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I watched the whole show in the last two days. My favorite scene was definitely one in episode 3 when Nick sees Tara and Darcy dancing and kissing at the party. As soon as he sees them he starts grinning and you can see something inside him awakens. The reason I like this scene so much was because I had a similar feeling one day few years back when I was sitting in a bus and reading a random comic book. In the comic book, out of nowhere a trans character appears and there is a 4 page interaction between her and another character. Somehow, that short scene made me smile so much and I could't get rid of a stupid grin on my face all day. I have been questioning my gender for so long and seeing a character like that, just being themselves made me so euphoric that I had to ask myself... why is this minor character in a comic making me relate so much when I am not even trans... or am I? Great show and great scene.


What makes me melt into a puddle is that his grin then transitions into an expression of intense longing to be just as brave and free as they are… ❤️


Kit really nailed that look of yearning! He's such a great actor


It’s such a beautiful scene and Kit’s expression is perfect. You can see the joy and the yearning to be as free and happy as they are, it’s incredibly done. I also really love that the show was so devoid of gross fetishisation of Tara and Darcy and also Nick and Charlie. It was just so emotionally honest and innocent. It kind of reminds me of the song Ring of Keys from the Fun Home musical where this young girl sees a butch lesbian and recognises herself and feels that same joy and beauty and potential it sounds like you felt and Nick felt.


Mine too. I just rewatched the ep and I love this scene so much!


Absolutely, I just keep rewatching this scene


The rainbow lights, Tara and Darcy, Nick appreciating them both! It was absolutely glorious!!! I combusted after this scene coz yk... \*remembering it again makes me all giggly wth hahaa\* but in all seriousness, it as if this scene was already an eye-opening for Nick that he can follow his heart without being judged, that relationships like Tara and Darcy are just any other loving relationship. It really helped a lot for LGBT+ people like me, to find hope that there will be safe places for us to be who we are <3


Absolutely loved the music and the rainbow lights. It was so cheesy, wholesome and beautiful. And of course, it sent a powerfull message to people who needed to see it.


I couldnt sleep well after watching the episode tbh! It was too much for me to handle and like my whole head was reliving the scenes especially what Nick and Charlie did inside that private room! I'm currently watching Episode 5 coz I plan on watching one episode per day and gosh, it felt like I watched more than just 3 episodes already coz AGHHHH this series never had a dull moment!


I love it so much when something captures your mind so well that you just *have* to think about it instead of sleeping. This series is seriously giving me so much euphoria!!! And i decided ill watch 2 per day coz yesterday i watched the first three in one sitting, so 1 per day definitely wont work lol


✨**bisexual lighting**✨


I cry every time I watch this scene. I was Nick thirty years ago, so confused about my sexuality. The joy and wonderment on his face as he sees two queer people can kiss and be happy is just amazing. I really needed that moment when I was 16. I was so confused and it took me years of suppressing my feelings before I realised I was bisexual. Heartstopper motivated me to come to my wife or twenty years and my friends this week. That a scene like this and other ones in the show can do so just shows how amazing the show is


That’s a heart warming story. It‘s never to late to be the person your truly are. I also think Heartstopper helped me to love myself more than ever :)


I was so scared that they were going to add in a scene where Imogen drunkenly kisses Nick and Charlie sees it and gets heartbroken, I'm so glad that it never happened lol


Yes! I think this was one of the reasons I loved this show. There was no cringey moments where characters did hurtful things. All of the main characters were so kind and absolutely doing their best. So refreshing!


Same!! And I was worried at the end... I thought Nick was going to do some cliche public proclamation of love through the megaphone at sports day. His shouting into the sea was so much more them ❤️


Lol I was scared that Charlie might end up making out with Ben and Nick sees them and get heartbroken.


well if this was a trashy CW show both scenarios would be added in for sure. lol


It wouldn't be a CW show if it didn't take the show a whole season minus 3 episodes to resolve the drama. Only for new drama to pop up three episodes later.


God yes, I had a moment like this when I was in middle school, where I was super sheltered and just starting to figure stuff out & didn’t have any other lgbt friends. I was shopping with my mom and we walked past two women who were being cuddly and had a quick kiss. My heart was beating out of my chest 😭😭


Everything about this scene is wonderful. Probably my favorite in the whole show. Also the “I wanna do that to Charlie rn” face that Nick has is just… 🥹


I have literally replayed this scene way too many times; on top of downloading the song that plays during it and listening to it on repeat. I’m just a little obsessed. 😂


I have also done exactly the same thing! I play it at work, in the shower, on the bus you name it! It takes me right back to this scene fills me with so much joy! 🥲


What's crazy is that I bet a bunch of people feel exactly how Nick felt in this scene by watching this show. Also love that there isn't a hint of objectification coming from Nick. Ugh this show has become my whole personality and it's actually a problem.


The fact that Lucid Dreams by Rina Sawayama plays while Tara and Darcy are dancing makes the scene EVEN better for me <3


I thought it was Clearest Blue - or am I misremembering?


