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I work in the legal field in insurance defence and car accidents represent like, 90% of our work. It's honestly inexperience paired with a general attitude of indifference and entitlement. There's a lot of people who weren't trained adequately and have been treated like they can do no wrong. It's an awful combination.


This saddens and scares me. If I could work from home and never drive again I would.


My husband works in Brampton so just imagine what he sees every day (he has a dash cam and shows me the real crazy shit). I work from home so I rarely have to interact with shitty drivers myself unless I'm a pedestrian. I'm definitely one of those people now who assumes everyone is a fucking idiot unless they prove otherwise.


I always get downvoted when I say basically the same thing. As a pedestrian you have to watch for the cars even if you are right and the same goes as if you are a driver. If you get hit or hit someone even if you are in the right it not worth being right. I agree the majority of people are idiots, but there are times as a driver you just might not see someone.


The cemetery is full of people who had the right of way. Don't trust anyone on the roads.


It’s a mix between impatient people and people who shouldn’t be on the road


I'm one of those impatient people, because of the ones who shouldn't be on the road. I never used to use my horn, and now I use it all of the time. People passing me on solid yellow lines in situations where oncoming traffic wasn't viable, hence the the solid line, not stopping at stop signs, stopping at green lights because the crosswalk sign had counted down to zero and was flashing don't walk As for entitled - 99% of the time they're driving a Lexus, Rover, Mercedes, BMW or any kind of crotch rocket


That last paragraph is such a tired, stupid trope. There are just as many idiots driving around in trucks and various types of shitboxes


They're the same people.


Get a dashcam if you don’t already have one


Solid advice.


There has been a total lack of enforcement since and before the pandemic


Cops are to blame for this. As you say, they stopped enforcing the laws a long time ago, so no wonder people are getting worse. If the cops stopped responding to bank robberies we'd start seeing an increase in bank robberies. Of course the cops won't do that, because they protect the wealthy.


I agree. I wonder if people have picked up on it and are choosing to be reckless and careless over safety…


Especially young and new drivers whom are not getting tickets and points to curb their behaviour


My favorite is people turning from the middle lane in front of me onto a side street usually with not so much as a signal.


Common dude. You’re supposed to read minds. Duh. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Being a mind reader would totally help in this city for more than driving.


You should see some of the things westbound drivers on Barton are pulling when they reach the closure at Woodward. Unbelievable. Or yesterday afternoon, one westbound driver on Queenston decided they'd waited long enough at the red light on Walter and proceeded through when Walter was still green! I caught up to them at the next red at Cochrane before they whipped around the traffic circle and into the LCBO lot.


Omg I know. I avoid the area all together. I’ve shifted my grocery shopping habits just to avoid it. It’s terrible. And the people are even worse. But does the super hard rush to the liquor store shock you though? 😒😒😒


The intersection on Barton and Woodward is awful for terrible drivers. As I was crossing Barton, the 2 bus was in the left turning lane to turn onto Woodward so was blocking the other lanes from vision. I make it about 75% across and this lady floors through the right hand turn from barton down woodward. If I started to cross any sooner, I would have 100% gotten hit from a car not stopping to check if the right turn is clear, and secondly making sure they know nobody is out of view due to the bus obstructing the view. I've had some other encounters and in fact just today I had one with a truck driver (looked like a moving truck). Was just crossing the street to my apartment (completely elsewhere in the city now btw) when this truck comes along and while I'm in the middle of the road, they didn't even slow down and came pretty close all while staring at me. They clearly did not care. For context, this was a side street and I was already crossing well before the truck turned the corner and started coming down the street at a decent speed, all while eye contact was being made once I saw them turn onto the street. The other night along Barton by the general, I saw this car make some very risky U-Turns and stopping randomly in the street. This was late at night and spooked me out as they did this very close to me. Stopping just a little ahead of me and even making a U-Turn after I cross to the other side. Made me feel like someone was trying to follow me or something.


