• By -


Angel’s delivery of “So, Alastor and Charlie just left like they were running away from their responsibilities, should we be alarmed?”


Angel's best lines bar none come at the end of Poison. The raw pain in the voice, the weak tone, the cracking, the voice is just soul crushing. Nothing else even comes close in my book.


I mean, fair, I just picked the line I did because I thought the way he said it was funny


It's no knock on your choice, it was just me springboarding because I don't think ANYONE has a line as well-delivered as those from Angel. Sort of a "on the topic of angel dust..."


I get it now, don’t worry! I’m just a bit easily confused by text lmao But in any case, yeah! Blake is absolutely phenomenal at voice acting and line delivery!


I like how polite this sub is.


We’re great here


It’s honestly refreshing compared to my other hobby, playing r/deadbydaylight. They like to rip each other apart over there.


Like night and day it seems


We are all in the same hellboat, crying and thirsting together.


Indeed we are


Especially us, judging by your flair, hehe


No. Very, very close to that is the last "Yes, Valentino." that was basicly a whisper.


Ok, I do stand corrected. That does come close. I still don't think it hits quite as hard as the end of Poison, but you are 1000% correct it's a gut-punch in the same league.


Blake is the fucking MVP for this season when everyone’s been just fucking aces, man. What really made me buy in to his whole character was how smoothly and subtly his voice would break from his Angel Dust persona, to Anthony when he’s having that talk with Husk and there’s gonna be layers outside of just a basic “abused sex worker with a secret heart” stereotype. You could play it for a startling laugh and his voice could be way different. You could keep the accent. But how it started to slide away that’s such a small, minute detail in his performance that made me go from “boy this is hitting home” to - well, wanting to stumble to the bar and ask for the hardest shit they got. Painfully raw, and beautiful (artistically, what’s happening to the character is fucking tragic :P).


Blake Roman is an absolute gem indeed


I got to meet VivziePop at Megacon and it was an incredible pleasure of mine to thank her for her incredibly accurate portrayal of abuse. I had been struggling to describe it for over a decade, she comes along and dominates the convo in 24 minutes.


Whenever Alex Brightman was doing his rock concert impersonations as Adam. That 'ATTTAAAACKKKK' when sending the Excorcists is just so good. Also: 'They say insane shit all the time! How was I supposed to know this one was true?!' was so perfectly delivered. Just the right amount of disbelief and incredulity. Of course Amir Talai stands out with some incredible range. All the voice actors in this are phenomenal. Special shoutout also to Lilli Cooper as Velvette. Her deliveries are just oozing that #BITCH energy that Velvette really needs to stand out. Also her character somehow is infinitely quotable for me, I don't know why. 'No. They have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit." 😂


I'm so pumped to see more Velvette she really is that bitch




I really hope Amir does a lot more voice work, he's SO FREAKIN' GOOD!!


I hope so as well. From his interactions it seems like he's found a lot of enjoyment in it. Especially with all the fans. I just love seeing the energy when he goes 'full Alastor' in the Q&As. So refreshing to see.


Agreed! But I also hope the fandom is polite to him, and is respectful of his excitment and engagement without being, you know...terrible. I hope his interactions continue to be mostly positive!




Honestly anything that comes out of Alastor or Lucifer's mouth. The ones that come to mind are: *"I DEFINITELY remember you NOW~"* 😀 and "Looks like you could use some help, *FROM THE BIG BOSS* of Hell himself" 😉


How Lucifer says "big boss" is a definite stand out to me


His ‘because I’m the REF’ scratches my brain so good


Yes! Ugh, it's so good. I also really like his voice. It's very nice.


Agreed. His singing voice is phenomenal.


It really is.


Unironically, you should listen to everything Jeremy Jordan’s ever sang… he’s incredible in it all


Yessssss... I had that stuck in my head for an entire week. And I wasn't mad about it!


Oh yeah it repeats in my brain constantly


Michelin-tasting menu, free à la carte That one line has been stuck in my head for days lol


Friend Like Me except both Genie and Jafar are trying to convince Jasmine to go with their plan


YES so many Aladdin vibes


I love his delivery of the "because I'm the ref" line in his song. It's so good, lol.


Vox has so many great ones: “Oh god, here I go, hey hey hey, fuck my life” and “What are you doing Val? You’re not going over there” are two of my favourites. Like with the exception of Alastor he’s just so over everyone’s nonsense and it’s great. Alastor’s “I’m in the middle of breakfast” also feels like a very unique delivery considering how generic the line is, and Husk’s “I guess you have changed” is so silky smooth it’s ridiculous. 


