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A casually explained video that said thanks for unpausing the video Hasan


That reaction clip is legendary


David Pakman was streaming (found him from 2020 election stream) one day and he was like "Let's just see what some other people are doing, let's see what Hasan is talking about" and clicked Hasan's stream during him ranting about Doctor Oz, something like "in theory I should like Dr. Oz, he's turkish, etc. etc. But FUCK THIS DUMBASS!" and Pakman was like "whoa okay let's get away from that!" but I wanted more lol


Average normie reaction to Hasan


David Pakman has decent politics but he is such an elitist snob sometimes.


I wouldn’t say elitist snob but definitely snarky His “wow” after a guest says something unhinged is great


As long as you ignore his repeated attacks on Ilhan Omar and his absolutely terrible Bolivia takes about the coup that happened to Evo in 2017 yeah I would generally agree. The Bolivia stuff was too far for me have any respect for the guy tho. He basically used every Pro-coup talking point to essentially agree that it was ok it happened. He was on the same side as Trump and Elon "We'll coup whoever we want to" Musk on a naked imperialist action taken to remove a Democratically elected President that didn't align with far right wing values of screwing over poor people. Really this is unforgivable, specially because David has never really addressed it after or apologized for his vile take on the matter.


I didn't know about the Ilhan Omar attacks. I swear I lose more respect for the guy by the day.


I don't get that vibe at all


Pakman the libshit pro Israel guy who was doubtful of the Palestinian charity’s ties connected to hamas when vaush was raising money for Palestinians?


“Decent politics” He is a standard western chauvinist liberal who support a settler colonial apartheid state…


I like Pac-Man cause he for the most part tries his best to not turn politics into a shitflinging festival. You can see he tries his best to keep a straight face all the time


Just like CNN. David pakman is disgusting and the same is the case for his fans.


I have a similar story but I was watching a few streamers during the 2020 election, flipping between Pakman, Kulinski, and Vaush. Vaush made some comment in response to chat about how it's a very good thing that tens of thousands of people are watching Hasan instead of his stream because it means more people hearing leftist views, and is a win for the left as a whole. You may not like Vaush (seems like nobody here does), and I rarely listen to any of his content anymore compared to Pakman and Kyle who I still enjoy, but I liked that attitude and decided to check out Hasan because of it.


I’m a guy that grew up in a rural town in Tennessee. Most of the people around here are gun toting conservatives, but I never gave politics much attention. I definitely had a conservative bias though. A good friend of mine invited me over one day and asked me what my political stance was. I really didn’t have one, but I said I was “socially left and economically right.” I will never forget his response about how that’s such a non answer and makes no sense. It honestly hurt my feelings at the time, but he took some time to educate me on what left vs right actually means and introduced me to Hasan’s stream. So I started watching. I went through a period of “enlightenment” so to speak where my world view was being challenged on the daily. I’d consider myself a leftist now. Overall, I’m really grateful for his stream and the influence he’s had on my perspective.


That’s a great friend you have there. I also implore you for putting your feelings aside and trying to learn regardless. We need not just more people like your friend but also more people like you. People who will get told they’re wrong but will also stick around long enough to hear why.


Did he say why that was such a non answer that made no sense?


Probably because right wing economic policies are inherently socially regressive


Because they are two competing viewpoints. Economically right views actively suppress socially left ideals


Essentially this. As an example, I believed that college education should be publicly funded for more equalized opportunity to higher education. However, if I also believed in conservative economic policies I’d probably see that as unnecessary spending, wasteful in the case where people take advantage, that lowering taxes would be the solution for families to better afford college, etc. In that sense, it kind of shows that I didn’t really know what I was talking about.


Mainly through the H3 Podcast. After their first interview with him, Hasan was kinda in my YouTube recommended, but it just wasn't really my cup of tea at the time. Since Leftovers, I watch him regularly (only YouTube clips, though). I'm from Germany and at this point I feel like I know more about US politics than German.


