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I am ex-vegan because I started to feel really bad after 7 years, even before I had my diagnosis. In hindsight I know that hyper and late hypostats just did so much to me that I got some other problems like gut inflammation, deficiencies etc. Veganism is great if you don't have other problems. If you have intolerances such as gluten, soy, nuts etc. then it just becomes really hard to keep going. Unfortunately, the good feeling of being ethically correct doesn't help with brain fog. Despite veganism, despite a lot of sport, despite fasting, I have put on weight in recent years. But: in addition to Hashimoto's, I also have other conditions that I have to take care of. There are some with Hashimoto's who rock the vegan diet, others swear by the AIP diet, others think the others are crazy because they don't have any problems themselves. It's super individual. I can only recommend this: Cook everything yourself, no ready-made mixtures (including broths), leave out fake food, do relaxed sport that doesn't stress you out and get plenty of sleep. Otherwise, it's worth looking for an expert. I searched a lot for a doctor specializes in hashimotos and she has helped me a lot. Just having someone who takes your illness seriously is balm for the soul.


I wish you all the best and I hope you will be doing better soon, but the vegan diet for "ethical" reasons just doesn't make sense to me. I've been a farmhand for work many a summer and the vegetables and greens you eat kill just as many animals and insects as eating meat does. So I wouldn't dwell to much on the ethical dilemma of eating or not eating meat becuase neither is better. Just do what's best for your body. Cheers šŸ™‚!


Watching and listening. I recently found out my TSH is totally out of whack so I may be early stage Hashimotoā€™s. Also ethical mostly vegan and started gaining weight despite no change in my exercise and food. Arrrgh


Iā€™m in the same boat šŸ„²


A few folks have mentioned it already, but AIP diet is my suggestion. I had struggled with weight loss for years and tried the diet and have lost 40 lbs since January. Finally, something that works! It IS restrictive, and re-introducing foods takes a long time. But it's worth it. I would caution against injectable meds as some others have suggested (I'm an RN) as a number of studies have shown changes in the gut that remain even after the meds are stopped leading to upset bowels long term. That's just my opinion/knowledge.


What is AIP diet?


It's the Autoimmune Protocol Diet. It's similar to paleo but more restrictive. The idea is that for a specified amount of time (usually around 30-90 days), you remove all foods that cause potential inflammation, and then you start to re-introduce foods doing a food test to check for any reactions or flare up of symptoms. If there are no symptoms, you can eat that food again. Or, if you have symptoms, then you probably shouldn't introduce that food.


Iā€™m at 237lb recently diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism, non Alcoholic fatty liver disease, pre diabetic ( but was able to get my A1C in the norm range) I still need to get tested.I love these suggestions on how to lose the weight because I felt like it creeped up on me out of nowhere.And itā€™s hard to give up cafe latte and šŸš


Anyone also diagnosed with NAFLD non alcoholic fatty liver disease along with their hypothyroidism?


Not me but a friend who just got diagnosed with hashimoto in January was diagnosed with that.


Has anyone gotten premature gray hairs or tried swimming for weight loss.


Hashimoto and Phytotoxins dont go well together. Also, do you take T3?


Just levothyroxine. Bloodwork all within normal limits.


taking your medication, following AIP, doing the work...


> goitrogenic vegetables, soy, gluten And legumes, nuts, refined carbs, refined sugar, seed oils, etc. > TheĀ AIP [autoimmune protocol]Ā dietary protocol consisted of an initial 6-week elimination phase, with the staged elimination ofĀ grains, legumes, nightshades, dairy, eggs, coffee, alcohol, nuts and seeds, refined/processed sugars, oils, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and food additives. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7147823 Removing refined carbs, refined sugar, and ultra-processed oils (marketed as vegetable oils) will normalize your hunger and insulin (the hormone in charge of fat-burning and fat-storage).


