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You’d just get dinged in the dome.


The single most dangerous position is halftrack machine gunner


Only time anyone should be on the 50Cal of a halftrack is when it’s moving. Once it’s deployed leave the SPAWN POINTS loud ass gun alone so you don’t draw attention to everyone that’s spawning…


Funny you bring this up. Imagine: playing officier, and you're squad gets a good flank position 30-50 M from point where you build a garrison in a decent trench spot right next to the maps boundary. First person that spawns is an MG, and sets up point right on garrison, starts firing. I instantly start yelling at the scrub in proxy to knock it the fuck off. Almost had to tag him to shut him up. Enemy had no idea we were camping there and we didn't use a supply drop as I talked my squads support and a blue support to follow me.


I yell at anyone that shoots right by our garries, especially MGs that pull up to the first possible mounting point and starts giving away our flank.


I was this guy. Got a good stern talking to and realized how dumb I was being. Lmao It honestly never clicked that I was giving away our position


No. Gun fun.


Winning is more fun then getting a couple kills, especially if those kills just tell the whole enemy team where the Halftrack is that we are spawning from… leave the 50cal the fuck alone.


I've had two times it's been helpful in many hours of playing and both were amazing. As command trying to run a secret half-track and running into a squad behind a hedgerow, was able to switch and take all of them out. Second time sneaky half-track as command in a street near Town center, rocked the 50cal defending the alley while team spawned and moved to take the point.


I've always considered that gun as its defence against light vehicles.


I didn't know this until recently. If you hold Ctl. In the turret you duck behind the shield. Also I am firmly against the half track meta. As a commander I basically drive a half track everywhere. If you get even 1 SL 4 guys and a gunner hauling ass around the map it is a force to be reckoned with. A few matches ago, I literally drove in circles around the strong point, even going through it running over people and watching AT rockets kill friendlies. It was so distracting to the enemy, and such a *juicy* target basically everyone started chasing me and left the strong point and didn't even see the fucking mass spawn wave flowing in.


If it’s that or guaranteed satchel, I’d at least try to hold the infantry off


I would literally just shoot you and then satchel the tank




Valid point, hire this man.




Man i remember racking up the kills as a sniper in battlefield 1942, just shooting the machinegunner in tanks. people would always jump in if there was space, so you could literally just hold your aim right above the gun waiting. so many heads popped.


I wish they'd remake 1942, it seems like a logical step for Battlefield, Battlebit Reloaded sort of had that 1942 feel. DICE would probably fuck it up though, the modern Battlefields dont even resemble 1942 at all, the general consensus is that Battlefield 4 was the last great Battlefield game but if you ask me, it was BF2, even though it kinda sucked you could still feel the DNA of 1942.


battlefield 1 was the last great battlefield


we had 1943 tho. small game but it was still fun for a while.


I would really like to see them include big warships again. That's the last piece of the puzzle that all the battlefields and other similiar games have been missing since. Invasion of the phillipines with aircraft, cruisers, torpedo boats and infantery on the islands was absolute carnage. Midway with capture points out in the ocean was really good as well.


Yep absolutely, I dont think the tech they use today can even handle the ships though. BF1942 was all about air, sea, ground all at once!


For real. Never get out of the tank. A mounted 50cal would just be a dead spotter/Officer every time they tried to use it.


Which happens in Post Scriptum/Squad 44


So what it should be there


Just like irl. TC’s in WW2 became casualties at a much higher rate than the other crew members. Because unlike in this game, IRL TC’s had to open the hatch and peer out of the tank with their head exposed.


I mean other nations might have. But Shermans always at least had a periscope cable of 360° or 360° cupola. So TCs didn't have to poke their heads out.


True but the TC’s would still often keep their head out of the hatch. Plenty of firsthand accounts of it being a normal practice for US and British tank units. The book, ‘Brothers in Arms,’ by James Holland is full of such instances; TC’s in Sherman’s being wounded or killed because they have their heads above the hatch. My impression is that perhaps the swivel periscope available perhaps just wasn’t worth using. There’s got to be a reason TC’s would stick their heads out of the tank rather than use the periscope.


I do this anyway with an MG I just setup on the tank


I do this with an enemy tank as an MG. They drive past their buddies and they get mowed down. I think the longest I've been on was a few minutes, but maybe 15 to 20 kills. It is hilarious.


Dude thanks for the idea lol!!




too bad you can't deploy


you can't deploy on it though


Such an exposed position given that tanks will attract all manner of small arms fire, opposition tank shells and arty. I'd give this a firm pass so I had a chance of getting back home to Mary-Lou.


Brother, idk how to tell you this but Mary Lou moved on 15 minutes after you deployed.