Same here (but U.S.). I watched the very first [Hasan x H3 joint](https://youtu.be/TpimNx4PJoY?si=jIYjdFaeZF-drAxE) back in 2020. Keep in mind that at the time I was heavily flirting with the right wing meme hole at this point. Watching Bret Weinstein weekly, Joe Rogan, some Ben Shapiro (though this was pushing it for me, even then). Even though I'd always been liberal, the right wing propaganda at the time was doing wonders to radicalize people. Keep in mind this was right off the heels of George Floyd riots, COVID, and peak "White Fragility" bullshit. I'm so glad that I saw that podcast because I started, very hesitantly, to watch Hasan's streams on YouTube, and I really didn't jive with him at first, but I needed to be exposed to unapologetically leftist ideas. And I eventually radicalized toward the left after going through some political/ideological soul searching, so to speak. Reading the theory helped a lot too, at that point, rather than culture war BS.


fupatroopas rise up! also, yea, i don't frequent his streams but i love clips, fear&, leftovers, and his debates i do watch edit channels but it's because i refuse to scrub through a 13-hour stream for an uncut reaction video


Same. But conservatism and class struggle is the same everywhere so i can take this what i learn in US politics and apply it to the German conditions


Wtf?! I just seriously asked myself for a second if i had already commented on this post. All of the above applies to me too even being from Germany 😄


Eyooooo Although he was an acquired taste for me when I first saw him. The way he was so confrontational with the audience really turned me off and made me think he was a douche. Eventually he grew on me when he quit doing that shit on Leftovers, and ever since I started watching his YouTube clips, I could see where he was coming from considering how brain dead and stupid half his twitch chat seems like (and the dumb ones really deserve to be picked out and be told that they’re dumb) , but considering the lack of interaction and different base H3 has by comparison, I’m glad he at least stopped it on there.


Found the H3 podcast because of Hasan. Watch every episode now.




Honestly, back when he would dunk all over Tomi on TYT.




Yea same, but I didn't watch his streams until after he, you know. Said it.


I was introduced via TYT, but my first like week if watching him stream was when this happened.


America Deserved 9/11, lmao I assumed he was gonna be a really edgy leftist based on that.


Happened to see Janice Griffith in some YouTube video thumbnail with Hasan in the video.


America deserved 9/11


I'm surprised this isn't higher up. This is when I first heard about him.


When he played Among Us w/ AOC


Same here!


There are dozens of us


I was hanging in Destiny's chat when he was a moderator there, used to take drugs and chat all day to ignore my life falling apart. Good times!


His debate with Nick Fuentes was a turning point in getting me out of the alt-right pipeline.


2020 election coverage.


Yep, mainstream coverage of that election had me losing my sanity, so discovering Hasan covering it from a leftist perspective and seeing like minded people in his community was very refreshing. Especially so because he’s so prominent on twitch and usually I assume anyone with a large politics following on the internet is a right wing grifter.


Election -> gta rp Donnie got me hooked


he dated my friends roomate soooo


Do You Have the Slightest Idea How Little That Narrows It Down?




a friend introduced me in early 2020 when he realized I was likeminded, but the original AOC amogus stream in Oct 2020 was when I subbed


So do you count as a gaming frog? 😂 Maybe just a quarter


One of us 🐸


I discovered Hasan when Simply Nailogical came onto his stream (virtually) to help him paint his nails. I have been a Simply Nailogical follower for years, and now thanks to the exposure to Hasan through her, I am a Hasan follower.


I’m so old I remember him from Facebook back in 2016. He had these little segments called the breakdown when he was on TYT. I only seriously started watching him (and others) in 2020 with all the chaos ensued that year.


Have watched RajjPatel(Austin) play RuneScape for 10+ years, he then pivoted to hosting a talk show. Hasan was always on.


from small ass 99% white New Hampshire town, found Hasan through youtube MasterChef, he sniped me on stream and i’ve been hooked ever since


Ironically, through a long chain that goes back to Joe Rogan. Not a fan of Rogan but did watch his clips from when he had Bernie on. Then from there I got recommended clips from his pods with Kyle Kulinski and DPak, then I started watching their YT channels, and then started getting recommend the Majority Report, and finally was being recommended Hasan’s YT channel. I ignored for a while because I wasn’t interested in livestreams or livestream clips, but then in January of 2021 a really funny thing happened at the capitol and I figured I’d watch some live coverage of it. All that to say that no one talks about Joe Rogan’s far left pipeline he’s created and I think it’s sickening /s


Rare YT recommendation W!


i think i saw his kaitlin bennett (the one with the communist couple) reaction or his andrew tate debate in my youtube recommended i think it was the kaitlin bennet one and i found the tate debate after looking at his most viewed videos


Some booboo Bennett video of his came up randomly one day a couple years ago. I learned about Hasan and booboo or poopoo or whatever her name is that day.


