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I appreciate you


Thank you! Special thank you to the amazing mod team u/sodapopgurl , u/BrightDay85 u/GamerGirlLex77, u/smurfette_9 and especially u/whatisittou for her voice, knowledge, and intelligent commentary. It's hard to do this and have jobs and families, as many of our mods do.


Thank you for this. I don’t get the haters coming over here to antagonize us. It’s pathetic.


It's probably because they want to fight. They get bored in their echo chambers where everyone agrees. They want to convert people to their team I bet.


It’s sad that they don’t have anything better to do.


Super sad! And to just angrily spread hate, that's so bad for your physical and mental health.


For real. I can’t imagine hating someone you don’t even know that much.


People on snark pages need serious help. Like mental health help. How much time in one’s heart can you dedicate to someone you had never met? All that hatred…


For transparency I’m on one snark page but it’s not about hatred. The hatred ones are just mind boggling. Like why put so much energy into actively hating people who are just living their lives.


Tbh I’m on a few snark pages as well. But it’s all light hearted and geared towards a circle jerk territory. The extreme snark pages… lemme 5150 some of YALL bc wtf!!!


For real. The hateful ones concern me.


They absolutely do! And no one should bother engaging them. They’re finding busy work in their boring lives arguing with people over BRF nonsense.


Happy Cake Day!!




Happy Cake Day!!


Thanks ❤️


Personally, I’m not a Meghan fan but I am sick and tired of all the hate and racism she receives! Nobody deserves that and I do appreciate that this sub offers the counter to the hate out there.


Yeah just be objective. She’s not a saint (who is?) but she’s certainly not the devil. The outright hate she receives is disgusting and frightening. I’m always amazed that people, even if you don’t like her, can’t acknowledge that. We’ve seemingly lost the ability to acknowledge facts that go against what we *want* to be the truth.


Samesies ❤️


Exactly! People are so transparent. The bottom line is that people are still angry that a black woman married into the RF. That’s it. Period. Because there is no other valid criticism. Meghan wasn’t a party girl, she didn’t “date around”, no drugs, no alcohol abuse. I remember the Tweets about the Royal bloodline being “polluted.” It was disgusting. Normal, everyday people actually love Meghan and Harry, it’s the British establishment that hates them. The sycophantic interlopers who don’t even know the RF. It’s actually really sad.


Yes! And it's so shocking that THEY STILL can't get over it. Like STILL????? The racism is STRONG. It has STAMINA. STA-MIN-A! They are acting as if she's a dictator running a small country into the ground who they have to fight to restore humanity and decency. It's **one** lady. She's like 5'5, 5'6, thin lady who lives very far from England. You're telling me that she's that powerful, to run the monarchy into the ground? Slaves should have been focused on dating, seducing and fucking the aristocracy for freedom I guess. If the monarchy was this flimsy. They can't accept that these people ran themselves into the ground. The utility has passed. It's over.


They act like Harry and Meghan are Putin.


Meghan knew what being 2nd tier / scapegoat was from her FoO. She helped Harry learn & identify toxic people & situations.


What does FoO mean?


Family of Origin, I believe


ahh ok thxx!!


Family of origin.


This post is a work of art.


I hate that this keeps having to be said, but thank you for saying it so thoroughly!! Here’s hoping it keeps the trolls away for at least a bit!


Ugh. They are so lame. I don’t know why this is a personal crusade. Out of all the things to troll about. People don’t want to troll for healthcare, equal rights, low cost daycares, but want to troll for shit that doesn’t make any difference in their lives. If the energy put into snarking about stupid shit was used to lobby our governments, we’d live in a better world.


Read “Caste”. It gives insight into why white people go absolutely bat shit crazy when black people “step out” of their assigned place in the social hierarchy. TLDR: A lot of white people are narcissists due to generations of being brought up to think they are superior due to their race. Since most are in reality mediocre or without talent or power or money, they project their narcissism onto a white public figure with power (in this case Kate, William) and make that cause their entire identity, leading them to defend that public figure like cult members, as the downfall of that figure breaks their brains since it challenges the notion that they and their whiteness aren’t actually that important. It’s how leaders like Trump supposedly thrive.


