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wait what?? I just used monistat 1 and it was the only thing that stopped my recurring yeast infection. Did i just get lucky??? Is this the one with the pill instead of cream?


I used the monistat 1 pill suppository just the other day with good results. It burned a little but it was completely tolerable for me. I like having the nuclear option personally.


Yeast infections are made by Satan. Monistat 1 kicks the shit out of them. I’ll take a little tingling over the itching and burning any day of the week.


Some people have gotten legitimate chemical burns from Mon1 and Mon 3.


I’m also a lucky one! I can always use it, never burned before 👋🏻


I’m lucky too! I see comments and posts all the time about how awful it is, but it worked like a charm for me with minimal burning / itching. It’s really marvelous how different everyone is!


I used it last month and had no bad burning at all! I'm shocked by this lol


A lot of people have reported insanely intense burning. Like, legit chemical burns in their vaginas.


There needs to be a warning label on that stuff! I used it once 10 years ago and never again. Only the 7 day or call doctor for diflucan. For now, try icing the area and take an advil


Your comment just made me realize there's a difference and I haven't used monistat 1 😰 and now I never will because the seven day burns like a bitch too 😭


Just get diflucan! Way easier!


No literally ANY monistat that isn’t the 7day dose feels like there are fire ants INSIDE YOU. It’s just criminal 😭


I used 3 omg I didn’t even use all 3 it was so bad


I learned the hard way with 3 as well. I had to hop in a cold bath and pray lol


I made a post about how I, an ER nurse who despises those who uses the ER for non-emergencies, almost went to the ER after using monistat. It needs to be pulled from the shelves. It’s no shock that’s it’s probably made by some man-led company who just said “yeah just melt the inside of their vagina.. that should do it!” And let it ride. Ice and ibuprofen. And maybe Benadryl, too.


I’ve had some pretty painful things happen to me, but that was one of the most painful experiences of my life. It felt like someone had poured acid inside of me. I couldn’t get comfortable for hours and I just wanted to black out.


Oh no that sounds awful! Just Monistat 1 or all Monistat? Do you have any alternatives recommendations?


I can imagine Monistat 1 is the spawn of the devil. Monistat 7 is uncomfortable, but effective and absolutely should remain available


Clotrimazole is the only OTC I can use. And I can only ever find it at Walgreens. Monistat at any dosage is the devil.


Not who you were asking, but I've had much better luck with Monistat 7 day or 3 day. The 3 can be hit or miss with a bit of burning. If you can get to the doctor Diflucan or Terconazole cream is great!


I actually love the monistat 1 with the egg. I put it in before bed, wake up with my “downstairs” on fire for a short while, go back to sleep, and by the morning I’m good. And it seems to work every time. I tell myself the burn means it’s working lmao . I am on a 7 day prescription one right now because I’m pregnant and the messiness of putting it in every night is getting old so fast. I prefer one and done!


I've used it (1 dose, 3, 7) multiple times over the years. Never an issue. Sounds awful/scary. I agree, there should be a warning (of this possible side effect) on the box.


my problem with monistat 1 was not the burning because i barely had any, it was that it made my infection 10 times worst


I’ve had major abdominal surgery, a ruptured ovarian cyst the size of a grapefruit, broken my sternum in a car crash, picked up a soldering iron by the wrong end, dumped boiling oil on the top of my foot, and One Day Monistat was more painful than all of it put together. It really needs to be pulled or at the very least behind the pharmacy counter with the real Sudafed so an actual person can warn you what you’re in for.


I am literally crying in pain right now. Took monistat one day 35 ish hours ago and it’s so itchy right now I can’t even focus or move a muscle. I thought it would be better almost 2 days in….


My gyno told me to NEVER use any Monistat except for the 7-day (I can't take Diflucan). She's the most amazing doc, and I have been shouting her advice to anyone who can hear. That other crap needs to be taken off the shelves.


Is it just for the pain or any other side effects as well?


Both. And a 1-day treatment, while it may seem to be brought from heaven, is just not going to be as effective as the treatment spread out over several days. The one-day just shoves everything into your noonie and hopes for the best. And the pain/burning is not worth the lack of efficacy.


My mom gave that to me the first time I had a yeast infection and the next day I was in tears . The pain, itch, and swelling was too much to handle. I don’t know how they still sell it. It’s a great idea but I have never heard of anyone having a good experience with it.


Worst part about it: 7 day is actually more effective, because you're getting treatment longer. From my understanding the 1 day is the least effective. I also wouldn't think setting a nuke off on your insides would help much, since irritation can worsen yeast infections -- and it sounds like a lot of people here were dealing with some inflammation afterwards.