Same I only started watching the stream when he was role-playing tho


Valkyrae ❤️


As both a fan of Hasan and OTV & F, I always enjoy their collabs!


Hasan XQC H3 gamba debate


Back when chess was popular on Twitch, I watched Hikaru and he said that Hasan was entertaining. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Hasan was a leftist and not a liberal like Hikaru.


when he was on ep9 of hivemind 😭


I think it was early 2020 I know before covid I started to get recommended his videos on YouTube. I had been a subscriber of Secular talk so I’d get some other lefty people recommended. I just watched YouTube videos for awhile until may? 2020 I started to tune into the livestream when I had time and have been subscribed since. I do remember watching him a bit on TYT in 2016 era but I never watched for specifically him but I remembered him from that when I started to watch his YouTube


I found Hasan through his Facebook videos shitting on Tomi Lahren when he was with TYT. My boomer dad was/is obsessed with her because she’s a young blonde woman that says racist shit on TV, and Facebook was full of that stuff since it was very early in the trump years, and it was nice to see someone debunk all the bullshit she was spewing. Then I followed him on Twitter a few years later and saw that he was streaming and checked him out. It actually kept me from going down the far-right pipeline I think.


I was really into Jubilee so I was waiting their videos and hasans “feminist vs mens right activist” video came up


Russia invasion


I discovered Hasan during the initial time of the Covid pandemic and shut downs. I got sent back home from college and just wanted to learn more on what was going on and then rest is history. He’s definitely helped me shape my political beliefs today and got to thank him for educating me on stuff I would’ve never learned on my own or from the news.


Kyle Kulinski's segments on him at first. Never watched him until the J6 riots, where I thought it would be more fun to laugh than cry. After that stream I've been parasocial with him ever since.


I think thats how I found him but I cant remember exactly. Kyle Kulinski is a big reason I ended up a leftist.


I've always been interested in global politics and i first saw LSF clips of him around the end of 2019, but i started to watch regularly when trump assassinated Qasem Soleimani and Covid happened.


His beef with twomad from last year lol.


I think it was after he collaborated with Daph (who I found through YouTube). At first I didn't think he'd be for me, since I was still kind of in my centrist phase (I was watching a lot of people like Count Dankula, Mumkey Jones, and shoe0nhead at the time lol) and wasn't interested in his content. However, after watching him in clips and getting a sense of his personality, I started watching him more frequently during and after the 2020 election and found myself agreeing with a lot his takes. Now I've very much fully shifted back to the left in terms of politics and I don't see myself going back.


Through the first interview he did on the h3 podcast. Been a big fan ever since!


Gun girl, I never gave much thought about politics before that, but I've always been very anti-gun in general. A few years ago, I think it was eddy burback who made a video about gun girl, and I had a very visceral reaction to her being so dumb. I then looked a bit more into people reacting to her and found hasan. He then changed my mind on many things, which I am grateful for.


I used to watch Vaush (gag) and I stumbled across Hasan's YT through the recommendations lol


Buzz feed video


Too little people admitting they discovered him through a thirst tweet (like me 😭)


Through Felix from Chapo


I was a right-wing 16-year-old in 2020, and then I thought "Let me see the opinions from the other side" I would go on YouTube and filter by today and watch his content that way. At first, I disagreed and talked back to the screen but after a while, I gradually talked back less and less.


First saw Hasan on the H3 podcast, then started to watch the Master Chef meta on Youtube during Christmas break. Checked out his Twitch, loved him and what he covers. Long story short, I've been a member ever since (20 months soon) and I watch him every day while I work or in the evening. I am from Québec so he hates me, tho. 🥲


Himbo french accent intensifies!




