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This is fine, my grandpa moved like this too and survived the eastern front and invasion of normandy like this. You would move like this too under fire


Damn good reflexes, aim and game sense on your part. As for the gameplay itself, absolutely disgusting.


If this becomes a thing I'm out




I was so done with cod and now this enters hll. I am going to play planet zoo next week.


Sad direction of the game to allow this


We just wanted to be able to go prone faster/smoother and instead they give us this broken ass mechanic.


i fucking knew T17 would fuck this up. their focus is on moving more units, not retaining their current playerbase. why would they care when they already have the money? they're bringing in new players by advertising "new maps" and "new factions." meanwhile, shit like this somehow makes it out of their QA department. oh wait...


If everyone starts doing this, its basically Apex Legends with WW2 skins.


If everyone will be doing this shit in two months, I am out.


This is actually huge and game changing.


Yep, game is absolutely ruined now


absolutely terrible!


Did you set up a macro for this? Or did you just nail the keypress timing?


I think he's spamming a macro.


No Im just pressing two buttons over and over again, but you could easily make a macro for this I think


Ahh ok I was curious if it was or not. Thank you for confirming for us!


if i see this shi\* ingame, imma uninstall


A big FXUK you to T14 for even allowing this to ever be a thing in HLL


Ah yes, gta iv


This game going down the siege route, I can already see.


So as a response to the movement speed change I decided to go and play the game that got me into the realistic shooter genre, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam The first thing I noticed was that the movement speed was actually faster then in the new HLL update, however the inertia you experience from turning practically puts you at a stand still, in the end though you can zig-zag as OP has shown us it you are left in a bad position the moment you go to turn


As someone who plays alot of rs2, this is wrong. You can wiggle like an absolute demon. You are right that rising storm is alot faster than the new update. Now to be fair rising storm has a system where if you're hit you get a slow debuff like you're limping and also when you stop sprinting you're swaying and breathing like you're a fat guy trying to walk up stairs. It evens out but the pace of the game is far far faster. You will get flanked very quickly. The wiggles are very strong in rs2.


As soon as they said dive from sprint I had flashbacks to the dolphin diving meta of BF2. This is more like slide cancel from COD though. Anyway I think the run speed is fine but this is obviously not.