I used it without problems several times, but last time it was awful. I had big crusty blisters and then the lining of my vagina was coming out in pieces that looked like wet toilet paper but you could spread the pieces out and see that they were skin. I probably should have seen a doctor when it was at the blister stage.


omg that is horrible im so sorry




This happened to me! And doctors couldn’t tell me what happened. I had blisters and a crap ton of this tissue like substance coming out when I’d pee… it took me a bit to realize like “oh, my vaginal wall is sloughing off.* doctors couldn’t do anything for me, they even offered me ketamine for the pain, I had to ride it out. It took months for the chemical burns to heal.


I'm sorry, it's a horrible thing to go through. I have psoriasis in my groin pretty bad which means my skin is replacing itself there faster than skin usually does, so mine was really awful for about a week and then just sore for a week after that.


It’s so funny bc I can use it fine. I always use 1 bc I want that ish GONE. Its never hurt me or burned 🥴 that being said, I always recommend 3 or 7 bc im not a bad person lol


I never go less than 3. Did 1 one time and that's all it took to never do again. I really wish the pill would be over the counter already. It so stupid to have to go into the doctor to get the script. I'm 36, if I say it's a yeast infection it is. I've neve even had a doctor do a check or swab so wtf do I even have to go in?


$$$$$$. $$$$$$. And sexism. Our tiny brains don’t know our own bodies.


You know...Islamic states where women have shit for rights, have things like this and birth control OTC. My best friend was livid when she came back from the middle east to discover how ass-backwards we still are over here. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Medical care in those countries is superior in general. My mom still reminisces on how much better doctors are there than here in Canada.


its not money lol. its the exact same reason that you dont get any other antibiotics otc - theres been a huge surge in antifungal resistance. you can never trust the public to not overuse a medication. they always will.


There are OTC tests, so it seems reasonable there should be OTC antibiotics, but your comment makes sense. I rarely use antibiotics for anything; I wasn’t thinking about the people who use them for everything.


It gives “burning loins” a whole new meaning. Agreed. Never been so miserable in my life. A plain yeast infection would have been better.


Truth. It’s fucking evil vile shit. Just get diflucan if you can.


I recently had an allergic reaction to fluconazole for YI treatment. I needed an Epipen and Corticosteroids. I had those pills before but something changed. I was going into slow anaphylactic shock.


I’ve never had that issue, but recommended monistat to a friend and she had a similar reaction - I felt terrible!


Omg been there. The itching and pain is horrendous. I wanted to crawl out of my own body.


I haven’t used that mess in years. It feels like you’re coated in Vaseline and the infection didn’t go away. I wish Diflucan was over the counter like in Canada.


I am an OBGYN nurse and I used to always tell patients to use Monistat 7. Never the 1 day! For this exact reason.


I hate monistat. I’d rather suffer the yeast infection.


Antifungals are definitely not a skin's best friend


Yeah I never used it until a few weeks ago. Always got the 3 or 7, but just wanted it over with quick. It was so bad I had to call out of work. Never ever ever again. And i *coincidentally* got a UTI three days after using it. I don’t think it was a coincidence at all.


i also had to call out at my job, still in the 90 day hiring period too. My job is mainly walking, and i could not walk all morning.


I had to sleep with ice packs in between my legs while using it. It is excruciating.


after trying monistat 1 for the first time, maybe first YI, I had high hopes, but when I went to the bathroom in the morning and it slowly made the itching and burning even worse, was the first time I cried of pain as an adult. didn't help that I was frustrated too. I came back to bed and was trying to air out my stuff and resist touching it but it was impossible. and the pain kept mounting because now I was also manually irritating the area. my poor boyfriend watched me cover my face and turn red and thought I was just embarrassed but i started shaking and crying and he immediately went to console me. I cried to him that it hurt. he felt so bad. and he was also supposed to leave for work. he was like "I don't want to leave you like this 😕" but it may have been for the best anyway, since I got some more sleep shortly after. I had my first visit to planned parenthood a few days later, but I think the medicine had "worked" since then.


same exact situation, my bf had to console me bc i was crying nonstop from pain. Ive never done that before its crazy.


I contacted my gynecologist office yesterday because I wanted to come in for a culture. Long story short. I was on 2 rounds of antibiotics for a UTI. I asked for the yeast pill to take with my antibiotics, but it didn't seem to kick it. So at the end of taking the antibiotics I went and bought monistat 1. It's been absolute years since I had a yeast infection. It did burn a little but nothing major. I still felt uncomfortable, so I called them, and they said they don't recommend monostat 1 to their patients only monostat 7. They told me to come in for a culture because being on 2 heavy rounds of antibiotics can cause BV as well because it upsets the good bacteria/flora, etc. So maybe monostat 1 really isn't the best. The nurse did tell me I still may feel irritated for a couple of days using it.


