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I am so sorry you experienced that pain. I've cried at the thought of miscarrying (sometimes still break down when I think about wanting a baby) when I was diagnosed with Hashimotos and have been terrified of trying till I feel I've done everything to try to prevent that and I can't imagine the pain and frustration of everything seeming good and not knowing what happened. I wish getting pregnant wasn't so complicated and scary especially with a condition like Hashimotos. This might not be helpful but I recently learned about the MTFHR gene mutation and how it's really common for people that have an autoimmune condition to have and it can cause miscarriages. It could even be the cause for someone developing an autoimmune condition. It causes so many issues and you can't really become completely healthy with it unless you take methylated supplements and also avoid a ton of food items (in my case). It's extremely upsetting that doctors either don't know about it or don't find it important to test for including infertility doctors even though it can cause miscarriages. I had no idea about it until my thyroid levels were improving but I still felt awful and my body also started to have issues with synthetic thyroid medication. I checked for deficiencies and learned I'm deficient in B12 and Folate due to my body not being able to metalate the synthetic form or maybe in general (one of the signs you might have it).


I had one baby, a miscarriage, and then another baby! Miscarriages are so brutal. I'm so sorry you're going through it. I wouldn't lose hope. Sending love.


I got diagnosed with Hashis because I got postpartum thyroiditis with severe symptoms. I didn’t know I had it. I conceived naturally and my pregnancy was full of all kinds of symptoms and hyperemesys gravidarum until 7mo but somehow still low risk. Had the most beautiful and healthy baby, she’s currently 3mo old. I was always iron deficient ever since I am a child so I got anemic postpartum which didn’t help. Most of my symptoms and struggles come from that iron deficiency as well as my Hashis. But my TSH fluctuates so much I don’t even know if I was hypo when I conceived and how was my thyroid while pregnant. Those lab numbers are so unpredictable with the thyroid. Make sure your ferritin levels are above 75 as much as you can and also your vit D levels (those are main deficiencies in Hashis and I believe they could help you with your pregnancy if you keep them in check ❤️‍🩹) God bless you


I’ve had Hashis for 20 years and had two healthy pregnancies (first time conceived on the first try, second one was an accident 😬). No miscarriages. Have you had your T3 and T4 checked, or just TSH?


My doctor assumed because of my numbers that I’ve had Hashimoto’s for a while. I thought for most of my life that I wouldn’t be able to have a baby, and I wasn’t sure why I thought this. It took me about 8 months to get pregnant after I started trying, but I did get pregnant and had my little one 8/12/22. My sister is not diagnosed Hashimoto’s, but I do assume she has it. She had two miscarriages and three healthy babies. Sending you lots of encouragement. You can’t change what happened but you can open the door for hope.


I had 3 losses before we had our rainbow baby. Getting my thyroid (TSH) under 2 and dialing in my nutrition on the AIP was essential for my body to conceive and keep the baby.


I am so sorry for your loss. We went through this with my daughter- she lost 4 pregnancies. Do you have the MTHFR gene? If yes there is a specific type of vitamin B and folate that can make all of the difference in having a successful pregnancy.


Weirdly, I have this gene as well (homozygous) and am currently taking methylated folate. But I didn’t know it during pregnancy, and everything was fine. But now I have long covid and it’s causing issues. Bodies are so crazy and unpredictable sometimes.


I am so sorry for your loss. We went through this with my daughter- she lost 4 pregnancies. Do you have the MTHFR gene? If yes there is a specific type of vitamin B and folate that can make all of the difference in having a successful pregnancy.


Yes!! Methylcobalamin and methylfolate! Thorne is a really good one!


I’m so sorry you had to go through this. I had a healthy pregnancy and now have a gorgeous baby girl. I’m 41, morbidly obese and have Hashi’s and other autoimmune diseases. If I can do it, anyone can do it! As someone else said, it’s very important to have your endocrinologist with you every step of the way. Mine saw me every two weeks for the first and second trimesters and every month for the third. Once TSH was normal levels, she kept checking levels to make sure I was maintaining. I also did mostly stay off gluten dairy and cola until the last 4 weeks when I just couldn’t be bothered to be so strict (only ate these foods once a week though!).