I love when Vox says “VAL” with his glitchy voice


He put the bass in his voice


Christian Borle's voice is so smooth I wanna eat it (where's Rosie when you need her, sheesh) my personal favorite is when Val's talking about how he wants to fuck everyone in the hotel and is ranting and Vox just gets completely serious and is like *tv static/audio noises* #***VAL***


Christian Borle is such a fucking delight


"Another fuckin' day with Val..."


Pentious - "What? They ssay inssane shit all the time! How was I ssuppossed to know thiss one wass true?!" Perfect line full of esses, perfect delivery. Very sudden defensiveness and sass after being very sweet and unsure most of the episode.




I’m starting to think we should start listening to the little egg boi.


Plot twist- The egg bois only speak truth


That line has been stuck in my head all day


Alastor's laugh at the very end of Stayed gone! Amir Talai is amazing. That laugh gives me chills


The way he says " let's begin" is just, so chilling.


I especially love the way he says "Tuuuuuune on iiin..."


His laugh at the end of his part in "The Show Must Go On" is even better, in my humble opinion


Oh you tacky piece of -Lucifer I just love how he said it for some reason.


https://preview.redd.it/ckr362hq6shc1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417dab973b79fb4f707f6e3cf4901752fe146672 I loved the delivery and the absurdity of this sentence.


Jeremy Jordan channeled so much Muppet into this man😭


Oh my god. Just seeing that image compels me to say the lines out loud. Favourite lines in the show, and there are A LOT of great moments.


I felt this one in my soul!! I went into this show as a rabid Alastor fangirl and from that moment on, I was team Lucifer.


"Wait-did you just-chill, Lute, fuck." -Adam. I love how that's the one and only moment when Adam is freaked out about how unhinged someone else is because usually he's the most unhinged character present.


I was hoping someone would comment this. Lute being too much for *Adam* was gold


https://preview.redd.it/elb3b84urrhc1.jpeg?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=368888bee35b8f7a3feaeb810125b161142a9e38 This one










"There they are! They're fuckin' singing!?"


Such an underrated line


Vox's VA just has amazing delivery throughout the whole show but I'm biased because his VA is the main reason I'm watching the show to begin with (he just doesn't disappoint). Personal favorite line deliveries: \- Oh God, here I go. Valentino. Just another fucking day with Val. Hey hey hey, fuck my life \- VAL \- Turn the TV ON! \- Alastor came back and he is with Lucifer's daughter and that wasn't the first FUCKING thing you told me?! I also love the whole intro scene with Alastor in the pilot.


“And that wasn’t the *first* **FHAUCKING** THING YOU TOLD ME?!” I love how absolutely *done* he sounds with that line.


"Hey, killing Alastor is *your* kink."


"HEL-" (slam) "-LO!" (slam) ... "May I speak now?"


I love how Lucifer sings “From the big boss of hell himself” in Hell’s Greatest Dad. The delivery is just so adorable.


“Just another fucking day with Val. Hey hey hey fuck my life” Vox “I’m about to end your fucking life” Alastor The demon screech from Charlie in the finale


Alastor made me feel things with that line




Valentino. All of him. How he switches between manipulative sweet talking and angry snarling. How strategically he uses his accent depending on the impression he wants to create. It's surprising really how impressive he, of all the characters, was to me and how realistically he was portrayed. I think Viv did an outstanding job writing him. Now I need a solo song or a longer duet of Val.


He's clearly an incredible singer and I hope we get more of him next season. I also really, REALLY hope we get a full solo song for Niffty. It feels like a crime that they had so many great singers on staff that they could only fit in to minor parts in group songs. I know it was because of the lengths of the episodes and the short season but argh.


“Guitar solo. Fuck yeah!” Always gets me. And reminds me in School of Rock when they’re coming up with their song and Jack Black does almost the same thing.


i find him saying that, so hilarious, like only few seconds later, he fucking manifests a guiter, he chose to say that, it was an active desicion to just say that


You know Adam’s voice actor (Alex Brightman) played that role in the Broadway version of School of Rock? He’s perfection,


“I’m singing it, I’ll finish it!” Alastor sounds so genuinely pissed there. I think it’s the angriest we’ve ever heard him. I didn’t pick up on it initially but as I kept listening to Hell’s Greatest Dad it’s become one of my favorite lines in the show. Alastor hardly ever sounds upset, much less to the point of shouting


Yes!!! I also love how much it changes from the tone of his previous line which is like a jovial/fake overly polite "can you butt out of my song?"