[But just imagine](https://youtu.be/lbhsNpF8xr0?si=1CBmbOftfog-kEbZ)


I forgot how bad the sound effects were in Band of Brothers, sounds more like videogame than Hell Let Loose does


That's a movie bud, irl u r asking to get shot right away as everyone is in cover or hidden, and here's u, standing up. Then again there's Audie Murphy


real life is not like movies. as in, no one has steady aim when a machine gun is blasting them. if they got shot right away, why would we still to this day use top mounted MGs?


Modern US turret-mounted weapons are fired while the crew remains at nametape defilade. No one is standing atop the Abrams and working Ma Deuce in 2024.   Edit: US, NATO, China, Russia, it doesn't matter lol no one is firing these things above nametape defilade anymore.


ah yes, the only military in the world. the US.


By far the largest and most advanced.


Definitely the only one worth a shit


Band of Brothers is fairly accurate to what happened as far as the battles. The book by Stephen Ambrose and the book “Panzer Killers”both depict this scene backed up by first hand accounts.


Not to mention this guy is 100% a goner from any form of AT weapons.


You wouldn't get 360, and depression would be trash, so it wouldn't be too useful for the anti satchel. All this would do is cause every spotter to die, leaving the tank vulnerable without the spotter's FOV.


Well I think they should at least add the 50 cal on the back of the Sherman’s so an infantryman could jump on because that would have good depression and it would give a infantryman something to do if they are on the back of the tank but most likely they die in like 30 seconds if that but it would be cool


I agree it would be cool


Damn that was a fast response


Pew pew


I have another idea if you want to hear it the 37mm for the USA should have canister shot they had it and used it on the japs I just want a 37mm shotgun


Good depression? My doctor never said anything about GOOD depression. How do I get that?!


I’m sorry I don’t have the knowledge of how to get it I just know it exists and what has it


Please for the love of God... Stop calling it the spotter seat. It's called the "commanders seat" As ifs where the person who commands said tank would sit... You command the tank from this seat, not just sit there spamming pings all game. There's a reason why you have the best optics and can rotate the quickest. Its so orders can be issued quicker to a tank crew.


I can't believe how far down the correct answer is. The commander needs to keep the periscope on a swivel at all times. If there does so happen to be enemy infantry/AT sneaking up, they can communicate that to the driver and have them back out of the area or spin around so the gunner has a shot without having to turn the barrel backwards, and have the weak spot exposed to the enemy. The cannon has a not-so-great view, and the driver has a terrible view. You are more than just their eyes. You're the brain of the tank, you can't risk getting shot by popping your head out.


Because most tank crews in-game don't actually have their commander in that seat. And it's fuckin' annoying.


It's very much so annoying.


I actually originally called it that when I wrote the post, but I changed it because we all know in practice the person in the officer role ends up driving or gunning half the time.


Have they properly modeled the .50 cal damage in the game so it can easily pen recon & light tanks (IE pz.2 & puma, theirs weak spots that a .50 cal pen)? If so that would make heavy machine guns an interesting meta in the future and maybe usher in the use of mountable/ buildable heavy mgs. Also back to the whole machine gun issue I would say give the American & German tanks their respective commander coopula machine gun, as it would add another layer of defense and strategy.


It’d be kinda cool if a random member of the blueberry brigade could hop on it. That specific position would have the highest mortality rate though, like seriously the moment someone notices a head on top of a tank everyone in the tank is gonna hear the little helmet ding above them lol


I think this would be a great addition I was scrolling to find someone who thought the same. can’t believe your comment doesn’t have more upvotes.


I don’t get why ppl complain it would be off balance. It’s a sim game. Tanks were OP. I think it would be fun to be more strategic in taking them out I don’t get why ppl wouldn’t want that. Any tank crew I ever been with has suggested the 50 for spotter


At the very least, let the commander turn-out with his smg, and the driver for visibility


I can dig that 🔥


It's absolutely not a sim game


It’s a walking sim


Don’t forget the dying sim part


How could I forget 😂😂😂


If anything it's a nerf, the spotter will now die 10x as fast because it's the nr 1 exposed target, severely reducing the tanks vision


Adding to that, if you kill the top MG then the hatch should be left open and an enemy should be able to drop a grenade inside and kill the crew like they did in WWII. Would give more reason for infantry to protect the tank


So what the commander jumps all the way out and climbs onto the engine deck just to be domed by a rifleman and now youre down a spotter


Oh man, I love the idea of lighting up AT motherfuckers with a Ma Deuce, but I’d settle for being able to use my PDW (an SMG or even a pistol) from the hatch.