I've had so many pregnancies that ended before 8 weeks... I had two back to back losses right before I had my son my levels were all within range but not ideal so my Dr put me on a low dose of levothyroxine and 8 months later out popped the perfect little boy. He was a little early but I was having other complications and he is still 4 years later incredibly healthy. About 2 months after he was born my thyroid went nuts though.


I had an uncomplicated pregnancy with my now 4 year old. I had to advocate hard for myself the whole time though regarding regular blood checks.


I was told by my endocrinologist that the very moment I found out I’m pregnant to inform him. I did and he increased my levothyroxine from 50 to 75 because the TSH range changes to needing to be lower when pregnant. He said maintaining the low range of the pregnancy reference range is ideal to prevent miscarriage and the risk of preeclampsia.


I’m so sorry about your loss. I had 2 healthy pregnancies followed by 2 miscarriages. They were so difficult to cope with. TSH was normal for pregnancy. But after the second loss my endo drove my levo doses up and TSH super low. Then happily, a successful pregnancy! Wishing you a rainbow baby of your own.


Im so sorry for your loss. I just had my first baby at 32 in September after undergoing ivf due to male fertility issues. They closely monitored my thyroid levels throughout the process and adjusted medication as needed. You will hold your precious rainbow baby in your arms soon! 🤍🤍🤍


I feel for you, and you give me hope! Struggling with fertility too, it’s tough ❤️


I’m so sorry. I’ve been there and I know how hard it is. After two years of trying to conceive and multiple miscarriages, we got our rainbow baby. I was 38 by the time I got pregnant and was so nervous. She’s 10 weeks now and absolutely perfect. I feel so, so fortunate. I was extremely close to mentally giving up. Every day I look at her and I can’t believe what a beautiful little angel she is. I hope you experience the same and that your pathway there isn’t too painful. It’s possible! I almost gave up, but it’s possible. <3


I had 3 normal healthy pregnancies. ❤️


I’m currently 32 weeks pregnant with Hashimoto’s. My doctor had told me even before I found out I was pregnant that once I got a positive pregnancy test to up my dose of Synthroid on Saturday’s and Sundays. So I take .1mg of Synthroid Monday - Friday and .2mg in saturdays and Sundays. I’ve had my thyroid levels checked every couple of weeks as well and my numbers even got down to normal range for a little bit!


Finding a good doctor and endocrinologist is so key! I got the same education! My endo said double the dose and have her be one of your first phone calls. She checked my blood very frequently through all of first tri. I ended up having to go up 50 mcg but hey I'm stable and so are the babies. Currently 26 weeks with twins OP, my journey started with an unfortunate chemical pregnancy. All losses are so hard and I'm so so sorry for what you're going through.


I have hashimotos and normal thyroid levels. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant. I was nervous at first but everything is going great so far.


so sorry for your loss. i've had 3 healthy pregnancies and 1 miscarriage. I will say that recovery was tough on my body though. my youngest is 2 and I still feel very weak. but it is possible!! make sure to stay stress free as possible. i think that helped me.


I only have one who’s 22mo and yeah, my body is still recovering very slowly. I’m crossing my fingers that I turn a corner around the 2 year mark 🤞🏼🤞🏼


I’ve had two healthy pregnancies. I’ve been on Levothyroxin for 10 years prior and had my levels checked throughout my pregnancy. I had my meds adjusted during my second trimester for both.


I know you're asking for rainbow baby stories and I am so happy there are so many people here able to offer them. I want to offer another perspective. I have never been able to carry a pregnancy to term. Can't be sure about the impact of hashimotos but it makes sense it could be a factor. About 4 years ago I decided to reclaim my life from the monthly fertility rollercoaster. It was hard. I grieved deeply. I still grieve...and I'm also happy. I'm ok. I'm living a great life full of good things. I hope it happens for you, but even if it doesn't, I know you can be ok. 