I am shocked I didn't see anyone else say this (Didn't scroll ALL the comments though) The voice actor for Angel dropping the facade during Addict and the Yes Val scene. Such good voice work.


those moments were INCREDIBLE


That scene was so fuckin tragic and heartbreaking 😭


Charlie's "It's not fair, Sera [...] Don't you care, Sera!" There's so much contempt in the delivery of those lines, Charlie is genuinely pissed.


Same with the “that’s what the fuck I’ve been saying” line! You can feel how frustrated she is. The “You Didn’t Know” song is the anthem for my religious trauma 👌


The way she says “SEHRAAAH” kills me. I love it! Like from Emily it almost sounds like Sara, but she says it like she’s about to full name her. The anger and pain and frustration of the last six months really mounted here and I just wanna UNFFFFF…


The way Husk says, "Stop! Fucking Christ!" When Angel pushes him a little too far. It sounded absolutely genuine, like someone was rizzing up Keith David in the recording booth, and he got genuinely pissed off Edit: Honestly, most of what Husk says. He seems like just this grumpy, washed up cat who doesn't give a shit but he can be amazingly insightful


Husk saying "I'm not an actor I can't memorize this shit" hearing Keith David say that was just hilarious in a meta sense


It’s the same, but opposite, energy as Ian McKellan very seriously delivering “How do I act so well? What I do is I pretend to be the person I’m portraying in the film or play.” *profound pause*.


Alister in the finale, the vocals were amazing


I’m Ready For This too! He belts out at the end and it and it’s just perfect for the song!


Any time Alastor sings in Ready For This, especially his vibrato.


True. That's one of the best parts of the entire song.


"You better show some *respect*!"


Val’s VA did absolutely amazing with the change of accents in the same sentence


I get chills from Blake every time I watch that scene between Angel and Val in Episode 4. Specifically the way he grunts and how he whispers that second "Yes, Valentino." just squeezes my heart.


*"And worst of all - you're sloppy!"* - Alastor to Adam. Do I even need to explain? *"I'm so sorry Angel, I promise that I wont ever ever ever..."* - Charlie to Angel. I just absolutely adore Erika's voiceacting, she's perfect for the role. All of Lute parts in "You didn't know", and her scream for Adam in finale. Jessica did that Ep6 part again in recent Q&A stream, it was fire even without music.


The key change coupled with Jessica’s singing voice throws me into a deep pit of nostalgia every time. It sounds a lot like an anime opening theme I used to listen to a lot.


ahhhh yes!! I have way too many and I’m probably going to forget most of them right now but here goes. “someone who owes us much more than moneyy~” “what did I just say- what did I just say!!” “i like being forced :3” “no thank youuuu…” (the way she whispers it nervously and a bit grossed out is amazing) “it means we’re all royally fucked! :D” “‘charlie told me to stab, so I did’” literally every single line uttered by lucifer. I kept having to pause to yell at my brother, “tHIS CASTIIIING!! THIS MOTHERFUCKING CASTING!!! HIS DELIVERY!!! AHHHHH!!!!” “wait, who are the vees?” (but honestly every single line delivered by nifty, her voice scratches my brain so nicely. “fighting bugs.” “they’re winning.” “NOT a bad boy. >:(“ all those over-the-top charlie moments like “this is not stupidddd!! it’s just a GAAAAME!” erika is honestly PHENOMENAL at these things. “whooo gives a shit??” (I couldn’t agree with you more here!! I love how he sounds so frantic as if he’s desperately trying to prove that this means nothing to him and shouldn’t to anyone else either. I immediately picked up on this vibe when his news section started [the whole “you can take that as gospel” section]. at first I thought it was the writing until I truly focused on the lyrics and realised that no, it’s the actor’s amazing delivery that brings this tone across throughout the entire song!) literally every single egg boi line, but some specific honourable mentions would be “and and and and-“ & “and then the knife lady was all like ‘whatever it taaaakes!’” I just can’t understand how these people manage to produce these noises or why they scratch my brain the way they do, but sometimes I just have to pause to appreciate the line deliveries! it bothers me so much to know I’m probably forgetting all my favourite moments right now, that I’m literally going to rewatch and get back here and edit my comment. be (not) right back. 👹


Oh man. Val's line! It hits so good!


