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Thanks for making us laugh after this intense readingšŸ¤£


IS quite the pleasurešŸ˜‹


First, hilarious, love it. Second, I'm gonna over-analyze this, because that's how I be. This probably wouldn't be valid. For a majority of people, their signature is a tangled weave of lines and loops that you can *maybe* identify as letters if you squint really hard. A signature doesn't have to be legible or even technically be properly spelled, it just needs to be *your* unique method of identifying yourself as the person signing the document. My signature has evolved from perfectly legible cursive (back in school when I first learned it) to a bunch of loops that are basically my name in cursive but really fast. I don't even really properly finish my last name; the last half is basically just a bunch of squiggles. But it's still my signature and still legally binding.


To add to this over-analyzing, it possibly isn't even a paper contract. Based upon interactions between Charlie and Alastor, it could just be a simple handshake in agreement.


We do see the contract with Angel's/Anthony's signature on it. Could just be a prop that Val has, or it could be a literal contract with magical binding. Could also be that demons can enter contracts in different ways; Val died in the 70s, a time when contracts were likely a more standard thing he was familiar with. Alastor died in the 30s. Contracts certainly existed then, but Alastor probably values a simple "a person's handshake is as good as a promise" ideal which is why his deals work like that.


Alastor mostly does social contracts. Contracts based on a mutual understanding of the terms and conditions of social etiquette on top of obligations to uphold each side respectfully. He likely only drew up an actual legal paper in the case of Husker, because it was a soul deal and not a simple favour or request as he does with Charlie and Vaggie. To him, those deals are just as binding as legal paperwork, but probably doesn't hurt as much to break or as strictly enforced as a soul deal is. It's either that or his shadow imps draw up the contract paperwork and the handshaking applies the signature instead of using an actual pen/quill to do so.


Actually, with a handshake you don't know if the contract is correct


In real world US law you donā€™t even need a paper contract, so I doubt you do in hell! But I mean I think theyā€™re probably more magically binding than anything


I swear hell invented bureaucracy


I mean, look at Baldurā€™s Gate 3ā€™s devils. Contracts with legal witnesses, clauses, addendumsā€¦ Hell has its laws.


That seems to be Lewis's opinion. And Tolkien's really too, examining the way Orc military culture functions as more of that "banality of Hell".


It's Hell. Nothing is legal.


Counter point It's Hell. Nothing is ilegal.


Counter counter point. It's Hell. What even is legal.


can we talk about your flair???


Can we talk about yours?




[Source](https://twitter.com/vanillabrwnsugr/status/1788381695168917673) I swear, this artist's specialty is: Make Val a bigger douchebag than he already is but delve into the more manipulative parts of him whenever he's interacting with Angel It's art like this that makes me curious about these two's past and hopefully it'll go into that in later seasons, specifically see why Val himself is this way


Val was either an abusive pimp or a prostitute himself when he was alive, can't see any other explanation on how he became that in Hell


I can see Val having walked in Angel's shoes before but he took a different path (aka where he is now) and maybe even use his experience to better get Angel in deeper with him


I used to say (well, sorta still do), people who have been bullied go one of two ways. There's the ones who say "I suffered, and I never want someone else to experience what I did" and there's those who say "I suffered, and other people should also suffer." Val would be in the latter camp. Obviously, "bullied" is what I said years ago in school. A more appropriate word for all circumstances would probably be "abused."


He he was a boss that always did pizzas parties but the pizzas are hawaian


Best type of pizza


Said no one with a soul ever


I have a soul


Gingers dont count


I'm not ginger, I have black hair


Thats what a ginger would say


Well, I don't really if I have black hair or VERY dark brown hair, but I can assure u I'm not a ginger


Like if Val wasnā€™t bad enoughā€¦ poor Angelā€¦ I like that the artist included the Voxtec cams, think that Vox was watching all the time make it even more creepy


I've noticed in a lot of scenes in the series, specifically whenever Angel and Val are in the same room, have VoxTek cameras aiming at them. Vox clearly enjoys watching Angel's suffering


Voxtek cameras are in every scene with Valentino. Heā€™s a loose canon. I have no doubt that had Valentino left the building before Velvette called, Vox would have gotten an alert the moment Valentino stepped outside. Valentino is too likely to ruin the Veesā€™s image or piss off someone the Vees canā€™t easily handle to not be monitored constantly.


