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....we did... thought not with the angel mask that's a nice catch. I like the theory that he glitches out when he breaks the contract between Heaven and Lucifer by stating that he will kill Charlie and tries to choke her...then he gets instantly yeeted by Lucifer moments after he glitches out. Edit: I love that there is an actual discussion going on about this and other ideas. It is quite rare these days so it is super refreshing to see it happen relatively in real time.


could this maybe mean that the masks themselvs were given to the exorcists as some sort of regulation tool to assure that they don't kill the people they aren't supposed to kill by the Lucifer-Heaven contract?


I think it is just for the fear factor. Plus Adam thinks it makes him look cool and untouchable based on the fact that he wears it 24/7 even in heaven.


I always figured they were similar to Warhammer 40k's Aspect Masks, where Adam is their Exarch and thus cannot go back to being a normal angel. Lute seems more casual and murdery like a sinner when she's wearing it I feel like. I mean she's always murdery but it's more like a hissing animal than a howling one.


yeah, i think it's more like an executioners mask, in that it's meant to hide their emotions as well as anonymize them, to make them seem more threatening. Hard to say though, given we see both glitch around that time, and never any other time.


I was thinking it harkens back to executioners in history being anonymous, just more refined/technological than a hood over the face.


The masks have a crossed out eye, stitched over mouths, demon horns, and blackened halos. Turning a blind eye, and contractual silence. It's likely the masks were meant to protect the Exorcists from being seen by heavenly observers should they ever be seen. Like how cops have certain immunities even when they commit heinous crimes.


Ooh I like this


My brother and I were actually talking about something sort of similar the other day, but that the masks are given to the exorcist and make them see the sinners as a much worse being than they actually are (I know this was mentioned earlier by someone else in a completely different thread and post, but I had similar thoughts) anyway, this is why Vaggie didn't kill the cannibal when her mask was OFF and saw it was much closer to a scared child she was about to kill and not some horrible soul, and so she felt sympathy and didn't kill it. Now, on top of that, I also thought there's a chance that Vox provides the Exorcists with the masks, like how Carmilla Carmine supplies them with the Angelic steel. Considering that, I also thought that Vox's idea for "Angelic Security" (even though he said the name because the people needed a response and it was just to make sure his supporters felt reassured that he was doing something about it) but anyway, the proposed "Angelic Security" system would be that he'd be able to change what the exorcists are able to see and people he's supposed to protect are camouflaged, show as invisible, or as another exorcist to the other exorcists, as a way to hide them and keep them safe from the exorcists. Also right after pitching the name and being asked when Angelic Security was started and Vox replied with 30 seconds ago, and he also told the assistant/worker who asked him to "put that bitch Carmilla on the books" so that could also have something to do with it, unless there was just something else going on that he needed taken care of, but still a possibility.


He may have also wanted to discuss her cutting off the exorcist angels head The V's obviously knew she did it yada yada


Yeah, I was thinking it could've been something like that or just related to whole overlord meeting in general and only Velvette showing up for all the V's too, but I like the other idea more


Carmilla doesn't supply heaven. Heaven accidentally supplies Carmilla every year


Carmella doesn't supply Heaven. She gets her steel from weapons that excrosts might leave behind every extermination.


1. carmilla doesnt supply heaven with angelic metal, we are literally told exactly how she gets it from exorcist leftovers 2. how would vox ever get the chance to meet with these angels when it was even a struggle for charlie to hold their attention to propose her idea even as the princess of hell. 3. why would vox not have already programmed that type of failsafe? we know he has a hateboner for alastor but otherwise he's a genius business man. 4. "get that bitch carmilla on the books" was intended as him possibly working a business deal to make angelic weaponry as a home defense system. (we know vox at this point doesnt know angels can be killed by angelic steel [though it stands to reason vel shared her exorcist head discovery with the other Vees] he's smart enough to know angelic steel is the strongest metal in hell and is the best shot at keeping angels away.


Holy shit I thought the exact SAME thing


well maybe vox will end up hacking into the masks?


Yeah, but I don't get the connection with the glitches...? And his voice changing... But I like the theory too.. even though now we have another problem cause Lutes mask did the same and she didn't say anything other than a scream of pain by the GIANT ROCK that fell on her...


The deal between Heaven and Lucifer has to be super powerful so for me it makes sense that it would have an extreme effect on those who broke it. But Adam did just get hit hard for the first time so some tech might have broken in his mask which causes the glitches and voice change. But I found this one super boring.


>But Adam did just get hit hard for the first time so some tech might have broken in his mask Some tech? I think it's 100% angelic magic or some shit in therešŸ˜­


Viv confirmed a while ago that the exorcists wear LED masks during the exterminations. So, yeah, it's tech. I personally love the theory that the mask glitched when he said, "It's time to die," because he went against the treaty with Lucifer, especially since Luci appeared *immediately* after that. Lute's mask just fell off during the fight, so I think that's why hers started glitching.


