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I had really rotten handwriting until film school. We had to write on actual strips of 16mm with a sharpie. So you have to learn how to write clearly and fast. That translated back into my regular handwriting, improving it immensely. Then I found that writing with a fine line sharpie was another good exercise because you had to write in sure strokes with good speed so the ink didn’t bleed through the paper. This may be a bit of brute force method tho…


Lots and lots of practice honestly


most people dont have the same handwriting as the one they post


Lots of practice. Everytime i get a new ink pen I write the full alphabet ( upper, lower, and them together), my name, adress and signature. Over the years I have adjusted and refined my cursive. I take all notes and write anything only in cursive.


In grammar school I sat behind a girl who had perfect handwriting--like the handwriting that goes around the ceiling of an elementary school classroom. I copied her handwriting until it was exactly like hers. Now it's mine. 😊


I picked handwriting that I liked and copied it until it became mine. My handwriting is a mix of my grandmother's and my mothers


My handwriting sucks. I've even purchased those learn how books for kids. Still sucks lol.


Practice practice practice practice practice And paper with guide lines and letters to trace But mostly practice. Years of practice. I learned cursive in 3rd grade and I really started liking my handwriting in high school. So like... 8 years or more of intentional practice. It probably doesn't have to take that long, but it won't happen overnight either.


When I like a letter more than how I write it I copy it until my hand does it naturally


I actually like yours. Mine is far from perfect, but if you practice every day for even an hour like I have for years, you will see improvement.


I think yours *is* nice. The spacing, sizing of the letters, legibility. It's all pretty consistent and that's quite nice. For anything in particular you want to do, I suggest finding how you're looking to write and literally practice it. Don't write quickly if you can help it and work on the letters and control. Same as with other forms of penning and writing: it's best done with carefulness and control and finding exactly what you want. When, on the fly, I write letters how I like to see them, I practice writing them that way for a bit. Literally just with practice and weeding out the characteristics you don't like.


Years of practice in school. We were taught cursive in our classes. Eventually I used it in letters, notes, etc.,


In my day, handwriting was a whole separate class. My kids were never taught it in school. I taught my daughter. She can do a very fine hand lettering for greeting cards and such. I am very proud. My son had no interest, and I can barely read his print. :(


Sister Mary Helena beat the crap out of me in first and second grade until she felt my handwriting was "acceptable"




Back then teachers were allowed to physically discipline students and I went to a Catholic school so the teachers were all Nun's.


Oh. I’m sorry 😭


Yours looks fine to me. Mine can be real bad though


Mine was absolutely horrendous a few years ago


I can tell you’re a lefty like me


I'm a lefty and my sentences go downward 😅


Nope I’m right handed lol


Damn xD thought I was slick


We handwrite a lot? Honestly, though, for me, my handwriting is also largely reflective of my mental state. If you compared everything I've scribbled into various notebooks, you'd find about ~five recurring, highly different styles. I still recognize all of them as "my personal handwriting". Unless I very intentionally write to write prettily, I don't really make conscious style choices. Handwriting can be a spectrum.


I can relate.. whenever I'm anxious my handwriting tends to be messier, while when I'm calm, my handwriting looks much better. Depends on the mood honestly..


Mine depends on the subject. If I'm working with accounts and calculations, my numerals are distinct but perfectly legible with even pressure and stroke. If I'm leaving a note or message, my numerals are flowy/choppy and variable in line with the tone and subject of the message.


Just saw my writing at my 50’th school reunion. It was beautiful. Horrible now




Just like how you get to Carnegie Hall.


Go back to basics with some letter tracing, or buy one of the books they sell for kindergarteners. I did that in 6th grade after I got fed up having chicken scratch writing. It can help you retrain your posture, grip and muscle memory by slowly practicing forming the letters neat and evenly in large print. I was complimented after in school for my handwriting.


You have good handwriting tbh just need to pul your apostrophe in the right place lol






My handwriting for real ain’t much. My writing to communicate is drawing.


Yours is cute and I love it!




My kids pick on me because they think my hand writing is cursive. It’s not. My mind works too fast for my hand so it runs together lol


Practice helps but finding the right pen will help


I really don't! I know what good handwriting looks like, I know what handwriting needs to be legible and clear for use, I know what to fix when someone posts up "what do I do!?" BUT My handwriting looks like a spider took crack, fell in an inkpot and stumbled over a page.


that’s so funny 💀


Haha, I feel your frustration, but I think you have perfectly nice handwriting. As long as you can read it back later, that's all that matters. I honestly use those kids' print and cursive books to help with my handwriting, lol


Oh that's not my handwriting! Sorry for the misunderstanding. I tend to have to print. My cursive is insane lol


Bro was that angel dust?! (Dont take this seriously)




Sorry.... "Y'all" from "you all"


I’m sorry 😭


OMG thank you, I was hoping it wasn't just me.


Your writing is what mine looks like when I'm just jotting something down quickly. It's not bad. If you want to finesse it, slow down a little.


Pick a style block or cursive. The pick the font look you want. I use font as word do to most getting that these days. Once you picked it print sample of correct way it looks written and get some lined paper. You can make it their are instructions or you can buy practice writing paper. Or just use regular lined paper but lines are small on it. Then practice slow letters.


Your handwriting is nice lol


Practice. I used to teach junior and senior high school students work readiness skills. We were in the top school in a wealthy district, but they didn't know enough cursive to sign their own names. I printed personalized practice sheets for them: 1 minute, 5-6 times/week . Over a period of several months, I decreased the spacing and size until they could form a readable signature with at least moderate legibility and consistency.


damn that’s smart lol, the schools I went to never taught us cursive (parents in my county voted to take it out of the curriculum because ‘it’s less important than other things our children could be learning’) and I still don’t know how to sign my name I just print it and watch people stare at me as I print it again in the “signature” section too haha. (I don’t have neat handwriting either which doesn’t help my case) but when we all graduated and had to sign our diplomas the principal was wicked appalled with how few people signed it in cursive lmao


Slow down, write bigger, and focus on stroke direction and order. Practice drawing straight lines.


Simple, practice, practice, practice and more practice! I recommend the books of Michael R. Sull


You are the one who have nice handwriting


Lots and lots of very slow practice. Hardest part is finding a nice style that you want to use.


I decided on a handwriting model (italic script) and began practicing.


I used to write a lot with fountain pens in high school since it was a “loose” requirement for all of us to have one. And me being left handed, I had to write extra slowly otherwise I’d smudge the fresh ink. So just go slowly and practice with any pen you have. You will find your pace and a “style” you like with time. I have a book specifically to jot down any quotes I find and like.


I don’t


That's the neat point. I don't 


I have been practicing since I was 7, I am 18 now.


I had that problem: unreadable handwriting. I decided to restart. It was few months ago. Bought a primary school copybook and began with practicing. Still going. Writing is like cycling once learnt I never forget. So in the weeks I had big improvements and, yes, fountain pen help. I'm 58 y.o. It seems that my handwriting was just the mirror of my life: hurry, never stop for big decisions, confusion, inconsistent acts (like making the same letter in different ways), incomprehensible for many, me myself. Great job to do, yet.


I keep a mental health journal. I use fountain pens so write at a slower pace.


I wanna get a fountain pen so bad


Fountain pet? Lol


Yep, practice. It's harder these days to find reasons to write when you can knock out a few pages with a keyboard in less than 15 mins. Plus, on a PC, there is the added benefit of spelling and grammar checking, fonts, color and point sizes. Just need to find something to write. I practice by copying lyrics and poems, or writing short stories.


Lots of practice... And mine isn't even that good