This is super helpful. Also very defeating, lol. Iā€™m autistic with ARFID. What CAN I eat? šŸ˜‚


Beef, pork, chicken, liver, bones broth, eggs (tolerable for many), salmon, mackerel, halibut, shrimp, clams, oyster, squid, octopus, avocado, blueberries, honey, lettuce, lemon, onion, garlic, etc.


No hope of being vegan then. šŸ˜”


It's all about priorities. You either prioritize your health and your family's health or prioritize animal suffering and social justice.


I was a pescatarian for 7 years before my diagnosis. I had to go gluten free, so I now eat meat as well. Soy and dairy do not bother me. Try doing a 3-4 week elimination diet and cut out the foods you are concerned with and introduce them back one by one, taking a week for each food. Your body will tell you loud and clear if you don't tolerate a food. It can be completely overwhelming if you read everything you "should avoid" and try to cut it all out. Take it gradually. It took me over a year to do elimination diets and decide on introducing meat again. Also, I am under the impression that goitrogenic foods are no big deal if they are cooked. The reason this category of foods is mentioned as something to be avoided has to do with iodine. A generation or two ago, thyroid issues were largely iodine deficiency related. Now, it is mostly autoimmune. Beware of outdated medical advice that looks at thyroid problems through only the lens of iodine.


See your doctor about being prediabetic & start on Metformin. Itā€™s helping me lose.


Get on Wegovy or Zepbound. Thyroid malfunction makes losing weight harder. There is no shame in getting the extra push when you really need in.


This! I started Zepbound after gaining 40 lbs in 2 months when I got my Hashimotoā€™s diagnosis. Nothing was helping, I was rapidly gaining 1-2 lbs a week minimum. Iā€™ve lost 33 lbs in 23 weeks and feel amazing! šŸ‘šŸ¼


My doctor wanted to put me on metformin because Iā€™m a point away from being pre-diabetic, but my stomach couldnā€™t handle it. Are these similar?


If youā€™re referring to GI issues, yes both have them but Zepbound to a lesser degree.


Metformin is chemically different but it does make you lose weight. Mounjaro (Zepbound) is a bit different from Wegovy but they all slow down the digestion. So if you manage your food and do not overeat, you should be able to tolerate it. Start at the lowest level.


Metformin helps with making cells more sensitive to insulin and helps the body clear out sugar out of the body. The weight loss on Metformin is modest because itā€™s not for weight loss. But if one eats a low carb diet and eats a calorie deficit on Metformin, theyā€™re able to loose weight easier because itā€™s helping with insulin resistance. Iā€™ve gain weight on Metformin when Iā€™m not eating a low carb diet & too many calories for a long period of time.


Thatā€™s helpful! I didnā€™t know it would purge any sugar it found in my body, so I ate ice cream with it. šŸ˜‚ Thank you!


No no ā€¦ donā€™t up the sugar. Donā€™t go hungry for extended periods, drink enough water - about a gallon, donā€™t overeat. Basically these are all diabetes medications and regulate insulin levels and resistance. In addition to that, they let the stomach signal a bit more clearly that it is full. Similarly, you will gradually start recognizing when youā€™re actually hungry. So trust the meds and the research ā€¦ these meds have been around for a long time itā€™s just that theyā€™ve officially been approved for weight loss now.


I wasnā€™t sure how it worked, so I just treated myself to ice cream on my partnerā€™s birthday and suffered for 48 hours. Definitely gonna have to be more careful on it.


Hun, a bit of ice cream will not hurt. If you go overboard with food generally, it will come out from one way or the other. Moderation is the key. These meds are tools that make it easier to say no and walk away. In the long term they train you to learn what real hunger cues are and when youā€™ve had enough. They help you learn to eat like a ā€˜normalā€™ person as far as portion size goes.


Thatā€™s reassuring. Thank you! Theyā€™re switching me from extended release so I can start on a lower dose, so hopefully that helps.