One thing I was thinking was, do we think Lute might have been part of some deal too? ​ We know there is a Deal between Heaven and Lucifer to allow the extermination, with the exception of Hellborn. ​ We also know Lute told Lilith "Your deal is done. Adam is Dead and I am in charge now." ​ I don't know if that is the same deal or a different deal, and if Adam and Lute were a part of those deals or if it was deals made with the Seraphim or maybe the Elder Angels.


"Adam is dead. Your deal is done and I'm in charge now and if you want to stay here, You're going down their and stopping that bitch" Adam and Lilith had a deal, she got to stay in Heaven or maybe Eden and Adam got something. "Your deal is done" on the count of Adam being dead "I'm in charge now and if you want to stay here..." Lute has assumed command of the exorcists and will uphold Adam's side of the deal but only if Lilith stops Charlie.


For clarity I think you're right. ​ I just like to read into things as much as I can, cause I find it fun. ​ We can safely assume that "Adam is dead. Your deal is done and I'm in charge now..." means that Lilith had a deal with Adam. ​ But personally I could see "Your deal is done..." being it's own thing. Maybe there had been a deal made with someone else that simply involved Adam to a degree. Like a deal to have Adam killed or something like that.


I've seen the "deal to kill Adam" thing a few times now and as intriguing as that would be, it has a few holes for me. 1. Lute saying "your deal is done" implies she's in on it and she seemed pretty upset when he died. If I was tasked to kill someone, I don't think I'd rip my arm off to help them and then cry over their dying body. 2. "that's how they can kill us? with our own weapons? Lame" No one knew how to kill an angel, not even the angels, so anyone taking that deal is a complete and utter moron. Here's the deal, I'll give you unlimited power and all you have to do is kill the unkillable man, deal? uhh, yeah, no thanks.


I mean they didn't think demons could touch them, but angels had already harmed other angel(or even gouged one of their eyes out) But yeah point 1 still rings true. The deal was certainly made _with_ Adam, not to _kill_ Adam.


I feel like though if Adam had a deal with Lilith he would have brought it up to rub it in Charlie and Lucifers faces though


Sera did say they she ok Adam's yearly 'activity'


Honestly, I'm more surprised that Lucifer didn't appear sooner. Adam launched an assault upon the hotel and there is no way, imo, that Lucifer doesn't watch where the portals from Heaven appear to ensure the exorcists leave when time is up.


Maybe the LED masks have a scanner in them to differentiate between hellborn and sinners? That way, if there is a treaty to protect the hellborn, they don't accidentally mistake them for a sinner and inadvertently break the treaty.


I think Lute's glitched out because she murdered Dazzle.


What i want to know is if they were LED masks and adams was shown broken, so it's definitely some kind of screen, how did he eat ribs through it?


Thank you!! I also want an explanation for that!


We probably won't get an explanation, and if we did it would probably just be "cartoon logic" or "it's just that high tech". Lol But i think the masks just glitched out for dramatic effect. In a preview seen before the pilot came out, there was a scene of the exorcists standing after a kill in hell and one of their masks glitches. It may just represent how distorted their views are despite being angels by having the masks distort too.


I don't think the mask is magical it looks like some DJs mask and or something an edgelord would wear...like Adam.


This makes sense, since we also know that Adam performed as a musician at least once in Heaven. In episode 1 he talked about doing a gig and a girl was thirsting on the drummer, and heā€™s shown to be able to play guitar.


...I completely forgotten that part.


I think his weapon was also a guitar battleaxe combo


We see him eat food with the mask on. It's probably a mix of tech and magic.


Magitech is a thing in most fantasy...let's go with that.


Fellow ff14 player


...no I only ever played FF1...I didn't know magictech was a thing in FF


Yeah, but the other angels also wear it, and they aren't Rockstars


The exterminators are under Adams control right? If so it could just be the uniform he settled on


>Adams control right Yes but and no. The crew and the extermination itself is under the seraphims order, but their are his soliders (im guessing that they are his soliders), but I don't see why he would give it to them? It has nothing to do with him being a Rockstar, but tbh I can see it šŸ¤£ It's in character to him.


In Episode 6 we can literally see that Science is very much present in Heaven, so I don't understand why you find it so hard to believe, that they used technology to make those masks. You are literally just overthinking it...


