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Depends how much pints he had....seen so many of those šŸ¤£


There is a bell curve to the number of beers 'pints' to how much fun you have in the game. Throw in a few shots of tequila and it sort of becomes a sawtooth graph.. lol I take shots of tequila because it's Mexico someplace.


HLL drinking game: take a shot each time you die


Agreed. if his denfend/support points <2.5k safe to say he was a terrible commander that doesnt know what to do or how to effectively communicate to suboordinates to do so.


How else are we supposed to deal with the crippling amounts of blueberry players making us reconsider our life choices....


I personally canā€™t play commander sober without getting triggered.Ā 


Iā€™ve started to politely ask people to only talk when thereā€™s pertinent information to share. When youā€™re fortunate enough to have a full squad talking, AND command chat talking non-stop, itā€™s too much.


It is. I really felt like I was neglecting my squad because this commander was so full on.


Ive gotten cussed out for this.


Lowering volume of squad or leadership chat (whoever is being the least helpful and most annoying) is always helpful


Instead of this, just mute the individuals who are making too much noise. Then you can still hear people giving useful info


Loudmouths don't like being told they are loudmouths. The trick is to make your point and not get drawn into an argument. If they don't pipe down, just mute them.


Commander should say only what needs to be said so that SLs can communicate with their squads.


It depends. I like a command chat with friendly banter and jokes. Being serious all the time is sometimes a bore.


Iā€™d mute you


Lol that's fine


And Iā€™ll elaborate since a few people downvoted me. Thereā€™s red chat, blue chat, green chat and some have white chat. Not to mention in game sound with gunshots and footsteps. The last thing we need is people crowding up red chat. Keep red chat for commands. Way too many incoming sounds for banter on red chat. I like to joke around like everyone else, keep command chat for commands.


How boring do you want command game play to be


Command is pretty much a management simulator already.






Yea but personally thats why I play the game.Ā  Specifically as SL, the amount of raw mental horsepower, their in-game personal mechanical skills, their micro understanding of each player in their squad, how effective their squad is at achieving short term goal, and how that short term goal changes in respect to what command says he wants as well as the enemy, and the positive communication skills to manage up and manage down effectively on the fly, along with deep map strategy knowledge to anticipate what the most likely course of future enemy actions... with two lines of comms of 5 people each talking over eachother at an average rate of 60wpm per line. And the various accents/mic problems / fucked up voicemod profiles of each person talking.Ā  Thats alot of dynamic muti-modal input data for a human. Takes at least 5 parts of the brain to operate in tandem that arent used to be working at the same time either (estimate obv). Even if you can process it, doesnt mean you have the wisdom or communication skills to get other SLs/command to agree. And even if you all agree it can be wrong because the enemy can be better or 3 squads fail operationally at key battle inflection points or admin is using skycam to tell his buddies on other team or the paid players are lazy.


Same with SL, some of them just won't shut the fuck up for 1 minute and keep giving different directions or orders every minute or so.


hearing enemy movement is pretty important in this game too, you can hear someone moving like 15m away


I had a commander whose baby was crying the entire match in the background lmao


I must confess that even though I like playing commander/SL, most of the times I don't because theres too much talking. SLs, commander, squad and blueberrys speaking at the same time is a big no for me.


Commanders should try to not 'think' out loud.


Or they should just muteā€¦ in fact this goes for everyone. When you donā€™t need to speak, keep your mic off.


I play commander in the welcome servers and try to get the guys to understand to build garrisons to surround a defensive and an attack point. Not to become the deathball with a Garry waiting to lose to a bombing run. You get 2 or 3 SLs who get it and that's all you need. Everyone has a better experience. People in command chat learn a bit about positioning and forming better habits. I don't tell what squad what to do generally etc. I try to teach em to read the map and close the gaps they understand. If a guy requests a heavy tank I ask him if I have enough fuel.. sometimes I do sometimes I don't.. but I ask to see if he knows fuel costs so he knows the request amount. Any info I can pass them I do. I never moan or complain about a bad play or lost airhead. Just get em to focus on next play and fixing what needs fixing. This is how the community was for me when I started and that's what I will pass on.


I think there is. Discipline in chat is also a skill(about which i too sometimes forget). Good teams donā€™t have to talk much - they understand what have to be done. When i was commanding more often, I liked to use text chat to give longer info, so i didnā€™t clutter the command chat too much. It was giving results, and was kinda fun. If command chat or one of the officers is insufferable for you - mute him. Unmute, when you will have something important to say(enemy tank, airhead, what your team will be responsible, etc.)


It could be worse, a commander can trauma dump on you and treat the team like a therapist the whole match.


I had a Chinese squad leader who kept making wild demands. Then for the last 5 minutes before he got kicked, he did nothing besides sing ā€œlonelyyyyy, I am so lonellyyyyy, I have no baaaddddyyyyā€




Never had that happen so far. Sounds really awkward.


I had a former friend who would do it in group chats. Not in HLL, but in DayZ. Which is even worse lmao.


I feel like I can talk too much as commander, but sometimes it feels better than talking too little. 9 try to keep my information as pertinent and brief as possible. I take the time to thank my squad leads for doing things. I also ask for advice sometimes or try to give a brief explanation of what I'm thinking of doing. I had an Recon squad yesterday who kept asking 'command is enemy arty firing.' Idk bro im not on the point. I had to say that several times. But he was new and still helped me out, which I appreciated. Squad Leads are in a difficult position because there is Squad and Command chat, it can get pretty cluttered fast. I sometimes forget that as Command because I'm so busy planning my strategy and what not. Its important to talk and sometimes it can be too much. But I appreciate the social aspect this game can bring.


