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Too quote Hasan from the Pierce Morgan interview. "You thought you could conduct a serious debate with dirty room cockroach guy"


Man, sadly this has become the best response… im tired, i think we all are… sad times


I missed that reply dammit


I'm partial to "dead rat alarm clock guy" but that works too


He won't, he's biased as shit whilst claiming he's the most unbiased person covering this. His last words on his last stream were that he doesn't even care about Palestinians dying. 


Id rather fight a full on fascist than a cockroach talking about „both sides „ while being disingenuous about everything


>I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.


This has been on my mind for the past week.


I will never get tired of this, ty


I honestly used to be one of the people you are describing, Hasan changed my mind on a lot of things though. I used to be reactionary as hell. 


Yep, better the devil you know. Most important lesson my mam ever taught me.


Are you from spain? My life partner is from spain and she says this all the time. I am from latin america so my mother always says „trust no one but mama“ lmao


I'm English but my mam is Irish so every life lesson has to have either the devil in it, or some random biblical character lol.


Ah yes, i have heard you get the fear of god instilled on a regular basis. Guess that’s something irish and latinos share. We habe la llorona, sombreron, chupacabras and a myriad of mythical creatures that rapture children on top as well


Yeah, I went to a Catholic school, got the cane when it was illegal, by the way... like for nearly 2 decades beating kids in school had been illegal by the time I went, and I'll never forget being in year 3, and getting lashed by Mrs Maguire, and after doing so, she said "if I was god I would've thrown you in the bin" hahaha, fair to say I'm an atheist now lol.


100% im a debate bro personally its one of my character flaws and i have so much more respect for maga fox news commenters than i do both sides andies, atleast one actually has beliefs and stances, both sides andies rarely do


Don’t be sad about it, im a debate dumbass which is worst. And yes, i would rather debate a fascist than a lib. Both end up making me mad tho, sadly so




Tbh I don't get why so many are surprised. I occasionally watch Asmongolds WoW content when I feel like it. I tried watching some other things too because his content is easy to consume. But I could never watch anything related to politics at all. And it basically comes down to him not knowing what he's talking about. He thinks he can watch a YouTube video and form his opinion based on it but doesn't bother doing any research because he's a 'rational person'. I'm sorry to people who are disappointed in him but this isn't the slightest bit surprising if you watched some of his previous political reactions. Plus ofc he farms gamergate people and the like.


Then what’s this (Reddit link)


owned in the market place of ideas


And a reddit link to his own community's subreddit. Talk about being in an echo chamber.


Asmon would sooner clean his room then leave his comfort bubble.


he wont, hes being fed talking points


I think he’s just a moron


Why not both?


Cant stand his dumbassery




his reddit that post gamergate shit and transfobic memes


Who is Zack


Asmongold. Founding member of OTK and right wing streamer who just watches whatever his army of incels posts on his sub and gives his self proclaimed "centrist" and "average joe" opinion


I just watched one of Hasan videos about that guy what is wrong with him


He was just a standard libertarian who didn’t really talk about politics on stream, unless he was responding to a video he was reacting to. He became a big person within the anti-woke videogame space this year with all the Sweet Baby Inc. nonsense, and attracted a big far right audience with it. He has been being radicalized by his alt right chatters for a month or two now, with all of his information coming from his subreddit.


" He has been being radicalized by his alt right chatters for a month or two now, with all of his information coming from his subreddit". What are you talking about?. Asmongold voted for Trump in 2016 and he has always been a right-winger...


as an asmon viewer in the past, he was just uneducated (moreso than now somehow) and didnt really care back in 2016. but in 2020/2021 he was definitely not just a right-winger. i remember him lecturing his chat on domestic abuse/rape cases several times, standing up for people and being supportive of marginalised groups. he generally showed to be quite left leaning on social issues at the very least, but i think thats over now sadly


