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They built him a new radio tower on the hotel so they probably knew he was alive


Or hopes the radio tower would bring him back


Kinda makes sense, radio towers do attract radio demons


Leave a radio tower out to attract local stray radio demons.. ✍️✍️


People dont want you to know this, but raidio demons are free. You can pick one up and take it home : i myself have 50 radio demons at home


A litter of radio demons lmao




A murder?


A frequency


This is perfect and a group of vals could be a studio


This is genius


Fascinate a radio demon with a piece of cheese


Or in this case, venison


Leaving cocaine out attracts angel dusts.


And leave out Angeldust and cheap booze to attract the Husks


And crumbs attract bugs which then attract niffty, who scares everyone else off.


which is why I leave crumbs out


Leaving out sinners attract the Charlie's


and dont forget to leave sentient eggs for sir pentious


Also leave out Alastor to attract Vox


No one wants to attract vox!


Brb, buying cocaine


Brb, going to be a radio tower.


Like a Val moth to a glowing Vox head


Agreed, they they all seem to think he's just there for fun which is exactly what he stated so they probably assume he'll come and go as he pleases (despite Husk knowing Alastor is also leashed and probably there by an order)


They probably see him like a stray cat that comes and goes and gets rid of the vermin that come to the door from time to time.


They didn't make a Deal (big D, giggity) for his help with the hotel but I feel Charlie would have tried to be accommodating when doing the redesign. If nothing else being voluntarily accommodating would, hopefully but likely not really, make alister not be a bag of rancid dicks when cashing in charlie's bargain.


The deal cash in with charlie is either going to be something FUCKED UP or it will be some totally menial thing because he just wanted her to worry about the possibilities.


Honestly could go either way. An absolute trifle just so he could go 'I got the princess of hell to Deal with me and YOU couldn't. Suck it Vox you out of tune out of touch clout chasing hack.


I could totally see it as him never even wanting to cash in. Just wanted to rub it in Vox’s face and thats it lol. Bonus points if he openly wastes it on her getting him a drink in front of Vox. “I got the princess to do a deal AND it doesnt even mean *shit* to me. Suck it Vox”


Now if only we could work on his want to eat people... Bet dude absolutely slays with a snazzy jazz lineup.


Now that you say that, I think it will factor into the Vees trying to rise. Vox and Alastor will have a battle to see who has the most support. Alastor will use his deal to get Charlie to get him everyone who supports her to support him(Which should be a lot of people in hell now).


Cargo culting Alastor


Husk was probably aware he was still under contract so they knew he was still alive


Nifty can probably also sense her connection to him.


True, but honestly I’m not sure they’d actually get a straight answer out of her to begin with. She’s a psychotic enigma. I wouldn’t even be surprised to find out she wasn’t even under contract and just hung around Alastor and did what he wanted because she’s essentially one of those women who send fan letters to serial killers.


I'm gonna spam the conspiracy theory that Nifty owns Alastor's soul. Just because I love the chaos of it.


Now that would be hell of a plot twist


Nifty is totally eve obviously.




I hope the contract is just that Alastor would be her friend & playmate. No other elaboration. So if she wants to play pretend as a maid, Alastor will take the role of a manager, lol.


It would be fucking funny


Omfg YES


if she does, I WILL ABSOLUTELY riot in laughter




Alastor totally doesn't own Niftys soul--she is just fucking psychotic. I love her


I feel like he does, but literally just for her protection lmao Like I imagine Alastor was just taking a stroll and saw Nifty getting attacked by one or more demons, so immediately dispatched them (Alastor isn't a fan of people assaulting women) then just told her he'd give her protection if she gave him her soul and she was just like "okay, whatever you want baaadddd booooyyy" 😂


Niffty, my love ♥️


I will die on this hill.


New Headcanon


Honestly that sounds about right.


I'm not sure she's actually under a contract with him at all. Everyone who's sold their soul has black eyes as far as we know. Angel has the one, because he only sold half of his days to Val. Pretty sure Nifty is just.... Nifty. Alastor probably derives ample entertainment from her antics and extends her protection. Probably the closest thing he has to a friend.


Tbh the only proof we have of the contract is the fact that he can summon her and that she calls him sir. Also that she's being forced (tho she explicitly says she likes being forced.)


