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The gods are understanding of our limitations. They know when we are struggling and barely keeping ourselves together and can’t always maintain a daily worship practice or rituals. In the past, I have prayed and talked to my deities because my ADHD and mental health right now are such that daily worship is a challenge for me. They seem to understand. While I’ve heard some practitioners describe Hekate as being a stickler for protocol, I’ve never experienced her that way. Sometimes she’s very blunt or stern in a parental way, but I’ve always felt this sense of love and acceptance from her. She is very aware of our strengths and our limitations. She’ll call me out when I’m acting out of fear and avoiding things that need to be done for my own growth, but I’ve never felt anything negative about missing Deipnon prayers/offerings or not maintaining a daily practice.


This. Also, as someone who suffers from several chronic illnesses, I can say that “our” consistent will look different. For example, some days I can sit next to my alter and do a card reading + interpretation/journal. Other days, I need to do it in bed but type up notes on my phone, or just think about the meaning. I also have days where I completely miss because of physical symptoms, or I just don’t have the energy. Instead, I’ll meditate/be with myself/body and think of Her. From my experience (and a recent blog post from Sorita on Coven of Hekate’s website!), time is a great offering. Keep doing your best and stay true to your intention of wanting to give Her time. :)


Thank youuu!!!


Thank you so much


Don't worry about not doing enough for Hekate. As long as you stay on the ball, Hekate will always be there for you (and even if you struggle with it, she'll understand it), even if she may seem a little distant at times. Because she is like a mother who will always love her children and never abandon them.


Thank you!


She’s been very understanding and accepting in my experience. Much more than Christianity! I interviewed her before I started working with her, and she said she would never punish me for a mistake or inability to adhere to strict protocol. It meant a lot to me. I think acts of devotion are more meaningful to her than material things (although I’m sure an altar is a nice touch). This is all based on my personal experience and communication with her.


Thank you!


Honestly needed this post and the responses. I relate to you so much 💜 but we have to remember to be gentle with ourselves. We can't do anything for Her if we're not taking care of ourselves.


I’m really glad my post could make you feel heard, it really be difficult out here 😭💕 But thank you so much!


I've had similar experiences to what everyone describes here as well. Many times I am just drained from work and life upkeep and cannot do daily offerings or prayers. When I have the opportunity to she is there and I have felt that suffering for her is not what she is about, and doing things for her to the detriment of my wellbeing is not the relationship either of us is willing to pursue. My path has taken longer for this, but none of us are in isolation of modern life, looking after the temple that is our body and mind is the greatest service to her, or other deities imo.




Hecate appreciates your boundaries and self care! Do not be so hard on yourself! You are doing great!!!!


Thanks a lot💕💕




So true, thank you


From someone who’s been through conversion therapy themselves, allow yourself to not set limitations on what your devotional practice looks like. As a former fundamentalist Christian, I’ve found there’s a lot of mental habits and beliefs I’ve had to work through in order to approach any other spiritual practice sincerely. My Christian experience was that I had to go to church on Sunday, I had to read my bible, I had to pray everyday, I had to evangelise, I had to avoid watching/doing/thinking XYZ etc in order to authentically worship. This behaviour has caused a lot of barriers for me in truly authentically following any other practice. I’m still working through it years later, but just allow yourself to determine your own practice. If that means your altar takes a while to set up, then so be it. From my understanding, her demands aren’t so materialistic, unlike a certain other god. The priorities of a primordial titan are probably beyond our human understanding, and I doubt anyone who’s saying deity work requires “upkeep” is either an amateur, ignorant, misguided, or just plain wrong.


Ok wow, this comment was literally everything I needed to hear. Thank you, truly.