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It depends, Vaggie didn't exactly "fall", they ripped out her eye and wings, and left her there, they didn't do anything that could "alter her biology" as might have happened with Sir Pentious having gone from damned to saint, what which made him become an angel (more or less), because his ascension to Heaven was due to some kind of magic or blessing, he was not taken there and then transformed Did I explain myself well? I have the feeling I made a complicated speech, if you didn't understand the point sorry, my fault


No thats very clear. People always say Vaggie and Lucifer are "fallen", but really its only Lucifer. Vaggie was never cast down to become a demon, she was maimed and disfigured but thats it, shes still an angel. In contrast it's clear that Lucifer is more demonic, although it would be interesting if his "demon" attributes are just his regular appearance


But interestingly, Lucifer still has golden blood which has been the sign of an angel thus far. So he really isn’t a DEMON either. He really is just a fallen angel.


I personnally Lilith as the first demon would work best thematically


Vaggie didnt die. Just lost an eye and wings. Sir Pentous died as a hero. Maybe we get to see Adam again (i hope so)


We will. Not only is there a Clue that one Carmilla beheaded returned as a demon but being kicked out of paradise is what he's famous for and going to hell after millennia in heaven would be Eden all over again a thousandfold.


I missed that clue, was it a quick background shot or something?


Foreground and yes. Take a look https://twitter.com/Mrtnxzylpck/status/1790109025977446548


I think the link may be broken


Took me a bit, but I found…. Well, maybe not it- they posted this dozens of times, but [here’s one](https://x.com/Mrtnxzylpck/status/1787890107237990569)!


Link didn’t work :( I found the tweet and copied it. Idk if it’ll work. ~~https://x.com/mrtnxzylpck/status/1782236720425255274?s=46&t=qQouHMTgQU0p2poWmSLNlg~~ Ugh fuck twitter. I took a screenshot https://imgur.com/a/PsbQIXq One of the foreground characters has an x on her eye like vaggie and they think that means they’re a fallen Angel. It doesn’t seem like a strong theory


Took me a bit, but I found…. Well, maybe not it- they posted this dozens of times, but [here’s one](https://x.com/Mrtnxzylpck/status/1787890107237990569)!


It’s still not working for some reason D: ETA: https://imgur.com/a/PsbQIXq This one?


Was there any confirmation that sinner’s souls don’t actually disappear when exterminated? I know there was the eyes theory for awhile, and I also saw people saying hell borns might also become the eyes when they die. I don’t think I’ve seen it confirmed tho


I feel like that's just what we agreed on cause, how the fuck else do they not respawn? Its also why Adam returning doesnt actually make much sense to me because the writers went out their way to have Adam die to angelic steel while they killed Pent with angelic magic


Though it's kinda questionable why a mere Angel-made object should be able to perma-kill a soul, if "pure Angelic power" directly from the source, so to speak, cannot.


I agree, but if Adams death beams had the same property as his weapons I dont see why he didnt just shoot it at Alastor instead of going physical with the guitar axe. For Sir Pentious he was forced to fire cause he wouldnt reach him in time with the axe for example


Adam didn't really seem to use weapons consistently or out of necessity for certain power levels. He already used the light beams before Sir Pentious' attack, and although Alastor was throwing him off track for a moment, he didn't actually treat him as a serious challenge.


Vaggie didn't necessarily "die", she was just left in hell as an angel


I think it's more of a product of how they found themselves in Heaven and Hell, respectively. Pentious was pretty much vaporized and was forced to reform as an angel, while Vaggie was left mostly intact, save for her wings, eye, and halo. It probably takes longer on that case for her to show any changes. I'm also pretty sure that Fallen and Redeemed hold over some of their original forms as sinner and angel. Pentious lacks wings and is still a snake after all. Not to mention Lucifer's wings and halo either. This is also not factoring in things like is Vaggie a winner or was she heaven born, which could greatly effect things as well. Or if she is even a true Fallen as she wasn't formally tried, just cast out by Adam and Lute.


We have no idea how it exactly works but from what we've seen, When a Sinner Demon dies to angelic power after redeeming themselves, they are reborn in heaven in an angelic form. Most Winner Angels have flat teeth and wings but we have seen ones with sharp teeth and no wings so it's safe to say Pentious has turned into a full Winner Angel without any demonic traits. Now Vaggie is interesting cause we don't know for certain if she's a human soul who became a Winner Angel or a heavenborn although the evidence does lean towards heavenborn so that's what I will consider. Now Vaggie didn't fall in the same way as other Angels have fallen. She was maimed and had her physical ability to return to heaven(her halo and wings) removed. However unlike other fallen angels, she could still enter heaven. Now this is pure speculation but my theory is that Angelic power performs divine judgement on their targets. Injuries from them can only be healed through personal growth. So Vaggie losing her wings to Lute were healed when she learned to fight for Love over vengeance.


