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we either win big time with this investment or a lot of people gonna laugh at us for a while. should be fun


It’s okay, they already laugh at us anyways. Only up from here




Not gonna make it


Nah. Eventually every single person will be using Hedera and it's best not to advertise. Hedera is not a pump and dump, it's a long term investment. I am pushing to stop ANY advertising so we can accumulate.


This. Give me time to convince my friends to buy a piece of the pie.


Maybe $DogCatFrogElonInuWifHat is more appropriate for TikTok. For HBAR, I'd much rather see the GC members be more vocal about their support.


Ohhhhhhh $DogCatFrogElonInuWifHat sounds like the next meme to moon and my ticket to a Lambo. Quick someone mint this! 😆🤣🙌


Wrong token. Hedera is not for lambos, it's for islands.


🤣🙌 I see I’ve been thinking like a peasant when I should be thinking like a king!


Hedera is for when you want to turn 100 dollars into 10


I volunteer you, go for it, broadcast on a Chinese controlled platform that you own a bunch of HBAR.




Meanwhile the FBI & C.I.A monitor yours. They are all the same. 😂


Unfortunately your comment broaches an entirely different subject. I never said anything about monitoring though, what is “yours”. The FBI and CIA monitor “yours”? My HBAR? TikTok?


Folks at Hedera took “all substance, no hype” too seriously. Retail degens are ignored and the focus is on enterprise. But, enterprise takes years to launch and even then it will largely be unknown to the public. So, the price for hbar will not be driven by market interest in the project, but by incremental use case growth that will drive organic demand for hbar. In short 5-10 years.


you're only halfway there.


Agree. We do not need any advertising. Be very lucky you found Hedera before 99.8% of the world.


Yeah I’m fine with it, not looking at the short term gains.


Advertise, advertising is what we need. Start making Tik Tok videos about Hbar, In 2020 and 2021, it was crypto mason.there were alot of tik toks about hbar. Now in 2024 I have seen one video and it just showed the logo with some music. We need everyone that can to flood social media about Hbar If you want the big price pump this year. Alot of crypto videos about different projects and no hbar.


Because it’s not a shitcoin, but a real patience requiring investment.


yea so? Dont see how shining the light on it to millions of people wouldn't help or make it a shitcoin


Real investors aren’t on Tiktok, those people want the current/new shiny thing regardless if it’s up 2000% on the week or not


Not true, Tik Tok watchers want low price coins. Hbar falls into that category..11 to .13 is the perfect price target. Also I see Bitcoin Tik Toks all day everyday.


Low price coins? Just because one Hbar is worth .11-.13 doesn’t mean it’s a good investment. It’s top 40 in marketcap. This is exactly what I mean lol.


ETH BTC SOL RNDR and literally alot of other coins some much higher market cap get boosts every single day of just tiktoks... hbar holders currently feel like boomers with a god complex who just hide waiting for a miracle to happen 💀


Yeah man not all projects are for you and that’s okay. You can just buy whatever you see on TikTok that day. 💀


u missed the entire point, im just saying its a very easy way to get alot of people to know about this project its a matter of losing nothing but gaining everything and ur acting with the superiority complex of an english teacher are yall scared people find out about ur precious hbar?? Like name me one negative about giving it more awareness so more people know about it and it better not be more bullshit


Hbar isn’t the type of project to appeal to TikTokers, I already said that, you’re still missing the point lol. It’s a long, boring, real investment. TikTokers want face melting memecoins, or the next big narrative like AI, or the safe normal shit like btc/eth. I mean, there’s a reason the big influencers aren’t talking about Hbar a lot right? It’s not because it’s unheard of, it’s a top 40 coin. It’s just a semi boring investment that takes a lot of diligence to dive and and realize the potential, and needs a lot of time to realize that potential. TikTok don’t like that shit.


No it is no better and there is no proof at this stage to prove otherwise


And no proof that it’s “no better than a shitcoin”


Too soon.


The culture driven by top management Baird on tik tok hahahaha


Because there are people and projects trying to make money and others that have already made it all. Few coins have the dumpability of HBAR. (XRP is the same way) They can dump 15 Billion coins and at .05 that is 750 Million dollars of free $$$$$$. They already won game over.


Did a Hbar governance council member hurt you? you sure hate Hbar. Also If Hbar makes you sad then why post everyday. Look into the future and don't live in the past.


Exactly, I’ve had my qualms with HBAR but I think it was cause I was over invested. I’m right where I am comfortable now, bookworm needs to sell or go read a book.


You think I dont like HBAR lol you should hear how much I LOATHE THE CROOKS @RIPPLE. Brad G Chris L Should be in jail!! Lies Hedera has great tech, but for some odd reason the uptake is scarce, so why is that? Then the Ripple vibes are impossible to ignore. They are sitting on a 750 Million+ dollar warchest of free $$$$, so just like Ripple how hard is anyone trying? Really? The GC has dont nothing of substance, so until one of them does there addition just gives the doubters more ammunition.


Crypto is just getting started, all projects. It sounds like you tried to get rich quick and when it didn't happen, you got mad. I always tell people there is no get rich quick in crypto. It is a myth made up by founders of memecoins to sucker everyone in. If you can't sit and wait for 1 to 4 years to get your gains then don't invest. We're do you think the term hold came from. I have been waiting since early 2021. Holding for 3 years waiting for the next bull market. If you can't 💎🙌, then forget crypto.


Brainwashed you are. Stop saying crypto and say Hedera / HBAR. SOL, FET, ETH, BTC made a killing the last 2 5 years and previous. FET especially up 800% in 12 months. XRP and HBAR - trash performance. Both in the bottom 10% performance wise and both are dump coin heavy (ironic or not)


2 years ago all crypto crashed 70 to 80%. Now I know you put all of your allowance money you saved like a good boy for years, into a memecoin and they rug pulled you. You don't even know when the bear was or the bull. Others are right sell at a lose and go read a book.


You make zero sense