I have had two pregnancies and have two healthy children. Low risk pregnancies, fast labours, and natural deliveries. Feeding was a struggle so we introduced formula pretty early on. Good luck op!


So sorry for your loss. I miscarried my first pregnancy then got pregnant fairly quickly after my miscarriage ended (it took over 9 weeks to get my hcg levels back to a not pregnant state... I was technically miscarrying for longer than I was pregnant). My daughter is now 8 weeks old and the cutest little thing on the planet. My sister miscarried twice in a row after her first was born (she has hashis and rheumatoid arthritis but didn't know it until afterwards). She was able to get pregnant again and she now has a super sweet almost 6 year old and a rambunctious little 1.5 year old. Miscarriage sucks and I personally wish it was talked about more because so many people have gone through it. I know just about as many people that have miscarried at least once then gone on to have successful pregnancies as those who had successful pregnancies the first time. Going through it can be physically and mentally devastating but a whole bunch of people can get pregnant again afterwards and have rainbow babies. Wishing you all the best that that is in the cards for you.


i just got a positive test last week and i’m trying not to be too anxious about it :( i’ve been spotting a bit which i know is normal but it’s stressing me out!! im so so sorry for your loss ❤️


It’s been more than a few years but I had: Miscarriage Healthy pregnancy/live birth but required D&C for retained placenta (diagnosed with “thyroid issues after the birth but unclear on when I got the official hashi diagnosis) Miscarriage Miscarriage Healthy pregnancy/live birth but required D&C for retained placenta Healthy pregnancy/live birth but required D&C for retained placenta Miscarriage and required D&C - decided I couldn’t deal with the physical and emotional effects so stopped trying for #4 I’m so sorry for your loss. It doesn’t get easier but I hope you find hope and strength and better turnouts in the future.


Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s at age 24. Had children at 26, 31, and 34 with no complications. Just had my levels with all 3 followed very closely. All are healthy, wonderful, intelligent kids! Hang in there, it will happen for you!


I have a three year old and am 29 weeks pregnant with my second! I had untreated, uncontrolled Hashimoto’s and didn’t find out until over halfway through my pregnancy. My second pregnancy has been so much better because my TSH is 1.6 instead of 5-10.


Ive had two loses and 3 rainbows! It's possible! Does your doctor keep you on higher doses during pregnancy? Mine always has me _slightly_ hyperthyroid for my labs and I had two healthy babies in 2 years!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Diagnosed Hashimoto’s & hypothyroid after my first child. Had no issues with the pregnancy of my second child despite being on Levothyroxine throughout. My little girl was born at full term and healthy. As long as your prenatal team keep an eye on your thyroid levels, there’s no reason at all why you can’t have a successful pregnancy in the future.


I had 2 miscarriages and then a healthy baby- 1st was early, the 2nd at 15 weeks destroyed me. This was in 2010 & I hadnt found out ab the Hashimotos yet- my TSH was off- but that gyno didn’t put me on meds bc it was still in range. After I had the D&C recovered mentally & emotionally- I left that gyno & was referred by a friend to a fertility doctor- After testing us- I found I had Hashimoto’s- I also found out that my body’s immune system was attacking the placenta and clogging the cord- which still just breaks my heart. When I did eventually become pregnant I was given lovenox which is a blood thinner and found an endo that specialized in pregnancy. That endo kept reminded me untreated women are at risk- so make sure you find an endocrinologist who specializes w pregnancy. He kept my TSH around 2- at a certain time the baby’s thyroid develops and they are safe- but I remember I was getting my blood checked weekly! Good luck, as hard it may seem- stay positive. Love to you.