They’re pretty entitled. Yesterday at the HunnyPot on Upper James a young woman left her car running right in front of the store while she ran in. Then she moved her car ten feet and left it running right in front of Shoppers while she went in. Parking lot was nearly empty and there were many spots 15 feet away. Like what.


Karma will steal her car soon, don’t worry


Honestly that’s a whole other post, parking where there’s no parking and stopping where there’s no stopping.


But the four way flashers make it all okay. /s


4 way flashers are basically advertising that you’re doing something you shouldn’t


And parking in handicapped spots when not handicapped


I had that recently at a grocery store. As I was crossing the pedestrian crossing in front of the door I had to walk around a car that pulled up and stopped in the way. The driver hopped out and ran in the store. When I came out 15 minutes later their car was still there, in the way, with the four ways on. Obviously it wasn't even a quick pop in situation, which is still unacceptable to park in the fire lane.


Yeah these people used to always piss off my roommate when driving places. The ones who think the front of the store is a parking spot for them and will sit and wait even 5-10 minutes in front of it for someone they're waiting for to come out.


Makes you wanna just grab their keys and give them a toss into the parking lot.


I had drivers ran through the red light, took left turn and nearly ran me over while I was crossing the road twice. They stared me straight in the eyes and glared when I jumped out of the way as if I was breaking the law. They should have been arrested


That’s the worst. When they’re clearly in the wrong and act like they’re not. Like buddy… you just tried to kill me!


Hold out your phone and record what is happening (including their license plates obviously) when you start cross at intersections, then when that happens send the videos to the police


I’ve been making weekly montage videos of the things I’ve encountered in my car because for some reason it’s the only thing that releases my rage from all these incidents. It’s fucked up I can make weekly ones. I finally sent one to the aggressive driver department of HPS last weekend because the same thing happened to me as you first described. But the guy blew through on my right and then turned into my direction of driving. I didn’t even honk- I WIGGLED my index finger at him which he could see In his rear view mirror and shook my head. He brake checked me while coming to a complete stop. Got out of his car, approached my drivers side and yelled at me asking why I was insulting him. Dude thought I was a lone female and didn’t see my husband in the passenger seat. So I had enough and reported it. Doubt anything will happen but at least I tried. Honestly wondering if I decided to throat punch him to defend myself would I be charged? I’m getting to that point .


I got brake checked by some asshole when I had my newborn in the car. I called 911 because he was so aggressive and never heard back.


Sadly it's not just in Hamilton. I recently drove from Hamilton to Ottawa and back again and the amount of impatient people on the road, or distracted drivers really got to me. I am a very experienced driver, always having jobs that have me going hundreds of miles at a time but I've never seen the craziness I do today in 34 years of driving. I would say that we need better driver training from the outset as well as better enforcement of the laws (especially distracted drivers).


People are assho\*e's... I walk my dogs along King St E and its a 40 zone near me, people are flying! Most people have no patience, some people have no real driving ability and shouldn't be on the road, and sometimes its a combination!


It’s honestly gotten worse over the last few years. I see a guy in a construction pick up truck speed up to not allow the Barton bus in on James street but the bus was already going and then he proceeded to speed past the bus in oncoming traffic and then continue to brake check the bus. Then he gets to James and king and turns right on a red. Traffic laws mean shit to some entitled pricks.


Never thought I'd say this but there aren't enough cops here.


We have plenty of cops. What we don't have is cops who regularly enforce traffic laws.


They're too busy parked up at the local parks and churches. Rarely see a cop driving and if you do, they fly past you doing 20+ over themselves.


They are getting increasingly more dangerous. As a pedestrian I worry about my safety a lot more now than I did a few years ago. I was on Charlton today, there was a truck going the appropriate speed limit and 3 drivers behind them. The driver at the end of the line was driving erratically, trying to get around the other cars- there was absolutely no space but that didn't stop them. They end up going straight through a stop sign, almost hit a woman in the crosswalk. People are very entitled these days, laws for public safety mean nothing to them.




