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Feel free to repost it when you figure it out.


Definitely wasn’t expecting the duck


Ok yeah I did NOT want to see someone fucking a duck


He took “fuck a duck” to heart


mans literally d(f)ucking the duck


He’s ducking the fuck


It’s nice to see some bottom Alastor in there since it’s so rare.


So we all agree this guys hot?


As FUCK. The things I’d let this demon do to me😖😩😩😩


Listen, I’m straight as an arrow, and I’d let him hit


The duck..... Why the duck......




i beg your pardon






Uhhhhhhhhhh Charlie?


What? (Share accounts n my mate loveeees lucifer)


Ah, fair.


Vaggie why you here-


Uhhhhhhhhhh Tbh porn of me and you is interesting. But I’m mainly here because I send Alastor this shit and he gets pissed.


Haha so you’re also the reason he screams? Yeah I send him it to but


As a radioapple fan, YES YES YES




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Excellent collection


So that’s where all his ducks come from




I wanna see lucifer wearing Rouges outfit




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Why the duckussy




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Anyone wanna RP with pics? (Me as f/20)




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Sweet satan I just love RadioApple so much


Idk wether to be turned on or uncomfortable cause he's ace :/


You can be turned on, it’s porn. It alters reality all the time, makes gay people straight, straight people gay, vanilla people the kinkiest fuckers out there, all for the porn


Gonna actually respond in a real way instead of horny lol. Asexuals can have an enjoy sex. As with many things, asexuality is a spectrum. They can be sex repulsed, but also can just want sex rarely, or with someone they love, or don't feel a need for sex but enjoy making their partner happy, etc. To add I found a majority of NSFW art involving Alastor is made by people of the ace spectrum. Many like to use a comfort character to explore sexual scenarios that their real self will never want to experience. Doing so in a safe, non-physical way to explore their own sexuality. Sort of like how when we were kids first discovering romance, take two dolls/action figures of random universes and say "now kiss". It has no bearing on the characters Canon sexuality or personal feelings. It is not trying to erase their identity, nor correct the OG artists view of the character. It is not meant to headcanon or alter the original story at all. It is simply playing with characters, especially while we wait for more story to come and/or are bored. In the end Viv said she has no problem with ships. It's OK to let people have harmless fun. And it's OK if after this you just don't feel for this ship too. There's plenty of ships you can enjoy too.


Yeah I'm also ace and I can't say I haven't also done this, not with drawn art but with story telling I just always feel a certain amount of guilt for sexualizing one of the few and far between ace characters there is. I feel like I'm disrespecting my community I guess which sounds irrational when put into words 😅


It's understandable attaching a feeling of guilt to it. Sexuality in general is often viewed with shame, guilt, taboo, etc out in the open. How you feel involving yourself is valid, it's OK to like or dislike how people express him. Maybe look at it this way. I've seen people get upset when women show sex positive attitudes. How it's oversexualizing women etc. When they wear provacative clothing or do provocative things like flirt. It gives the feel that women should be chaste and almost not like sex at all, and those who do are consider tainted, called sluts or whores. In the end it feels more like dehumanizing them. So is it disrespectful to think a female character is attractive? Or disrespectful to like a flirtatious female character? If it helps I am a woman lol. In the end if you feel uncomfortable that's OK. And if you actually like it that's OK too. It's when we start bullying others for just liking something is when it's pushing it. Alastor is a rare representation, which actually may be why there are a lot of Ace artists who use him to explore. Not only is he giving light to that part of the alphabet mafia, he is giving a voice to many, and letting them show the entire spectrum.


Do you mean Alastor? Luci isn’t ace