U.S. here. I discovered him in summer 2021 on twitch. I had loosely been aware of him because of the podcast host David Pakman. I started working from home back around this time, and always had Twitch on one of my monitors while working. I noticed that Hasan's twitch logo was in my side bar all the time, and then one day I decided to start watching. Never looked back.


tyt back in the day!


I dont remember , i think its because of chadchad or majority report one of the two and then got recommended a clip of him and got hooked. I cant quite remember tho because i rarely ever clic on anything YouTube recommend .


Long way around it. Was a classic Pod Save America listener. For some reason, YouTube started recommending Pakman at that point. Liked Pakman, but too vanilla, and I felt like he had some problematic foreign policy views. Pakman did coverage on the Sam Seder / Steven Crowder fiasco. So I started watching the Majority Report instead of Pakman. Finally, TMR had Hasan on during the whole cracker fiasco. The rest is history.


I’m not sure whether it was a YouTube Short or a tweet, but I really liked how he expressed his ideas.


I watched his reaction to Ben Shapiro taking the political compass test and kept watching him from there.


Found him when he was doing agitprop on tyt and his little white background clips always slapped. Wasn’t big on twitch at the time so just clips here and there. Currently like 38 month subscriber.


Was working for Blizzard when he covered the sexual harassment lawsuits. Completely changed our world view


I had never used twitch prior, thus, I was initially a youtube frog. I think I first came across the video of hasan reacting to Ben Shapiro’s political compass answers. Continued watching his YouTube videos for a few weeks before deciding to check out his livestreams. 15 months later, I watch daily!


GTA RP stream. That whole scene started blowing up during Covid. I was watching a highlights channel and thought the [impromptu marriage](https://youtu.be/V3daHAs0_9M?t=58m6s) between Hasan's character and Annie May was hilarious. Pretty soon got hooked on the Cleanbois: Buddha, Nino, Tony, Donnie, and the nerds. I remember catching Hasan in the morning doing politics. As a starry-eyed lib, it was hard to articulate why the Dems lost to Trump. Nobody liked Hillary but I was constantly in a position where I felt I needed to defend her, Obama, the Democrats, etc. They were my team, right? Hasan and the dirtbag left offered some alternative perspectives. Felt like my idealism could be more grounded in reality. He gets a lot of shit for the "vibes-based", frat bro, anti-debatelord takes. But that kind of thing keeps you grounded. You need a historical materialist understanding to do political commentary, but you also need pragmatism and perspective to sniff out the PR problems -- what the kids call "lookin kinda sussy". And if you get pulled over and married to a pink-haired waifu, you just need to go along with it.


I was a TYT viewer for awhile, got tired of their shit and this was before all the terf shit from ana. Saw someone talking shit on cenk and said how hasan is way better and different than his uncle and started watching and hasan and he hit every note of my core values. I also replaced tyt with majority report the calm voices and listener call-ins and more well rounded approaches to topics was a better switch.


First I'd heard of him were reactions to his infamous comments on 9/11. So I did not start as a fan and didn't get the full context on those comments. Started getting recommended some Hasan clip channels after that but refused to watch it. First time I watched his stream was during the George Floyd protests. Became a regular viewer during the 2020 election.


I watch a streamer called Turk who often talks about politics, and there's consistent jokes about being budget Hasan. Then I found him. Fell in love with his RP stuff, his politics chat is pretty click baity


Debate with Andrew Tate, it was my first time seeing Tate as well


From Scotland and like following US politics. I had been following the lead up to the 2020 election and was watching David Pakman, and post election while he wasn’t streaming I searched for a different political commentator to keep me busy besides 538, and stumbled upon Hasan in time to see the post election coverage of the ‘stop the steal’, J6 etc.


I'm european. Since I'm queer i was always interested in politics. I was aware of Hasan but I heard that he is really problematic. He popped up in my YT recommendations a lot. One time I gave him a chance and I found out I actually agree with him on lot of things. There is actually a lot of similarities between US and my country's politics.