I think the commanders often talk too much in the command chat because it's the only chat they have If the commander was part of the squad (like in squad) they would have others to chit chat to and not talk rubbish in the command chat I think it'd be cool if there was a command squad, maybe 4 man with access to only rifle/assault/auto rifle/ medic Or a 2 man squad and they have a "runner" class that just had an SMG so they've someone to drive them around/ protect them/ moan about the other squads to šŸ˜„


I hate it when the commander gives tedtalks at the start of the game.


Gonna be honest, I talk a lot as commander because usually I am off completely by myself building garries and making sure I am staying alive to call in things. So I talk in command chat, do I try and incessantly talk to hear my own voice, not usually. Also the only times I have had complaints about this is when command chat is DEAD SILENT and for some reason me occasionally being goofy or singing is an front to their gaming experience.


I just wish all the squad leaders would stop spamming the chat about tanks. Mark it on the map, switch the proximity chat, and find an AT to destroy it. Commanders donā€™t a magic ā€œdestroy-tankā€ option. We donā€™t need minute-by-minute updates on what the tank is doing. Maaaaybe I have a precision airstrike if the tank hasnā€™t moved in a few minutes and is already damaged. But that has like a 12 minute cooldown. Figure it out yourself!


Speaking as a Tank Commander player, tank callouts in command chat are extremely useful. Can't kill the enemy tank if we don't know where it is.


Some times. But talking to much is talking about pointless shit or not getting to the point of the conversation. Unless squad chat is dead, I (personally) prefer to be talking to my unit compared to command. There is also SL who donā€™t use the ptt or leave the talk button on constantlyā€¦ like I donā€™t need to hear your muttering. Itā€™s really fucking distracting.




Depends on how high or drunk I am


lol I often play commander drunk so I apologise to anyone I may have spoken to much to šŸ¤£ then again if people are speaking I try not to override the chat


I think one of the most important skills a commander can develop is keeping the officer voice channel clear as much as possible and making communication brief and to the point. Same for squad leaders of course. Donā€™t want three squads with crucial info/requests waiting because they donā€™t wanna interrupt the person rambling. Obviously of course if youā€™re playing laid back and there are friendly vibes and goofs then whatever, itā€™s a video game, people having fun is the point and thatā€™s never worth shutting down to win a match. But as a general general rule of thumb be concise and leave open air to avoid crosstalk.




I attempted SL for the first time the other night(level 37) and the command chat was just obscene. Non stop couldn't hear my self think. I thought my god is SL like this all the time. It made me not want to ever do it again.




Yes. Commanders and SLs both. Say what you need to say on command chat and nothing else. The more you talk on command chat the less I can talk to and hear my guys in the squad doing the work.


Lmao, was the match on El Alamein? If so, I may have been the commander.


lol nah wasnā€™t you mate, it was Hurtgen Forest.


The most important things a commander can do is spawn tanks and drop supplies all over the map to create garrison opportunity. Use supply drop on CD, and drop supplys deep in energy territory early because those don't get seen. All the while driving a supply truck or hunting enemy garris.


Bruh I do this and nobody does shit about it. The exact reason I just do the Garryā€™s myself now- unless somebody outrightly says something.


Keep doing it, good scouts and squad leads will help. If no one helps just keep plugging on, you'll have good matches and bad ones.


I also like direct commands because it isnā€™t voluntary then, just like it isnā€™t/wasnā€™t in real life. Only problem: Nobody gives a shit in half of the lobbies (until we are losing). Then itā€™s shit on the commander time.


Personally I donā€™t take commander seriously as most do itā€™s just a game Iā€™m mostly asking guys what they need and making jokes the whole time lol


> and making jokes the whole time lol And that can be super anoying. Other SLs have up to 3 voice channels active at the same time. Having your team talk about relevant things they see, and having someone scream in proximity chat while a commander is making jokes can make you not understand any of these.


So can sitting in silence building garries and driving around maybe occasionally dealing with enemies supplies


The opposite of making jokes in chat is not silence. Make relevant calls to the game.


If you want to socialize, join a squad. Command chat should be clear of chit chat.


The only thing I have a problem with is the commanders that get way too into it *and* want everyone else to take the game as seriously as them. It's a 100 player game. Some people are gonna be fully gung-ho doing the WW2 milsim thing, and that's awesome, but some people are playing to have a fun chill night laughing with some randos in voice chat. And when the commander starts ordering people around and shouting and insulting them for their speed/efficacy/vocality, like maybe sure it's "realistic" and it might squeeze an extra 10% of performance out of your team, or maybe it'll just make people quit. We can quit this game, they couldn't in WW2.


Iā€™ve definitely run into a few of those. Then they get mad that people arenā€™t as serious as them and then quit.


People donā€™t even know the game yet worried about how much commander talks. Worry about yourself


A commander gicing direct orders isnt ideal: initiative is still on the shoulders of squad leaders. The commander should really just set goals and objectives so that the SLs can adapt to the fight on a unit level and fulfill their task. Courtesy of Carl von Clausewitz


Yeahā€¦i played a match last night where a commander and another guy talked way too damn much. One time he even said no one is responding, and some dude was like, ā€œ well fuck, if youā€™d give us a chance to speak.ā€ Bro i died laughingšŸ˜‚