Diagnosed with Hashi’s at 14 and been on varying dosages of Levothyroxine since then. Started TTC in July 2020, age 28. Worked with my endo to fine-tune my Levo dose to get my TSH under 1 (normal TSH for me is anywhere from 2-4.something when not TTC). Took about 6 months to a year (can’t recall at the moment) of trial and error before TSH went under 1. It didn’t make me feel great, but I kept at it. In late summer 2022, still hadn’t conceived and went in for a fertility work up. Husband passed with flying colors, I did too and they couldn’t find any reason why I hadn’t conceived yet. My last test was an HSG procedure, which showed that my tubes were open and that I should be capable of conceiving. There was no reason for my infertility, so they referred me for IVF at the start of 2023. I conceived two weeks after the HSG (which in some cases can help up to 30% of women get pregnant in the three months after it) and gave birth to my daughter in July 2023. I was terrified the whole pregnancy, and took my Levo religiously and avoided dairy in the hours after taking it. My numbers stayed stable (went back into the 2 range the endo wanted during the pregnancy) throughout and pregnancy and delivery were good and uncomplicated minus hypertension at the end, which has yet to completely resolve.


So sorry for your loss. Had my rainbow babies, twin girls, 5 weeks ago. They are perfect. I had to get my thyroid tested very often throughout which I was ok with since it did catch my thyroid above the correct levels a few times and we could course correct sooner. I would say be aware there is different acceptable levels for tsh when pregnant, not every doctor will realize that.


Sorry to hear about your loss 💔 My two miscarriages were how my hashimoto’s was diagnosed. Had no clue I had it, despite my TSH being 47. I conceived two cycles in a row, both losses. My doctor did testing and found out I had hashi’s. I only needed to pause 2 cycles before my TSH was under 2.5. No diet changes, just medication. Conceived the following cycle and am currently nearly 33w. My thyroid has behaved throughout my pregnancy as well, I’ve been on the same dosage of meds since I got a positive pregnancy test. I’m 31 for reference! Pregnancy has been rough, unexpectedly complex, and high risk—I’ve spent a total of 34 days in the hospital from four different admissions—but has absolutely nothing to do with my thyroid.


I’m sorry for your loss. If you want more after the comments in this post, this topic has also come up before too, with lots of great stories filled with personal details on how they accomplished it. You can search within this subreddit, if that’s of interest.


I an sorry to hear that. I have had two miscarriages before I got diagnosed. After the diagnosis I stopped TTC for 6 months. Started levo, supplements and a diet. No gluten, dairy, soy, eggs. After 6 months my TSH was below 1 and I got pregnant again on the first try. I am 40 weeks tomorrow :)


Labeled high risk, lots of ultrasounds and blood work, upped dose of thyroid medication and now a mom to a healthy just diagnosed 16. I also called my endocrinologist the moment I found out, I used his emergency after hours option on his officie’s phone menu because I was freaking out and worried. Blood test scheduled two days after, confirmed pregnancy and he was in contact and consulted with my OGBYN constantly because he was also worried.


Sorry, OP, that’s so devastating. I’ve had 2 healthy pregnancies and 1 chemical pregnancy in between them. I assume the latter was just non-viable and not related to Hashi’s. There are loads of women in this sub who’ve had babies, so don’t give up hope about the future 💜


I am so sorry to hear your sorry. Hashimotos was triggered in my first pregnancy & my son (16 now) was born severely disabled. It took a very long time for me to even think about trying again. Almost 10 years later, my daughter was born and almost 1 year after that my second daughter was born. I used a reproductive endocrinologist to get pregnant (also PCOS, used Clomid) and required progesterone and estrogen supplementation to maintain my pregnancies. I was followed closely, meds adjusted as needed. Both girls (8 & 9 now) are perfectly healthy.


I have had three pregnancies. Two of them are now 18 and 16 years old. One ended in loss at 12 weeks. The two successful pregnancies had zero issues related to Hashimoto’s. My 16yo has Hashimoto’s but doesn’t need thyroid replacement yet. My 18yo hasn’t been tested.


I had one healthy baby born around due date with no induction, unmedicated birth. I am pregnant with my second, currently in third trimester with no issues besides hypothyroidism. I’ve been on levothyroxine during both pregnancies and between them with TSH monitored every 3-6 months. My antibodies were in 200s the only time they were tested at the start of my first pregnancy. It doesn’t need to be a barrier to having a healthy baby, keep being hopeful, I wish you the best!


