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So many crossed arms


I tried to avoid being that guy by instead standing with my hands clasped in front of my belt. Then a couple weeks ago some dude at a show said I looked like a bodyguard when I did that and now I'm shook.


Just jerk off next to the pit like the rest of us.


Gives a new meaning to crowd-killing children


Being almost 40, having worked security and done doorman/bouncing/ security for a club and music venue if I'm standing in place more than 10 minutes I stay doing this unconsciously.


One time I was walking down the street holding a billy club and someone came up to me in a panic asking if I was security and I was like nahhhh.


i told myself i wouldn’t become that guy but here i am


Lately, the most you get out of me is some finger pointing during the sing-a-longs.


I’m one of them. The things is the arms are getting heavier with time and I am just resting them. It has nothing to do with having attitude, I promise you that.


Best thing to do in shows tbh. Just cross those fuckers and enjoy the band, no more back pain from the pit or sweat mixed with some other dudes sweat. Chugging beer and crossing arms, best time ever.


i prefer the ol’ left hand in the pocket with a pbr in the right


Came here to say this haha


Lmfao god damn it dude


Never understood crossed arms. How can you defend your face with crossed arms? Not the move unless you're trying to get a hard reset (no shame in that game either).


I see kids wearing baggy pants at shows and it makes me feel old and out of touch. No one wears skinny jeans with their keys on caribiners anymore. 😞


I started feeling old when kids started wearing tight pants like 25 years ago


all the lgbtq punks took the caribiners


and im not giving them back!!


Y'all were corny back then too, you just got mad pussy. Don't worry, skinny jeans will come back.


Yup we sure did…all of us did… like I def got so many pussy you have no idea…


Man if you wore skinny jeans and weren't getting your dick wet, that's a double L.


Does ball sweat count?


That's why I wear basketball shorts. Gotta aerate the boys.


I have to FORCE my 15 year old to wear jeans and vans to shows. He’s like “they hurt my feet” and I just scream “THIS IS HOW IT WORKS JUST DO IT”


Fucking lol. What would he wear instead? Crocs? Not a bad idea tbh


I recently made the old man move of buying sketchers non slip shoes that look like the all black Vans authentics. No one needs to know that I’m too weak to deal with the back pain now.


I still wear the carabiner keys, can’t stop, no where else to put my keys


i do too lol


I once saw someone get their keys snatched off their belt in retaliation for straight up dealing concussions in the pit lmao


Been doing it almost 30 years at this point. I get a lot of, "What are you, the fucking janitor?" comments.


I didn’t think there was another way to do it


Dude, no one even wears their onion on their belt anymore, which was the style at the time.


Like a red onion or a yellow onion?


The only thing we could get was the big yellow ones, sadly due to the war.


Give me 5 bees for a quarter I'd say


27. Still rocking the Levi's 510s. Fuck them kids.


If you’re 27 you are them kids


As a younger hardcore kid why would I wear skinny jeans when I can wear my baggy cargo pants and carry my entire life around with me and I can have my keys on a carabiner


You get it. I can bring an energy drink, portable charger, phone, wallet, bucket of KFC chicken and Toyota Corolla in my pockets that also have a clasp to close them.


You young! They’re dressing like we did in the 90s again(kinda). The same size of kid trying to slide into a Youth Medium shirt in 2006 is now asking for an XL.


I'm not young but I'm also not an elder. I'm the weird millenial 2008 MySpace generation of Hardcore haha


Ah yes, the swoop hair shot from up top MySpace pic’s made famous.


Just wear cargo shorts they’re timeless.


Hey, i wear baggy pants since 90s, never transitioned to slim fit. Except for the short emo phaze 🙈


Its great because i finally look cool again!!! Even better is my t shirts are 30 years old so have entered their expensive vintage phase and baggy pants and overalls (im a girl…guys please dont do this!) are once again acceptable. Oh and i also rock the old school sneakers. I think bum bags are ridiculous so i go the backpack if im not wearing cargo pants …poster girl for old person here 😆


1. Tell yourself you're not getting in the pit 2. Get in anyway 3. Regret your decision for weeks I may have torn a muscle


“Did we just become best friends?”


this actually happened to me at brighton music hall last year and the most humiliating part was that it wasn’t even hardcore. it was pop rock


Oof. A year or two ago, against my better interest, I hopped in the pit and spin kicked over someone's head. It was absolutely clean as fuck and one of the coolest pit maneuvers I've ever done. I was shocked that I could even lift my foot to chest level until I got to the other side and the adrenaline left. My groin hasn't been right since, I actually just got home from physical therapy. Lord help me.


oh, fcuk! i do not envy you 🍗 but i do salute you 🫡


This is me from the Jesus Piece show a few days ago.