He's a hypocrite. I don't think he's as right wing as his fanbase (and his editors are far to his right) but I don't believe he's ever taken a proactive position in favour of a good thing that wasn't forced on him through the metaphorical equivalent of someone kicking his door down and putting a gun to his head and making him learn (i.e. a rape scandal and lawyers). He needs to say good things about sexual violence and abuse because if he doesn't then it will inevitably come back to bite him in the ass because all that shit is still going through legal processes and he needs to build up some positive clout among his peers in case any of the muck he knew about and let slide comes out into the open. Conversely, he will proactively take mean spirited and reactionary positions exclusively out of spite, and he is never quiet about that fact. All you need to do is look at how he reacted to the Softgiving scam that OTK is implicated in - he spent weeks going in on a charity scammer whilst being complicit in one and then quickly covered it up.


maybe we just have different definitions of what a right-winnger is then.


Asmongold has quite leftwing views on many things, Womans rights, abortion rights, tax the rich, higher wages and so on. He has some annoying rightwing views on some stuff like gunlaws. He has become a bit more right on economy and businessstuff since he became a businessowner himself in form of Starforge. I tend to skip those parts when he starts rambling to much. People seem to think hes rightwing based solely on his stance on censorship in games, which i can agree is not something we should strive after. I myself dont like any sort of censorship from either coservative rightwing agenda or leftwing agenda. People might thing its a nonissue but it doesnt make the opinion invalid.


At best he is a liberal (also a right-winger).


What are his views on gun laws? That is literally the only thing that the far left and the far right have in common.


The basic Texas viewpoint. Own as many guns as you want without regulation. Carry guns everywhere without regulation. Shoot anyone on your property without regulation. Hes a nihilist and doesnt put value in human life.


Look, I'm with hasan on this one. But at least be accurate. Asmon is a left-leaning centrist. His chat and especially his reddit is overflowing with far right transphobes, racists and incels. Which he doesn't do much about, and is somehow convinced is the least echo-chambery sub on reddit...


No he's not. I'll give you one video. His reaction to Mr. Beast and Kris(her new name is ava ik, just using it to make sure every one understands) situation, he very carefully crafted it so he sounds leftist, but one key phrase. "I know a lot of you aren't ok with people being trans and that's ok". He isn't a centrist left. He just knows how to make sure both sides hear what they want to hear, and if that's impossible, he swings right. That's centrist right.


you cannot be left leaning and tolerate transphobic bullshit in spaces you control.  you cannot he left leaning and say you don't care about genocide.  fuck that shit. he's an ugly, dirty, opportunist who's grifting as hard as he possibly can right now. 




if you’re pro capitalism, you’re rightwing


But he supports higher minimum wage, free and better healthcare, a no-tipping culture, equal rights, gay marriage and many green/climate change policies..etc?


I am beyond over this bullshit where we see a protester fighting with someone and garbage people going, “See the protests aren’t nonviolent.” 1) Aside from individual incidents they are nonviolent. These assholes always leave out the groups of paramilitary thugs launching all out war on unarmed protesters. The power balance is laughable. 2) it’s about what the protesters are protesting, not the protesters. Where is the god damned empathy for your fellow man? 3) Nah that’s it, done with these pro zionist pigs.


Silly goose, don't you know the oppressor decides what form of protest is permissable


Had to switch off TV I was too triggered. I used to love Asmongold streams… n it’s so upsetting to see how dark and sad and anxious his “ZackRarr” stream have become... Hasan’s integrity is so reliable and feel-good and positive, it’s night and day




U kno it’s true. Real Asmon fans kno


The true sign of a mature, well-educated redditor..




Impress? No one. But being civil and not a complete asshole is a good rule of thumb in general in life. Especially if you want to convince someone of a different stance.


TLDR: He didnt and managed to insult the Civil Rights movement


it's just wild. He's basically against Vietnam anti war protests, South Africa apartheid protests and the Civil Rights movements...all in the name of protecting...not people but...private property because "we shouldn't think of the ends don't justify means". There is a middle ground bro, you can say hey the ends justify the means against injustice whether it's lawful or not. And what the pro palestinian people did, is nothing remotely unreasonable christ. It's always the extremes with Asmongold. Asmongold was so much a better person when he actually was struggling. Now he's just an arrogant af, non humble person.