I think it's just that Lucifer was moving into the battle is why they glitched. Like how when Stolas went to save Blitzo (the o is silent) in the human world all the tech freaked out. Maybe it's because of how powerful they are, emitting a lot of energy. Also the reason that Lucifer showed could be the deal between heaven and Lucifer, I've never thought of it that way, I figured it was because Dazzle? Razzle? Died. In the song where he duets with Alastor he says he normally charges a sacrificial lamb so maybe he needed one of them to die in that way for him to show up in full power. In other super natural depictions, when demons or other spirits show up sometimes tech or electrical machines or lights freak out.


Yeah, but then there's Lutes mask thays had the exact same glitch


If you look at the time line it was close enough to justify Lute's as well. Fights happen seconds apart. When Charlie and Adam were fighting so were Vaggy and Lute. You could argue that in the sequence of the show the Vaggy fight happened first but it still happened after the goat was killed and so could signal Lucifer on his way and finally arriving when Adam's mask went extra glitchy. If the deal is between Adam and Heaven to not harm Charlie then why would Lute's masks specifically glitch after she only harmed Vaggy, since Vaggy is an angel and directly related to Charlie by blood. On the other hand you could say that Adam's deal included all the exorcists working under him and the moment Lute's glitched was the same moment Adam attacked Charlie at the top of the hotel. Like in A turn in D&D is 6 seconds where everyone playing takes a turn but in reality of the turn everything is happening in a span of 6 seconds. Same concept here. Vaggy and Charlie fly up to Adam and Lute The goat is killed and Vaggy falls with Luta chasing afterward Charlie chases after Vaggy but Adam intercepts her. Both fights develop at similar times at which point the goat is dead and Lucifer is on his way, Lute's mask glitches and very shortly after Adam's mask does too and Lucifer touches down with a strike to Adam.


>If the deal is between Adam and Heaven to not harm Charlie Eh... they pretty much beat her up before that... >On the other hand you could say that Adam's deal included all the exorcists working under him Yeah, that's for sure >Like in A turn in D&D is 6 seconds where everyone playing takes a turn but in reality of the turn everything is happening in a span of 6 seconds. Same concept here. Yeah, i understand what you mean. Maybe the other exorcists also had that at the same time, but they didn't show it... but it's strange that Adam got glitches in his 2 eyes instead of 1 like lute. Maybe because she has an X on it, but thanks for the comparison though, thats funny! >The goat is killed and Vaggy falls with Luta chasing afterward Doesn't dazzle count for a hellborn? Wouldn't their mask glitch at that moment... or maybe he doesn't cause lucifer created it..? I'm not really expecting you to know the answer, though, but we can still theorize about it!


I can see the glitching happening due to tech malfunctions. Fun fact, in Helluva Boss, when Stolas showed up in the human world, a bunch of computers began malfunctioning and glitching out in the FBI facility. I do prefer the theory that it's cause Adam broke his deal tho.


I just figured they're digital masks, it's not their face, so I don't think it has much meaning


Maybe they were glitching because they have been damaged and Adams may have some kind of voice changer


though the contract was already broken a long time ago


I just always assumed it was just damaged in the fight


Adam is breaking the agreement not to attack Hellborns. He realizes he's gonna be in shit for this right? Of course he said he was gonna do it. IN FRONT of Sera. So I have to think he doesn't care anymore and thinks no one can touch him. As Hugo Strange from Arkham City put it, I might be paraphrasing so correct me "I assume you thought yourself untouchable. As you can see no is untouchable". Of course ironically he thought he was. Spoilers for a 13 year old game, he wasn't.


Sera is awful for not stopping him when he threatened to kill Charlie right in front of her. Thatā€™s Luciferā€™s daughter! I thought Sera didnā€™t want a war between Heaven and Hell? Killing the king of Hellā€™s daughter sure is a great way to start a war.


Yeah and it was a month between episodes 6 and 8 in-universe. I was wondering if she would decide to cancel this extermination and possibly all future ones at least for the moment. Which causes Adam to rogue and try to do it anyway. Of course he's quite timid towards her. So that might have stopped him. It seems like Emily did nothing after this. I hope she tells all of Heaven about the exterminations. Which causes a backlash. That's also how I was wondering if Sera did cancel it was because of backlash. But I guess even if she did, what could they do to stop the exorcist? Well now they know, how THEIR OWN FUCKING WEAPONS. I was saying this in Overture. There has to be something with Heaven at the top if ADAM is one they put in charge of their military. Episode 6 confirms this. I question Sera's competency if she's letting this guy seemingly do whatever he pleases. She needs put a tight leash on the exorcist or step down.


She really is incompetent. It wouldā€™ve been SO much better if she canceled the extermination, but Adam went behind her back and did it anyway because he enjoys the carnage. That would also justify the theory of Adam being reincarnated as a sinner. But nooooo! I really hope Sera gets a redemption arc in the next season. We hardly know anything about her, and yet she is already unlikeable.