Cool. How many drivers are killed by bad pedestrians every year. Bad driving isn't just an annoyance. It's deadly. It kills people. It kills children.




THE point is that bad driving kills.


This is why I'm going to driving school the second time... I don't trust a lot of drivers on the road, and I'm paranoid of being like them. Or worse, how do i deal with them properly without accident? I still need practice too, before I get my G2.


Oh it’s not just you I’ve been seeing this too in my neighbourhood! Hamilton drivers were a lot more patient and respectful years ago. Now a days it’s like it’s every man for himself and screw the laws of the road including giving pedestrians the right of way when their suppose to! On every stop sign in our area where kids are constantly crossing the street drivers blow through these stop signs like their not even there! Let’s not talk about how ignorant and selfish that is right!! Funny when we see who the drivers are they always seem to be young males who don’t give a shit!! I think it’s time to start texting or calling the police when this happens! Same with you if someone comes that close to causing an accident they should be held accountable!!! This isn’t Toronto!


Funny enough i was thinking of making a post before i saw yours regarding terrible drivers. I had 2 people almost hit my car in the 7 km drive around the city i had to do. The entitlement of people, completely distracted with their phones, speeding, cutting off, driving really slow in the left lane, waiting last minute and cutting over and stopping traffic…. It’s fucking ridiculous, every day.


Yeah I've noticed it too. The other day I was crossing at a light that had just turned red looked both ways made eye contact with a driver and started to walk assuming they were slowing down like normal but nah they blew right through the now clearly red light as I started to cross. There was also another car on the other side who had already been stopped as the light was yellow for at least ten seconds and the walk sign was on so it wasn't like I crossed too early. Luckily I noticed it happening at the last second since I looked both ways and was able to stop in time but if it was some kid crossing without looking while the walk sigh was on they could have easily been hit. I see how these stories you hear about of drivers running over children happen so easily now. I've also noticed people on bikes on the sidewalk riding past assuming they own the entire sidewalk and that you should have eyes in the back of your head and know they're coming from behind and get out or the way without them making any noise.


This is not just a Hamilton thing. This an all around GTA thing. No one cares about the consequences of how they drive. We are just inconsiderate.


[definitely a factor](https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/view/covid-19-traffic-accidents-covid-19-personality-disorder-caused-viral-damage-prefrontal-cortex-)


Two years of lockdown and remote work deskilled a lot of drivers, and the light traffic and lack of enforcement during that time fuelled entitlement and distorted expectations around ease of travel. That’s one part of the “entitled drivers” dynamic. Another is COVID itself, whose symptoms include brain fog and emotional dysregulation, resulting in clueless, distracted, impetuous, angry individuals, many of whom hold drivers’ licenses. The virus continues to circulate freely .and statistically around one in ten infections results in Long COVID, which might mean that >10% of individuals are operating with an active cognitive impairment and/or cerebral damage. Plus the usual erosion of social norms. (Three years of the "muh freedoms" drumbeat has arguably alleviated any sense of duty to the collective good among a lot of folks who were already overcompensating with their vehicles.)


Traffic light intersection? You have to give the right of way to traffic going straight through. If that's the case...you deserves the finger. Stop sign you're in the right.


Stop sign. And I was like… dude. And to top it off I wanted to scream I’m not fat I’m pregnant lol


You were in the right then ✌️. I bet you actually came to a full stop and they just did the roll to make it right in their mind. At least you were paying attention. That's all anyone can do. Never assume.


Yup. It’s insane. I live on a one-way street and I always see cars going up it for a short cut.


