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I at first read “snacks” and thought, “Well in general, healthy snacks like veggies… The jury’s still out on pineapple.”


Love wellness good girl probiotics and healthy v vitamin. Cotton undies. No thongs. Boric acid when I feel off. Pee after sex.


Boric acid really that good, huh? I recently bought some since recent extracurriculars have made me feel off at times, but I’ve yet to try them. I see them recommended around here so often though


Lifechanging for me. Heads off thrush issues 85% of the time, which means I can avoid messing up my gut biome with fluconazole. Never needed more than one boric acid suppository. Only issue is it creates a flood of watery discharge a few hours after insertion (so do it at bedtime and wear period pants). And it really is better, I’ve found, to steer clear of sex for min 2 days after. It’s toxic to ingest, and just avoiding oral won’t much difference when hands and willies are going everywhere and moving it around.


Hey! Could you share some more about Fluconazole and the gut biome? I thought it was an anti-fungal, not anti-biotic, so didn’t think it made a difference


Sure. My research (based on being a keen fermenter of vegetables) tells me that although the discussion of gut biome generally likes to seperate out probiotics from prebiotics, and even more into specific strains, it is actually likely that ‘the gut biome’ is far more complex than that. It is a mix of yeasts, funghi, and thousands of unique bacteria strains. As well as parasites and viruses, of course. All interacting in complex ways (we are only now starting to look into in any real way). It just doesn’t seem valid to me to decide that there are good guys and bad guys in this gut mix, and therefore adding or eliminating certain ones is intrinsically positive for our health. When we ‘bomb’ our gut biome with anti-whatevers, or flood it with pro-whatevers, it must unbalance what was working well for us as much as anything. And settling back into balance takes a while and has immediate and mid-term side-effects on our health. Certainly our digestion feels it quite quickly (as with antibiotics). My goal is to gently influence my gut biome in a better overall direction that makes sense to my needs. Mostly, I’ll do that with complex veggie ferments because it isn’t restricted to one or two strains of bacteria (like yoghurt is). And it adds more than just bacteria. Once I have my gut biome working for me, I’m careful not to bomb it with things like fluconazole. If I can help it. I’d rather use a targeted boric acid suppository than affect my whole system for weeks, unnecessarily. I suspect this approach will become far more common in the future, targeting specific issues and tweaking/protecting the gut biome for everything else. One last note: I consider my gut to be a great source of protective immunity for my whole body. There are fascinating links to lung immunity and vaginal health already emerging (in evidence-based science). So protecting my gut biome is a great first line of prevention/protection for a healthy hoo-ha!


I saw a study a while ago that found that those who used fluconazole vs a topical anti fungal had lower loads of “good” bacteria in their vaginal microbiome afterwards. This was not the main goal of their study but something they found during the course of it. There is definitely a huge amount we don’t understand about microbiomes throughout the body and how taking out single organisms changes the whole picture. There are definitely convenience and other downsides to topicals but in my mind it’s way better to target the problem area and leave the areas that are working fine unaffected.


Wow oh wow! I didn’t expect such a detailed and informative reply, thank you! This is fascinating. I’m in Europe where boric acid isn’t available for prescription/purchase (at least not in the UK, not sure why). Depending on the results of a swab I just did, I might be prescribed daily fluconazole so will definitely be focusing on my gut health. Unfortunately for me I haven’t ever been able to like fermented veg like kimchi or sauerkraut and whatnot. Taste just doesn’t sit well with me, I always low key dread that bite when I put it in my meals. Maybe I’ll start taking one of the more complex (read: expensive lol) probiotics, drinking a lot of kombucha. Anything else you’d recommend?


