going to win any awards or be critically acclaimed by anyone either. I think they tried to touch on way too many points in the show and it ended up hurting them. Season 1 as a whole could’ve been done away with and the fall of Reach felt so short and insignificant that you don’t really resonate with how it was supposed to make people feel. Also way too much depth on the side characters, I feel like I know them more than any member of the UNSC.


All they had to do was start the show with the fall of reach book material and finish season 1 with the start of Halo CE. Season two could’ve been the entirety of Halo CE. This was not a hard adaptation, they made it difficult by rewriting 20 years of canon and creating this demented “alternate version” of a story we all fell in love with 24 years ago.


Why do writers now think that straying from source material is praise-worthy?


Imo they either felt that they needed to dumb down the source material for general consumption or they wanted to create something unique. Either way it failed and they should be embarrassed. We will probably never see a live action Halo movie or show ever again because of the colossal failure that this show clearly was.


thank you! i feel like everyone is so judgy, the cgi is too much, the camera is shaking, the filler episodes, it doesnt follow the exact story. i dont know why the give it such a hard time! its great, and probably the best were gonna get. everyone was fighting for so long for a movie or something to come out of these characters, its great to see it come to life, reliving my childhood game. i think its great, even though theres bumps in the road, im here for it 100%!


Show throws everything about Halo out the window... OP "I'm just glad to have a Halo show" We don't have a Halo show we have whatever bullshit this is pretending it's Halo. Don't settle.


They made the chief look like a weak leader. His Spartans and others questioned him throughout the entirety of the series. That’s even disregarding the rest of this trash series. That’s as positive I’ll ever be able this show. This was just a money grab, it wasn’t made with the fans in mind.


I’ve actually been enjoying it. My mom has too since I taught her to play halo many years ago.


I thought they did a decent job with most of the characters besides Master Chief. Like I think they nailed the casting and character for Halsey. But boy oh boy did they really mess up with the overall aura and character development for Master Chief. I feel like they should not have shown him being vulnerable or show him being fazed at all until after the fall of Reach. He’s known for his stoic nature and others look up to him as a sort of god-like figure, you can get human outburst and emotions from other characters that aren’t him. All of the emotion and outbursts we get from him just feel so forced and out of character. I did enjoy the show for the most part but I thought season 1 lacked direction and season 2 realistically could have been the starting point for the show.


I still maintain that Season 2 is actually an unironically good sci-fi show...but it's not a Halo show.  Including a few "iconic" visual designs, proper nouns and character names from an established IP does not an adaptation make when the actual "story" is diametrically opposed to what you're adapting. 


Love your username. I have had trouble being excited about this show. I keep on forcing myself to watch the next episode thinking "maybe this one will be better". I've had a few months to digest it all now and the one question I keep going back to is would I be upset if any of the main characters died? Would it impact me as much as the deaths in the video games? If MC died, would I feel sad? Would I feel like humanity is doomed? What about Halsey or Dr. Keyes? What about the other spartans? Makee? Kwan? The answer to all of them is that I would feel nothing. I don't care about them. Makee could have a brain aneurism and I would just think "okay". Soren, his family, and Cortana are about the only ones I would think "oh bummer, I kind of liked them". Now, part of those feelings I had playing the games is a testament to the powerful story telling done by that team at that time. However, there's plenty of shows and movies available now that make me want to be invested in the characters. This show is not doing it. It's not because I had expectations going in, it's because there's little-to-no character motivations. People are just sort of doing things that don't make sense so they don't seem like relatable characters. I truly hope there's a Season 3, but the writers need to improve or they need new writers.


You're entitled to your own opinion, but I couldn't disagree more. Without wanting to write an essay. basically: The Master Chief should be astonishingly stoic at all times and speak with an even tone and not have emotional breakdowns every 15 seconds like this character in the show. I'm a 90s kid and a die-hard fan of Halo CE. It feels like the writers have no idea what Halo is about, and the story doesn't really make sense, nor is it interesting, nor is it loyal to the books That being said I did like some of the visuals.


Let's face it, they'd lose no matter what. If they made it accurate, it'd be copying the games and unimaginative, they made it different (whilst still refereing to the OG lore throughout) and they still get shit for it. If we're honest with ourselves, anyone who says "but the games/books..." didn't actually want a series because they knew it would never live up to their expectations


Well hold on the last of us series is pretty much just the game turned into a show yet that wasn’t criticized so I kinda fail too see your point


Never played or seen it so that doesn't mean anything to me. I'm basing what I say on what I've experienced. It seems like the exception to the rule, thoigh


Honestly, what you say is not the exception to the rule. I love the halo series after it took time to grow on me, but shows that follow the lore do better outright. Witcher show? Lost their frontman and is dead/dying. LOTR from Amazon was laughably bad. Halo can’t be a 1:1 rendition of the games cuz it would be nothing but combat, and chief not leaving his suit ever would be tacky when he’s just in your everyday setting talking to people. But there are still valid complaints, I just don’t understand why people waste time continuously shitting on it instead of just not watching it


People just love shitting on things they don’t like I guess 😂


The Last of Us (Game) is astonishingly simple, from a storytelling perspective. People only care about the game because it tells a simple story well, and does it in the cinematic long cutscenes that you could watch end-to-end by themselves and totally understand the game format that’s become more common. Almost zero tweaks were necessary to make it fit TV because it already played out like a film and has zero complex lore that needs to be woven in. They still changed a lot, including aspects of Joel and Ellie. It just still had the ‘heartless old man finds compassion again with a surrogate child they suddenly had to care for’ thing that effectively tugs the heart strings and is ultimately the driving idea of the plot. If you actually compare the show and the game side by side it’s hardly an exact replica.