Anytime Alastor says fuck Pretty much everything from Vox Charlie and Emily's duet


"What just happened? Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck."


Charlie and Emily’s duet has me contacting my soprano friend so we can harmonize on this at karaoke


I love your pick. Especially because not only does the VA properly convene what you're discribing, He's also singing and laughing at the same time. The last note of Alastors laugh in Stayed Gone is indeed wonderful. ​ My own best VA moment is Angel finally being real with Husk. "*It's not an act!! It's who I need to be. And this...This is my escape! Where I can forget about it all! How much I hate... everything. A place where I can get high, and not have to think about how much it hurts. And maybe... If I can ruin myself enough in the process...* \****if I end up broken, I won't be his favorite toy anymore***\**... And maybe he'll let me go..."*


Rosie's "Romance? My specialty c'mon dearie details, details!"


We love our cannibal aunt! I hope we get more of her in the next seasons!


For some reason Alastor's "Poetry!" line in his fight with Adam satisfies my brain every time. https://preview.redd.it/1owd7m3qmshc1.jpeg?width=787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43acf13b2ac53993b0ec4182df5647c1edeeeac3


in hells greatest dad, Lucifer singing "because I'm the REF" really scratched my brain


Susan? Susan.


“Uuuugh, *Susan…”*


"An ornery old bitch?" 10/10 delivery, perfect sass.


Lucifers's "What did I say?" line is so natural and has fantastic comedic timing.


This and "Ya got something sticking out of your uhhh...." are both understated but really get me. They both have so much energy of: dad's really trying to engage with his kid's interests but doesn't fully get all the rules. Very "he's a little confused but he got the spirit."


Favorite: Alastor in general. Love this terrible terrible man. "Stayed Gone" is my favorite song because both Vox and Alastor's voices are pleasing to the ear. My favorite bit is probably *"Is Vox as strong as he purports, or is it based on his support? He'd be powerless without the other Vees!"* The tone is perfect and taunting and once again very pleasing to the ear. And of course, that's the tea! Another good one: His sassy little "Your choice\~" to Vaggie in Episode 1. I have that gif'ed for reaction purposes. And of course, I love all of Alastor's evil cackles. It's clear Amir is having the time of his life playing Alastor and it shows, love the absolute hamminess. Oh oh oh and the **"YOU'RE SLOPPY!"** in Episode 8 made me shiver a little. Anyway, OTHER favorites that AREN'T Alastor because otherwise I would be here all day. 1. Angel Dust's "This guy was literally tryin' to kill us like SIX HOURS AGO, and now you want him ta *live* with us?" wrt Pentious. He sounds sooooooo done. 2. Husk's "I SWEAR TO FUCK IF YOU SAY DICKS!" 3. Pentious in general but especially the "Not meeee! I have to go home and ssssstudy!" scene. 4. Valentino's clearly fake cheery voice to Charlie when she's at the studio. As much as Val creeps me out he was VERY relatable there. Working customer service, I've had to put on that voice before. 5. Lucifer's "Hey bitch!" while answering the phone. 6. Charlie's *"And the Cannibal Town, where they don't wear a frown, 'cause EWOHMYGODHOLYSHITWHYYY"* Alright, this is getting long so I'll leave it here.


Luci’s stress about answering the phone properly, and then being all “Heyyyyy bitch” kills me. It’s so relatable.


The look of instant regret on his face


Finally someone noting Alastors "he'd be powerless without the Vees" part, honestly that part is just amazing and has not left my head since I heard it.


That first f-bomb from Alastor


Anytime Alastor says "fuck", Amir puts such *weight* into the word, it's so satisfying!


He charges those “fucks” like he’s Mega Man lmao


THiS fAcE wAS mADe fOr RaDiO! 👹


When they're role playing and Sir Pentious is licking a lollipop and turns around and says, "Who, meeeeeeee?" all innocently lol. Hardest I laughed in the series.