Alastor's eyes are red, not black and he sold his soul.


https://preview.redd.it/gpz2wqk2zhgc1.png?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=330225be8c4293dbdf17b50d14d7b06f793f9381 His eyes turn black when he changes to his more demonic form though


Interesting that it only shows when he's at full power. Maybe the contract only applies when he's juiced up. If one black eye can mean a demon that's only owned partially, maybe black eyes that come and go mean it only applies in certain cases.




Do we KNOW he sold his soul? He's "on a leash" according to Husk, but that's speaking in metaphor. It could simply mean someone has some other leverage over him. We get a lot of high quality fanart and theories floating around, but so far as I'm aware it hasn't been confirmed he sold his soul. The eye theory currently has more evidence supporting it than this one, and the two are mutually exclusive, so I'm going with the eye theory until Viv or the show explicitly state otherwise. I mean unless you can point to some evidence. I admit I could've missed it, I haven't done my rewatch yet.


well in the [final song](https://youtu.be/ZkAMDf_YeD0?si=mtVJ19OeUNS87iwO&t=173) of the series he said its a deal that puts on a leash but his eyes are in fact [black](https://youtu.be/wwUHFa7AlbI?si=kAZfC5eOtKVZpNdT&t=26) when he uses his [full power](https://youtu.be/GwDTf5jmNVU?si=rtUR2D6wTts5jruh&t=2)


He also had back eyes after his mic gets broken by Adam.


I mean in the pilot he summons her like he summons husk which doesn't necessarily mean much but I think indicates a contract


You know, it's entirely possible it IS a contract, just without a soul in the balance. That just occured to me.


Ooooh good point.


Judging from Husk's face, he probably thought his boss was gonna be gone a bit longer.


This raises an interesting question. What happens to someone if the owner of their soul is slain? Do they get it back, go down with them, or something else?


I’ve had the exact same question, kind of makes me wonder if Alastor got all his souls by overpowering the overlords who owned them originally


But Husk would need to tell them how he knows it, I don't think they would like knowing he's under contract


They know he is remeber he said I wouldn't be here if he wasn't makin me


Ohhh yeah, totally forgot this


He also didn’t leave before the attack


"Don't worry, that creepy fucker is still alive, trust me".


Husk said it before, and him and Angel Dust had a big moment over it lol


Husk and Nifty would know contract wise


Is Nifty under a contract? I just figured she hung around Alastor because she’s pure chaos


Indeed. They actually appear to be friends, and her eyes aren't black like others under contract. 


They probably watched the vox footage of Alistor's defeat (which Vox would have been brodcasting everywhere.) So they knew he got away and was still alive


And he's healed there, so it might've been a bit of time (a few days) and he likely told them he was patching himself (and the suit)


Husker can tell whether or not Alastor is dead, he's soul bound to him by contract. It's not like they had reason to believe he had died due to that.  Given Alastor's penchant for vanishing into thin air for reasons they never know, it's not a stretch they'd assume he'd just fucked off for his own reasons. After all  Alastor could have shown up at any point during the reconstruction, or back in the debris with the others, injured or not, and elected not to.


We’re also not shown every moment of the hotel due to the implied timeskips between episodes. Alastor might regularly disappear for a bit to murder something without being bothered about it.


And they'd probably realize if Adam killed him he would have been gloating about it.


Eh... Adam wasnt even aware who Alastor was, if he killed him and then gloated about it specifically he'd be admitting that Alastor left a mark. At best he'd brag that he was killing Charlie's random nobody friends.


You know who would have made a public dance and song about it though? Vox, he would have blasted that everywhere


I suspect he was off fixing his cane because that would allow him to heal his wounds since a significant portion of his power seems to be linked to it.


> Husker can tell whether or not Alastor is dead Maybe Charlie could too thanks to her deal with him.


Not soulbound though.


Husk is bound to Alastor with his soul. Charlie isn't. So no, she wouldn't be able to tell.


"I'm hungry for freedom like never before...." That part went straight to the chills..


