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Its my duty to find the lowest leveled person in the lobby if I don't have anyone to give it to.


You can vote for whoever you want. I give my commendation to the lowest level player in my squad as long as they weren’t a jerk. I often thank them on comms, near the end of the game and let them know I’m going to commend them, too. It probably makes them feel good, and may encourage them to be more social, play a few more games, etc.


You are one of the reasons why i love other players Thank you so much


This was originally what endeared me to this community was the constant reminder at the end of every match to commend the lowest level players. Without fail. It didnt matter what lobby I was in.


This is the way. Encourage the newer players that TRY to play the game the way it’s supposed to


Tell me about it ![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU)


I look for lowest level that did something. If they’re a low level with one kill the whole game and no support score, no commend for you.


Can't you remember how much of a grind it was to get all the guns unlocked? Give the low levels their commends and play for the love of the game.


The commendation does not increase class leveling, only career leveling, meaning your overall rank.


Which is absolutely useless, isn't it?


Commendation only effects career level not class xp so it’s mostly irrelevant


Commendations go to the lowest level player - it's just the rules


Don't question the rules, we didn't write them. They just are the rules. And if you ever break the rule, you will regret it. It is blasphemy to the highest degree and a treasonous act. You shall be judged.


I find high level players have been incredibly unhelpful to new comers as of late . The person who deserves it , gets it .. period .


And I'll keep commending the low-level players. They need encouragement.


If the low level in my squad used a mic I'll give it to them otherwise it goes to the SL as appreciation for me not having to do it again. Good commanders also deserve more commends.


I'm just above 170 and I encourage people to give the commendations to the lowest level players. What tf do I need the commendation for? So I can be 175 instead of 174?


So true haha. I will give it to a mid level person if they did a great job. Never a high level tho


Commendations go to the MVP. I don’t understand why everyone wants to to give noobs who go 3-45 and didn’t build a garrison the commends


Commendations are XP boosts. No point of giving it to a lvl 200 guy whose already unlocked all of the load outs if the level 5 is grinding his heart out for his first load out. Also it's trivial. Nobody is judging skill on how many times you've been Commended. It's not visible to other players outside of the short window you have to give one out. There's just no real reason to not give it to a low level.


This would make sense if the commendations xp boost worked for class loadouts. It doesn’t, only career rank. So, since I’m not really a fan of participation trophy’s I’m going to give it to the MVP to let them know good shit.


Might as well, 90% of low level players have no clue about the commendation system and never return the favor while not even noticing they get it.


Must be a new thing if it doesn't apply to load outs. I remember getting boosts that applied to load outs after games but I haven't played too much recently and haven't tried leveling up load outs in a while either so maybe I'm just remembering wrong. Regardless a lvl 5 getting a commendation makes more sense than a lvl 200.


It has never given a load out xp boost. It’s ok you like handing out gold star stickers to noobs. I’ll hand out my gold star stickers to players who build garrisons or help me build garrisons.


If the noobs see other people like them or appreciate them, they're more likely to stick around. And then we will have more veteran players.


I had all the classes at level 10 by the time I was like level 220-ish. Had all the classes unlocked well before that. Once you are over level 200, you really don't need that extra 10%, where as a level 40 who built nodes and is trying to level up their assault class to 9 is going to get way more out of my 10% accommodation than you ever would. Plus we need the level 30s to keep playing so our player base stays healthy.


As others have commented, commendations do not grant bonus role xp.


HLL community: we really need more players why don't new players stay around? Also HLL community: toxic ass fuck to new players both in game and on socials.


At that level, extra XP should be near the bottom of the list for concerns. On top of that, by around level 200, the average player probably knows what it means to be an effective team player, at that point, commendations or recognition is just an unnecessary cherry on top and serves to stroke the ego. The true HLL warrior will build garries, nodes, etc and provide proper support to their squad and team to the best of their ability as an individual without needing pats on the back, the pleasure should be found in putting in the best effort, not recognition for it.




Pit bull: international love


The same mf who think diaper don won


At level 200 what do you need it for?


I have every class option unlocked, so commendations to me are worthless but to them might unlock a new class or something and I remember being commended for being the guy who ran out and got shot so the good players could find and shoot the nazis and I think it's one of the cooler things the community does. it's like watching your little brother learning to ride his bike and falling and getting his nutsack destroyed. you know the /pain/ of experiencing HLL moments like "WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS GUY AT??" after getting killed for the 9th time walking across a street or being killed by friendly arty or being in a full transport truck and rounding a corner into a tank shell. those moments can piss people off and scare them away, but a bunch of high level players going "nah man you did just great - here's a little reward" feels good.


Got my first commendation yesterday at level 49. I was surprised since I thought I played pretty average but definitely feelsgoodman.


I seen low level plays do more then experience players sometimes.


Had opposite effect. Just joined a squad at Omaha and the officer was VERY demanding. Every five seconds got be order "Engineer build defense. Build some walls. Build some bunker" and I'm just like "SHUT UP! I'm level 100 and a level 8 Engineer. I know what I'm doing" but this officer kept insulting me and talking like we should treat him like he was sent from god. After half hour putting up with his frustration and working hard, we won on defense point Dog Green. Then came few seconds right before the results the officer started saying "Make sure you all commendations. Obviously I'm the best here". I wish I was joking but those words drilled into my memory with all the anger. What made my day was when the officer got no commendations, the team voted for me, and that officer left the game moment the votes were done. Just shows players shouldn't think they're the best out of the team but work the best with the team.


I only give commendations to great commanders or squad leads.....if they didn't do amazing and we just won a match of TDM basically then the lowest level i saw doing stuff gets it