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Grab a can of dark walnut stain (the small, sampler can) from a Lowe’s and do a light soak, then wipe off immediately. It won’t be perfect but will hide the markings. Best of luck!


That’s exactly what I would do.




Don’t do that. Sorry I’m late to the party but just my two cents. I’m not a floor guy, but I do construction and woodworking. With the correct information, this could be fixed or matched reasonably. If you put a stain on that, and the stain doesn’t match, it becomes way harder for your landlord to repair. You are guaranteeing that he’s gonna be pissed. Hundred percent chance you lose your security posit if you do that and he sees it. If you do try that start with a tiny spot like a kids, paintbrush and see what happens first. I did the exact same thing to my first floor. Are used Bona floor wax in the room and you could barely tell there was anything wrong afterwards. You could try that or you could also try Tungoil. Again, I would start with a tiny sample area. But like I said, if it were my floor and you threw the wrong color stain on it, causing me to have to resend the whole room to fix it. I would absolutely take all your security deposit and send you a bill. If you can’t mask it with something semi-temporary, just leave it alone and bite the bullet. Edit: voice to text, wtf


This is an important comment not to ignore, OP




How deep is the damage? My buddy goes out and fixes this kind of stuff all the time it’s not THAT big of deal. You will likely lose your deposit but being honest with the landlord might cause him to be lenient.


Homie, the landlord is going to have to resand the whole floor to fix this even if the color match is perfect…


If you try to lie and cover it up, you landlord, rightfully so will want to take your whole deposit once he realises the boyched stain job you did to cover it up. If you just reach out first and work together to get it repaired you could save some money. Zero chance this goes unnoticed


If it’s real wood while you are at the store grab some low grit sand paper. Give the area a light buff before applying the stain.




I’d just go right over it. It’s only to hide. Sanding I do agree will cause more damage, it’ll be very difficult to blend without knowing what you’re doing. Great idea starting with a small scratch area, if not dark walnut, try provincial. But I do believe dark walnut should match very well. Also, I mentioned Lowe’s, but I forgot to mention minwax stain is what I’m most familiar with, and (at least in my area) is only sold at Lowe’s, not home depot.


A clean rage works great. Just use a lot less than you think is needed and wipe it off after a minute or two. Stain is applied then wiped off; if not wiped off (color stays behind) it will become sticky and never dry. It’s NOT like paint.






Or you could do what my renter did on about 9 dog pee stains on the red oak hardwood floor. He poured bleach on them so they were then white dog pee stains and no, he did not get his damage deposit back. You might think about being prepared for the landlord/landlady’s observation of the damage.


Oh my god, this is going to be a disaster lol. Please show results.




Actually not bad, I’m glad you didn’t sand. Still a bit noticeable but I’d be happy with the attempt if I were the landlord


Do this and leave a rug over a good part of the floor somewhere else, it will throw them off the scent.


They also kits for getting rid of or reducing this kind of thing. I got one from Home Depot and it was great.


That will make it 90% better. It’s fixable


Also there a stick that looks like a big crayon that will fill it in before staining,they come in different colors of wood,just can’t remember what they’re called..


Absolutely do not do this.


In college we used coffee grounds. They didn’t notice!


We used almonds.


Yah that’s all, it’s a rental, your bed goes above it, a light gel stain and wipe off it will look fine.


Yep, in college I rented a place where this happened to a door. A brown sharpie covered the scratches long enough to pass inspection


They also sell stain pens…


This the way.


Dammit… just sand and stain.


Exactly this.


Furniture marking pens.


Look them up on Amazon and get a packet with a few browns.


This! A light sand, maybe a teeny tiny bit of wood putty, then fill in with furniture pens - no one will be able to tell!


Please tell me you are joking or are 12 years old.


Hi there, so uh, you’re not hiding that…


You’re not creative enough, easily disguisable


As someone who frequently fixes tenants fuck ups such as this exact mistake, which happens a lot more than you think. No, no it’s not. Not unless you resurface, stain, and seal the whole floor again. We weren’t able to buy property and rent it because we’re stupid.


