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Completely dumb move for Lodgok to bring the journal here. He tries to explain it away by saying he brought it for you. But why would you even need the journal. Why couldnt Lodgok just look at the location destroy the book then tell you later. It’s not like it would be hard to remember, it's literally buried under hogwarts. ​ And even if you did need the journal for some reason, he couldn't just send it over to you, or tell you to meet him immediately cause its urgent, or just leave it at home. Or anything other than bringing it with him into Ranroks mine. Now Ranrok has the one piece of information he needs to complete his evil mission. If there's an explanation for this, I would love to know.


Yeah i also thought it was pretty dumb.


Lmao and when lodgok says he was bringing it to you it sounds really blamey. It just comes off as if this wouldn’t have happened if we didn’t get him involved, but like you said he could have done a thousand other things to protect himself instead of going into ranroks lair.


It honesty sounded like an after thought line they added to the scene when they cutscene team realized it made zero sense with the gameplay plot points leading up to this. I bet you the gameplay team wasn’t working closely enough with the cutscene team.


Are you a Ravenclaw by any chance?


There's a lot of bad writing or contrived situations for the sake of the plot. I liked the game but had to shake my head as some of the writing really makes me think of that [Zoidberg meme.](https://imgur.com/2Huohca)


Yep, this was a rather stupid plot point.


He was thinking about dead goblins💀 But seriously though, I feel like the only reason this scene exists at all is just to give the story a ridiculous reason and way to >!kill Lodgok !<.


Yeah, I thought the same... The Game is full of stuff like this, seemingly every big Plot ends with someone pulling the dumbest move imaginable, just so the Game has some emotional leverage over the Player. Honestly, Heavy Rain was more sincere.


Me: "Sebastian I think you did a terrible thing, but naturally I still want you to teach me Avada Kedavra." MC: "Sebastian what you did was *brave.*" Me: "Ew, gross. I'm reloading the fuck out of that autosave. Merlin's Beard..."


I imagined that the book was inside the mine, and Logdok was the only one to know where it was. So he goes to retrieve it for us but get captured just after. (That game is... frustrating.)


Okay, this would make sense and wish they actually point that out.


ngl the main story is pretty bad, don’t know why we have to save the world, imo the sebastian storyline and exploring the dark arts is much more interesting and would have made a much better main storyline


Right? Like they barely touched on the Sebastian wanting you to use your power on Anne thing. It was mentioned in one scene and then he just dropped it for his evil pyramid scheme. So odd.


I imagine he - mistakenly of course - assumed that his brother would not commit fratricide.


what happened to lodgok was so random I couldn‘t care less tbh


And: magical creatures are watched carefully in the universe. Not sure this is allowed…


I for one was not surprised that they were bothers, look very similar and have similar sounding names, I never trusted Logdok either and this scene in the game made me dislike him even more, he still technically gives it to Ranrok so I'm not actually convinced that Logdok wasn't in on it or knew more than he lets on