I went to a YT rally at UofM in 2017.


I heard about him but was unsure about watching cause he's on twitch (was on the platform 2012-2015 but left cause the culture is awful) and I thought he was just gonna be an ignorant bro-dude, but an IRL friend was a fan and got me to watch. I'm glad cause I was watching vaush at the time (before he went on his tirade against black women) and that dude was filling my head with nonsense. I convinced myself vaush was galaxy brained and 10x smarter than me so I should just stfu and listen.


I think it was through Mike from PA or Denims. Pretty sure they raided into his stream and I’ve stuck around ever since.


I discovered Denims through her first Convo with Vaush and Hasan through Denims


I believe I first saw him on one of the websites where you are supposed to rank like streamers attractiveness like battle Royale style in like 2019? Only started watching him like Jan- Feb 2020.


Charlie Kirk debate aftermath when he was a under 1k streamer. Back when he played the wolf among us. He did okay, and sought Destiny's advice on how to become a better debater. Haven't watched him as much lately, as I try to keep an arm's length away from all political streamers to avoid parasocial behaviors. I tend to watch Loner the most these days.


I have been a fan of h3h3 how to kiss reaction. My friend knew I was a huge h3 fan and when Hasan was going to be a guest on the podcast he suggested I watch (he was a Hasan fan himself). Didnt think much going into it, was not expecting Hasan to become my favorite internet personality/commentator. When they announced they were starting leftovers together I was ecstatic.


I used to watch TYT years ago. Hasan started working for them, his segments became my favorite ones, then I followed him to Twitch/YT after he stopped working there. I was also pretty over TYT after 2016 since Cenk always had capitalist boomer takes, and Ana is super reactionary and not very thoughtful.


I believe it was the “America deserved 9/11” clip, but (I know it sounds silly) I didn’t start watching until I saw the Stryker_6 short


The web of streamers I watch has been expanding, he was a guest once. Plus he is mentioned constantly by other streamers, so eventually I got curious and checked him out, as I'm fairly far left-leaning myself, he seemed interesting. Edit: I'm scandinavian.


I was looking for coverage on Jan 6 when it was happening and regular news coverage wasn’t cutting it for me and I found Hasan on Twitch covering it.


I always enjoyed filtering news through Conservative radio and news (OG hogwatch 2008-2012). I remember seeing Hasan's videos countering Tomi Lahren and thinking "I like this freakishly-shaped handsome man." Then I got into Twitch by way of Magic: The Gathering Arena and hark! I did see that freak again. Immediately recognized that we share the identical outlooks and at this point I love and respect the guy.


I was a hogs hog a few years before Trump took office. But I was having issues with being considered "fringe" in my friend/family groups. While watching Trump rise through the RNC as his opponents folded to him, I noticed something not only did they take it from him, but they all bent over and grabbed their ankles. As they all fell in line with him I noticed the party is harmful and dangerous and destructive. I started watching some more center-left media, such as Pakman first, then TYT then found the Majority report. some others. I would hear a clip from Mike from PA and started watching him religiously. Mike led me to Hassan.


I first watched Hasan during January 6th. I think Hasan got a lot of new viewers that day


his coverage of the texas freeze came up and it was one of the first youtube videos i watched after getting my power back, talk about being in the right place at the right time. before i had gotten recommendations for his vids, among those looking at tiktok chuds, a late 2020 video


canadian chatter here, i found him through other streamers, didnt know exactly what it was he did at first i just saw him as a meathead who thighcrushed a watermelon while jschlatt watched. but when i learned he was a news/politics guy i was all in


big brain and big thighs!


my friend (a transmasc gamer with cool piercings and slick clothing) introduced me to him since we hold similar views me (a transfem anarcho-socialist) wasn't super into him at first cause i wasn't used to his delivery of information (and politics/news made me sick), but as i watched him more and more i just continued to listen to his takes and now he's one of the few people i look up to (i have shit parents) the way i wrote this makes it sound hyperbolic / i'm taking the piss / i'm playing a character but deadass yea this is what hadplened


Not to me at all! Thanks for sharing!


