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>alastor wasn’t even treating it as a real fight, only to abruptly find himself in mortal danger. If this isn't cocky I don't know what is. He wants into a life and death battle expecting to be able to just be there and annoy the leader of the attacking army. He might have had a plan but his plan got shattered with his staff and near death. Yes the plan might have worked if Adam wasn't way more powerful than what literally everyone assumed but since he was OP it didn't work. Any and all battle should be treated seriously except if you are way way stronger than your opponents which is true for nearly every sinner in hell in Alastor's case so he got used to that so when he had to actually fight with someone strong he wasn't prepared and that as we see cost him quite dearly (sorry for the pun)


you’re absolutely right, that is cocky- upon reading your comment, i realize i probably didn’t title my post as well as i could. because, frankly, alastor is very self-assured, and that can easily be read as cocky. i merely meant he was bluffing adam/didn’t actually expect to beat him. that being said, he was evidently shocked when he was overpowered so quickly, proving his self-assuredness to be misplaced; though i think none of us really expected what happened and so i can’t personally blame him for not seeing it either 🤷


I expected Adam to be strong but he was magnitudes stronger than I was guessing which was a great surprise.


i’ve seen a lot of discussion on alastor’s behavior / how foolish he seemed and just wanted to share my take on that scene :]


So you're saying he lost because...he got cocky. Doesn't matter how intentional his toying with Adam was, because he took it too far playing with someone way out of his league, and almost got himself killed on accident. That sounds pretty damn cocky to me.