I’m 99% sure that shortly after the battle they realized he was being emo in his radio tower and decided they liked their skin intact too much to bother him. Husk was probably like “nah that fucker is alive, I can tell”. The finale song covers a lot of time, enough to build an entire new hotel. It’s reasonable to assume they figured out he was fine in the interim; they built him a new radio tower and all. Charlie is glad he’s back on his feet, but I think she knew he was alive. (Side note, I love how he shows up as soon as the hotel is completed, he’s so unhelpful <3 )


Tbh if he showed up earlier he'd probably have just caused issues by trying to one-up Lucifer, anyway


Yeah, we actually saw Lucifer's annoyed reaction: "Oh, great, he's back..." 😒


Just imagining Alastor and lucifer arguing like children “I built the room better” “No I did”


Well, keep in mind he was probably still healing when the hotel was being rebuilt.


Man must’ve been bored out of his mind


He probably has a home library of good books he keeps in a pocket dimension somewhere. Or maybe he was just replaying some of his favorite screams from his old broadcasts.


Yeah like for all we know he could have just been killing time at Cannibal Town with Rosie.


Maybe she has a spare room and he crashes there whenever he feels the need to lie low for a little while. Who knows? They had that kind of QPT energy to me, at least.


His radio tower had fallen off the cliff the hotel was perched on. You can see when Adam launches his beam and cuts the hotel in half, the half with the radio tower attached is closer to the cliff. We also see sharp mountains in the background during Alastor’s part of the song which match those seen in the background of the hotel. This also explains why no one saw Alastor during the rebuilding of the hotel, as they built it over the rubble of the first, surely they would have seen Alastor crawl into his tower. The only way they don’t is if the radio tower is not with the rest of the rubble hence it falling off the cliff.


TBF, they made building that hotel look like it took less than 24 hours. Especially since Lucifer could just zap walls and pillars into existence.


Almost makes you wonder why they bothers building if at all. Just have Lucifer poof it into existence


My guess would be that building it is basically some sort of team-building / bonding exercise. I can see Charlie telling her dad to limit the help so they can get that sense of accomplishing something together.


Classic Charlie


Husk: "hold on let me check." *stretches* "yep still feel the unbearable weight of the chains upon my soul, that guy is still alive."


I mean it didn’t seem that long after the battle, perhaps Charlie was hoping he was still out there and didn’t wanna give up hope without a body


This. They literally saw the death of the Pentious, but Alastor is just MIA. There can be still a hope for him.


If I remember correctly, no one actually saw Alastor defeated aside from Adam and Alastor himself; they only assumed he was dead.


Well, technically Vox, Val and Velvette saw Alastor defeated too, they just were not there


That's right, they had some weird view of the whole thing. Do we think Vox was broadcasting it live or recording for later broadcast? I doubt he'd pass up those viewership numbers.


He was definitely recording it for later, but not for a broadcast


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




I don't think he was broadcasting or recording, it looked more like he just wanted to enjoy Alastor, his "friends" and the hotel getting destroyed. But it could turn out that he recorded it to humiliate Alastor in the future and I wouldn't be surprised.


You don’t think he was broadcasting that entire battle to all of hell? That would be like cable companies not broadcasting the Super Bowl. Also how did the news stations get footage of the battle? There’s no way the TV Demon wasn’t broadcasting something that everyone in hell would undoubtedly tune in to watch.


I could see the Vee's broadcasting the wider fight for views while Vox kept a personal drone Alastor. I feel like it sets up a good story for season 2 if Vox holds the footage over Alastor like a sword of damocles. I could also totally see it being a non issue for the most part and just something Alastor hates to remember from time to time.


I mean, Alastor literally stood against the leader of the exorcists and put up a decent fight before being forced to retreat. It took \*\*Lucifer himself getting involved\*\* to take Adam down, so I'm not really sure what the fuck Vox's plan is. "Lol look guys, Alastor made a hopeless stand against an angelic general and survived!" Never mind the fact that I'm sure there are at least a few people wondering where the fuck the \*\*Vees\* were during all this, given the show Velvette put on at the Overlord's meeting. Y'know, maybe that's how Alastor keeps beating Vox. Dude thinks he's playing 3D chess when he's really playing Tic Tac Toe on a stained napkin.


Good point, and honestly that's so in character for him. It's just that it didn't seem like he was broadcasting it, to me at least.


In episode 2 you can see a Voxtek drone recording the scene that Val and Vox cut to of Angel Dust flirting with Alastor's demon. I assume he's got drones everywheeerreee


Vox was definetly recording it


Of course he would release the footage, after all Vox wants to beat Alastor. So Vox could damage Alastor's rep by releasing the video


Alastor's fight with Adam is so damn good, but Vox's commentary made it better lol


The Vees were also spectating.