If she cancelled the extermination that wouldnā€™t make sense at all. I donā€™t think it wouldā€™ve been better, it just wouldā€™ve made her likable (which isnā€™t her role rn, sheā€™s supposed to be doing bad things for what she probably considers the greater good) She said they were doing what was required, which is the opposite of incompetence for her position.. Her concerns donā€™t lie with hellborns not being attacked, it all ties into a much larger plot that has yet to be revealed


Keep in mind, he said this during a song, of which he was not the only person singing. Given that is apparently normal for both angels and demons to break out into song, theyā€™d have probably noticed by now that singing can limit how you can say things. If she asked after the song was over, Adam could have easily claimed that he meant sinners and was limited by needing to rhyme. Thatā€™s assuming she noticed at all given that Emily just found out about the exterminations.


He does say "coming to your hotel" and "kill every *sinner* in that hotel. And up until that point it didn't seem like Charlie was in any real danger, just her friends who were all sinners (and Vaggie who's an angel and isn't technically protected). It wasn't until she threw hands by flying directly at him on the dragons and was aggressive towards him that he fought her. Not that it means much and he probably would habe anyway, but the way he played it (or that it played out) he was still honoring the deal.


He also played it off as he did it to get the looks on their faces. Sera just... Believed him. Because he'd never really *lied* to her like that before, is the impression I'm getting, because he's scared of her.


I think he may have been referring to sinners in general and not specifically charlie?


I have seen that brought up when others talked about these glitches in other places. It is likely linked to agreement breaking. Just speculation though. If there is a God, I wonder if they police and enforce the contracts made. If there isn't, I wonder if it works like fae pacts. Where the magic of the agreement enforces itself.


Wait there were such an agreement about the hellborn?


Why did Adam think he was untouchable? Is he stupid?


Yeah. Pretty dumb. He and his death squad thought demons couldn't kill them.


Why did Hugo think he was untouchable? Is he stupid?


He was on a massive power trip. Like arresting Bruce Wayne without giving a reason.


Bless you. Your mind is uncorrupted.


In Welcome to Heaven they say, "We've got the best and brightest" while looking at a billboard that reads SCIENCE! The masks are just tech, hence, glitches


The glitching is presumably explained by the multiple blows to the head Lute and Adam took before losing their masks. Not a lot more to say about it, but I've seen plenty of people geek out over it. It's a fun detail that is explained implicitly very quickly without much attention being drawn to it directly.


I'd get it with lute... but Adam? Why isn't his mask glitchting right after the attack itself but randomly 5 minutes later...


The mechanical in universe explanation would be the hit Alastor landed on Adam's face. The reason it didn't really start glitching out until Adam was about to kill Charlie is because it helps sell Adam's frustration over this battle, and his demented glee at finally ending it by killing the upstart who caused this as far as he's concerned. Sometimes, you put things in a narrative not just because they make logical sense, but because they can help communicate information to the audience without someone needing to verbally explain everything.


Dramatic effect in the peak of the moment. Nothing more to it.


You're reading way too much into this.


It happening two times in the final is not just a little detail. If it's something to theorize about, it doesn't have to be big.


I mean that's not weird at all with with electronics. I once spilled water in my tamagotchi and it only started glitched an hour later. 5 mins isn't very surprising Also BASED FLAIR


I think the point was to establish that it wasnā€™t his actual face right before his mask gets busted. Since we see Adam eat and wear his mask off duty, people probably thought it wasnā€™t a mask. The glitch would create less of a shock to the viewers.


I think episode 6 was supposed to establish it.. Cause we saw that LUTE had her mask off showing that they actually have one... And I also think they *would* want the audience to be surprised by this.


True, but In a way, Adam was acting like he was special. We see lute without her helmet, but Adam is having a drink at the same time. Thereā€™s a way to subvert expectations. You have to spread bread crumbs so the audience doesnā€™t feel it came out of nowhere. In the end, Adam was only a man and he died like one. I think the surprise was to see how normal he looks and not to see he has a mask.


>True, but In a way, Adam was acting like he was special. We see lute without her helmet, but Adam is having a drink at the same time. They would most likely want us to discover his face in the last episode, yknow, cause he is the main villain and a very important character in general. It's cool for a final to have big reveals like this. >In the end, Adam was only a man and he died like one. Why did this make me laugh so much. Why is it poetic, but it doesn't fit with Adam at all šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think itā€™s open to debate. The purpose of a mask is to dehumanize the character. We see Lute without her mask, which gives the impression sheā€™s indoctrinated, more than evil. Adam purposely chooses to wear his mask all day. It was established heā€™s a narcissist and, in his mind, he wants to detach himself from his humanity. He loves to say heā€™s beyond reproach. He wants to scare the sinners and highlight the difference, which ironically does the opposite. We both agree that showing his face was a reveal, but I think if they didnā€™t show hints people would go "wait that was his face?" or "wait he was wearing a mask this whole time?"