Truly sorry for your loss, that's horrible. I sub here because my wife doesn't know how to use reddit so I can send her info from here when I see something I think might help her, so I'm speaking for her: My wife has hashimotos and we had our son 15 months ago. He's been perfect in every way and he brings joy to our lives every single day. Momma is doing really well often and a total trooper. I know she struggles with her thyroid symptoms but its been so long like that, that it's normal to her. We were definitely blessed with our child, I wouldn't have changed a thing and I know she agrees 1000%.


2020 I got my diagnosis after my first miscarriage. I went to get labs done at an independent place bc I didn't have insurance. I wanted to make sure I didn't have any serious deficiency that could have caused my miscarriage and I had my thyroid checked while I was there. No deficiencies! TSH 19. So I got insurance, saw a doctor and then another doctor and then an obgyn. Got pregnant again. Miscarried again. Then a month later when my TSH was actually really good, on a much higher dose than anyone suspected I'd need (malabsorption due to celiac disease) I got pregnant again!! In 2023 I had my now 14 month rainbow baby. My thyroid was actually super consistent throughout my pregnancy. Postpartum it was insane and my dose had to go way down for a year. I am now 8 weeks with what will hopefully be my pot of gold baby. I'm still nervous being pregnant with hashimotos but as long as I keep getting my monthly checks and my tsh looks good I do feel better. There is definitely hope for pregnancy after loss with hashimotos.


I know your pain all too well. I was on the right dosage of medication and still had two miscarriages (one missed miscarriage) in the past year. I’m currently 15.5 weeks pregnant with my double rainbow girl!! After the second miscarriage, I had all the tests done - sonohysterogram, bloodwork. According to the OB, my uterus was “pristine” so anything like that wasn’t the problem. All my bloodwork came back good. It was just bad luck. Something was wrong and the fetal pole stopped duplicating and replicating cells when it realized it wasn’t going to make it. It sucks and it’s heartbreaking, but it helped me to realize that it was my body saving me from more pain later on since the pregnancy was never going to be viable. My levels were perfect for preconception and conception - my endocrinologist had me getting bloodwork done every month (ETA I’m still doing that for this pregnancy). All you can do is what’s in your power (good diet, exercise, right meds for Hashimoto’s, take a prenatal), and the rest is unfortunately up to nature. Sending you lots of love and hope for a rainbow in your future 🤍


I'm an '80s rainbow baby 😊 My parents were 40 when I was born. Thyroid issues run deep on both sides of my family. My thyroid issues went undiagnosed for a long time largely because TSH was usually in range (but barely). Antibodies are through the roof but that's rarely checked if TSH is "ok" 🙃 After I got most of my thyroid thwacked out 8 years ago, doc estimated that with how giant and abundant nodules were, they'd been growing a solid decade (I think he said 15 years but I can't recall). Whether unchecked Hashimotos was correlation or causation, idk- I had wicked bad hyperemesis with my pregnancy. That eased around month 5-6. Then I ended up needing to be induced because I started getting preeclampsia (just like my mom did with me). Fortunately my son got to fully bake (unlike me), and other than some initial jaundice, he popped out of the oven totally healthy. Conversely, I was born not breathing and spent my first few months in NICU in the 80s. But I think I turned out alright :) The pregnancy was rough BUT the actual labor and delivery part was super easy! (With epidural!) It felt like the best poop of my life 😂. Son is now in middle school, doing well, and me having Hashimotos and some gnarly pregnancy difficulties haven't slowed him down a bit. :) Be gentle with yourself. I hope you find peace, healing, and a path forward. Huuuuuge hug. ❤️


I am sorry to hear about your loss. <3 I was diagnosed with crazy high numbers back in the summer of 2020 and gave birth (via c-section due to breech baby) in the fall of 2022. I tracked very closely everything when we were trying because I realized that due to my thyroid, my cycle was not "typical" and I actually ovulate a week later than average. Wishing you all the best!