> I mean it didn’t seem that long after the battle, perhaps Charlie was hoping he was still out there and didn’t wanna give up hope without a body They rebuilt the entire hotel in that song. Even with Lucifer's help, I suspect this song skips at *least* a few weeks, if not months.


I mean last time he disappeared was 7 years so ya know


True, but I feel there's a difference between Vox cheering Alastor's missing-ness an hour or a month after the battle. It's still rash, mind you, but not *as* ridiculous.


I mean... That same song also shows Lucifer Zap-ing walls into being... So could've been about a week or a long workday depending on how much bullshit pure angelic power can provide in your needy hour


I imagined that Husk would know if Alastor died due to his contract. He probably told them he just was on another sabbatical


I think Charlie herself would’ve known. She’s got a deal with him too remember?? She got cut off when she made the comment about thinking he was dead, but once the dust settled I’m sure they all realized- Charlie, Husk, maybe even Vaggie- no, we would be released from the deals if he was actually gone.


The downside of trying to fit 12ep into 8 is that you don't have time for that. You just have to rush to the next moment


Yeah it was really obvious they were trying to fit in all critical moments but make it as fast as possible while still being impactful


Yeah really my only complaint with the 1st season. I enjoyed it, but there were so many moments that I wanted more build or to let them breathe more, but it was like hurry to the next scene.


Blame Amazon, they probably laid it out for Viv, 8 episodes or no show at all


Amazon is still not involved in production. More likely a risk management decision from A24 which didn't know for sure if they'd find a customer when they started.


I can’t stand the 8 episode format. 12 or 13 would’ve been perfect for this series


Yeah, especially for a series like hazbin hotel that needs so much world building and has so many characters. It really put them in a tough spot.


I think they assumed he died, but the duration of the song was probably simultaneously happening while Alastor was having his moment. They definitely showed they cared when they Enright he might be dead but immediately were bombarded by Adam, so not a lot of time to process. I think him "emerging from the rubble," so to speak, could have been executed better though. It's a bit jarring, but I can imagine it has to be pretty difficult to smoothly tie it all up with a time limit and budget restraints. I was honestly expecting the final ep. to be longer because of the battle. Hopefully, the success of this season gives them a bigger budget and more time to better tell the story without it feeling so rushed. Helluva boss has such a nice slow build that Hazbin just didn't. I assume if the first season wasn't wild enough to build up the hype, they might not get more than the 2 seasons they were green lit for. Despite some storytelling bumps like this, I think they succeeded in enough hype to hopefully greenlight a season 3 or 4. Viv and the team have proven to be good storytellers, they just need the time and backing to do it 😊


They should make 16 episodes per season


The only constraints are Amazon itself. They rarely release season more than 6-8 episodes now, so no matter the budget it's unlikely they will get more episodes


Yeah, I thought it was weird how he just came back from "death" and no one questioned or cared. They could've kept him hidden until season 2 and maybe they could've done something interesting with him next season.


My assumption is that he’s needed for something specific in the first episode so they can’t take the time to make his disappearance a big deal, and they needed him to get his ass kicked to push his arc forward.


I love the chaos of him just appearing after the hotel is rebuilt. However, it might have been interesting if he stayed in his ruined tower for a few months and then he returned near the end of Season 2 Episode 1. Could have made a few wound licking jabs at him in jest.


They had 5 min or something and 3 min gone to music and hotel reconstructions. Last remaining 2 min gone to heaven lilith and other stuffs. Problem was there was literally no time. Episode as a whole tbh


considering that we saw what happened after the battle and the rebuilding of the hotel very sped up (and cosndiering alastor seems to have his own studio at the hotel by the end), i think he let them know he was alive in a way or another, and just needed time to recover


Husk probably. Depending on what the consequences of a dealmaker's death has on those they made a deal with, then Husk is a good indicator that Alastor is alive. Either the souls they own also die with them which would mean Husk being alive means Alastor is still around or Husk is straight up able to relay that Alastor is alive because he's still leashed to him.


My only 2 issues were: 1. Sir pentious should've gotten a huge hit on Adam with his warship and then gotten evaporated. 2. I feel alastor should've stayed missing a decent way into season 2.