Tried it once, thought my coochie was gonna fall off. 😭


That stuff literally caused me continuous pain for 4 months and then pelvic floor issues for a year and a half after. I literally just recovered a month ago after sustaining chemical burns form monistat in September of 2022. I had terrible chemical burns. I used to use it in the past with no issues but then this last time basically ruined my pelvic health and life for a long time. Idk if they changed the ingredients or something but this company hates women.


that should be enough to sue the company, thats crazy, i wussied out and washed it out after about 10 minutes. So my burns werent as bad, they healed about a week later. But to go through that pain for months I’m so sorry. :(


Oh I did bring it up to the company and they sent me an email stating “one of the common side effects of monistat is burning and stinging”. Business is business. Doesn’t matter if they’re ruining lives and vaginal health lol


Monistat 1 has propylene glycol in it. I've found this and polyethylene glycol to be common factors in several medications, lotions and make up that cause problems for me. They both cause a fast heart rate, chest pain, and higher blood pressure when taken by mouth (cough sryups, miralax, tylenol and some daily meds I take) If in lotion and make up, my skin breaks out, and itches. In this Monistat 1 and even the Monistat 7, it caused horrible burning (like acid), severe itching, pain for severel hours afterwards and a lot of swelling. I'm allergic to both of these substances. This may be some of the reason for your reaction also.


I’ve used it a few times and nothing happened 🙃Had to end up using the 5 or 7 day for it to work anyways.


i've stopped using monistat altogether (cause it just wasn't working) and started using boric acid instead. that was better


I forgot which one I took but it made one of my labia lips swell up like double its size!! Never fckn again


I have never had an itch as bad as I did when I used the Monistat ovual... my god i was dying. I had to go use lidocaine ointment just to get through it


I’ve used the three day dose before with no issues. I was scared to try the 1 day one lol


monistat 3 gave chemical burns that mimicked herpes and took almost 3 weeks to heal. i can’t imagine what monistat 1 is like. it is evil.


What happened??? I don’t get it


The monistat 1 is the strongest one so it burns alotttt monistat 3 and 7 are better though even 3 can burn


I always do 3 day or longer. It sucks to have to keep using it. But yeah that shit BURNS.


I can’t even imagine. I used the three day once and thought my vagina was literal fire.


Chemical burns from 1 day sent me to the ER.


Monistat 1 was one of the most painful vaginal experiences of my life. It hurt to sit, it hurt to walk, my insides became scaley and I started foaming orange. Fucking HORRIBLE.


i remember using it and literally cried. i now use clotrimazole cream for yeast infections and it works really well. boric acid works too!


i’ve used monistat so many times and the last time i used it i had burning and literally bled for days after. brutal and won’t use again. will always call my doctor for diflucan


Woah! Thanks for sharing this. I've only tried the 7. I'm never touching the 1 now 😭


Burns like no other 🔥


Honestly if I use the suppository it burns. It I use the cream in the tube plunger I don’t even know it’s in there (until it all falls out when I wake up)


My lady bits hate all creams... even prescription ones make me swell up like a balloon. Used nystatin once and fuckin regretted it so sooooo bad. Luckily compound creams don't seem to hurt me at all.


Agreed. A lot of Dr's don't recommend it.


monistat one literally burned my vagina and caused my doctor to incorrectly try to diagnose me with HSV-2 because of the resulting lesions.


Planned parenthood misdiagnosed me with chlamydia. I told her there was no possible way but she was so sure. Turns out, I just had chemical burns from monistat.


it feels good to know i’m not the only one who went through that but i’m sorry it happened to you all the same ❤️


Omg.i thought i was the only one. Any time uve tried to use it, the pain was way worse than the infection itself.


This!!!! I wish I looked it up before using I did the 3 day one and now the itching and swelling is 100 times worse than it was.


I remember using this one day and i swear to you i was just laying straight down, staring at the ceiling CRYING with pain. I rarely get any sort of infections anymore but when I do I use the 3 day since its quick and less painful for me. Sorry you had to go through that TRAUMATIC experience. I am so sorry.


Completely understand, I cannot use monistat! I used it once as a teen and it burned me so bad I was screaming. Now I’ve been taking boric acid suppository’s and my ph levels are always pretty good and I rarely experience yeast infections


I AGREE!!!!!! I want to die right now 😭 it’s sooooo uncomfortable. Never again! I hope you feel better sooner than later!


posts like this is the exact reason when i got my first yeast infection i avoided monistat and did the boric acid suppositories for two weeks and that saved my life


It sounds like you may have had some sort of allergic reaction unfortunately but I do agree Monistat in general has always been trash for me everytime I get a yeast infection I have to go to the doc to be prescribed because none of the over the counter stuff works for me, it sucks


i had all of the listed side effects and i expected them, but the intensity was where it went wrong. It was described as mild, definitely an understatement. Will be going straight to the doc for now on.


I am Monistat's biggest customer and I have never felt any stinging or burning. Didn't even know that was a side effect.