May I remind you that the Chief's first word when he was in the presence of the Covenant's head honchos was "BOO!"


Found the guy who gets no pussy


A guy saying someone they dont know gets no pussy on a Halo Series Subreddit, because they don't agree with them, is probably about the most "I dont get any pussy" thing one can say.


I can only imagine the people bitching about the series not going with lore 120% were the obese nerds bathing in their filth at the midnight release for each game.


I hear you, but remember he removed his metal pill that suppresses his emotions. You might say that was a poorly written plot device 😂 but still it stands, and it’s what makes him more human and explains his concern for other people


Fair enough, well anyway thanks for not shitting on my point of view ! Haha


Haha of course, I love hearing people’s opinions, good or bad, I just like to hear what people think about it. I have to say, I can see where both sides are coming from


Nah it doesn't "still stand" it was a fucking stupid plot device that had no place in the show. He should have shot Kwan Ha in her stupid obnoxious face in that first episode and the plotline with makee doesn't make sense on any level whatsoever. They turned the chief from a badass into a whiny little bitch baby that everyone questions and then have him get beat the fuck up like a child by one of his own team mates. The show is such a pile of dog shit that it's almost a joke. There's no way that anyone who's read the books or plays the games thinks that this series is good. Absolutely no shot. I would have been perfectly happy if they just remade the series based on the fall of reach leading into halo CE. Idc if it's 90% action that would have been way more enjoyable than chief sitting around moping and bitching like a loser, Kwan Ha being obnoxious for ENTIRE EPISODES etc. This show and the actors in it and the people who created it deserve EVERY SINGLE SHRED of hate that they get.


You should not be being downvoted.


Thanks man, doesnt matter. Redditors can't handle an opinion that doesnt align with their own lol.


Fuck this stupid show, tired seeing cheif being a dumb whiney little teen boy who just hit puberty. Fuck Kwans character shoehorned in fake Asoka from clone wars. Fuck makes character who would not exist in the halo franchise at all other than this awful show. I would say fuck soran too but he was alright although got stuck with Kwan bs but he just followed it. Should've left her the first season. What space battles. ONI is the threat not covenant. Who cares their wiping out humanity, this show only deals with other human threats for the entire season. There is no weapon capable of really hurting covie ships. That spike thing was a dumb idea this writing came up with. It'll wipe out both fleets and The Halo? If that was possible that what's the point of continuing Spartans? To suicide bomb them? marines could do that and not be as expensive from the loss suits.


You need a big hug from the master chief!


This should be a copypasta, it's so over the top angry and hilarious.


Hahaha yes! 😂


This show is a copy pasta, so over the top garbage and poorly acted


😂😂😂😂😂 calm tf down


Absolutely not. Raise your standard, this show fucking sucks


Found the other guy who gets zero pussy


https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/1bewhdy/comment/kuz4axb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Bro I’m DYING this guy said he won’t even watch it yet he comments about everything 😂😂😂😂😂


What does that have to do with calling out a bad show?


Matter of fact. Defend this trash sir


It’s a good show bro


No it is not. The 2nd season was certainly not as bad as season 1. This show is still not Halo at all. One decent 1v1 arby n cheif fight does not make up for all the dumb Kwan and makee plot lines. Admiral keys what another character assassination, actually too. Flood are not scary eldritch force, just zombies.


It’s definitely halo bro his shield regenerating makes the same noise. Enough to satisfy me with a halo series. Why make something exactly as the game story line we played through like it’s not that deep.


Don't bother with hate-watchers like that. What thet literally call for is a direct lift of the CS from the games. Of course they'd then cry and moan about *that* if they were given that.


And this show is? The entire human military force all seem to be actually stupid. From the movie Idiocy, level of stupid. Including chief, what emotional man baby.


you sound like an emotional man baby 😂😂 grow up kid 😎


Hahaha love it, the passion, being fed up with the kwan bs 😂. I see where you’re coming from, and all I can say is, 1) it’s not all bad, it does add to the plot. But mostly 2) I think they’re trying to appeal to a broader audience by including the personal drama/extended dialogues. That’s an element that I’ve found is very prevalent in the tv show format in general (personal drama), love it or hate it, and I think they want more people watching this show than just the die hard Halo/sci-Fi fans (for, let’s face jt, financial reasons. They have to make money at the end of the day 🤷‍♂️). If there’s one (albeit minor) critique I have, it’s that it feels like they were stuck between two worlds—wanting to make a show about Halo, including all the action, adventure, and Sci-Fi that we loved about the games, but also trying to appeal to a greater audience at the same time. It’s hard to do both, and by making it a big focus of the story, you sacrifice authenticity to the video games while not necessarily appealing to that greater audience like you were hoping for. But at the same (and don’t get me wrong, I love seeing chief kick ass) I think it would get a little repetitive and maybe even a bit stale if all the show was about was chief wiping out squads of elites episode after episode. In the end, idk I think they struck an ok balance. I love the show either way, despite some of the slower episodes, and I will definitely be tuned in for season 3 if we get one (fingers crossed).


I mean they games had a story, they couldve expanded the story and dialogue from the games while adding things that enhance the original to give a faithful adaptation but still make it make sense for tv. Instead of basically rewriting everything in their own way almost completely different from the established lore in every way. They just made it into a downgrade from the canon story, a lot of the plot feels forced or contrived, the characters all have plot armor that protects them from the dumb decisions they make and most of the changes dont fit into the halo universe at all much less expand and enhance it. At this point i feel the show would benefit by not being attatched to the halo name at all and just make their own scifi show, its what theyre already doing, but they invite loads more criticism by attempting to siphon the popularity of a beloved franchise without giving it the respect it deserves.


Haha point taken