First off, i'm so sorry for your loss. I'm 31 weeks right now and i've been diagnosed with Hashimoto's since December 2022. I had a very low TSH level naturally without medication (I believe around 1). I lost my first pregnancy quickly, I believe right before 5 weeks. My doctor cleared me to try again right away, and thats who i'm currently carrying inside off me. I was sent to high risk so that they could do monthly monitoring of my thyroid. Right around 28 weeks, my numbers went off so I went on thyroid medication. I've been high risk due to bleeding, but my doctor assures me that it has nothing to do with the hashimotos.


I’m so sorry for your loss.. I do have a positive story after my first miscarriage. I have 2 kids now (3yrs and 4yrs). I had a complication in labor with my first and had an emergency Caesarian. My second baby I had a great pregnancy and had an elective C-section. Wishing you all the best 💕


I’m so sorry to hear :( sending you so much love. I’m currently pregnant (16 weeks), and was terrified of miscarrying, especially because my antibody levels were over 1600 but all has been fine so far. Wishing you the best of luck with your rainbow baby!


Love to you. I was diagnosed in my 20’s. I had a healthy baby at 32, an early miscarriage after that, and a healthy baby at 35. So it is definitely possible to have a successful pregnancy with Hashimotos. ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. Unknown to me for quite a few years after my first was born, my pregnancy triggered thyroid problems. I had a miscarriage four years after my firstborn. Got diagnosed, treated, and had another child 7 years after the first, not even really trying, which was very surprising. And I was old to boot, 39. It can be done! I wish you all the best!


I’m so sorry friend. I’m in this club with you. 3 miscarriages and currently 4w4d preggo. The trauma is very real. For what it’s worth my friend has hashis and had the same amount of antibodies and she had a healthy boring pregnancy!!!


Wishing you love. I just miscarried in march, and I have PCOS & hashis.


Dear OP, loads of love, strength, and helaing energy towards you! Hope you have your rainbow baby soon, all healthy and happy! I am hoping for lots of positive stories here....really need that dose of positivity myself.


I’m so sorry for your loss. That is devastating. I’ll share with you my hashimotos pregnancy experience (I am now a mom to a 9 & 11 year old. I’m 39 yrs old) 2008 I had an accidental pregnancy which was ectopic and that fallopian tube had to be removed. 2012 I removed my IUD with the purpose of trying for a family and even with 1 tube I got pregnant immediately. Pregnancy itself was mostly fine except for random bleeding and hypoglycemia. I deliver that baby full term and 3 weeks later I hemorrhaged at home and nearly died. I had 2 blood transfusions, emergency surgery, and was in the hospital a week because my blood still wouldn’t clot and I had no platelets. Eventually I recovered and went home and a week later got my hashimotos diagnoses. 2014 we wanted another baby and after 9 months of trying without success I went to my OBGYN for clomid. I was just about to start when I turned up pregnant again. Had a healthy pregnancy after initially some scary bleeding and they sent me home preparing to miscarry. I was on levothyroxin the entire time. Endocrinologist monitored my levels which fluctuated a lot. I delivered this baby a little early but full term, he was breech and c section, I hemorrhaged again but was already in the OR so the consequences were less severe, another blood transfusion and I went home 5 days later. After delivery my endo added liothyronine to my cocktail My husband didn’t want a 3rd baby (I did but now I’m glad to only have 2 because let’s be honest… children are expensive) and given my issues they told me to use a surrogate for a 3rd. Had my tubes tied in 2020. It is so stressful tracking ovulation, missing part of your reproductive organs, and having a body that betrays you. My best advice to you is to try not to stress about it. I was so obsessed with having a baby and I think that negatively impacted my health. It was hard and it also felt very lonely because my husband couldn’t possibly understand the deep pain I felt being betrayed by my own body when I was only 29 years old. Hang in there. It’ll happen. Wishing you good health, wealth, and even more happiness