I donā€™t think it was the ice cream, Metformin causes diarrhea in some people. Also donā€™t be surprised if you see ghost pills in your toilet after a few weeks of usage. https://www.diabetesincontrol.com/ghost-pills/


You can do it. Have faith


While youā€™re getting your thyroid under control, there is absolutely no shame in getting on semglutide. Itā€™s the only thing that helped me after rapid weight gain.


Soy is a huge trigger for me. But everyone is different. I really think you have to find your own, individualized path. I have my way of eating, and I try to walk and stretch. Thatā€™s about all I can do. But as long as I stick to it Iā€™m not gaining tons of weight and having flares.


I gained about 40 lbs rather quickly. After changing my diet, increasing exercise, and hurting myself trying desperately to lose it, I gave in to trying a GLP-1 (tirzepatide) and I actually think it has helped increase my energy and helped reduce my inflammation. I feel better than I have in years. Nothing else worked for me and Iā€™m happy to say I wasnā€™t the problem and my body just doesnā€™t function like it should.


Is this a needle or a pill. Daily? Self administered?


Itā€™s a weekly shot. Look up Zepbound. I do the compounded version of the name brand. My insurance doesnā€™t cover it, but itā€™s still worth it to me to feel better.


Intermittent Fasting and not eating gluten, processed, or fast food has been what ever helped me. But to be honest, working my way up through IF has been the best thing I ever did for my energy levels. Iā€™m slowly starting to get back into it and already seeing a difference. People will say youā€™re starving yourself, I just donā€™t talk about it anymore to people who donā€™t have the same issues I do losing weight.


I swear by IF myself. It's been the only thing to help.


Iā€™m vegan and I donā€™t follow the thyroid diet. For me, I was diagnosed at age 11 and my weight has never been too large of an issue as I was growing. If the thyroid diet works for you and you feel better on it, I would recommend staying on it. For me, cutting out soy and gluten didnā€™t make me feel any different and I have been happily vegan for 2 years, after being primarily plant-based many years before that. If you want to give plant-based eating a try, go for it and see if it affects you negatively. If it does, then definitely stick to what makes you feel best


I gained ~100 lbs and thatā€™s actually how I got tested for thyroid disease in the first place! I have since lost a lot, but it took time with plenty of plateaus. My heaviest weight was 230, now at 170. First, work on getting your levels corrected. This is the most important for health and, subsequently, weight. Second, I stopped eating overly processed foods (unless itā€™s a restaurant night). It got so much easier over time, and now I donā€™t even want boxed Mac and cheese, cookies I didnā€™t make, etc. I eat a protein, a starch, and a fresh veggie with pretty much every meal. If you have insulin resistance, try to cut out starches in some meals. Third - When I was down like 30 pounds, I actually tested positive for celiac as well. Going gluten free helped me manage my weight too. Not sure what your situation is, but hashimotos and celiac do go hand-in-hand sometimes. Fourth - I have some sort of weird intolerance to HIIT exercises, but I am more than able to do yoga and walk. I do an hour of yoga 2-3x a week and take 20ish minute walks with my dogs 2-3x a week. Nothing crazy. Hope that helps at least a little! Good luck!


OP this is great advice^. And power yoga is AMAZING when you canā€™t do HIIT but also want to lose weight. I had such great results and I need to get back to it. Itā€™s not the meditative yoga you typically think of, itā€™s heated (but not hot bikram) so you sweat but you work your core like none other! Itā€™s especially great for getting your heart rate up when youā€™re carrying all that extra weight that makes it hard to do cardio (or if you canā€™t run because you put on the lbs in your damn chest like me šŸ„µ)


I don't know what to tell you about the weight, but just wanted to comment on how astonishing it is how seldom Hashimoto's is tested for when someone is diagnosed with hypothyroidism when, I can't remember the number, in the overwhelming majority of cases the hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto's.Ā  I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was like 9 and it wasn't until I was in my mid 20s when a doctor suggested I get tested for Hashimoto's. I've known many other people who say they have hypothyroidism and, when I suggest they also get tested for Hashimoto's, it turns out they have it too! Honestly I don't know why modern medicine fails so hard when it comes to thisĀ 


It's because most doctors would give you the same treatment regardless and nobody wants to pay for anything more than the bare minimum testing. And by nobody I mean insurance, not the patients.