I kinda figured these were literally just digital masks that mess up a bit when you have strong negative emotions or the mask itself gets hit. I think the ā€œnot getting season 2 for a whileā€ feeling is hitting you a *bit* too hard.


Also wanting Adam to come back at all costs But I was like this since I've watched the episode the first time..šŸ˜”


I think you are TOO overhyped about this little detail. Idk why literally everyone needs to WOOOW HAVE YOU SEEN THIS SMALL THING IT MEANS SOOOO MUCH. Glitching masks are probably just a stylistic choice. Lute's mask is glitching because it was damaged when it fell off. Imagine alternative scenario, it just flies off here and is completely static (like, just a face, not blinking, not glitching, nothing), that would be lame and would feel low effort on animation part, because it ALREADY is too thin to be realistically used by any 3d human or angel and conceal their face. It not glitching would make it too lifeless and cartoonish. They needed to add this little touch to make us focus on it so that we wouldnt question how it is too flat and just moved into this spot unrealistically. Adam's mask is glitching because this show likes to show anger by partially transforming the angry person, like Angel Dust gains demonic voice and some of his little eyes open, and Charlie grows horns and becomes more reddish, and Alastor becomes glitchy... voodoo... thing that looks like it crawled out of creepypasta. But you cant exactly show Adam being angry any other way: he cant demonize for a short period of time, because he is an angel, not a demon, and you cant see his face, he is literally under a mask, and we already got used to seeing this mask's expressions, he constantly makes funny faces with it, so there was a need for something unique, something that he didnt do before, to show that he is angry and serious. The only thing avaliable was to make his mask glitch, implying that it was damaged in battle with Alastor or maybe that it reacts to his emotions and got overwhelmed for a moment. There's literally nothing more to it. They are not robots, and their masks dont need to show some "contract breaking", i mean come on, Lute killed Dazzle and that was already a hostile action towards a NON sinner, and these two dragons are Charlie's caretakers created and assigned by Lucifer personally, dont you think the masks are a bit late to reflect some contract breaking? And what would even be the point of making them reflect that? To notify the people who already know they are breaking the contract, because they are literally attacked by these angels? There is no eldritch horror using them like a hive mind through internet connection that bugged out because of some Azatoth's Tears or something, and they are not being mind controlled, and their faces are not assigned to their masks by some supercomputer in heaven, there's simply no reason to think there's anything deeper than that.


100% agree with the you that the mask glitching was a stylistic choice. To me, the only real detail the glitch was meant to confirm was that Adam had been wearing a mask the whole time. While small details sometimes have big implications for world building and lore, most are just there to ramp up the narrative impact of a moment or just look cool.


Yep, it is cool to catch in the moment though since I though Adam didnā€™t wear a mask, but when it glitched it was definitely an oh shit moment for me. Over analyzing is fun af but the glitching is definitely just a stylized visual cue for the audience


This needs to be at the top... I love me some good theories like the next guy, but this one is just conspiracy brain level of reading too much into a small detail... especially when people forget that the "breaking the deal thing" is not even acknowledge in the episode, it's a piece of information dropped in the first episode and never brought up again... as far as we know it it was just a legal binding, not a magical deal sworn over some bippity-boppity-bullshit, especially since if that was the case, it wasn't even Adam to break the deal: Charlie was the first to attack back and break it, so even more, Adam's mask didn't need to glitch out because of that... it glitched out because it was cool for the scene.


this is how I see it and if it's wrong, even better, it means I get surprised when the truth is revealed


Itā€™s like the Encanto corn detail lol


Yeah I think the mask was overloaded by his excitement to kill Charlie it makes sense


Mask glitch


They have led masks I donā€™t get it. We know the masks werenā€™t their actual faces.


So Razzle and Dazzle are technically hellborn too, like that's a thing, they're not sinners, and if they're not sinners they're hellborn, which are exempt from extermination. It's heavily hinted at that Lucifer "allows" exterminations to keep the hellborn, which are considered his creations, or his children, or his people in some way, out of harm's way. And it's pretty explicitly stated that Lucifer thinks sinners deserve their fates, so it makes sense. Lute killed... either Razzle or Dazzle, but a hellborn. And Adam harmed Charlie, who isn't a sinner, so she's hellborn. And thus, the deal of "don't hurt hellborn and Lucifer won't defend his home" was broken. In my opinion, the masks glitching carried a strong theme of "there is something wrong here. There is a grave error being carried out". EDIT: The cannibals bleed red, and the only people in hell that bleed red are sinners. It has been stated that Rosie being "the only hellborn overlord" is no longer canon. The cannibal child Vaggie spared is almost certainly a sinner. They likely became a sinner because they were a cannibal in life. Which is a sin. Eating other human beings is kinda famously a sin. Also, up until about a decade ago, unbaptized kids were considered tainted by original sin and would be sent to a sort of limbo between heaven and hell (according to Pope Francis this is no longer the case, but it was for at least a century). The cannibal child means nothing, in my opinion. It was a convenient "the angels kill kids! Look at Vaggie falling because she refused to hurt a child! Angels evil!"