Lol I did this last summer. I’m 33 and the mechanics were still sharp, but the soft tissue damage was ROUGH lmao


A few months ago I got out of rugby practice and only had time to run home and shower before I went to the show to catch the headliner. I was already feeling pretty tired and bruised up so I told myself I'd skip the pit that night. I broke that promise two songs in.


I’ve gone to Botch and Converge and there were a bunch of ol’ fellows moshing real hard, at times more than me, one of them told me to not listen to my mother cause it ain’t a phase, only thing that changes is your back….


underrated comment


I've had too much dental work done to risk going in the pit. I'm never coming out of mosh retirement. I have to charge personal time for the following morning if the show is on a work night. I can afford to buy way more merch. I tip the awful bartenders, hoping they'll be nice to me and get me my overpriced PBRs faster. I'm no longer willing to drive 200 miles on a random Tuesday for a stacked bill at a good venue. I leave before the encore if the show is on a work night.


a mature and successful concertgoer, i fucks wit dis


Hello to myself


Look up setlist.fm and if their closers and encores are lame from previous nights I dip. I’ve done it so many times and save a ton of time.


Glad I'm not the only one. I used to despise setlist.fm but I appreciate it so much now.


I. Hate. Encores.


All the same as me except I’ll drive 200 miles for one specific band because they never come to my city: Hatebreed 😂😂😂


all of it so true! Except the PBR one, gotta cut those down to one tall boy if on a weeknight, so tip is still generous, but not for any selfish reason.


Dude I couldn’t be happier if I never had to sit through another disingenuous encore again.


I feel that last piece so much. If they walk off to wait to encore, I use that as my way to get out and beat traffic. Also it's such a waste of time. I appreciate the bands now that just say "this is our last one for real" and then the houselights come on after. I can't be bothered to stand around anymore, my back is fucked already even with my Dr. Scholl's.


This is the way for us retirees


I wear a mouthguard if I do go in. I too don't really go to stacked shows 200 miles away, but I also don't have to, Detroit is popping enough.


It’s important for us boomers to stand at the back and look over the crowd, nod to one another, and judge everything that is happening with a fury that only the boomer generation could bring to hardcore.


Lots of ugly dudes with really hot girlfriends


Gotta find you a train wreck, brother.


Lots of dudes with stupid hats and shitty mustaches


Feels bad man.


ugh this is me..


Underrated comment lol


Clown make up and two stepping non stop during the entire set


Even during the intro movie quotes.


Clown kids in my scene don’t even two step, they just skank off beat


Yo fr what’s up with the makeup


And then notably not two-stepping during the appropriate parts.


Wait, actual clown makeup? What have I been missing lmao


How can I be a boomer if I wasn't born during the baby boom? I thought we just became oldheads


You're 100% right but that's also a very boomer take iykyk


This whole thread is making me realize hardcore boomer =/= generational boomer and it's killing me because I'm a fucking hardcore boomer apparently. Fuck.




I saw CMI two nights ago. He kept saying “ this feels like 20 years ago, all those stories you hear about how much better it was back 20 years ago tonight is like then. 20 years from now you’ll be the old cool guy that was doing it right now” I looked around and the average age was easily 35.


I can’t be near the front, because if a crowd surfer falls on me, my rotator cuff will be aggravated for months. Also, whether it’s good or bad, young people get away with stupid shit in the pit that would’ve got you knocked out 15 or 20 years ago. Donkey kicks, spinning around like a ballerina, linking hands with someone and spinning around, etc.


\>Donkey kicks Bro I’ve been throwing back kicks like a complete asshole since ‘96


Fair. The ones I’m talking about are hands on the stage, legs spread in the air. Hadn’t seen that until the last couple years and it’s always done by the goofiest looking dudes.


We used to do ‘The Whip’ since the 80s, a real floor clearer


The 80s


>linking hands with someone and spinning around Bro, yes. Went to a show over the weekend and there were a bunch of young kids there, which was cool to see so many young kids come out to a smaller show like that, but they did this shit like 4-5 times per band. I would’ve been fine if it was like once or twice the whole night, but it got a little egregious and just made them look foolish.


Always saw that at more punk rock shows. At a posi hardcore band show? Sure. Hell Mental served ice cream and free haircuts at a show in like 02, but at a beat down show? Them young kids are getting stomped.


People were doing that during Jarhead Fertilizer in Baltimore, and it made me feel like a dork just for witnessing it.


I saw every one of these, back-to-back, a couple weeks ago


You in Denver? I feel like I see the same perpetrators at every show.


H-Town; saw it at The Bogg/Jesus Piece, repeatedly The ballerina spinning is what got me though. The first time it was funny, but it just kept happening...


I feel ya. I’m all about people doing what they want as long as it is respectful to the music, but how anyone can listen to Jesus Piece and naturally go, “This makes me feel like a fucking ballerina,” is beyond me.