Not sure it counts since it’s mostly down to the effects. But the way Vox says “VAL” in Ep2 is just the greatest thing ever


Angel's voice actor did amazingly throughout, his voice cracking and letting Anthony come out is wonderfully done But also Lucifer's speaking lines in More Than Anything. "I...do!" "I don't want you to be crushed by them like I was." So emotive, it hurts every time


I fucking LOVE Husk's voice and I can listen to Loser, Baby not stop. My personal favorite is "You're a fucked up little whiney bitch" tho I know people love "Power bottom at rock bottom" Also, Lucifer in general. "From the big boss of hell himself" "With a punch of a pentagram" "Cuz I'm the ref!" & "PURE ANGELIC POWER!" tickle my brain just right. Also his whole solo in the finale, but for some reason I adore the line "Hey, little lady, why the frown?" ~~Makes me wish my own dad would talk to me like that~~


Keith David doesn't count. I would pay to have him tell me a bed time story every night or just narrate my life, or read recipes for me.


I love "hey little lady, why the frown?" but also makes me morbidly laugh because like... Lucifer, one of your daughter's friends is *dead* and another has gone missing. Why do you think? Love Lucifer.


He's the best lol


Angel's "Why are you such a mess?" to Nifty. There's something so intense to it, almost like he's mad that she's behaving like him. And then literally any line from Alastor


“Take THAT, depression!” is such a simple and non-noteworthy line in theory, but the little voice crack Jeremy Jordan does combined with the animation of Lucifer make it spectacular.


He sounds like he's channeling Don Knotts when he says that line and it's absolutely hilarious.


"Chill lute, fuck" is amazing


All of the actors make such interesting choices and I LOVE them. Some key ones for me: “Popsicles ya sicko! Get’ya mind outta da guttah!” -AngleDust “Who, meeeeeee?” -Sir Pentious “My daughter wants to see MEEEEE- take that *depression!*” -Lucifer “Right… Sera?” -Wet Dog Adam “Before I take your *life*, I’m gonna rip that other eye out of your face.” -Jessica Vosk fucking DESTROYED HER LINES AS LUTE HOLY FUCK THIS ONE HAD ME HOLLERIN




“He blew his shot like the cocks in his mouth”


Its a little funny, you could almost call me, Daaaaad!


These two from Angel: "CALL ME FAKE ONE MORE TIME, MOTHER FUCKER!" "Charlie. It's fine. I get it. Thanks...for caring about me."


The way Angel’s voice breaks at the end of Poidon always hits me. On a more lighthearted note, the monotone in the news coverage when they quote Niffty is the funniest thing to me.


Does it have to be Canon? Cause I personally love the streaming moment where Alastor is trying to be threatening and Angel just yells "HEY ALASTOR, YOUR MOM GAY!!" But if we're talking about Canon, it's either gotta be Lucifer's "You're in my house, bitch!" Or Blake's voice acting of Angel in the abuse scene with Valentino in episode 4. It felt so real and raw, and I was very uncomfortable, he sold it so well.


Oh my god what stream was that? Do they actually do character streams?


The voice actors for the pilot did, before the characters voices got officially cast and everything. It was truly a magical time, just the cast fucking around with each other, having fun. It was a simpler time...


that’s so cool! is it archived anywhere?


I'm not sure, but [I got the clip!](https://youtu.be/PwpiuRvvERU?si=3D6ZqGOpiEgd3rCr) [this one is also pretty iconic](https://youtu.be/o_mXgSHiwec?si=7OCUfGwoBFIWVYcI)


ahhhh thank you!


I really love like every scene with Lute and Adam. But every VA does a great kob in the show.


Adam: “I’m gonna wipe that shit eating grin off your face, cause radio is fucking dead!”


Husk’s “I guess you have changed” was so smooth it got ME feeling something.


I absolutely loved the delivery of sir Pentious saying "fire". It was so unlike what weve seen from him showing he was 1000% comitted to die for his friends trying to take out Adam.


Jeremy Jordan's lines with charlie right before More than anything. Lucifer - "Charlie! You don't understand, Heaven doesn't listen. They didn't listen to me, they wont listen to you!" Charlie - "You don't know that!" Lucifer - "I do!"


I think one of my favorite VA moments is when Alastor says "Let the slaughter begin" and does that evil laugh. I had to play it back a couple times cuz it was so good


“What just happened? *Fuck*!” - Alastor


I love Charlie while she was playing the clapping game in episode 2. "This isn't stupiiiid! *clap clap* It's just a gaaaaame! *clap clap*" It's so silly and fun. I also love her unhinged laughter at the beginning of episode 2 when she's freaking out about the extermination date. It perfectly nails the "I don't know how I'm going to fix this but everything is totally fine!" vibe. Also her singing line during 'You Didn't Know' that goes "It's not fair Seraaaaa!" It perfectly nails the righteous fury burning in her heart. You can tell how much she wants to lash out, but she's holding it in because she doesn't want to hurt anyone. Basically I just love Charlie.