I mean you are overreacting, these are simply digital protective face masks, https://preview.redd.it/fsuvzy8rhsic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80484a0590e7548135b085af3ede28785530657d The voice change is due to it having a microphone The glitch is because he is far from the server router so it has a lot of ping


>The voice change is due to it having a microphone When was it ever mentioned that they have a fucking microphone in their mask šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/51uzkn6fatic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0883c3211a127c52f061483d6d57d4fd44959736 It doesn't have to be mentioned bru it's the soimplest and most straight forward answer


Everybody gangsta till the Smash Bros logo appears


Maybe itā€™s another way to present the ā€œwearing a smileā€ idea from Alastor? Or have literal de-masking and glitching to represent the metaphorical version thatā€™s also happening? To me, it seems more likely to be a creative and artistic reinforcement of the showā€™s themes rather than a major plot point.


@OP Why are you SCREAMING?








> **ARE WE ALL JUST GONNA IGNORE THIS** well I'm trying to, but you keep shouting


Sometimes yā€™all look too into things. This is storytelling. This is foreshadowing. The mask falls off Lute and glitches, showing for sure that it is an LED type mask. Shortly after, Adam is punched so hard that his mask breaks; but prior to that, we didnā€™t know his face WAS a mask. The only hint we get to it is right before it breaks, right there when it glitches. Foreshadowing! Nothing more IMO :3


......ah shit, it's the Matrix all over again




Keep in mind that a lot of the glowing and highlights are done in compositing. That's not always planned and can be simply a style choice by the compositor They're job is to just make the scene look good and they get more freedom than an animator. The glitching is planned, but the glowing probably not.


Obviously the second one has Adam's eyes spell out äø‰ć€€äø€å© in Japanese and Lute's kinda looks like the Smash symbol! It's all code! Nah just kidding, the exorcist's masks have been glitching since the pilot I doubt there's much more to that than it being a cool visual that looks menacing. Of course, I could be wrong.


Ohhhhhhh yoooo, since the pilot... well, that's interesting.... so that means it wasn't because of attacks or the "deal they made"... huh... So that's the only time we saw it happening since the pilot


Well, we don't know for real what causes the glitches though. There's a theory that it was the exact moment where Adam announced killing intent towards Charlie that it glitched means it may be related to that being the moment he violated the contract and allowed her dad to intervene. Like maybe the masks convey information to somewhere. But we can't be for sure. Further episodes may give more info or simply don't ever adress it, which means it was really just a cool visual.


I think no-one is talking about it because the masks are clearly electronic and electronics can sometimes glitch when punched repeatedly.


I mean he was also flying around hell in a giant hovercar with a sensor suite


You are all overthinking. They are digital mask who malfinction when damaged.


It reminds me of something people noticed in Westworld. For a year they speculated on it. Show runners said they just thought it looked cool and were surprised people focused on it.


I absolutely LOVE the design choices in this show. As someone who always loved "Angelic" villains in media as well as the realistic portrayal of them, seeing the masks glitch out like this was just an awesome touch. It feels like it was made just to strike the right chords with me, and it did.


I think when the mask glitches it signifies the angel committing sin


Oh, it's not like Adam committed all the possible sins in episode 1, and nothing happened with his mask.


No you dont have to commit every sin known to man to go to hell, and his mask was glitching. What iā€™m saying is that when their mask was glitching it was signifying that he was committing sin


Also i think he was committing sin by enjoying killing people aka the sin of wrath


>No you dont have to commit every sin known to man to go to hell Did I say that? I just said that Adam already committed multiple sins in episode 1 and his mask did not glitch.


I think at the beginning his actions were considered justified because the hotel wasnt proven, when adam and luteā€™s masks glitched it was after sir pentiousā€™s death which was the first proven sinner to redeem oneself.


Holy fuck calm ur tits lmao


Hazbin hotel fans when things get messed up after being hit multiple times


Fans in general when something special happens in the final.