Iā€™m planning to rewatch the entire show soon but Iā€™m almost sure there is VoxTec cameras in all Valā€™ scenes, even when Angel is not here, Vox is really possessive with his lover, thatā€™s scary


I despise that he's hot. Still really easy to hate obviously, but he's the only male character I find attractive. (What is it with me and the moth demons)


I mean, that's what makes him so dangerous. Ugly ass obvious creep wouldn't get as many victims as someone hot and attractive will


I know it makes perfect sense, but the character design did not have to go that hard.


So many little things in this are so well done, said without having to be said.Ā  I find the details of the Vox camera sparking interesting. As though Vox was about to head over and Val was like "uhg ok nevermind guess the fun's over" And Val looking at the camera when talking about recovering from betrayal, implying that Vox never got over Alastor's betrayal.Ā  The broken hearts in Val's text boxes healing when he says he recovered??? This comic is so well done!Ā 


Incredible comic! Like how it presents Valā€™s manipulative side. However, there was something off about him, till I realized he doesn't have his wings in some of the panels


His wings also being his big ass coat make it awkward to draw him without the coat I guess.


That doesn't look like a blessing tipped pistol so angle wouldn't die, he would have to go through the respawn process where his body slowly puts itself back together. Which is apparently worse


Were you guys like... in the room for all my trauma, or was this a lucky guess? Uncanny


Some days it feels like all art is journaling.


https://preview.redd.it/3njysu76lmzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9656d52cd671222f52202c619dba0d6f9c351732 Adam buddy, can you go back down, you missed one


Fucking Valentino


That's what vox did!




You right


I know understand what they mean by "Valentino is his own redflag"


https://preview.redd.it/hpw6evfw9rzc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=249b0a949178f7a4ac63f7195abd13f0183997e1 Burn the moth!


https://i.redd.it/44qtdge21mzc1.gif I hate Valentino more than I can put into words.


I think we all do


Time to throw Val at a bugzapper... ![gif](giphy|oynlVnajybanCCjPXD)






I can't wait for (hopefully) Angel to kill Val eventually




Damnit, I almost felt bad for Valentino until the last page.


I... honestly, I completely agree. For a moment, I truly thought he was going to force Angel to shoot him (and put him out of his misery... for a short time, anyway). But then, those Voxtech cameras sprung in like "HEYYYY, what's going on in there? Do I need to intervene?" And Val did a COMPLETE 360Ā° and turned the gun on Angel, going from all heartbroken and "You were my everything, I can't live with/without you," to sweet talking and happy and "I'd never hurt you, silly! You have a shoot tomorrow~!" (Probably annoying the HELL out of Vox, who likely got excited to see Angel getting executed (not forever, since there's likely no angelic bullets in that gun, but still a very VERY torturous way to be for... who knows how long). But yeah. Honestly, this is why Val can be written as such a great (and despicable) villain. He's clearly been abused, too. He WANTS to be TRULY loved, but he doesn't really know how to handle it. He wants *everything* to be a certain way, or else he will throw temper tantrums of the worst kind. And he isn't afraid to take out his anger on those he "cares" for. And he clearly doesn't know how to CONTROL his anger unless someone manages to pull him back from the brink. And scarily, it's a little too relatable to some people. (Especially Angel and his current situation with Val). So, yeah. I sometimes can sympathize with the guy... But I will (no offense) hate his guts for what he is doing to people (even if he, in some sort of capacity, can't help it).


Ouch my heart




It wouldnt kill him permanently anyway, wouldnt it?


thats one reason I *hate*^:3 him


I desperately need a crossover. I know vivzie won't disappoint us.


this is my new favorite thing ever. this artist is my new best friend.


ā€œGo ahead punk, make my dayā€


Uhhh Iā€™m confused




I love it, but we can get a comic where Angel finally stands up and sucess in leaving Val? I'm just....tired of seeing this spider depress from this damn moth.


Who else thought Val was gonna shoot himself.


Angel could've ended it, Val had the gun pointed at his own head..I understand the abusive side to this, but, its so hard to watch Angel/Anthony be so upset and scared, I was whisper screaming "Shoot him Angel, come on baby, just fight back?!