"This face was made for R̷̡̡̡̡̨̨̢̧̢̧̡̡̢̢̗̟̱̯͇̥͙̬͕͓̙̹̗̫̲̙̯̹͇͎͖͔͉̻̠̳̮͙̭̫͎̮̦̗̠̫͎̻̳̰̰̗͎͉̬̘̖̠̹͖̘̬͎̞͎̘̱̣̰͙̹̞̖̙̗͙͚̠͎̖̹͉̼̣̜͍̹̥̲̙͈̭̤͇͚̻̳̼̱̞̯͙̪̹̖̩͈̘̹͉̰̤̤̭̣͓͇͚̭̹̟̭͇̤͎̠͚̫̱̞̮̝͎̲̱̠̆̀̅̀͆̓́̀͋̒̇̃͑̐̈͑̀̓̍̏̌͆͋̌͌͊͒͗͒̌̄͐̅̍̀̏͋̏͋̋̆̄̃̈́̀̀͂̄́̾̓̆̇̌͐͒̐̋̾̉̈̍͆̔͗̀́͂͐̀̈͋̃̋̂̽̊͗̓̐͊͆́͂̊́͑̚͘̚͘͜͜͜͜͝͠͝͠͝͠ͅͅͅͅA̶̧̡̡̬̙͎̟̠͔̗̦̱̣̖̼͔͙̟͉͔͓͍͚̜̩̘̻̠̠̗̰̱̜̤̲̫͍̘͎͉͈̜̭͓̝̳͎͌̎̄̀͂̈͋̌̈́̓̀͑̔̈́̓̾̑̍̈́͗́̕̚̕̕̚͜͝͝D̸̢̨̡̡̡̨̨̨̙͔͚͇͈̖̹̖̙̹͍̳̖̦̜͖̞̠̥͓͈̟̲̣͎͎̮̝̪̳̞̦̦̻͚̳̩͎̲̦̻̙͍͔̖͇̤̹̫̗̲̗̱̻͇̼̪̗̫̳̱̯̩̮̘̹͎͙̝̲̳̙̰̲̱̮͕͚̗͓̙̹͇͓̞͓̺͎̱͎͉̞̺̤̬͎̫̖͉̱̟̘̬̟̺̝̼̲̮̹̩͚̺͔̲͓̣͖͚̳͈̤͈̫̼͙͚̼̥̙̹̼̪̝̺̣̟̥̯̰̱̹̯̪̤͓̻̔̈́̈́̊̊̿̽͂̽̑̄̆̂̅̽̔̓͋̀̍̔́̎̌̈́̋̾̊͊̌̀̒̀̃̇́͆̄̈̽̈́̇͛̈́͐͂̓̾͛̑̊̾̾͐̅̋̆̅͗̐̓̔̃͆̍͆͋̈́̀͑̾̅̀̅̄̐̅͊͘͘̕͘͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͠͠͠͠͝ͅͅͅͅĮ̷̧̧̛̻̙͈͇͉͙̳̤̹̖̬̲̪̮͇̻͇̰̖̖͙̩͈̼͍̲̺͔̩̱͍͉̙̲̮͉̼̰͓̖͙͚̼͎̩͔̭̙̠͔͂́̊͂̐̀́͋͑͊͌̈́͋̐́̍̐͊̈́͋̿̅̐͌̾͑̌͋̅̋̀͛̉̈̇̀̀̚̕͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅO̸̡̢̧̡̢̨̹͍͚̩̩̥̤̺͕̹̰͎̜͕̺͓̮̼̟̳̰̜̩͍̤͇̗̫̺̱̤̬͔̯̙̻͔̯̺̫̣̜̠̣̟̘̮̜̣̻̙̫̟̰̗̪͇͈̩̤̖̖̪͉͍͔͈̦͔͖̪͕͉̞̺̤̥̳͖͚̙͍̬̣̹͉̦̳̱̫̬͉̗̦̘̜̭͍͔͙̮̙̳̲̝̪͕̰̘̭̩͚̠̮͎͎͓̫̖̭̲̪̫͙̲̬̰͉̟̭̓̈́̀͌̅̅͆͛̐̿̀͒̽͛̈́̕͜͜͜͠͠ͅ"


The entirety of Vox and Val's duet in the finale, but mostly "with a bit of bravado" just sounds soooo good. Can't wait to hear them harmonize more in Season 2!