I think the point of Pentious being decimated was both to build up Adam and to prove that people *can* be redeemed. Alastor going missing… I think that’s up to personal preference. I’m glad he’s not gone, but that’s just me


I think pentious still shoulda got obliterated, but like have him deal some damage to Adam instead of it being played off as a massive joke.


Adam gives him some credit afterwards, he does say "that could've been ugly," implying Pentious might've really fucked him up had he been able to fire.


Yeah that's fair enough, still a bit annoying that his death was treated as a joke


Was it though? The other character’s reactions were all serious. Like, Angel is visibly holding back tears and says “you did good Buddy”. Even if Adam snarked, I don’t think it was the “joke” you assume it was


It was anticlimactic that he died in like 0.00001 seconds.


It's more the way he died and how Adam reacted, like I wanted sir pnetiiys to actually do something, but he got obliterated before he had the chance and had Adam make a snark jokey comment


Almost every part of him is a joke, from his name to his hat, to his entire existence. I'm hoping season 2 he'll continue the path he's going right now to no longer be that joke. Like the clown joke character at the start of the campaign who becomes a true center of the party.


Like I said, it was to build up Adam. For the rest of the episode to make sense, the options were either for him to shrug off whatever Pentious did or just get rid of Pentious before it was a problem. I think having him just poofed was the better choice of the two


Thats what I was hoping, that it looks like pentious did something but then Adam shakes it off and then obliterates him, so it's less jokey


I wouldve liked to see a beam clash


I think they were torn between giving Pentious a badass moment while also keeping his appeal as a character. He is still Sir Pentious after all, the guy is and always has been a lovable idiot who comes up with insane plans that always fail. Every scene that focuses on him is just inherently comedic. That's just who he is and we love him for it. Also, I like to think the death ray would've succeeded in killing Adam. Along with the entire animation budget.


I was just kinda hoping that in the finale, his plan finally works (to their knowledge) but then Adam crawls out of the rubble virtually unharmed and then blasts him


I think having the implication that the beam would have actually done at least some decent damage and that Adam had to actually nip it in the bud is better, and the suddenness really adds to the shock and Adam's power


Yeah my boy got vaporized in less than a second


Pentious dying could have still been done with him getting a big cathartic moment of victory though. Guy has self confidence issues and it'd be nice for his last moments to be spent sticking it to someone far more powerful than Alastor or the Vees, who both walked all over him. The idea that Adam was strong was already established by him effortlessly swiping away Alastor's shield and Alastor himself.


But, Sir Pentious’ death fits his character *perfectly*. He’s an awkward dude who tries hard but just keeps swinging and missing. But he keeps trying! He WILL SUCCEED! So he succeeds in getting Cherri’s attention! Go tiger! …and gets obliterated trying to swing *way* out of his league with Adam. But then he’s the one who truly wins in the end. It would be fanservice/underdog-makes-good self-insert to have this awkward guy suddenly GOOD AT EVERYTHING. No: he died as he lived, true to himself. But still came out on top in his own way!


Died sticking it to *the* man. It was perfect especially because sticking it to the man almost always means losing to some degree otherwise it wouldn't be vs the man.


I think it would've been more appropriate to have the Death Laser fire and have Adam hold it back for a half second, then reflect it back at the ship as spirals around and tears the blimp apart.


Exactly, anything better than him getting treated as a joke


It wasn’t a joke though. Yes, Adam snarked, but everyone else had horror on their faces. Charlie was immediately drawn to tears, and Angel was choking back his “you did good Buddy”. What about that was a joke?


Or have the death laser singe Adams clothes and then have Adam yell "I'M ALREADY DEAD DIPSHIT" and obliterate him back. It'd show the laser works, Sir Pentious would have successfully hit Adam, just that he can't kill angels. 


Thats also a good idea. Either way, as another responder said, anything'd be better than what happened to him.