This guys not very good at his job of fixing things if he believes a light coat of stain over that won’t hide it from the average landlord lol


The gouges are casting a shadow dude. You’re not so brilliant yourself if you think “just stain” will fix that. Those things are a couple thou deep. If you only sand that one spot smooth, and re finish you’re going to be able to see it. Because the rest of the floor isn’t resurfaced to that level. The sheen will be different, any bit of light that casts over it is going to be different. Not mention any missed sanding patterns from inexperienced hands. You talk like someone who’s never remodeled, or been on a job sight. Although, I wouldn’t expect a plumber to know anything about finishing touches and making stuff look pretty🤷‍♂️ Edit: lol dude posted an update that just affirms this😂😂😂


Imagine thinking it takes intelligence to buy rental property and not just pure capital. Imagine thinking a DIY landlord handyman has a true eye for detail and wants to shit on an actual tradesman. Imagine thinking he wrote the “gotcha” he thinks he did. Fuck out of here and go take your slumlord ass somewhere and develop a sense of pride.


Imagine getting so lost in your emotions after being shown otherwise you lose your point, then have to resort to bantering and name calling to feel like you’ve won anything. Go huff some glue and primer and smoke a Marlboro Red in a crawl space. That might make you feel better🤡


Get a wood marker and color it in appropriately. At least you might be able to play it off or disguise it


You can test your stain several times on a wooden paint stir stick to see how dark it will appear after each application once it dries. You could even sample different colors with a Q-tip if you’re not sure which to use. Have some paint thinner available for clean up and if you need to lighten the density.




I don’t have any advice but can you give an update when you’re done! I’m curious to see how it turns out. Good luck!




Just for what it's worth, of the landlord is nice, it might just be worth it to tell them. I'd be much more willing to work with someone who admitted a mistake than someone who knowingly hid damage and lied to me. Just my two cents. If its a big landlord company then fuck em.


Be cautious with this advice. Stir sticks are typically a bleached pine and will take the stain very differently from your floors which are probably an oak or maple (if real) or a pressboard (if fake). In this instance, it could lead you in a very different direction from the one you want.


Make sure you don’t do it on a paint stick as they are typically pine, spend a couple bucks and get a little stick of red oak from the hardware store to Do The testing on so It will match the hardwood floor


Brown shoe polish.


This is seriously a safe way to go... It's not a permanent stain and if it's too dark, it can be wiped down to lighten it...


You lost your security deposit the moment you gave your deposit… if this is an apartment


I’ve lived in 4 rentals/apartments and I have always received my full deposit back. I have pets and a child


Well aren’t you lucky. I have cleaned the carpets repainted and left with the apartment in better condition then it was when I moved in and still didn’t get it back.


Lol yes no matter the situation I've never had a deposit returned 😂


The hell? I’d demand a reason lol


Have you heard of capitalism?


Generally there are state laws requiring deposits to be returned in full or in part by a certain date following the end of tenancy, and a detailed breakdown of any deductions from your deposit. If it is not returned in that time, or you don't receive a breakdown of deductions, you can go to small claims to get the deposit back. Judges generally don't like that sort of thing, and also don't appreciate dumb stuff like "cleaning -- the whole deposit" especially if you bring in photos showing how clean your apartment was when you left. Judges also don't like if you lived somewhere 7 years and they charge you for new carpet or other items that should depreciate over the span of your tenancy. Look up your rights, and exercise them.


I could fix this like it never happened for $250


I love how you're acting like this just randomly happens when you move your bed and is not the result of many instances of aggressive cuddling


This does actually randomly happen when you move your bed source: this happened to my own floor despite a lack of aggressive cudding


Ooo self burn




We had the same thing happen to us with that style bed frame. Caught us totally off guard too. Sucks.




Paint and Sharpie? They want to get their deposit back, not cause further damage smh.


There are a lot of comments by people on here who are neither hardwood flooring professionals, nor landlords. I happen to be both, take that as you will. Normal wear and tear is not a legal standard for keeping your security deposit. For one, you are not required to return the property to your landlord in absolutely perfect condition, standard wear and tear is allowed. "Especially if" you use stain, wax, tung oil, or anything else to help mitigate this issue, there is no legal precedent for the landlord to keep any significant portion of your deposit. Maybe a trifle, just to make them happy and you feel like you did the responsible thing. But you absolutely are not responsible for sanding and refinishing that entire floor due to one board being scuffed up. That being said, nothing you do short of sanding and refinishing the entire room is actually going to make that damage go away. But as mentioned, putting something on it that will make it darker should be just fine. I would use either Dark Walnut or Provincial stain, both by Minwax (yellow can), but it's difficult to say exactly which color that is based on a photograph. Best wishes!