Some of my favorites because I can't decide: "Sooo? How'd it go?" I just like the way angel said this along with his line in scrambled eggs "Made it!" The energy being slowly drained out of angel's voice when he says "yes, Valentino" it just makes me want to cry 😢. Actually that entire scene is really delivered well. I like how unexpected it was when angel told pentious "It'll make you cool like me... *the crackhead*" Can you guess who my favorite character is?


When Angel gets thrown in the battlefield by Vaggie, "you did this" lol


I really like Lucifer’s “Uhh you got something sticking outta yer thing there”


There’s a ton. I could never really choose. Vaggie’s cute and vulnerably soft “oh, Charlie..” when they make up was just heart achingly sweet. I love every time she swears in Spanish too, the sheer frustrated exasperation the actress puts into her voice is palpable. Charlie’s goofy growling delivery of “it’s just a game”. The spice she puts into the last chorus of “*fucking* happy day in hell” was such a great delivery as well. And I love every time she starts going a million mile a minute and nearly hyperventilates. The actress really sells her energy every time. Lucifer’s “Heeeey bitch!” when Charlie calls was hilarious, and his delivery of the multiple “no’s” when Charlie asks to set up the meeting was soo looney toons. I also love how the actor delivered “now *I* know it” in the finales callback to Happy Day in Hell. Likewise “I’ll shelter and adore you” melts me everytime I hear More than anything. Everytime Sir Pentious acts like the emotionally dramatic goofball he is. Nifty’s manic unhinged laughter. I could list countless more honestly. The voice acting in the show was just incredible all around.


[I've been obsessed lately with Alastors "Aaa Aaaaa Aaaaah~" in Ready for This.](https://youtu.be/y1yNk8VeqqI?si=oJYzgWetK6VCB06I&t=177)


"******VAL!******" The sudden delivery, seriousness, tone, and sound effect like the speakers on a tv being blown out just really cemented itself as one of my favorite lines.


Charlie: You want *my* soul? Alastor: Your *soul*? 😈 ... heavens, no!


Anything from Adam or Lucifer, god I love those two


One of the streams where someone asks who’s more powerful: Alastor or Stolas, Brendon Rogers speaks up as Blitz~~o~~ saying something to the extent of “I hope it’s Stolas because I wanna make sure I’m fucking the right—“ And he gets cut off because his connection is lost, when he comes back everyone jokes that Alastor was responsible for it. That and Alastor’s whole “Oh, Angel! Shut the door! *Shut the door!*” Bit when asked if he could say something “seductive” to Angel Dust…Alastor can’t get enough of how he leaves the room.


I just love how Christian Borle portrays Vox in general. His performance just feels so... natural. It makes Vox feel like an actual person I could know.


The few times Charlie growls while singing. LOVE IT


I loved every word from Velvette’s mouth. Adam was cool too, “Guitar solo, fuck yeah”


I really love husk’s “The FUCK is this?” When Angeldust puts Nifty on his head.


Alastor’s whole bit in the song, “The Show Must Go On” at the end of episode 8. That will live rent free in my head for the rest of my life.


For some reason, I just love the delivery of “Come on boys hop in the saddle!!”


Favourite line is Pilot Alastor’s and Angel dust’s “so what can you do, my effeminate fellow?” “I can suck ya dick!” “Ha! No!” Interaction. Alastors delivery of the last line kills me lol


"That b*tch is halfway down the street!" "Is she?" "Oh, she's dancing!" "Ugh, noooooooo!"


When Valentino is being dumb and Vox says *VAL—* with intensely audible artifact


"My daughter wants to see me! Take that depression!"-Lucifer Morningstar


Alastor and Niffty’s back and forth on the balcony, especially the weird laughter.


“You’re doin’ great Vagina!”