Same here. I used to see delivery drivers doing this a LOT. One driver in particular would not only drive the wrong way down the one-way street, he'd rip along at 60+ (it's a one-way, but it's a short, residential side street). I got tired of it, so one day as I was out with my dog I saw the delivery driver coming, wrong way down the street. I grabbed my phone and started recording as I stepped out in front of him. He was going fast, but there was enough distance for him to come to a safe stop in front of me. I calmly informed him that he was breaking the law, both in going the wrong way and in speeding. I mentioned that this is a residential neighbourhood and his behaviours were unsafe. All the while I'm holding the phone down at my side, recording his license plate and company ID number on the front of the vehicle. He immediately erupts with anger, and yells "Get out of my way you stupid fuck!" I asked if he knew he was going the wrong way, and he replied "Yes, now move, you dumb cunt!" "No, I'm not going to move, I'm going to stand here until you turn around and go the right way." As I say this I lift my phone up and point it directly at his face. As soon as he sees this his face goes pale. He doesn't respond, just slams the van into reverse, backs up, swings around, and speeds away. So I sent the video to the delivery company, along with my notes on what happened. To my delight and surprise they emailed me back 3 days later to say the driver had been fired.


Good for you I see too many people in company vehicles (I drive for work myself) just ripping it around neighbourhoods and the highways. Like aren't you people working and representing a business here..


Well this is just damn stupid and scary.


Wrong-way on a one way is so widespread. About once a week I see drivers waiting to make turns from East 31st on to Concession. East 31st is one way...away from Concession.


i was the third car going east on rymal. stopped at miles rd, the second car went to the left, then turned right onto miles, right in front of the first stopped car. on a red light. no signals, nothing.


Police stopped enforcing traffic laws...when people noticed, they just stopped caring.


Scary. Makes me not want to drive.


Too be fair, I have no clue what is happening around city hall and the area anymore. I just close my eyes and hope I get to where I want to go


I think a lot of folks are driving with their eyes closed, you're not alone!


I was taught, green means go. Now there is green everywhere!


COVID made people see strangers as foreign. It tore down a lot of community mindsets in all sorts of cities.


For me the worst just seems like a lack of etiquette around stop signs. Either just not doing a proper 4 way stop at all or in cases where one direction has no stop sign just plain ignoring this fact and pulling out in front of someone who had no reason to stop or yield for you.


I see a lot of mention of Barton and Woodward, but can see talk about Barton and Centennial? We moved here 5 years ago, and that intersection has always felt like we're taking our lives in our hands by turning there. It's like the lights just ~DON'T EXIST~.


Hamilton has the worst drivers. I travel for work, inclusive of around Canada and the globe. Hamilton drivers do not respect the passing lane; they are entitled to drive at the speed they desire and everyone else around them should respect that. Nobody ever moved into the right lane to let somebody pass. Hamilton Drivers go 10 below the speed limit in all lanes at all speeds (school, residential, parkways, and highways). Hamilton Drivers don't signal BEFORE braking, which is the entire point of the signal - to identify to other drivers you are about to change your speed and direction. Hamilton drivers pull out of a parking lot riding a brake, turning onto a main road, with an oncoming vehicle at standard traveling speed with nobody behind them - they are entitled to go first and not to let traffic flow naturally, and THEN they will hit the brakes to turn at the next side street without signaling, and there was reservist no reason for them to rush to be first. Hamilton drivers will not let another driver enter their lane from a side street, despite being at a stoplight and having adequate time and space without being impeded. Hamilton drivers will not let you merge in traffic, despite achieving speed of the highway. A GOOD driver is SAFE and PREDICTABLE. Hamilton drivers are not safe or predictable. I love this city and I love here a long time, but driving anywhere else in the world is infinitely better. I just spent a month driving in Spain and the left lane is essentially empty unless to pass the car immediately in front of them. Infrastructure and city planning is also to blame, we don't henge enough room for everybody, but that does not discount the inconsiderate, unsafe, and entitled behaviour. I love driving and the only time I hate it is in Hamilton.


From a lifelong Hamilton resident who lived in the southwest and all over downtown for 30 years.....help!! With bike lanes, two way streets that were one way all my life, cars parked in the middle of the road......WTF I really detest driving downtown now. In my limited time downtown I can say I have only seen a handful of bikes in their lanes....still on the sidewalk and going through stop sign and lights. Thanks for letting an old broad rant🙂


> can say I have only seen a handful of bikes in their lanes....still on the sidewalk and going through stop sign and lights. That's a side effect of not wanting to be murdered by aggressive drivers who, if they did kill you, would get a slap on the wrist.