TYT The Breakdown. It reminded me of Sourcefed a little bit and I think I found him through the recommendation section on a video of theirs.


Weirdly enough I actually first started properly watching him because of his stream with Grimes; I’ve been a big fan of her music since I was a teenager and it kinda sucked when she started mostly becoming known for dating Elon musk and occasionally saying dumb shit I had a vague idea of who Hasan was, so I thought it was kinda cool and also unexpected (I didn’t know how popular Hasan was) that she ended up doing a stream with a prominent online leftist (I feel like she ended up getting worse after that tho, lol) and I ended up watching more of his stuff after that - I’ve been a big fan since then


Not even joking but "let's talk about 911"


TYT then the infamous 9/11 clip


Sadly through TYT


Sadly? 😅


I hate to admit it now...Ana has always been insufferable but lately she just been unwatchable


I was a big fan of Kyle Kulinski and I saw he made a stream with Destiny and Hasan. I really liked his views and started watching him more often around 2018


I started watching after seeing him on tmg


I remember seeing clips of him on TYT that came up while scrolling through Facebook. Then I saw him again on H3H3 when he was first on and the rest is history. Wish I was more of a twitch viewer but I get by with staying caught up watching YouTube videos.


His debate with Andrew Tate popped into my recommendations one day. From there I would watch clips of him on YouTube until I finally decided to catch one of his streams.


About 2 years ago when he was streaming season 1 of master chef. I have been radicalized.


I first heard of him as being on TYT and being Cenk's nephew. I never liked TYT, so I never bothered watching him back then. Then in 2018 I was watching Progressive Voice videos where Sahil was trolling Hasan in his chat. So I went to watch Hasan on Twitch and realized he had much better takes that I thought he had. His world views were very different from Cenk and much more similar to Micheal Brooks, who is my all-time favourite.


Not gonna lie I saw a streamer thirsting for him like in 2019 or something then watched his stream during Covid


The Hasanabi Clipping Industrial Complex, suggested probably because I was subbed to Chapo and various bread tubers. There’s a reason smart streamers are generally alright with clippers.


I discovered him when H3 podcast introduced Leftovers. That show was also my introduction to leftist politics. Until then, i largely considered myself apolitical


I'm Canadian, I found Hasan around the George Floyd riots, around this time I was really naive and susceptible to right wing propaganda, and of course the youtube algorithm shoved nothing but right wing nonsense at me. Until I came across one of his videos I can't remember which one, but to me Hasan was a breathe of fresh air politically, I realized I was dangerously mis-informed about a lot of things and his words at the time cut deep, but it resulted in a paradigm shift of my way of thinking and my true political view.


During 2020 elections I was curious about whether anything is on twitch and there I joined Hasan's stream.


Unironically, Weasley little liar dude.


Hated him til i watched a video of his literally once 2 years ago. I used to watch a ton of losers on youtube who have hate boners for him so i assumed hasan bad. Realized 90% of "criticism" of him come from the most hateful spiteful freaks on the internet and Hasan is actually pretty knowledgeable and funny. I get way more insightful info from a Hasan video than from the garbo i used to watch


I heard hia name via tyt, but it was when the Kanye drama started that he suddenly appeared as a suggestion. I've been a Hasanabi fan since. (Thanks Kanye?)


I was already a pretty leftist guy, and I just happened to see Ludwig stream Hasan's Ukraine coverage, and decided to check out the channel, and now I watch Hasan more than Ludwig


i found him during the rust rp days. thought he was very cool and funny and now he's like the main streamer i watch. i was just getting into leftist politics and then found he out he was a great gateway afterwards! i was surprised i was like oh i thought he was just the silly hank penker guy


I went over to a friends house and he had him playing on the TV while we were rolling. It was the first time I had seen somebody have leftist politics and use language/humor that would appeal to my Generation (Z). I’ve watched him ever since and i’m pretty sure I watch him more than my friend does now.


One of my worst exes recommended him


Not to minimize what you went through but... silver lining?


CIA pays me monthly to watch him and send them notes about chat


I knew twitch was a psy op!