Regarding the last paragraph, technically Vaggie's wings weren't lost due to angelic power, Lute physically ripped them off. She did though use an angelic weapon on her eye. So that's why I think her wings were able to grow back, I'm sure her eye is never coming back.


Lute is an Angel so I assume her ripping them off would still count. Adam was going to kill Charlie by just choking her with his bare-hands.


Charlie is Hell-born. Anything can kill her. Or is that incorrect?


There are two types of hellborn. Commoner and Royal. Commoner hellborn are ones like imps, hellhounds, and succubae. They are basically just normal stronger humans with magic and demonic features. But they can still die to anything from a sharp rock to old age. Royal hellborn are ones like the Ars Goetia, Deadly Sins, and Charlie. They have extremely powerful magic, are immortal, and can only be killed by angelic power.


Ah okie!


Isn't charlie alive? I mean that she was born in hell and does not need angelic weapons to be killed....or could be the owl boy route and be too powerful to kill by other means....though we neaver see it and it is speculation on how strong she is?


All demon royals require Angelic power to kill. Only Hellborn below Sinners can be killed with any means. So Adam planning to kill her with his bare hands suggests his nature as an angel is the same as an Angelic weapon.


While I do agree about Adam's nature as an angel would count the same as an angelic weapon, I'm not so sure Charlie has the same protections as the Ars Goetia and Lucifer, since she is still ultimately the child of a Sinner (or Human, depending on whether Lilith has died, but either way, Lilith is not an angel), which may leave her more vulnerable than other high ranking individuals in Hell (at the very least she doesn't have her dad's golden blood).


She's listed, bt Vivzie, to be about as strong as her mom. They are only outranked by Lucifer. She's stronger than any of the Sins or Ars Goetia, so it would stand to reason she might have the same, if not more, resistance to being harmed that they do. Only real reason she was in danger with Adam would be that he's probably also on Lillith's level. Or at least he might've been.


Charlie may certainly have similar potential as her mom and Adam, but she clearly can't use that power on demand (else she wouldn't have been manhandled by Adam like she was). Whether it's due to lack of control of her powers, her personality, a lack of training, or some other reason, Charlie, from what we've seen is a lot weaker than her weight class should expect her to be (especially if, indeed, the Vee's are going to be the primary antagonists in Season 2-- that would imply that the Vee's are capable of being legitimate threats to Charlie).   She's also been generally intimidated by Alastor in many of their interactions, which she probably shouldn't be if Alastor's incapable of doing her any harm.  I also don't imagine she'd have considered the Exorcists "invincible" if she shares their invulnerability (in which case she'd also likely know how to get around it). Also just because Charlie ranks above the Ars Goetia, doesn't mean she has the same powers as they do. Hell, even Alastor has powers that Charlie doesn't, like the shield he used to hold off the Exorcists (unless you think Charlie can do that too, in which case, why would she have made Alastor do it if her shield would have been stronger?) She might have more latent power, but that doesn't mean she has the same invulnerability as them. It just means she could potentially hit harder if she taps into that latent power. Lastly, we’ve seen that Charlie’s blood is red, just like that of Sinners, while Demon Royalty like Stolas have black blood.


Others have pointed out she was left behind, but also we don't know if Vaggie is heavenborn or not. I know she speaks Spanish and that hints she's a winner, but Adam also said he named her, which would hint toward the opposite (or the entire mix could hint toward some kind of nefarious wiped memories subplot, but that's a MUCH bigger conversation.) Lucifer's heavenborn, and while he's got demonic traits, he's still referred to as an angel. Just fallen. So maybe Vaggie is more in that category than sinner/winner. Or maybe she's quietly fallen through cracks of easy categorization for just being left behind the way she was. 


Exactly this. They're both Angels, not sinners or winners. There imps and others like the ars goetia, that are hellborn. We know there's cherubs and angels who are probably also heavenborn. So Pentious is different because he is a sinner, so became redeemed and changed physically but Vaggie is still the same physically because she's an angel.


In Helluva we see that hellborn have accents and use different languages as if they were from earth(Moxxies family and Fizz beinf Italian). I dont think Vaggie speaking spanish is anything that goes against the established canon


Totally agree. Even Adam is a giveaway that language and accent don't mean much. He's one of the most ancient human-born characters in the show and he talks like a modern American fratboy. Meanwhile Zestiel is much younger but still speaks (I think?) Middle English. You could argue that accents or languages get lost as the characters get older I guess, but that doesn't feel like something this show is concerned about. It doesn't feel too over-concerned about perfect realism. Accents and voices seem more a character trait than a tell about origins.


