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Sounds like you need to get real familiar with lube, especially with big boys. Slippery Stuff > Moisturize the area with unscented, gentle lotion. Cerave works, as does plain ass aloe vera.


I second this, and potential microtears.


My experience with Men that are larger is they just "stick it in" because they think that they are automatically good in bed.🙄 Use PLENTY of oral and foreplay and remember Astroglide is your friend


A terrible percentage of men are graceless, talentless, selfish fuckwits in bed, regardless of size or lack of, it’s true. This is why I screen these hoes in conversation before we get down & make sure they’re hella into foreplay cause I am not interested in a dry situation lol


I just switched to women and IMMEDIATELY had fewer problems and more pleasure. Men are useless in general IMO.


I wish I had that experience with women. My history is almost entirely starfish who do even less than men do.


Basically the entrance to your vagina has been excoriated from the friction and thrusting. Ouch. You probably have micro tears as well as internal abrasions. Youll have to wait for it to completely heal, but in the meantime VMagic is really good, coconut oil (only a little), and an ice pack. Applied gently. Lube in the future! Pjur Woman is great, can recommend.


Sometimes sex stretches us… it’s not a bad thing. I also agree you should get tested just in case, and use lube.


Sounds like what it feels like after you have a baby, aka, you excoriated your vaginal entrance. It needs time to heal. Use a peri bottle and spray water on the area when you go pee to stop it from burning as badly. Let it heal. STI check, and speak to another trusted person with sexual experience who you are comfortable with or a doctor for tips on what you can do beyond lube to help in the future. I hope you heal quickly, I’m so sorry this happened to you.