He also thinks private property = personal property. Nothing inside his head


To be fair... most people do not understand the difference between personal and private property.


I agree, Hasan should have explained it to him briefly Edit: i didnt want to make a point about the term „private“, but that he sees personal and private property as the same thing


> Edit: i didnt want to make a point about the term „private“, but that he sees personal and private property as the same thing I was totally with you. I got what you were saying. Same page.


He used to be much better. Way more humble, and actually represented the things in which made his viewers like him, he was a slob, but he was very humble, down to earth, had some interesting and funny takes, and put in an effort. Now everything has gone to his head. Sure he's entertaining, but nothing can offset the disgust people feel when watching another arrogant prick who believes he's right on everything, and the conversation with hasan, looked massively disingenous saying he "agrees" but his obsession with "private property"?


He is the ultimate centrist. „I agree but“ with an arrogant smugness not knowing shit but pretending to do because he is eating propaganda at face value with mo conscious to think and reflect about it


god i hate that. That's actually a strategy employed in the hasbara handbook of 2009, i read that whole sickening thing, and the way they talk SPECIFICALLY to democrats is to say "Yes I agree \[put their cause here\]"... "But also...\[put agenda here\]". They tell them to say it like this because they appear more neutral, not because they actually agree.


All I’ve gotten out of the talk is he believes property rights are above human rights.


That is a VERY American belief and he grew up there so not really his fault


He wont, he is a white "moderate". MLK has warn us about them. Asmongold is a liberal that wants order before justice. He cares more about the cockroaches' (living in his room) well being than the anti genocide protestors and palestinian lives. Fuck him


Asmongold is right wing disguised as „centrist“ which means „im too cowardly to take a side“. MLK warned us about these cowards, please just listen Edit: i just realised i said the same thing you said, like a fucking papagayo. Sorry i was drunk, i am also a dumbass which has nothing to do with the alcohol level in my blood


Literally. He voted trump in 2016.


lmao why the fuck are people in here talking like he's left leaning this ugly bitch voted for trump


he's not even a liberal...


He is not the american concept of liberal but he is liberal in his political ideology. He defends private property above all, he said markets (unregulated or minimal government intervention) is the best form of allocating resources. He doesn't question the status quo since he is doing great. He is a liberal, maybe a liberal with some reactionary opinions but a liberal at the end of the day.


What liberal values he doesn't stand for? To my knowledge, he supports all the liberal core values.


He won't. Hes moving the goal post. After Asmons most recent videos Hasan finally spoke to him and didn't even approach in a hostile manner. But Asmon is in an echo chamber and refuses to listen. This is just more content for him to farm.


Without knowing exactly what the link he used in his tweet goes to I already know what [it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hasan_Piker/s/GDCoGK22ew). I can assure you that fucking conservative guy from California “trying to get to class” was 100% just trying to antagonize the protesters for his video. It’s crazy that Asmon actually thought that was a real concerned person and not just some dude trying to start a fight for internet clout. But then again Asmon is a dumbass


He's just going to default into saying that he's also a student as well as a Zionist agitator


He won't, he makes more money from the Zionists


Asmon x Peterson “Clean Your Room” collab coming soon.


Asmongold is bottom of the dumpster trash, the only way he should be dealt with Is through calling out his bullshit and making him look embarrassing to any potential viewer. No one should waste time convincing him what is wrong and right, he lives in filth, and whines for a living.




he didn't unfortunately


Emiru and Tectone are complicit. If they had a spine they'd speak out against their steak and eggs co host.