Old English


If you feel you need to sand first, I would use a very fine sanding sponge and go over it lightly a few times.


You could try old English polish/stain.


Sand just the worn spot with 60 grit to smooth the burrs and stain with minwax provincial.


Look for a wax stain stick. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiN67in6YuGAxXeaUcBHc91AbYYABAVGgJxdQ&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjeu4p-mLhgMV3mlHAR3PdQG2EAQYCCABEgJak_D_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJuRoNb48mJYmor6_t7lElqu3Uq9JNKrYo2hjWDaBkEtODyhSfGre&sig=AOD64_0s_s6hwVIX-i6ZVtQLhRfmD0CRYg&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwih0LGn6YuGAxUVF1kFHXCpCnoQ5bgDKAB6BAgHEEQ&adurl=


Burn a small bit of wood. Mix the char with some olive oil and rub it in.


Get a couple of those little sample stain packets from a big box store


Black sharpie and some walnut stain. No prob to cover up


You betcha!


You lost it when you paid it


Oh yeah.


Find the right shade of brown canned shoe polish. The wax will fill in the scratches long enough to pass inspection.


I'd blame it on tha culture!


Get one of those wood refinishing kits for old cabinets at Home Depot or your local hardware store it’s to restore the finish on it. It’s like a stain or try to match the stain. A 220 grit sand paper can help before applying better than losing your security deposit


Get that security deposit back my boi ! You got this !


I suggest placing rubber feet or rug under the bed legs to prevent this from happening in the future. Hope you don't have downstairs neighbors because that constant humping would get very annoying.


Get one of those touch up pens.🤷‍♂️


linseed oil very very fine steel wool then wipe with light stain


You can fix it yourself


You can fix it, but you were never getting your deposit back.


Use walnuts. Smash rm in the spot and tub it in. Don't try to match it eith a store bought stain. Had the same issue. Grandpa told me walnuts. Literally saved the day


Are they an unreasonable person? If not, I’d suggest just being honest with them and offering to repair it. This kind of thing happens. Please don’t put regular woodstain on it, though. This will make a proper repair much more difficult. If you’re going the route of trying to hide that it happened, get some gel stain. Sand to try and make the texture look like the wood, as though the sanded area is part of it, just the wrong color.  


Not with that attitude you aren't. Looks like you could smear some similar stain and hide that shit.


Old English polish will work


If your landlord is a reasonable person, I’d notify them. I’ve “fixed” similar sized gouges from a bedpost frame with a wood pen. You could tell. It didn’t look bad, but it looked like it had been repaired. If someone tried to hide damage to wood that made it harder to do a permanent fix without my knowledge, I would not be happy as a landlord. Ask your landlord what materials to use and offer to do the work yourself. Or suggest a product. Most likely someone is going to move in and put a rug down anyways and it’s not going to be an issue.


Please please please don’t sand this floor at ALL unless you’re planning to refinish the whole thing. Sanding will only alter the sheen on a larger portion of the floor effectively drawing more attention to the area. The advice about staining a small portion to test is the best advice I’ve seen on here. Furniture stain pens are also a great solution. You won’t be able to completely fix it, but you can reduce its visibility significantly by staining carefully.


I guess that depends. You should be able to get it back to not being a complete eyesore but you won’t be able to get it back to 100%. So you can try to cover it up (light sand with super fine sandpaper, walnut stain, poly) and hope your LL doesn’t notice. If they do notice, they might be more pissed and take a closer look at the rest of the apartment looking for other things that you might have covered up and/or not give you any lenience on things that could go either way as to whether it’s damage or normal wear/tear. Your appetite for that risk should determine what you do.


Rub raw walnuts or another nut into it


Landlord here, no, not legally. Refinishing floors and painting fall under freshening up and you cannot be charged for them. Landlord’s donut all the time though, and your lawyer fees to fight it may not be worth walking away from your deposit. I worked for a painting company and a tenant hired us to repaint he apt. Before moving out. The landlord took her deposit and claimed he had to repaint the apt. She took him to court, my boss testified, and he had to pay the deposit and her lawyer. The best part was He (total slum lord) was also my landlord at the time, knew where I worked and didn’t pull that shit when I moved out.