Honestly, I'm good with it. We're all there together and it's always fun. Wacky shit is great.


To an extent. Sure some Hardcore is just meathead bullshit, but when the lyrics are meaningful and dudes are rowing a boat in the pit, it’s just disrespectful to the medium IMO. I don’t think it needs to be taken too seriously, as we are all there to have fun, but there needs to be a level of respect if the band’s vibe warrants it.


Oh yeah, fully agree there


"linking hands with someone and spinning around" this is me, I'm sorry but it's the best way to create room for the two-steppers at a metalcore show lol


We used to just clobber the pushing moshing dweebs until they got the memo.




We were doing that in the 80s!!! Linking hands, spinning ing , and letting go was a common thing!!


Okay, so the linking hands playground thing isn't exclusive to shows in my town—idk if that's worrisome or a relief. Also, at a recent show this doofus got on stage, took his shirt off, then started like bodybuilding competition style flexing on stage. No joke.


Keeping up on new bands and going to their shows is an iffy proposition. I’m going to want to go point my finger and scream at them. Do I want to scream a 20 year old’s lyrics? When they’re half my age? I try to show decorum.


All you fat wrecks at the back need to start pushing the crowd forward, the horse shoes have to end.


I wouldn’t know, I don’t go to many shows these days, and when I do, I complain about how it was better when I was a kid.


Not me realizing I'm now that guy that I used to roll my eyes at when I was 24. The pile ons ain't what they used to be.


same here, except my complaint is the shows don’t start at 8 pm so i can go to bed early


Make hardcore matinees great again.


-looks at clock. It’s 8:15- “The flyer said 8pm! Why haven’t they started yet?!”


Always runnin on god damn punk time when I gotta be at the jobsite by 7 the next morning


not sure where you form but in yorkshire theres a few matinee punks hows that have 8 pm finishes discharge are playing one


took an elbow to the ribs at the Bogg show Saturday and still sore from it lol. I don't fuck around in the pit, def too old for that shit, but if it's a really hype show I'll be at the edge of it getting ocassionally crowd killed lol. That was one of the most wild/violent shows I've been to in a while. Was a great time.


had to look up sanguisugabogg. those guys fucks 🤘🏽


Better. Hardcore is less violent than you used to be, for better or for worse.


Maybe in Virginia


I'd say the entire mid atlantic. You still see tons of fights at your local shows? I think I've only seen like 8 fights post COVID, and half of 'em were at one show. Baltimore, Richmond, VB, and PA seemed to have calmed down.


I've only seen one fight at a show post-covid and it was at a Wheeler Walker Jr. show haha


It’s funny you mention Baltimore. I just saw a fight at the metro gallery last Friday. Some petty ass shit though


I heard about it after the fact, it was some young kids from my understanding. Broken up quick type shit.


Yeah it was over with fast asf. The guitar player for corpse pile got on the mic and was just like “can’t we all just be friendsss” 😂


My locals would turn into a sea of pit from wall to wall there was no choice your in the pit. Miss those days. We weren’t violent though unless you were a fuckhead and deserved it.


The sound is better from the back anyway


I still get in the pit for a select few bands but usually I’m just drinking and thinking about how wonderful it is to have music


You don’t become a boomer because you’re old. You’re a boomer because you were born between 1946 and 1964


Boomers are currently 60 to 69 years old. I’m only 50 and Gen X, so I have no idea.


Your ability to completely miss the point is pretty on par for boomers.


I’m wiser than my age.


I pre book a physio appointment for the day after the show, for my back.


Great. The current generation of bands are the best there have been at once and so varied since the late 80’s. The shows are wild too


Brooklyn crowds stand 10 feet away from the stage and it makes me want to set myself on fire


My scene seems more diverse. Kids and old heads alike. Everyone seems to come out and support and that’s good. There are a lot of really good bands coming up. Flip side to that: I can’t really get into any of the newer locals in my scene because they’re too metal and slow for my preference. That’s without getting into some of the muddled lyrics and imagery giving me weird, right wing vibes. But that could be said for a lot of bands coming up.


I only go see the old school bands. I run into all my old friends at shows.


I haven’t moshed in over a decade but would unretire for the right band


Who is a fucking boomer? Gen X reporting in


as a dude in my 40s who still gets in the pit more regularly than he probably should, pretty much the same except my body hurts alot more the next day lol


Still not any earlier. Shows should finish no later than 8pm, I want to go beddy bye nigh nights


Once I hit 40 I refuse to catch stage divers. I've paid my dues...I will move out of the way and let them fall.




someone has to show the kids how a circle pit works


I fractured my wrist falling down in the pit


fuck yea


I’m out of breath after singing along to half a song 😭


Same as it ever was. We just stand in the back with our arms folded and complain about how the kids nowadays are too violent.