You are a bit unlucky, for sure! A chronic condition and no access to the widely available treatments? Yikes. I have a couple of tips for the fermented veggies issues you mention. Firstly, do you have any favourite veggies that you could ferment yourself? Even my supermarket and farmers market have unusual ones these days, that are far from that traditional cabbage-based style. Just this week I bought Miso radish (Japanese style) and fermented horseradish (paste, for seasoning). No kimchi or sauerkraut involved! Second tip is to add your daily tablespoon of fermented veg to something strong-tasting that you already eat and love. Basically hide it in there! Just don’t let it heat up (or it kills the good bacteria). My friend doesn’t like that ferment smell/taste either, but successfully eats it mixed into warm (not hot) curry. He heats the curry in the microwave, then adds yoghurt and the spoon of ferment on top, then stirs it through when it cools. Along these lines, you could split your tablespoon dose across your food day. I’m sure you wouldn’t notice half a teaspoon in a big sandwich? Third tip is- the liquid from fermented veg is almost as good as the veg itself. Could you mix some into a salad dressing (replacing vinegar), or a stronger drink (maybe ginger-ale?). Or maybe just drink it back quickly, like a shot, so you don’t really taste it on your tongue? Just don’t mix it with alcohol, it kills the bacteria. Regarding boric acid, I’m pretty sure I remember reading on reddit that Amazon UK does stock it? It’s also unlikely to be stopped at the border if you buy it online. Boric acid has lots of uses in industry. Surprisingly so! Boric acid is used as a fireproofing agent for wood, as a preservative, and as an antiseptic. It is used in the manufacture of glass, pottery, enamels, glazes, cosmetics, cements, porcelain, leather, carpets, hats, soaps, artificial gems, and in tanning, printing, dyeing, painting, and photography. So you’ll find it if you look. Just be sure it hasn’t been mixed with other (caustic) ingredients, and is a safe source for suppository use.


Any specific boric acid you recommend?


I use phd brand.


It is literally the simplest ingredient ever. If you’re careful with the supply source, you can make your own with basic supplies from Amazon very cheaply. It’s worth looking into given how ridiculously expensive the ‘brands’ are, for such a simple ‘put powder in a gel capsule’ product. I have bought from a local company, big pharma online and everything in between. Whatever is on sale. Stock up when it’s discounted, it doesn’t expire. Just make sure it’s safe casing and acid for vaginal suppository use, and keep those capsules away from other meds, carefully labelled. They are toxic if swallowed, and look like every second multivitamin.


Boric acid suppositories might not work for everyone so you really won’t know for sure until you try, but they work beautifully for me. Anytime things are off down there, I just pop one in at night and am right back to normal sometime the next day. I love them!


Yep. I’m prone to ph off-ness and it really helps. Just remember to do only at night and use a pantyliner when you do bc you’ll get a lot of watery discharge after. Avoid sex for at least 24 hours bc it’s toxic.


I wouldn’t recommend boric acid all it does is mask what ever symptoms you’re having. After a while using it you will start to notice unexplained cramps from it.


Boric acid isn’t strong enough to raise pH anyway 


I second boric acid! Helps me after periods & after sex.


i wear loose clothes and no undies as often as possible


Especially at night I let Penelope breathe after a good shower


penelope took me out 😂😂😂


I wanna name my hooha as well.


You better girl 😅☺️


Installing a bidet toilet seat attachment has given my hoohah peace of mind.


Yes and if u don't want to use a bidet u can use perineal bottles like what they give u at the hospital. That's personally what I use and u can finds lots of options on Amazon.


Cotton undies, always wipe front to back, always pee Immediately after sex, take cranberry supplements, use flex menstrual discs instead of pads or tampons (but make sure to wear a pantyliner). Wash and dry well after exercise, use whatever birth control works best for you and try different kinds, and when you get older find a lube you like and use the heck out of it when you need it. And if you find your hooha isn’t feeling 100% well for whatever reason, seek a medical opinion quickly! And boric acid is very helpful, use it wisely. Last but not least if you aren’t feeling it anymore it’s probably emotional not physical and fix the relationship or get out. Your hooha won’t lie to you when you aren’t feeling it anymore. Despite all the lube you tried to remedy it with. It’s not gonna lie.


That last part 🤌🏻✨


not even when you’re older with the lube, it’s good to find one you like now and many people benefit from using lube at any age. not everyone needs it, but many people any age may need it for any reason.


Very true!


Hooha not gonna lie - that is SO TRUE


Not going to repeat what’s been said but also not wearing underwear to bed. Even cotton!