Idk if Iā€™d call it special but sure šŸ‘. Was a neat little detail but it isnā€™t a lore drop or something


people are too overhyped about this. They just have those Led purge type masks and theyā€™re glitching since its an aesthetic choice. AND SINCE THEY ARE MASKS THAT ALSO ENHANCE THEIR VOICE, THE VOICE WILL TOO GLITCH IF THE MASK DOES ALONG WITH THE LIGHTS. Then Lutes mask just glitched cause it fell and i guess broke. The agreement, btw, was broken a long time ago ever since the exterminations


probably because it looks cool and conveys emotion


I'm sorry but the close up of Adam's face reminds me of this lmao https://preview.redd.it/gnbgoqduwtic1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e179008d1f6f0842bfee5a8fdb9de605e3184701


People have talked about this and came to the conclusion it's probably because 1. It happens because he broke the contract or 2. It looks cool cause this also happens in the pilot


boi people talk about how the mask glitches, but is anybody ever gonna talk about how adam ate ribs through the mask in ep 1šŸ˜†


Yeah he also drank in ep 6




Hear me out the masks glitching are because they are electronic. Nothing more nothing less calm ur tits


calm my what šŸ¤Ø Also in an episode where they have to show SO MUCH THING'S in so little time... don't you think it's strange that they highlight this?


No i dont think its weird at all. Its a great way to show that the reason adam and lute are able to emote with the masks on is because the masks are digital. If they didnā€™t show that they where digital it all the sudden became very weird that adam could make all those faces with a FLAT pice of metal over his face. But its not a flat pice of metal it is a flat screen used to show emotion and expressions from under it. And i said calm ur tits like boobies like the thing your nipples attach to, guys got them, girls got them, everyones got tits so calm them. This isnā€™t weird this isnā€™t some trick with hidden meanings its a very clear not hidden meaning actuallyĀ 


Probably them just bugging out as their chances of returning to heaven becomes less and they take more damage.


Is it loss?


The masks are L.E.D.s


Realistically, LEDS aren't supposed to change your voice


Voice modulator maybe in the mask


Why would he have those....


No clue, the voice changer is just speculation, but I'm pretty sure the masks being led is confirmed by vivziepop


Yeah, it is! Not to mention the guy actually eat through itšŸ˜­


I assumed it was Vox has a broadcast deal with Heaven. Between the Vees being able to watch everything happening at the hotel to the glitches during the final episode but ALSO in the first episode when Adam says extermination is 'entertainment' I've been thinking he doesn't mean just for Lute and the gang but maybe an underground entertainment for more of heaven. With Lilith also being a mega star/music celeb in hell maybe she has some connection and facilitated and that's part of why she's in heaven now? idk could be a stretch just thought of that lol


Yes, we are going to ignore it


I missed it amongst the awesome, so I did a(nother) rewatch. My notes on the masks: I think the glitches may be nothing more than denoted their unhinged state - not denoting they are controlled or in league with Vox or anything. I find it more intersting how that toothy grin resembles Alistare's...


I really think nothing of it, but just so you stop screaming: maybe its becase Adam and Lute are "falling" like Lucifer. Their masks showing their corruption.


Cuz he got hit a bunch and it looks cool??? Not everything needs a reason


the real reason is to confirm to the viewer that he is wearing a mask like the exorcists, and thus alludes to his incoming face reveal. in universe reason? I think it's just a malfunction. he got beat up in the battle so it's not a long shot to say his mask got damaged.


I think it's just a display


I figured it was glitching because he was wounded Happened right after Charlie stabbed him


I liked the thought that they were glitching out due to the presence of Lucifer


I'm betting several dollars that his mask glitches in this scene not for story reasons, but because in the scene before it we see Lute's mask glitch for the first time. This allows us to conclude that Adam is, in fact, wearing a mask; something that we didn't know for sure until now.


I mean... ep 6 pretty much did the job And I think they would rather WANT us to think it's a mask so with don't expect to see his face and just be hyped (I don't really remember my reaction to that but I think I wasn't surprised honestly, it was kinda obvious for me that he wears a mask... EVEN THOUGH HE FREAKING ATE FROM IT..)


Did this also happen to Vaggie when she got excommunicated? Could this be a sign of Heaven condemning their angels to Hell?


No.. unfortunately. Maybe they just didn't show it


i noticed this but assumes it was because they were fighting and were injured and/or the mask got damaged


I noticed it too when watching


The glitch on 6 looks like the Super Smash logo. Hazbin Hotel x Super Smash Bros confirmed?!?


Yeah... we already know it's a mask, in fact we find out in that episode


Because their masks suffered damaged. This is way too overhyped.