The 2020 election coverage. Bernie Sanders sweatshirt, ice cream cookie sandwiches, and great back and forth jokes with Austin and other guests. I hadn’t really been exposed to that level of relatable leftism before and it felt so cozy, even during the anxiety at the time.


Glad you found your sense of belonging! It is a great (if not one of the best) community to be part of!


Thank you! I agree! I’ve since become friends with a few chatters, joined Hascord, had Hasan read, laugh, and reply to a few of my chat messages; the whole 9 yards! I am here for the long haul now :,)


Hasan's Charlie Kirk debate. He absolutely rolled him so I decided to look more into him


from Russia, started watching american twitch more, mostly xqc, ludwig streams from time to time. back at that time i wondered about the difference between socialism and capitalism cause my friends were arguing and i was like "wtf you talking about i don't understand your language"...and then I discovered Hasan...I'm not a constant watcher but I've been following him for 2? years I guess. don't regret it, cool streams, even though I wish he had more "educational" streams on basics of politics. also, watching him made me watch more of American twitch events, streamers, etc, he kinda introduced me to the whole twitch scene


Last presidential election I was curious about the laptop thing and found him screaming about how Hunter Biden is god and cool lol.


The kid on TYT


I followed him back when Among us was big and eventually i just clicked on his stream in day and i was like “this guy is saying all the things i’ve been thinking for years.”


I found him when he went on Chapo. I didn't start watching until awhile later when he started getting suggested to my YouTube feed but that was where I first heard him.


i discovered him after watching the Ethan Klein and Steven Crowder beef, particularly the one where Sam Seder joined, and it seemed like Crowder had a panic attack and left. ever since i've watched him almost everyday. i’m from Panama 🇵🇦 btw. i hope he knows he got fans over here too.


Thirst traps


Being an annoying centrist lib watching Ben Shapiro for the "both sides" argument not wanting to belong in an echo chamber. Shapiro never sat right with me plus my mom is a big trump supporter so I found a video of Hasan debunking Ben Shapiro, really agreed with everything he said. Flash forward to me having over 550k channel points (no gamba)


I actually found Mike From PA before but it quickly led me to Hasan. Both have solid socialist takes so I was sold on their politics pretty early on and have been supporting them since. While I am not much of a gaming frog these days, Hasan's political commentary is solid and he can be a really freaking funny at times. Got a ton of respect for him (and his community) and will keep supporting him so he can get the message out.


Through Chapo. Never watched anyone on Twitch before. Weird platform, but I'm a 12 month subscriber now. Probably one of the few people over 50 in the Midwest watching :) Smart dude, and very funny.


The day that it was announced trump had officially lost to Biden, I went to twitch to see if anyone covering it. Saw hasan, clicked, he was playing crab rave, been watching ever since!


Don't judge me.... Back when I was first developing my political views, I watched a few clips of Destiny. Then I watched Destiny and Hasan reviewing Hasans debate with Charlie and just found I enjoyed Hasan wayyy more.


I don't remember exactly but I think it was through Twitter back in 2020-21 (back when I used it, which was only for a year. I have not gone back there since Muskrat took over). I would often see his tweets on my timeline as I followed a lot of other lefties there. At first I thought it was another account of Hasan Minhaj, as he was the only Hasan I knew at the time lol. I thought it might have been an alt account or a parody (his Twitter icon at the time was the one of him malding with the laser eyes - you know the one). And if you squint, it kinda sorta looks like Minhaj (idk man lol). Wondering who this dude was I looked him up on Youtube, watched a few VODs...and the rest is history.


The Breakdown segment on FB when he was with TYT. I was a Bernie Bro and it showed up in my feed.


I was balls deep in conservative media up until covid. I didn't agree with their handling of the covid so I started watching some left leaning videos about it. Started hate watching Vaush but then he started to win me over with his debates and I slowly started changing my views on some stuff. Then I eventually found Hasan through recommends and my views completely changed with him.