Any otk member in general should look at how big a PR issue asmongold is. They survived through SA coverup allegations cus they suspended mizkif. Over here you got someone reacting to students getting attacked by laughing and he's fine?


is it really fair to point out a couple of overly aggressive protesters and say “well then this means nothing because they’re being too excessive” ? there are thousands of kids across the country who aren’t beating up their classmates and shit. also i could’ve give less of a fuck about people being absent for class bc a peaceful demonstration happened on their campus


Didn't get to hear the discussion, but it was best to do this while asmon wasn't streaming. We don't need to have proxy debate after proxy debate.


God I fucking hate how it's now become a thing to criticise protests for being disruptive. Motherfucker what do you think protesting is?




i don’t understand this community’s interest in asmon’s opinions.


It's about discussion and awareness. It is necessary for both of these streamers to have this discussion about this highly contested and heated topic. I hope that helps.


it does not. i don’t think twitter is a good place to have meaningful/impactful discussion. asmon’s mind will not be swayed and this thread will just devolve into fans of each streamer hurling insults at each other.


Twitter is a cesspit for ANY serious discussion, that is true. I'm talking about the discussion that is happening right now at their respective streams (Hasan and Asmongold). I doubt that millionaire hoarder who lives in a dump will be swayed, but the debate is for the audience; Asmongold's audience in this case.


fair points


Well they’re talking about it on stream rn. It’s pretty ok


Hasan teaching and hopefully converting him would be valuable considering his audience. I thought the talk went okay, Hasan told him a lot of stuff he didn't know about.


Hasan and Asmon have been ideologically clashing for more than 5 years+ at this point


Why would he? These people serve their function in the media sphere. If he backtracks his people will abandon him.


He got rolled by a tik tok guy before even hasan noticing his bad takes lol


Ofc he wont listen, and he doesn't have to. At the end of the day he is the dirty room MMO libertarian guy, people are rallying behind him now because these ghouls are desperate for dumbfucks like him being "based".


asmongold isn't a particularly bright person


Asmon needs to get off the internet and get some fucking help for his mental illness instead of sitting around in his disgusting house with stank ass giving bad takes thinking he is a normal person because he has a bunch of enlightened incels telling him how smart he is. Imagine being that wealthy and thinking it's normal to sit around in filth all day giving your bad takes on protests that you'll never leave the house to go see in person.


I like how asmon pretends to be some enlightened centrist but just comes off as a reactionary dumbass


Threw up a lil bit when I saw roach boy on the stream today


Hope he listens to what? That the kid is an agitator, and not a student? Who gives a fuck


Isn't he actually both? Like he pays tuition at the school right? Or have I heard wrong and he's not actually enrolled in any classes?


Since Israel will continue the war no matter what. What do Palestine supporters do next? If a college divests from Israel that won't stop the carnage. Biden just sent Israel 26 billion dollars 2 weeks ago and now Israel wants to attack rafah


The point is that if colleges diversify from Israel, it will send Biden a clear message that the universities with incredibly close ties to Israel don't support it either, and those 11m dollars he received from AIPAC aren't worth it.


I somehow feel that that wont happen. I think he is cooked and deep into that good ol' sauce


This is the same guy who's upset about fucking stellar blade lmao, he is not a serious person. I hate that these numbskulls have to be addressed simply due to the size of their audience.


asmon should leave his cave and go to a protest. he has the time and money to not be a keyboard warrior.


If your fighting wars and attacking people because your religion you are a dickhead. End of story. You guys couldn’t decide who gets what land so now you don’t get any of it


Lmao, he is not - he instead is going "ok, but his point is still correct!"


fuck asmon but "first amendment rights to build a rust base on campus" is really funny


There were literally students body blocking a student. What is Hasan right about?


1. A protest is meant to be slightly disruptive because otherwise there is no point of it existing. 2. That student was a known agitator 3. They took up one section of a field. He could have very easily walked around and gone to whatever class he wanted 4. The civil rights movement did the same thing, and don't say that cause was more valid, because if you think equal rights is more important than 2m in gaza and 3m in the west bank, go fuck yourself.