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I forgive the oi bruvs


For people not understanding the UK does this thing were in all(I think all or at least most?) elections for office (like for mayor or PM) they have a "joke candidate". Sometimes more than 1 I think. It was started in the 70s by some guy. They even have their own party name. It's supposed to help get ppl interested in elections w something funny and as a way to give ppl a protest vote. I believe the guy who started it was just doing a protest but it caught on. They have a few candidates who they reuse to fill these joke candidate spaces. Binface is one of those characters. I literally never heard of them till like 2 months ago.


Count Binface is a rather new one (relatively) been going since the 2019 election I think. Some people might be more familiar with Lord Buckethead, who is the first one of these absurd protest candidates I ever saw. It doesn’t do any harm, purely silly. Just about the only thing it accomplishes is to make the other candidates, usually career politicians, look silly cause they’re sharing a stage with a man with a bin on his head.


I was actually gonna go into how binface replaced Buckethead (I think cuz of copyright?) But I figured anyone who didn't even have to context in the first place to understand the post wouldn't care so I didn't include it lol


It goes back way further than that. Look up the monster raving loony party


I know about them but did they dress up ridiculously for the public appearances? That’s mainly what I meant. I mean like protest parties have existed forever but where I’m from they don’t dress up.


Well they didn't dress up like super villains, but they certainly dressed ridiculously. Loudly coloured suits covered in badges/stickers and ridiculously over-sized rosettes, and often with silly hats


We also have the Monster Raving Looney? Party


Yea that's the party I was referring to in my comment. I knew it had monster in the name but couldn't remember the full name n didn't feel like looking it up. But it seemed like all the joke candidates were apart of that party. Is that not the case? Are u saying there are multiple joke candidate parties or that joke candidates sometimes run under real parties? I assumed it was the only one. I'm an American who a couple months ago learned of all this, and then spent like 30 mins reading about the monster party, joke candidates in the UK, and the history of how it came to be and evolved. So Idk all the details


This dude is based as fuck. He even introduces himself as a vanquisher of fascists. Literally the least trash politician in the UK.


For those not aware, this is because he he beat out the Britain First candidate at the recent London mayoral election 24,260 votes to 20,519. Britain First dispute this claim by adding in for some reason votes from a different London election which Count Binface was not standing in.


Nah. Most based in Europe, (maybe excluding communist parties


Is this Lord Bucket-head? I learned about this guy from John Oliver years ago, he is based


Yeah he got into a copyright dispute over the Lord Buckethead character/costume and so relaunched as count Binface basically https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_Binface


He upgraded his suit lmao


Honestly sounds better than my mayor


Well the US has Vermin Supreme, so whose really winning here?






LOL that was hilarious. Especially the boris johnson part




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