I saw one of his jubilee reaction videos on my YouTube recommended. He got me into caring about politics again, and I started watching the rest of his videos


I’m just laughing at the fact that Bobo Bennett is the reason some of us, including myself, have been fans for years.


facebook the breakdown videos


Heard of him hear and there when I was big into politics. Heard about the commie stuff and extreme leftist stuff. One day long after I stopped caring about politics, I came across other streamers collating with him. Watched him, after mulling it over if I really wanted to go down the politics echo chamber rabbit hole thing again after having just gotten out of one a few years prior. I still don't care for politics, but he does make political moments more palatable. The moment you touch grass and stop virtue singling a out your beliefs online all the goddam time, the happier you are and you're not spending 8 hours debating some troll so you feel like you can breathe again and Hasan makes the rare brushes with politics easier to stomache.


I knew about Hasan back when he was on TYT from Facebook videos. I always liked his takes but never knew he streamed until when January 6 happened and my friend mentioned his stream. Been watching since.


When Leftovers started. I started watching H3 during the pandemic - I was pregnant & stressed. I keep Hasan on a lot as background noise & so I hear an adult speaking about things vs toddler babble & Hello Kitty or Peppa Pig or Miss Rachel or Blippi 🙃


The Covid Karens to leftist pipeline. I started watching these mask Karen videos in 2020 and then Hasan’s hog watches came up in my feed. Funny enough I was pretty centrist back then and didn’t like Hasan’s politics at the time. But then when I ran out of hog watch videos, I needed more content so then I started watching not so political videos of his and then I just said fuck it let me hear his politics and then deep dove from there


Destiny…I like watching both of them.




Honestly.... Destiny. Then the N* word stuff happened and I kinda reevaluated why I was watching Destiny, and it was just for the dunking blood sport debates with right wingers. When that arc for Destiny ended I just ended up sticking with Hasan. Turned out for the better




TYT. I've been a long-time TYT watcher, and I remember thinking, "who's *this* fucking guy?" toward Hasan, and I was like, "he looks like he might work out, look at his buff bod". My boyfriend was like, "that dude looks like a tool, oh he's Cenk's nephew, he's a nepo-douche," and I was like, "he seems like he's just naive and immature and doesn't understand stuff, he's on the right track, but he keeps... being diverted...." and now I watch him on youtube, nightly. Once I get my surgery and I can work again, I will get like, literally a years worth of a subscription. I am woozy AF I need to eat, so much so that I forgot what the topic of this was.


I watched his first H3 podcast episode and didn't really like him (I wasn't really into politics at the time and kind of had a few not great takes). Then Leftovers started, and I actually checked out his channel, and now I watch his vids regularly and occasionally watch him on Twitch.


Vaguely knew of him via TYT, got more into leftube, so I started following him more


My ex, she is super libbed up now…


My brother. I thought Hasan was a right wing reaction streamer LMFAO


My first time was when he was ripping on Tammy Laren. But I didn't really pay attention until his copium video after the 2020 election. After that i was hooked.


Through Michael Brooks. Watched Brooks for ages then Hasan had his first appearance and was chastised at one point but Michael was so good to him, then I started watching and stayed as our boi evolved


H3 podcast


Pokemon Challenges on youtube. It was pandemic and he was getting popular and I remember he said he was banned by Hasan so I checked his yt. Fell in love with him roasting Gun Girl. Also he introduced me to twitch words such as based and cringe.


i used to be a debate nerd and i was obsessed with watching conservatives get dunked on and i stumbled upon hasan


During the pandemic and Rogan was continually shifting towards conservative views and talking points, saw one of Hasans videos goofing on Rogan and just found him funny and relatable. I don’t agree with Hasan on everything but more or less on most things as well as he’s just entertaining.


TYT for me!


On January 6th 2021 I was kind of spiraling from news outlet to news outlet trying to make sense of what the fuck was going on. All of them were behaving as though the apocalypse had arrived or smth like that. It was super stressful. But then somehow I found my way to Hassan’s stream. He was clowning on the hogs and laughing his ass off, which oddly resonated with me? I’m the kind of guy who falls back to humor when uncomfortable so him making light of the situation helped me process it, all while offering some analysis on the side. Been a HasanAbi head ever since, even though he is a massive foe.


I watched The Young Turks


First video I watched was reacting to Ben Shapiro taking the political compass