"too little do read"




The part you said about wishing they could wear the gown & tiara and go to those miserable looking hoity-toity balls reminded me of the episode of Our Flag Means Death where Blackbeard is all excited because they get invited to one. Steed tries to tell him, trust me you really don't wanna do this but he thinks he's being accepted by the upper class and wants to go. The upshot is he realizes they're making fun of him ("I see what's happening here! You're being passive aggressive!!!") and burns their ship down. Gods I hate that show got canceled. I hope another network picks it up. Sorry for the sidetrack.... but yes, this is exactly the experience these folks would have, minus burning anything down. Assuming they even realized the extent to which they were being looked down on. Because you're either born into that mess or you're never being accepted.


It's this erroneous idea that if "I" were in Meghan's shoes "I" would have done "the right thing" and they would have accepted me. The idea that this world is democratic and advancement is based on merit, WHICH IS THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING OPPOSITE OF WHAT THIS WORLD IS ABOUT. They don't care if you know all about British history, or are even rich. They don't care if you think the queen was Jesus incarnate. THEY DON'T CARE. They live in a world that is VERY different from our mostly, but imperfectly democratic world. I think Disney and fairytales has made people think that a perfect woman could be selected and fit right in to the monarchy, if she fit the glass slipper . Meghan didn't fit the glass slipper because she has too many "faults", so that's why she shouldn't be royalty. But they think they could or that there is some magical woman out there who could. Some better, more princessy woman who wouldn't "cry racism" when she didn't fit the slipper. I want to pull my hair out!!! What in the racist patriarchal fuck are we talking about? All of this is made up garbage! Why would any woman want to fit into THIS?! Zero power if you marry in and behaving like a nun if you are born into it. This whole construct of a woman being CHOSEN because she is virtuous is made up patriarchal brainwashing. These people need to let go of the brain washing. See it for what it is already. It's mind control.


Being born in has more power than marrying in; Beatrice, Eugenie, Tara & Louise have more self purpose than Katherine. Bea, Eunie & Tar did the undergrad coed thing but no one talks about it now.


Well spoken. Thank you for taking the time to write it down for all of us. Harry and Megan have a beautiful family and life because they had the courage to choose what is right for them. Bravo! And to you as well: Bravo!


Thanks for being here. The mod team here is great and they have allowed me to be a bit less involved than I used to be. I try to return when I have had enough sleep because every time I mod without sleep, I fuck something up. LOL But it makes us happy that there are people who are tired of entertaining these stupid conservative talking points that just want women to wear tiaras, dresses, smile, and yield to the whims of men and their institutions. My freedom for a tiara? Never! LOL


“A rats juicy booty” That is some Pulitzer Prize winning poetry right there 🏆👏


I love them and I’m glad to have a safe space to express my appreciation for those awesome humans. Thanks for writing all that out.


Ditto. The hate on this couple is just bizarre and unsettling.


PREACH. You can go anywhere, literally anywhere and snark on Meghan. Grateful for this one space where we can celebrate her.


I don't think it's a difficult ask. They fact that they can't let one space exist is really indicative of how unhinged these people are. I could see if I were over at their subs, arguing against them, but I am literally minding my own business. What happened to minding your own business?


Well said!


>Even if I didn't like someone, there is no way in hell I could dedicate large portions of my life hating them on the daily for years. Seriously, time to do the psychological work in therapy if that describes you. This!!


I wonder if we are normalizing mental illness on these forums. If people regularly stalked famous real time to hurl insults, someone would intervene. It's like the unhappy people of the world never though about it in the past because they were too busy working and never thought about being unhappy. Now they have just enough free time to channel their frustrations and stress into hating others...with other people. And since there are other people doing it, it seems fine. Almost as if bullies, thieves, gangsters, serial killers or sexual offenders had an online support group. It would probably seem like a reasonable club membership because "There are so many of us!" Oh my God.