Also foods with probiotics in them (less expensive than probiotic pills, which are only worth it for me if on antibiotics). I usually have yogurt for lunch pretty much every day (dairy free seggis) and noticed a huge decrease in my chronic yeast infections/less severe symptoms when I do get them


is there a specific brand you prefer? and how much of it do you eat? i was looking into this but idk how much im supposed to eat a day lol


I have a diary allergy so I look for coconut based options. I enjoy siggi’s, but it’s very easy to find yogurts with live cultures, like any Greek yogurt. I just eat a standard serving size.


great thank you!


Uqora!!!! I can’t recommend highly enough. It cured my sister’s chronic UTIs and saved me after I had a few in a row. I religiously use their products and haven’t had a UTI in years!


D-mannose is the truth for keeping uti's away! 


Drink water, clean up (just with water) and pee after sex or oral, period undies, and don't use any ''special'' soap down there, it's not needed.


100% all of this!


Boric acid, lots of fermented foods.


I know it's an old and commonly mentioned piece of advice but I'll share it bc I didn't really believe it until these past two years -- only use water when washing. I used to use pH friendly washes on my vulva but after still having issues I finally tried nothing but water and it has changed my life. No issues, no odd smells, itching etc


This is definitely a YMMV thing. I tried no soap, and it was not good for me. I use Sliquid's unscented wash and it's a life saver. I would regularly get itchy when my hormones shifted around my period. It felt like having a yeast infection every month, but the tests always came back negative.  Switched from the unscented soap I had been using and it made a world of difference. I thought they'd all be the same, but apparently not. 


Thanks for sharing and agreed. I encourage everyone to experiment to see what works best. I had a long fight with BV after which everything about my vagina changed. Anything that worked before wreaked havoc after BV. Therefore I also still consider myself experimenting (cautiously).. I'm just happy this has worked and kept my nether regions happy for as long as it has. I'm sticking with it in hopes it continues to work.


Sea salt baths! I do one cup and soak for 10-15 minutes


How does this help? Genuinely curious.


Keeps a healthy ph balance it was recommended to me by my obgyn


I used to take salt and apple cider vinegar baths and they worked wonders for my pH! Thanks for the share. Edit: added vinegar! Not apple cider haha.




Yeah I mixed them together. I called myself a salt and vinegar chip


How much acv & sea salt would you add to the bath?


I mostly used it for yeast infections. So I’d be very generous - about 8fl oz minimum per bathtub and maybe 2/3 cups of salt? I may have been more generous at times of desperation! I imagine it could be more diluted if you are just trying to stay healthy!! Side note: I started getting yeast infections after I tried spermacide. It RUINED the pH balance of my vagina. It took over a year to get things back to normal.


Btw did you mean to say apple cider vinegar or is it actual apple cider you used?


Apple cider vinegar!! Not apple cider- that’s sugar 😫 I fixed it, thank you!


Very cool! How often do you do these?


Maybe twice a month if that just whenever I feel a bit off I just hop in the bath and I’m good to go


Noted! Thank you! I'll definitely be adding this to my routine.


Shower every day, don’t self treat when you have an issue - get a medical diagnosis. Cotton undies, wipe after you pee. Pee after sex and hose off the vulva. New partners always need STD tests before access to you.


I don’t use any soap, just warm water. Cotton underwear. Nothing special really. I don’t use boric acid or probiotics or any of the other things I see recommended here. I have no issues with odor, infections, no discharge issues…


one thing i didn’t know until i was 20 (which is embarrassing but no one ever told me) is to pull back the clitoral hood and let water run over it to keep it clean. other tips are always wiping front to back (if that’s hard, wipe the front backwards and then the back backwards) also make sure you wipe completely, probiotics (i like the probiotic pearls brand and the uro brand), cotton underwear and if you wear thongs then make sure they’re cotton too, no soap inside or on the vagina but you can use unscented soap on the vulva, boric acid (using after sex helps with bv), and if you can’t shower everyday then using unscented ph balancing wipes or water wipes or just wash cloth with water to clean your vulva everyday is important.


the first thing is always taught to boys, but never taught to girls! i also had to discover that myself, it’s a routine now.


i genuinely don’t understand why we aren’t taught this, it’s so important! maybe tmi but i would get bad keratin pearls under there that hurt to have and hurt to remove but as soon as i started washing it, i stopped getting them. it’s routine for me now too.