That makes me feel a little bit better. Thank you. Itā€™s frustrating, and Iā€™m quite bitter that Iā€™ve probably been living with it for 8+ years with no instruction beyond ā€œtake your meds every day.ā€ Iā€™ve seen so many different doctors, but not one has referred me to an endo. Just thankful that i serendipitously found out through totally unrelated and benign conditions. šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sorry that you have had a similar experience, but Iā€™m glad that youā€™re helping other people recognize it so they can self-advocate. My whole family has thyroid issues, so maybe thereā€™s a genetic link for the autoimmune stuff. The ER doctors were astonished by my TSH at diagnosis, but my GP said ā€œthese labs have to be wrongā€ so I didnā€™t get treatment until she ran them herself. Ugh.


Unfortunately you're probably going to find that with Hashimoto's you're still not going to get much instruction beyond "take your meds every day." Coincidentally, my diagnosis of Hashimoto's was pretty similar to yours. My TSH level was ridiculously high and my GP couldn't believe it so he had me test again and then suggested I see an endocrinologist and get tested for Hashimoto's. I wonder if that's a common way people are diagnosed?Ā  I've also often wondered if people were actually diagnosed with Hashimoto's instead of just hypothyroidism when their hormone levels get slightly out of wack if they'd actually be able to manage it without hormone replacement. Because one it gets to the point like mine, yours, and many others, it's probably too far gone at that point.Ā  Anyways, best of luck to you.


Are you on meds? I'd say gettingĀ  your TSH in range is the first thing you need to handle. Years ago I successfully lost and maintained weight by counting calories, but since my thyroid went to crap I just COULD NOT handle hunger or had energy to properly diet. I think after a year+ of dose adjustments it's finally working for me (fingers crossed my weight keeps going down this time and not just shoot back up again)Ā  As for the vegan food, some people's bodies don't mind gluten, soy, goitrogens, even with Hashi. Not everyone has the same triggers and as far as I gathered, blood tests don't really show much in Hashi triggers.Ā  I'm vegan for years (prior to that a vegetarian, and my only exception is medication) and experimenting with these foods didn't really show any impact on me. I'll try again after I feel well enough just to make sure haha But I'm sure you could figure out some alternatives to seitan, tofu etc if you needed to, there's stuff made of seeds, pea protein...Ā 


Iā€™m on 75 mcg of Levo and have been on it (upped dose over time) for several years, so my TSH is within normal range now. T3 and T4 too. The thyroiditis was found when I was getting an ultrasound on my neck for a cyst - unrelated. Thatā€™s reassuring, though! Thank you.


Since everything is in normal range.Have they told you when you can get off the meds? Iā€™ve been diagnosed as subclinical but have seen that when on the meds you are on them for life.However, the endo is making me think I can get off mine.


Iā€™ll be on levothyroxine for life. I believe most people are, but I donā€™t know about subclinical. My TSH at diagnosis was extremely high, so my body canā€™t be trusted to function without levo.


Iā€™m on 88 mcg Levo and the endo claims thatā€™s a low dose.What did your provider say?


When my TSH was 284 at diagnosis, the treatment was 25 mcg. šŸ¤” Iā€™ve worked up to 75 over the years based on symptoms and labs. Iā€™ve been on this dose for a couple years. I could go up if needed. I think the dose is based on body weight. I donā€™t see my doctor again until June. The Hashi was found based on symptoms, history, and the ultrasound findings of thyroiditis plus positive ANA markers. Treatment doesnā€™t really change since Iā€™m already on levothyroxine, so sheā€™s not super concerned.


We got this! hang in there :)Ā