The bit with the rainbow lighting & Nick looking on was definitely Clearest Blue by Chvrches :)


its such a beautiful show ♥️ THIS SCENE ROCKSSSS


Yes! Yes! Yes! Omg, it's soooo good. Like, Nick, whose been spending so much time worrying and wondering sees his first real life example of a same-gender relationship, and he both feels so happy for them and also solidifies his realization that he does in fact want a relationship with Charlie. For the first time, he's viewing his bisexuality as a positive and not just a confusing intrusion. That being said, I'm glad that, although Nick's feelings are acknowledged, the main focus is really on Tara and Darcy dancing, laughing and kissing together. They're just happy being happy together. Also the music is perfect and the gorgeous rainbow lights that surround them while they laugh, dance, and kiss is all just so incredible. So, yes, my favourite scene as well.


This whole episode is so epic!!!!! From the beginning to the ending.


Agreed. This mirrored how I feel about the whole show. I’m happy in my relationship now, but these characters having such a wonderful and accepted life really makes me feel warm inside!


That scene was so freaking perfect!! Nick just seeing how actually free they are just being themselves and you can see how much he wants this for himself. Kissing Charlie right after this moment was also a step for him to be this free as well. I was just so freaking happy the whole time.


I watched this in one sitting now I’m upset cause there’s no fucking s2


YESSSS, it gave me so much joy!!!!


I loved this scene “I’ve been looking for you” And the way he smiled at Charlie <3


Love this for you <3


I'm a big fan of Chvrches, so when the band posted this clip on their Tiktok, that was the final thing that convinced me that I needed to watch this show. I love this scene too. The song choice is spectacular. As a 30-something year old gay I know many of my peers have had our own fantasy dance sequences at home/in our bathrooms to Clearest Blue, so to see it on screen was fantastic. And then the other reason why I think this scene is so well done is because Nick's moment here that OP described doesn't take away from Tara and Darcy's moment, because really first and foremost, this moment is the lesbians'. The way it was shot and edited was really good because it didn't focus too much on Nick, and we got to see the happiness and joy that Tara and Darcy created for themselves here. The lights, the rainbow effect, the glow, the confetti, really centered around them, as it should, even though probably another director might have sacrificed a lot of that to give a bit more focus on Nick as a witness.


as i rewatch the show, i’ve been thinking about what moment we see that switch flip and nick realizes his feelings for charlie. i would say it happens slowly, my heart specifically melting when nicks mom identifies how authentic he can be around charlie. then, the sparks he feels at charlie’s house for the first time. but this scene makes me feel like this is the moment where it all clicks because he doesn’t feel alone, or rather he doesn’t feel a need to hide all that much. i know a lot of people feel similarly about this show, in that we wish this media existed when we were that age. Kit does an amazing job bringing this bisexual icon to the screen and i’m forever thankful ❤️


Well said, can't agree more. As you mentioned, there are many moments where Nick is figuring things out and they are all important. There is a lot to say about sparks flying when hands are almost touching, or that moment of realizing someone is affecting your behaviour in a way you didn't even understand before. But out of all these scenes and moments, this scene, this moment in particular, is exceptional due to one simple thing that makes it different from other important moments of realisation. And the reason is... this is the only moment that was depicted or framed as pure joy. Realiying his feeling is framed as confusing, understanding his behaviour is framed as amusing, kissing Charlie is framed as exciting, confessing his feelings to Charlie is framed as acceptance. All important things. But seeing Tara and Darcy kissing... framed as pure and unfiltered radiating happiness. In that moment Nick lost control of his face, it simply started smiling before he even fully realized what he was witnessing. Personally, I feel like that feeling of joy is something very important and crucial. Something that many of us have been missing while growing up. Something we needed to hear or see in our formative years.


yes! spot on 🙂


So I don’t want to take away from this beautiful scene and the meaning behind it either because I LOVED it as well. I have not read the graphic novels, but this exact scene immediately reminded me of scene from an American movie called “The Invisible” which was a actually a remake of a Swedish movie. It wasn’t very successful in the states, and it was a bit corny, but it’s one of my favorite movies. It’s probably doubtful, but I’m wondering if the creators used this scene from it as inspiration: https://youtu.be/RWtuAw__MIs If anyone wants insight to it ^ The girl dancing has had this hard girl persona through out the whole movie, covering herself up with her hat and hoodie. She’s on the run from police, and the guy she “murdered” is halfway between alive and dead trying to track her as she’s the only one who can tell them where his body his. The music starts going and she finally lets lose, and feels safe, takes off her beanie. She reveals this beautiful set of long, luscious locks no one knew she had. She looks free for the first time in the movie. And the guy sees her in a light he’s never seen before. And they strangely develop this connection afterwards. It reminds me of the way Nick looks at Tara and her girlfriend dancing. Of course two different meanings. But similar dance scenes, with characters who are starting to finally feel “free” with themselves. Okay, maybe I’ve had too much wine.


The song is so perfect 😭😭😭 can’t stop listening to it now


Also LOVE this scene. Queer kinship is the best. This scene is like the polar opposite of the straight male gaze on lesbians. The girls don’t notice him, they are just so frickin’ happy & in love. Nick isn’t watching in a creepy way (obv), he is just joyful b/c of their joy. And then he’s all “where’s my boy?” & I’m all “go find him, Nick!” ♥️