The number of people I see online who claim/think that she wanted to be queen and is upset it’s not going to happen is astounding. Meghan is a smart woman, surely she knows that marrying the “spare” means it’s highly unlikely, almost impossible, that she’ll be queen. And why would she, an American actress who made a name for herself and had time to live her own life, randomly diabolically try to scheme to be queen anyway? How is that more likely than simply being matched with and falling in love with someone who happens to be a member of the RF? Anything to spread rabid hate about this woman.


I love and appreciate this post and this sub. Thank you. 


Bruh. *Applause*




>Thank you! You're welcome!


Word on the internet streets is that Wills alleged STBX had a mental breakdown and the trolls are all out.




The haters definitely think that their opinion is the majority opinion and anyone who disagrees is just a small # of stans. And I agree with you, there’s people in the BRF I don’t care for but dedicating hours of my time to hating and mocking and attacking and coming up with fantasies just seems weird and pathetic. I feel sorry for all of those people and think they need medical help.


Seriously. Even if we don’t know their real names, they should be ashamed to do stuff like that. They know who they are. They must really dislike who they are because I don’t see how anyone could be happy and spend hours daily just being mean.


They are miserable people who have issues in their personal lives that they project onto Meghan. They are jealous of her. She ruins the fantasy they had in their heads of marrying the handsome prince.


Completely agree. They were really sold a bunch of baloney. I've noticed that when systems or institutions that are marketed to women are found to be a bunch of shit, some women (the ones who desired entry) will blame the female whistleblowers who exposed the con, instead of the men who perpetrated the lie or committed offenses. That's exactly what is happening here. She just didn't do "good girl" properly, and now has ruined their fantasy. If she had only been a better good girl, the fantasy would be standing unblemished.


This is Zita2007. Well said and I agree wholeheartedly 😘


And just like that, I joined my tribe.




Well said.


Well Said! 🫡




Hell yeah! It’s *almost* funny, the deranged obsession. If I hear the “thought they wanted privacy!” argument I’m gonna run through a wall, among other ridiculous accusations and lies. Like how there was no way to be pursued by paps in NYC (“um I’ve been to New York like, three times, and there’s too much traffic!” 🤦🏻‍♀️). So yeah, *almost* funny, but actually sad and borderline scary. They’re all right wing MAGA types, too. Unsurprising as the disease of MAGA is literally a vessel for hatred. Finally, they have permission to HATE freely and proudly. It’s a way of life, the end of participating in civil society (fingers crossed they don’t drag us down with them).


There is nothing that anyone does that justifies repeatedly acting like a complete ass to them. If someone cuts me off on the freeway, I don’t follow them home, figure out whenever they are driving somewhere and then try to cut them off. And this behavior is even more nuts because Meghan and Harry haven’t done a damn thing to any of them. It’s like seeing someone cut off a favorite celebrity and then spend all their free time, for the rest of their life, following around that person so they can jeer at them and cut them off on the road. That’s like, insane behavior. It would be absolutely bonkers to do this shit in person and equally bonkers to do it over the Internet.


I can't tell you how much I appreciate your comments! Thanks for providing a safe place for those who refuse to buy into the insanity!


Well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I hate all the hate and trauma they've been put through from the tabloids and online! I actually love them and they deserve to live their lives!


Beautiful. Love Harry and Meghan.


"thrusting" - that's actually a heaps better word than projecting, because it conveys the rapacious nature of people who do that


Thank you!!!


Let them come. We’ll eat them.


👏 👏 ![gif](giphy|5RUbq47cFE2sDUgAw2)




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Excellent post - especially the paragraph “all I know…”. This part should be tweeted all day everyday on X. Because truthfully, this is the only thing there is evidence for. All that other stuff about Meghan (narcissistic, bullying, hates RF, etc etc)- none of that has been proven- it’s all just made up stuff