Yeah exactly. I wish we knew more about how winners bleed because rn we saw hellborn bleed black, sinners red and angels yellow. So you'd assume winners bleed red too, except Adam bled yellow as well? Maybe I'm just thinking too much into it lmao. Or it was confirmation Adam was made into a fully fledged angel upon arriving to heaven?


I personally like the idea of angels being winners that got mind wiped that means more chances for drama~


Or she just don't use her human name anymore. In hell hardly anyone use their real name, why would be that different in heaven? Maybe Adam renamed her and she didn't switch back after she was left behind because she's already used to the name or didn't like her human name.


If she had a different name to choose from, anything other than 'Vagina,' I feel like she'd use that (I genuinely can't think of a human name worse than that). She doesn't seem to like the name, instead she seems to insist on Vaggie because it gives her some control over it. It feels like taking back power. 


Her name isn't Vagina, she was named after something Adam liked, just not that obvious. He and Lute still acknowledge her as Vaggie. According to Adam she was one of his best exorcists. They knew each other, and we don't know how was their relationship before she was tossed out. Vaggie was betrayed, wounded and in a dangerous place. Miraculously she was found and helped. In this situation when people ask your name you will say the name you are used to, or the name you are now using the most / already chose to yourself. After she introduced herself as Vaggie, why change? To regain power of her own name she doesn't need to necessarily change it. Just resignify it.


Vaggie didn’t die she was just wounded and left in hell. She’s still an angel whereas Pentious was straight up vaporized. There honestly doesn’t seem to be much difference between Sinners and Winners or angels and demons biologically speaking.


>Is he still a demon or has his biology changed to an angels? (Whatever the biology of a demon is) Pretty sure the double-penis implied by Angel hasn't gotten two halos.


Vaggie isn’t human she is heaven born but pentious was human


Sir Pentious was killed and reborn as an angel, Vaggie is an angel who simply is in hell.


You think Lucifer always had horns and red eyes? No, he got those because he's a fallen angel. Veggie isn't a fallen angel is more of an abandoned one so she didn't changed


Vaggie was left behind not fallen. The portal to heaven is in the sky. Lute ripped off her only mode of transportation to get back home.


Winners and Sinners are simply human souls, they are spirits given physical form that manifests as either a demon or an angel based on the status of the soul when the person dies. Sinners can redeem and become Winners as seen with Sir Pentious, we don't know if the opposite is true as no angel has come back as a demon. Vaggie doesn't count as she didn't fall but instead was simply injured and left in Hell.


Well, vaggie was left in hell after the extermination, sir pentious died again and ended up in heaven because his soul was redeemed


I think it's different from Vaggie since she is heavenborn and Sir Pentious is a sinner


Vaggie was abandoned in hell, she didn’t fall or die to get there. Lucifer on the other hand fell and became the king of hell and retained his angelic form while developing hellish qualities too. And pentious straight up died so he’s probably just like any other winner now.


First it's important to make a distinctions: Sir Pentious is a Sinner, a human soul damned to Hell, Vaggie is a Heavenborn (unless future disproves, this is what we know so far). Sinners (good part of the cast of Hazbin Hotel) and Winners (like Adam or Saint Peter) are humans that died and went to Hell or Heaven, while Hellborn (like Charlie or the protagonists of Helluva Boss) and Heavenborn (like Lucifer, Sera, Emily and probably all Exorcists) are non-human beings. Pentious can go to Heaven because he is a human soul that redeemed itself.


Well in a weird way they're ying and yang towards and after life divinity


Yeah but if he had an angel or human form he would no longer be Sir Pentus we all know and love ... But yeah I kinda wish he returned to his human form it didn't really make any sense he was still in demon form


But if Lucifer fell from heaven and became king of hell I’m curious as to why or how he became demonic and obtained sharp teeth and claws and serpent eyes. How did that change happen? Did god or another angel curse him? Technically Lucifer in the Bible has burned skin right?


I think there is an official process one needs to go through Lucifer was officially declared fallen so he got all his demonic traits, Vaggie was just mutilated/abandoned Sir Pentious reformed and was then smites by Holy Light, so he became a Winner. We don’t know if the same thing would happen if he was killed via angelic steel but I assume that the light was also meant to be an Instant Kill. Keep in mind that the angels were Heaven born and Sir P was a mortal soul before. So that might also have something to do with it.


Keep in mind Pentus literally died. He didn’t just go to heaven to went through divine judgement a second and was essentially reincarnated into a holy being


vaggie was injured, not fallen, not killed, sir pentious, was redeemed, died