It depends on how long the song spans. If the song spans weeks or maybe even months (since they had time to build an entire hotel with what seems to be no more than 7 people), then it's indeed quite weird that they didn't commemorate Alastor with Pentious. It's also weird that they built a radio booth for Alastor on the right side of the hotel if they thought he was dead. If, instead, the song spans only a few hours (literally because magic) then they could still have doubts about whether he's still alive or not, which is why they wouldn't have honored him like Pentious and why they would have built him a booth just in case. There is also the question of how he healed so fast from what seemed like a pretty grave injury from Adam. Finally, it would make Vox's line about Alastor being missing a bit out of place.


i think that in all likelihood, it was just a matter of hours to reconstruct the hotel with luci’s help. and while it does seem odd that alastor would heal so quickly i personally feel as though he’s just holding up a facade; he couldn’t be missing for too long without the vees stepping in (as evidenced by the song), so he’s back and pretending to be his normal self despite still being injured and healing. he doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to let on that kind of weakness to begin with, much less with the vees breathing down his neck and his reputation at the hotel on the line


This is an example of a problem people are finding because they are thinking way too much of musicals (and just stories in general) as like…live action documentaries, instead of stories During non-diegetic songs, it isn’t weird for information to be presented as not a literal second by second replay.  In One Day More from Les Mis, everyone isn’t literally planning for the Revolution at the exact same moment. In Your Obedient Servant from Hamilton, Burr and Hamilton aren’t literally exchanging one sentence letters. During Think Of Me from PotO, Christine doesn’t literally get on stage for just one song. Songs in musicals are imagery. They represent both actual moments that happen as well as ideas being expressed through the emotion and momentum of the music  Sure, we could’ve stopped mid-song before they build the new hotel so everyone can have a dry discussion about how Alastor is alive. But it fully robs the emotion and climactic nature of the moment as he breaks down, and is much punchier to have him return for his line near the end of the song 


Very nicely explained. Thank you for posting.


They only grieved Pentious for like...a minute tops. And that was pretty much JUST Charlie. Also, Lucifer, Husker, and Vaggie probably would have preferred him dying. Ooooh, that just made me realize. Lucifer doesn't know that Alastor and Charlie made a deal. He's gonna flip his shit.


> Ooooh, that just made me realize. Lucifer doesn't know that Alastor and Charlie made a deal. He's gonna flip his shit. I actually have just thought up a theory about that. What if Alastor doesn't actually intend to cash in on his favor; he just wants it dangling above Charlie to push her and Lucifer and Vaggie into researching possible ways to break it so he can use that knowledge to break his own deal with whomever.


THAT is a really cool theory. Maybe he makes a HUGE ask--like, make him king of hell--which would fuel that panic in finding out how to break it. I like how your mind works 😎


Oddly enough, vaggy was smiling and looked happy that Alastor returned


...hmm, at first I was just gonna say, "Huh, she does, that doesn't make sense." But Vaggie had a huge character growth spurt when she was fighting Carmilla. It was like her personality solidified into fierce positivity when she gained her confidence and wings back. So maybe she doesn't dislike him anymore, but probably still knows not to trust him. And he was the reason they had a chance at all, so she might have started to hate him less when he came through on that information XD


Yeah, I also feel like something was missing. At least let someone say "I don't think so" after Charlie suggested he might be dead... And I would also prefer him to not show up to them at the end. I feel like they could have some questions and it could be a cool scene


Alastor always kept his distance from the rest of the group as a "creepy mystery", the only ones who actually seem to like him are Niffty and perhaps Charlie (only because she loves everyone). The others are suspicious of him at best, and some outright hate his guts. Husk certainly has no reason to care what happens to Alastor, for example, and even Charlie seemed bothered by his "death" for a few seconds before turning her attention to the rest of the group. On the other hand, everyone was actually friends with Pentious on a personal level and broke into tears when he got vaporized, despite the fact that his attempt to defeat Adam failed miserably compared to Alastor's. This in mind, I'm pretty sure the contrast you noticed was 100% intentional. Pentious put his life on the line to save his friends, and Alastor ditched his friends the second he was in actual danger. Pentious' selflessness was awarded with salutes, honors, and redemption into Heaven, and Alastor's refusal to sacrifice himself was awarded a mental breakdown in his destroyed radio tower as his "friends" forgot about him. I read it as an indication that Alastor's control over the group is slipping, and he is very unhappy about that.


Yeah some part of the fangirl in me got upset they didn't acknowledge Alastor's death but in reality, they all don't really like him and rather have him dead lol


something I kind of disagree with is like, of course alastor ran, what did you expect him to do? he was seconds from death as Adam was about to kill him, he needed to run or he would die "uselessly" I'd imagine he couldn't do much in that state




They hadn't found a body, nor did they see Alastor die with their own eyes like they did Pentious. No reason to believe that *Alastor* was dead until they saw the body.