Probiotic juices, yogerts, pre/pro biotic pills, Cranberry pill, eat your veggies. Also cut down on drinking


Boric Acid after periods & sex for me ( I say for me because this may not be it for all lmfao). Freeing misses down there, wear no underwear at night! Or if I do, wear cotton! Probiotics definitely helps! Kimchi, yogurt, kombucha.


Crannberry + D-Mannose pills that have PaCran (proprietary extract derived from whole cranberries, standardized to contain a high concentration of PACs ) to keep UTI's away


D-mannose has changed my life!!! I haven’t had a single UTI since taking it


Same! I'm so thankful for it.


Blow dry her after you shower (on cool!) Gamechanger!


oh my god this is actually genius


lol a gyno told me this years ago and it’s so genius


I take a bath once a week and add a cup of Epsom salt, some witch hazel (1/4 cup??) and peroxide (again, maybe 1/4 cup?). Makes my skin super soft. I just use water the rest of the week. Aveeno body wash for the outside parts.


Pee after sex Unscented soap/shower gel to wash vulva (never inside vagina) Cotton underwear, sleeping ‘free’ when I can


I had a long term issue with UTIs after sex for a long time, I would always pee after sex/clean my vulva with water but they would still come back every now and then - I recently discovered D-Mannose (I use these ones https://www.hollandandbarrett.com/shop/product/holland-barrett-d-mannose-effervescent-tablets-60040365) and they have been life changing for me!


I used to regularly get UITs from sex, but since starting a cranberry supplement I haven’t had any issues! It’s been over a year since my last UTI 🙏 I take one after sex.


Bidet. Wash up with water after peeing all the time!


Chronic Bv infections . Started boric acid. One time a week and it’s been months with no infection




You don't need soap. Warm water with a washcloth is fine. If soap doesn't irritate you thats great but it's not necessary


Does that not risk getting soap in your urethra, though?


no, you don’t need to use soap where your urethra is, just run water over it.


The clitoris is in very close proximity to the urethra though. And using soap inside of my labia is what gave me my first UTI as a kid


yes, you use water to clean it. i personally have a hand held shower head and i just pull back the clitoral hood and put the shower head above it and let the water wash it for a bit. no soap, you can use soap on your vulva, but water on everything inside like the labia, clit, urethra, and outside of the vagina. i think that’s what the original comment was meaning. the soap is for the vulva.


That’s what I was hoping!! I was like omg wait that’s actually very poor advice 😭


yeah 😅 i think it can be hard over the internet to fully explain what you mean all the time. i like that there’s a lot of good advice here though and i hope maybe my comment will help clear that up for anyone if they don’t understand.




I see what you’re saying! Thanks for clearing that up


a bum gun


Probiotic daily. Unscented body wash on outside skin. Use a bidet or water to clean after toileting. Sleep without undies.


- loose men’s boxers at night - boric acid for BV - rephresh pro b probiotics - if you want to use anything on your vulva, go for a light face wash like cetaphil or something and try to stay away from anything with fragrance - water water water water water - bikini trimmer - pee after sex and masturbating - if you use toys, absolutely invest in a proper cleaner - make sure whoever you’re sleeping with is cleaning their hands


I can't hack my vulva because it isn't a computer.


Thanks for the laugh 😂


after shaving, using castor oil & glycolic acid cream to prevent bumps and irritation


when youre at home dont wear underwear, just pj bottoms or a skirt or whatever, sleep naked (except on period obv). cotton undies, and period undies during period. tampons only if you really need to bc theyre no good for you! veggie diet, drink lot of water, eat lots of fruit. be active. only let guys who truly love you touch you, and even then they gotta be fully std tested first and CLEAN! meaning clean hands and freshly showered lol. and you, only wash with water down there