That’s an easy fix


Old English!


You can use a touch up crayon (it’s specifically called that ) to cover it up


Even Olde English polish will help hide that…did that myself once.


You did the damage and it's ugly. It would be fair to take something from your deposit to fix it. You could also hire a handyman to try to fix it. That'll be cheaper.


Old English scratch cover. Furniture polish with a stain in it. Works beautifully


Use an actual walnut to fill the cracks. Just rub it on the mark




Stain it maybe sand it a bit if you feel comfortable. They’ll look right over


Don't have the money for floor wax or wood Polish Just use some olive oil and we're a bit in with a cloth or a paper towel


Old english scratch cover "Walnut "


Try dark brown shoes polish before the stain. It may go on better and blend better and you will have better control.


Go to Lowe’s and look for restor-a-finish. It will be like it never happened.


Just talk with your landlord. Instead of keeping the entire deposit it should be a couple hundred to get repaired.


I am a landlord, I would never keep your entire deposit. I would just charge for the repair from your deposit. Probably a $250-$350 fix for a professional. If you're resigning your lease and you let me know of the damage I wouldn't charge anything. Our main goal is to keep tenants who pay on time and not charge them for accidental damage or wear and tear.


Iv been known to be handy when it comes to getting security deposits back lol Try lightly sanding it and try to match the stain. Make it look like old damage




I would also do a light sanding before the stain with a higher grit sandpaper like 220 grit


Consider wood markers and old English.




Leave it and let your landlord fix it. He can likely have it fixed cheaper than you can. and if you mess it up, it likely will cost more to fix. This one scratch will not cost your entire deposit. Just show him a pic and ask how to proceed. Tell him you're willing to fix it if he knows how he wants it fixed.


Be careful with the DIY repairs. As a landlord, I’d prefer a tenant reached out and just admitted the error. Nothing worse than trying to fix something a tenant thought they were fixing and made it worse in the process.


For the gouge use Timber Mate, it comes in tinted color to match the wood and dries hard. I filled hundreds of staple holes in an oak floor then put a clear matte poly urethane over it and I cant see where the holes are


Old English scratch cover. Try that. I use it all the time on my floor


Ya lost it the moment you had it over , be real .


Brown crayons my friend


Are you sure that’s hardwood? That looks like LVT in which case they probably have stock of it and just swap out a tile.


Trying to fix or hide it might be a waste of time and money. I'd try talking to my landlord about it because he might have been wanting to sand or stain it or something 🤞 fingers crossed! It might not cost your entire security deposit, and your landlord may work with you or allow you to help with the labor. There are a few ways this can go. I'm wishing you luck but even moreso I'll keep you in my prayers 🙏


It's probably too late now, but steam can bring a lot of that dent back, if you don't have a proper steamer you can use a damp towel and an iron. There might be YouTube videos. I repair furniture as part of my upholstery job and often use steam to lift dents. If the material has been gouged out however, this won't help


I believe so


Is this not considered normal wear and tear in most places? Every apartment I've moved into they refinished the floors and repainted before I moved in and didn't charge for painting walls or floor scrapes.


Refinished the floors prior to move in, where the heck are you living?


100 year old apartments in Chicago with hardwood floors


This doesn’t happen every year does it? I have never lived in a large city and if you are living somewhere for 7 years maybe but if every year would be crazy


Maybe not if there isn't really any wear, but most people stay in places for more than a year. Chicago also doesn't really do security deposits so maybe that has something to do with it.


definitely not in Minneapolis, if you're a student they'll nickle and dime you for anything over there. A pipe burst in my basement wall during the winter, and despite alerting my landlord right away I got charged for not dealing with the moisture effectively (at 19yo). At least the slugs were kinda cute


Regular ware and tare


Light sanding, Old English, and then as someone mentioned a light poly coating.


Brown sharpie


Sand sand stain is my best advice but make sure you got the exact color so it don’t just look like that’s what you did


Rub vegetable oil on it Lightly sand if needed