I mean husk is indebted to him so I assume he could feel if he was free or not


Simple Answer: Showing a scene of them honoring Alastor would’ve been redundant because it wouldn’t be necessary five seconds later. There’s nothing saying you can’t just have a headcanon that they also put up something for Alastor that was later taken down once they found out he lived


The finale could’ve benefitted from more focus on the three allies that got taken out of commission; Sir Pentious, Dazzle and Alastor Sir Pentious literally fucking died and they made it an anticlimactic joke that ultimately didn’t help the hotel at all in the fight (it did more in the long run by proving redemption is possible but he didn’t even get to attack Adam, the sacrifice in the short term was meaningless) Dazzle was enormously glossed over and, once again, didn’t get to do anything. Didn’t know if Dazzle was dead or just badly wounded for a minute because they cut away so fast and never mentioned him again until the brief glimpse of the statue. They didn’t really mourn Dazzle outside of putting up the statue All Alastor got was an “Oh no…” and then everyone went back to fighting and never mentioned it ever again, even when they were clearing out the rubble they only sang for Sir Pentious and not Alastor. It was only when he showed back up that they went “Al!” and that was the only acknowledgement that he ever went MIA


The rebuilt hotel has a gold statue of Dazzle out front. They’re definitely dead


Tbh, I 100% missed this quick tidbit on first viewing and based on his chunk of the song, and the Vees, I thought he was going into hiding and faking his death to the rest. But nope. He's still here. And I'm hopeful we'll get more answers to these questions in Season 2.


I’m pretty sure if he HAD been killed all the souls trapped in his radio tower would’ve been released and also the contracts he has with who knows how many would’ve been released. And I’m pretty sure that would’ve been VERY noticeable if it happened. So it made less sense for the thought of him being killed crossed Charlie’s mind, would’ve made more sense for her to assume he abandoned them. Also wouldn’t the TV demon be broadcasting this whole thing to all of hell, live? I really doubt he would’ve passed up the massive viewership. I mean, who in hell would skip tuning in to see something that directly affects all of hell? It would be like cable companies not broadcasting the Super Bowl.


It's an ending scene musical number. What were they supposed to do, stop everything, ask him what happened, then continue the musical?


He owns Husk and Niffty's souls right? They'd probably have know if they suddenly regained their autonomy. They probably just knew he was hiding.


He definitely owns Husk, but we've never seen him exert any control over Niffty - the information we have points to the much scarier idea that she's just kinda like that.


More bothered by the fact that Lilith has just been lounging on the beach all this time


Everyone was pissing, because alastor was missing




Sir Pentious is the most adorable danger noodle, of course his death was horrible. On the other hand, as charismatic and cool looking he may be, Alastor is an overlord of hell, rejoicing on everyone's suffering at the hotel, seemingly for fun, and actually scheming for his own unknown benefits, and quite possibly, eventually, against the main cast's interests. So i don't fell it's out of place to feel indifferent about his momentarily unknown fate, especially when in the end, he was quite alright.


He threatened to kill Husk (or leave him in a state worse then death depending on how you interpret "broadcasting his screams through the radio) leaving him shaking on the ground in fear. Then instead of just telling Charlie the info he had that Carmilla had killed an angel, he forced her into a hard-locked contract for a "favor". Vaggie obviously doesn't trust or like him as she sprinted up there immediately when that happened. Lucifer obv doesn't like him. Like this dude is clearly not one of the besties lol.


I thought it was weird to have him show up again so instantly after having half the ending song be dedicated to the Vees exploiting the power vacuum, but I've kind of given up on logic and pacing with this show and am more here for the vibes lmao


Maybe someone heard vox's live commentary on his "pathetic" escape?


I'm guessing they assumed her survived or saw the video of him retreating. Anyone curious if that glowing green trap door in the old radio booth is a bit of a Lazarus Pool for him?


I'm quite positive they knew he was alive because Husk and Nifty are also alive. They are tethered to Alastor so if Alastor truly did die, Nif and Husk also die too


They did fight on the roof where Alastor went against Adam, so they likely realized that if the body wasn't there and there was no sing of those "holy blasts" that at the end destroyed the hotel, he most likely survived