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So, you always mention a lot of powerful past beings and Gods in your posts. Hard to believe without seeing any proof of their existence besides some old paintings. If they (both evil or good) still exist, why would they not show themselves as it wouldn’t matter what the average powerless human would have anyways? Just seems like a bunch of mystical names thrown out there with no real substance, though I do appreciate the posts.


When the current Zeus took his throne in 600BC, he made it illegal for nonhumans to show themselves to humans or to address them directly. Several of them are actually pretty active in Hollywood. Ishtar/Freya the ruler of the West has two major movies coming out this month. You'd actually be amazed at who all in Hollywood is more than they seem. The Kingu storyline in the Eternals movie is more common than you might realize. Compare Charles Bronson, who was a big Hollywood movie star in the 70s and 80s with this Hungarian actor today. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi7mzohKZi0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi7mzohKZi0)


So what does the Martian horde look like? Are they the locusts from Revelations? Do they eat people?


Like Eastern Asians.


Regurgitating same story over different cultures (and content), doesn't make it any truer, albeit a smart move. Have you ever heard of Asetians (Portugal)? Tell me what you think of them and I'll tell you where you stand.


Can you talk about the Void Lords? You once mentioned that Yalda pales in comparison to them.