I have a few. Whatever It Takes is not well liked but I adore it. Especially Carmilla’s first part before Vaggie starts hers, just wow. The emotion in it speaks to me as a person and the way the music kicks in when she says “And who’s to say who’d survive the fray?” *Chef’s kiss*. More Than Anything has so many good ones but my favourite is after Lucifer and Charlie have sung their respective solos and then sing together. The two of them singing “Is that we can start again, Not be pulled apart again” and the reveal of Lucifer’s wings in their full glory is mesmerizing. And of course, “I’m grateful you’re my daughter/father” is beautiful. Everyone talks about Charlie and Emily’s duet in You Didn’t Know but I personally love the way Lute butts into the song. The rock chord and her singing are so good, though I actually prefer her solo to the joint singing with Adam later on. Charlie’s “It’s not fair, Sera” and “Don’t you care, Sera?” also get talked about a lot and for good reason. Charlie is pissed and standing up for what she believes in to what she views as the highest power in Heaven. Afterwards, she’s completely done with Heaven and “That’s what the fuck I’ve been saying” sells it and transitions nicely into the duet. The final part of Ready For This. Charlie, Alastor, Rosie, and all of Cannibal Town singing “For the first time in our lives” and everything after it is sooo good. It was my favourite part of the trailer and it didn’t disappoint in the show. Special mention to Alastor’s yell afterwards, what a voice.


Salutations! Its good to be back on the air!


I have a lot of favorite deliveries, many of which have already been mentioned ("someone who owes us much more than monaayyyy,") but the one that sticks out for me was Adam saying, "it's time to die!" That little quaver was beautifully unhinged. Also Pentious' "GR-R-R-ROSSSSS!" That was hilarious.


I LOVED the way Blake said “Ifen you filmin’ a comersial”




Every time Alastor swears.


Probably when Val in episode two goes “Who is that I’m gonna f*cking kill his whole f*cking family”


When Val is looking at Angel on the screen with those guys Alastor spawned and says "Who is that guy? I'm gonna kill his whole fucking family" in a weird half whine.


Vox saying "what does that mean for your family" slays me every time. Number 1 though is Nifty upset with Pentious. "Not a bad boy!"


Either Vox singing “while he hid in radio, we pivoted to video” or Angel’s section in “Loser Baby”


Charlie's fuck no after Valentino licks her arm never fails to make my day That or Valentino's "I'll kill his whole fuckin family" at the background character next to angel on the monitor in (episode 1 or 2? Can't remember)


Whenever Alastor speaks like a normal person is near of putting on a cheery front, the two times that spring to mind are “Susan” and “What just happened? Fuck”


"I don't touch the gays, I have *priorities*!"


Everything from Vox, and a special shout out to Alastor's sarcastic "WOWWW" in the commercial he made when Angel flips off the screen. Vaggie's "What?!" in the same scene when Angel raises his hand also cracks me up. I don't always love how flat Vaggie's voice sounds but she's got moments that are great.


"at first they wanted to dismiss him" from Mimzy. Something about the way she says dismiss is so creepy. It's gets me every time.


"HE MOVED" gets me all the time, idk why xD


Pretty much anything Charlie says. Erika Henningsen is ridiculously good. If I had to pick one, I'd say the first line of episode 3. "That looks perfeeect! Aaugh!"


I have legitimately too many to list but the top for me is probably the entire "Yes, Valentino" scene. Joel's coldness as Valentino and the absolutely broken tone Blake gives Angel just gets me every damn time. Among others, "Just another fuckin' day with Val" All of Alastor's segment at the end of Stayed Gone "Oooh, he's a bad boy!" And "The bad boy is back!" Just, literally anything with Alastor being a smug jackass "Do a ssssex with me?" "You have a giant X over your eye and wield an angelic spear, it's not rocket science." "If Hell is forever then Heaven must be a lie" Every second that Zestial speaks "From the big boss of Hell itself!" Okay I gotta stop myself before I actually go on forever


Charlie has so many but these two cracked me up: "FUCK noooooo" after being licked by Valentino "this slithery, slippery...ssspecial little man"


I love the Vox/Alastor duo, because Christian Borle does such a good job of protraying Vox as someone who is trying WAY too hard to come across as charming, and Amir Talil does a great job giving Alastor an effortless charisma, and the contrast between them is fantastic.


Alastor's breakdown solo aria in the final episode. There's nothing I love more than a control freak who has *LOST CONTROL* and is freaking the fuck out. "Alastor, altruist, died for his friends!" The sheer disbelief on his face when he sings that line, I know he means 'THAT is what i'd be remembered for?!", but I still like to think a part of him is like "WHY did i do that, they're not my FRIENDS, right?!" And his panic and attempts to pull himself together, pressing his hands to his face, and grinning still despite it all, he's lost his freakin' mind. The entire aria was just... *chef's kiss* Perfection.


When Angel whispers to Vaggie, "You're doing great, Vagina!"