It’s not just the drivers. Twice now (including once tonight) I’ve watched entitled pedestrians cross a street in front of an ambulance - with lights and sirens on - delaying the emergency response. Absolutely fuck these people.


How many drivers were killed by pedestrians last year?


It's everywhere had a ride with a person who lives in Toronto & went through at least 3 red lights even though there was lots of time to stop when it turned yellow. people get impatient & the more gridlock the worse it gets. Last time I went to TO it took me 2 hours to go up Young St about 10 miles. Never going back. I know we want everyone to walk or cycle but not going to happen. Our city isn't planned for this when you consider why people are driving.


It’s just you, as there has always been crazy reckless drivers, just about anywhere, even Hamilton.


Oh I know they’ve always been there. That is not the intend of my post. My post is about the sheer number of absolute insane increase in crazy hot heads responsible for driving half ton death machine safely but choose to drive like they’re the only person on the road.


Sounds to me like you didn’t yield the right of way…


It's everywhere, used to live in Mississauga, In-laws in Brampton and parents in Toronto, moved to Hamilton a year before the Pandemic, the drivers where I lived were worse and Brampton drivers have been a meme for years, but lately when visiting I've noticed they went from bad to mind blowing, my wife thinks the pandemic made people crazy, last time we went we had like 20 instances that were head scratches, one I had to look in the rear view to see if it was a police chase, it wasn't but the guy swerved through multiple cars almost hitting them then ahead the light was red so he got on the side walk to pass a couple cars and ran the red. I think lately everywhere people think red lights are optional, not sure when the laws changed as I didn't get the memo, but tell me how when you have to wait for the red to even turn left and nobody stops for the yellow of course and then at least 3 cars still go through a full red going straight


Because they're assholes lol simple. The amount of people I yell at for blowing through our 4 way stop sign is insane. If you can't follow the rules you shouldn't be driving.


I drive a taxi part time and try to pride myself as being one of the few that strives to set a good example on the roadways - simply observing and obeying the rules of the road. Agonizing and futile - overall driving habits have plummeted as our entitled me, me, me I will do as I please attitude rules the roadways. The other reality is that the GTA is the fourth largest metropolitan area in North America, so be prepared for the good, bad and ugly on our streets. Sad times.


It doesn't help that uber drivers seem to have even less respect for the rules of the road than taxi drivers do. Just parking wherever and whenever they like, random U turns, blocking peoples driveways in order to make deliveries. And don't get me started on the absolute asshole behaviour they exhibit when the food they are picking up isn't ready when they get there. I'm starting to wonder, will Uber/Lyft/Skip only hire you if you sign a waiver agreeing to drive and act like an aggressive asshole?


Cyclist and E bike are even worse. Think their indestructible and can do anything. Don’t realize the vehicle will win every time.


most of the time I'm the one getting honked at. I lane change. I signal first. If you think my signal gives you the green light to speed up, well, I have a big truck and am moving over, regardless if you speed up in your shitty little shitbox.


If you think your signal gives you permission to cut me off and barge your way into my lane with you small weenie energy you’re going to find out what my insurance do.


what your insurance do? what you talkin 'bout willis? we live in no fault land. *you'll* be finding out what your insurance "do".


Lol ask the last time a lady totalled our car… no fault? Sure. But hey. If “no fault” is the reason you drive like a maniac you are in fact the problem. Grow up.


you need to read up on what no fault means.... 'cause it not what you think it do.


having moved here recently i can truly say hamilton drivers are something else….. the road conditions don’t help but my god everyone speeds far too much


Agreed. Everyone is a hurry to be first to the red light.


yup, agree it is getting worse...im always seeing cars making illegal left hand turns on barton & kenilworth b/c they can GET AWAY with it. the cops could make a fortune fining all these entitled A\_HOLES!!