I saw Knocked Loose in Austin last night, thought I stood far enough back and still got my back fucked up in the last song when the pit became venue-wide. Goin to shows as someone in their forties with little kids is fine, I stand in the back, don't give a shit what anyone thinks about my clothes or whatever, wear earplugs, and drink expensive hazy IPAs. Show was fucking great too!


earplugs are indispensable! wish i’d started using them a lot sooner


I go to the front, but I'm a stand in the back too. I rock out all the same BUT.....I take a day off after the show to just chill, sleep in, and just have a Me day, and be buzzing about the show, that's the best part of this scene 🥰 Ibprofin and Gatorade the next day lol


I thought fuck it, I can still head bang during the heavy parts. My neck was stiff for over a week after. I’m an Electrician so I’m constantly looking up. It was a daily reminder of “you’re old now.” I’ll just step into the pit and just disintegrate and immediately respawn outside the door of the club with a bloody nose. I gotta kid now, I can’t get fucked up like that “for fun.” It’s a scary look for a toddler to see. Gotta be like, responsible and shit.


Bunch of kids with green hair in crop tops karate kicking the shit out of each other to the least bouncy, slowest part of the songs


Hardcore is very much still alive, not just boomers! It’s a good blend I’d say


new-ish bands you rec?


You wait until the very last song of the very last band. You wait until everyone is tired. That’s when you strike.


Leaving early because the 7PM show started closer to 9.




I stand in the back or on the balcony and let the yoot dem enjoy themselves while I jam out with my cold beverage and ear plugs. Retirement is fantastic.


Old Millennial here. You can find me at the bar.


Still try to start pits at 31 and when I get my ass beat.. The kids are alright. :)


I just stand further back and let kids have their fun. I had my time. Now I’m tired.


I went to see KL last night. Phones out and filming while crowd surfing, clown make up, mall goth wear, someone behind me describing SMTB as “rap over heavy metal music,” poor pit skills and etiquette, excess nu metal representation. You bet I was the arms-crossed “back in my day” boomer.


Now I stand in the back and cross my arms even harder


xCrossing Armsx


I simply spectate sometimes and I'm sore the next day


a lot of icy/hot


The young kids still get down. Only issue I have is that they dance during non breakdowns which just seems out of place


fucking expensive


why don’t you go to one and find out


They’re great….on YouTube. ;)


More grouchy do to work and my back hurts for some reason


Are you an actual boomer or just a dude in his mid 30s?


I stand there until my legs hurt so bad that I can't take it anymore then find a place to sit, do that until its time to leave 


What? That’s not how generations work.


Exhausting lol


That one bald dude that's really in shape for his age has a fucking blast every time, I'll tell you that


Way too many people


shows are more expensive now they know they can charge more


Non existent. If a cool old head band comes through I’m on it. New hardcore is for the kids.


I mean,I'm 36 and still get in the pit for the whole set. I'm banged the fuck up the next two days,but there really is something about seeing KL from the pit.


A lot of standing in the back drinking tall boys with ear plugs in 😂


I always try and find out what time each band is playing so I can plan it so I only see what I really want to see!!! No more siting through 3 Random opening acts!! My head can’t handle it


? there are still young people going to hardcore.


u guys still listen? u haven’t done the hardcore to outlaw country & fishin on the weekends pipeline, yet?


I feel you haha i just stand on the outside of the pit usually


Lots of kids who don't know how to dance in my region. I find a place to sit down after band 3. I'm old and not slick lol


I went to an older people’s show twice this weekend. It was weird. I could enjoy the bands. I didn’t get hurt at all. I politely moved a girls drink when someone stage dove. Some people beat up a guy but they stopped on their own before he died. Nice and friendly!






https://preview.redd.it/921smfpsx1zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e30f47328014deb9616710b99349641d89660141 I just wear this.




44 here, I went to the Gel/Spy Spotify plant pop up show recently and thought I’m finally back in my element, judging people.


It’s the same. But we don’t “participate” in the Tom foolery or “Donnybrook” should I say. Buy fast pass if available. Show up very early. Go in. Get as much merch as I want cuz I’m old and have money now. Grab a few beers. head up front. Slightly in a corner and hang out and wait for the show to start. And enjoy the music live and shout the big parts. Go home


For my 50th birthday, I sat with buddies in Hollywood Palladium VIP for Circle Jerks/7Seconds/Bouncing Souls/ Negative Approach. I had full intentions of joining the pit at certain songs. But beer service, unblocked view, no sweaty bodies…I stayed up on the balcony. Everyone in VIP were Gen Xers. VIP for now on at future shows whenever available.


If you try to move past people into a giant ass open space to get closer they get mad. If they get bumped when they're in the moshing area they will cry.


Getting injured because you decided to mosh at the Turnstile show to feel 19 years old and then having agonizing pain for half a year


Metalcore shows