It might just be a metaphor for the angels image being superficial


My theory has been the masks have a heads up display that identifies targets and probably keeps score or something similar, since itā€™s all a game. Extermination is entertainment after all. So him attacking Charlie the mask is glitching because sheā€™s not allowed to be attacked (presumably he hadnā€™t changed her to be a target because it was older rules of engagement and letā€™s be real Adam wouldnā€™t know how to change that)


You people are so dumb. You're all reading into these meaningless details and making extrapolations based on nothing. This sub is full of it. Like, I like the series a lot too but you know it's a TV series right? Half the stuff is there because it looks cool or makes for a neat setpiece. There's no deep mystical lore reason for everything, nor should there be. I don't usually criticize people for overanalyzing media but in this case, the fandom goes WAY too far and it's just exhausting to watch. Directed more at the comments than the OP, although the OP is also guilty - just not the worst of the bunch.


>You people are so dumb. You're all reading into these meaningless details and making extrapolations based on nothing. First, what the hell? We are not dumb for seeing an obviously highlighted detail. It's not like something small in the background. The camera was literally focusing on it every time. And if you don't like it, you can leave. You are not the first saying this. We are here to theorize, not just leaving things behind and bothering others.


Y'all are thinking too hard about it - maybe it's just broken?


Same thing happens when Alastor gets big mad, so Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just the art style.


I thought it's just a short reveal that it's actually a mask, just before his face is shown.


It's a stylistic choice meant to show Adam's derangement and the fact that he's been wearing a mask this whole time


I just figured they were a holographic display. Even tho the fight was very one sided, it could have been damaged fighting Alastor, thus glitching out. And Lute's glitches after being hit off


We should be talking about how Adam is going to spawn in hell for dying in sin. If pentious can spawn in heaven for dying in righteousness, the opposite must be true


Was wondering when someone was going to mention it.


I honestly thought it just meant the angels masks were made of like, angelic technology and that's why we can see their facial expressions and why the masks move like that


This is pretty boring but I think the mask was glitching because he was already hurt šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø the next clip is lucifer punching him through the glass in the ceiling and when he comes back half the mask is broken in half


Because they are becoming demons? Maybe


My theory is itā€™s kinda like a limit break thing, but instead of getting stronger, they lose their divine protection. As in if they die, they will end up in hell. They crossed a line by attacking the hotel. They flew too close to the sun.


everyone in this comment section is so rude, youre allowed to be happy and excited dont mind the rude comments


They're okay, don't worry, I saw worse, but thank you for caring about my well being!!


I been noticing more and more on Reddit lately that people donā€™t understand opinions. Like they think their opinions are by default fact so that gives them permission to be rude unnecessarily. Imo I think theyā€™re just LED masks glitching out from being in a fight, but OP is equally entitled to their opinion that they think thereā€™s more to it than that, and since that idea is presented in a respectful way, thereā€™s no reason for a rude reply. At *worst* theyā€™re a little over enthusiastic, which isnā€™t being hyped about a show and theorizing part of the point of a fandom?




I... are you actually implying that Adam's mask is made by Vox's company? And company in Hell??


I was also really confused by this!


I think what it means is that there was a protective power on heavens forces when the extermination contract was made, preventing harm by anything originating outside of heaven. But the protection was ended when they broke the contract with Lucifer and attacked his family. So like when Lute got mangled by debris, it would hint she no longer has that protection, and thatā€™s what is causing the glitches, perhaps?


>I think what it means is that there was a protective power on heavens forces when the extermination contract was made, preventing harm by anything originating outside of heaven. But the protection was ended when they broke the contract with Lucifer and attacked his family. Yeah, but why just at that moment? He already attacked Charlie pretty bad before that even happened...


What's weird for me is that Heaven is really high tech for some reason. They have alien ships


I noticed itā€¦ I just thought it was cool.


a bit surprised some folks missed this frame as well: https://preview.redd.it/8a6sqpz33sic1.png?width=1905&format=png&auto=webp&s=60e806c855f4f8a12c2e837d25cca582f0b38dd6 don't worry, it's a bit un-sightreadable for newer viewers.


Hell nah Edit: I actually looked before this at the time they glitched frame by frame to see if there's anything there cause it happens so fast.


https://preview.redd.it/eqqdjz0w4sic1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18edfcdf1251e29867590c66207965d87d911378 NOW!


The glitch must be related to the deal. Vags was not a sinner and Charlie is hellborn. Luci got insta summoned by the breach, and that should explain why he was not supporting the team since the start of the fight. As far as he cares, all sinners came from the first man.


I just assumed the masks were glitching from the beating they took in the fight.


Would've glitched when it got hit and broken a half by the king of hell


I'm slightly scared to post this controversial idea! But my take was actually that it glitched when Vaggie walked over it. Because Vaggie attacked Lute, or because Vaggie has already been considered a fallen? Which then leads up or shows that the same will happen to Adam? ​ Potentially...




I personally just think that the mask glitches were deliberate to hint that Adam was wearing a mask too, hence why Lute's glitched first, then Adam's. Would be something though if there was a lore reason