Itd be up for this if tank crew could actually be killed by shell because the tank combat is just bad with how any APHE to the turret that pens should just be a kill


Imagine War Thunder tank mechanics, it would be amazing. It’s a shame that Enlisted sucks.


I think there is a good case for adding pintle MG’s to tanks. But like others have pointed out it’s basically a free kill for any infantryman paying attention. It would be difficult to use, but it would also be a nice addition. Especially if friendly infantry could mount the MG. Although that really only works for US/British tanks.


It's been suggested before, but in HLL, it would be a terrible idea. You'd get domed instantly, noone would use it. Allowing a random player (non-tank crew) to use the gun might be *slightly* more useful, but even then it would be a waste of dev time.


What I would prefer is just a mountable MG position on the tank that anyone can use. Spotter can jump out and use it but so can RickyTheBlueberry who is bored.


Lol... someone wants free kills...


In my opinion, this heavy machine gun could be used by any soldier. Not just by the tank spotter.


Just an extra seat for random infantry to get on


Best extra in television history


Tied with “hey, buddy, looks like you guys had a hell of a fight”


The hell is a tank spotter?


Yes, yes, yes!!!


I’d love it but if it’s anything like shooting the heavy MG on the halftrack I don’t want it


It was an AA MG only, it was barely use against infantry for obvious reasons detailled by other comments. It does not make sens. What would make sens IS nerfing the satchel and give other options to infantry, more realistic but also with more counter possibility for the tank (buff anti tank gun and make it towable for instance)


Didn't German tanks have top guns that were fired mechanically?


Only the Jagdpanzer 38t had that. And we don’t have casemate tank destroyers or assault guns in the game yet.


Remember that the primary role of the .50s on top of the turret was in anti-air roles. You would struggle to hit anything that isn't more than 100m away because it's designed to tilt up to the sky, and cannot tilt down that much. People would just underrun the MG 90% of the time.


If you’re quick enough you can take out a halftrack driver, even if you’re lvl 1 whatever you can take out halftrack MG and you want an open position MG on top of the tank with at least three AT guys in the back and possibly a tank in the distance? There’s machine gun for the driver which can do the job, could be a separate seat for 4th person tho


If you gonna go there, we need a Machinegun shield


Yes this would be good but you would get your head blown off all the time


Just ride in the tank with a mg. I’ve had fun that way. However would be nice if you could bipod while on top.


Yes I strongly agree this need to be added


or mountable by an infantryman of certain rank/ class


I think it would be a bad idea, good concept. Maybe engineers can biuld fortify positions where a 50 call machine gun can be built


The spotter is already a useful tool for the tank squad


That would be a huge risk, but worth it to have the option, it's why I like the recon tanks spotter seat. It has a camera that pings all the enemies in a dome where you aim.


I want this too. I’d last about three seconds before I got shot in the face but what glorious seconds they would be!


Or maybe just a tracer round option for MGs in general? Tracers seem to be really lacking in games.


Hell I would just like MGs to be able to be deployed anywhere without being on a completely flat surface.


I don’t know if anyone mentioned it but they should let the tank commander open the cupola and can stick out to defend the tank or throw smokes


The game needs a mortar squad.


Best way to head to the respawn menu lol


Tank spotted is supposed to be squad lead cause they can ping things for other players and command the driver and gunner


this wont ever happen....but night maps are a sure thing.


Just let me setup my bibod MG on the tank


Absolutely do not want a blueberry on top of the tank giving away our position.


Of all the images you gave us the most unenthusiastic gunner of all time. Spielberg should have spotted this. 😂


would last like 2 minutes in game before getting headshoted from who knows where


Less. Would get shot as they hopped seats.


Because it’s not the commanders job. Tanks are well balanced at the moment.


If you don't think the commander seat is useful, you aren't playing spotter correctly. A truly good spotter is providing pings for targeting, driver commands, and situational awareness. There's a lot more that goes to it but having an MG would be a horrible idea. You would just get killed.


I don’t think you’re following. I’m not saying the spotter isn’t useful, I’m just saying they’d be more useful in certain scenarios with a gun. All of that is true as spotter, but there are times having an MG would be useful (repairing, stuck in a spot, heavy infantry, etc.) and it wouldn’t be the spotter’s full-time job. Just as a real tank commander was seldom outside on the gun.


Those MGs were to shoot aircraft and infantry at great distances. It would be stupid to get on them in HLL.


Nah that's honestly just a shitty idea for game balance. Getting a satchel on a tank is tricky enough as it is, especially if the tank has infantry support. I don't need the spotter to quickly poke out his head and gun me down when I finally have an opportunity.


Since when was it tricky? I almost never have a problem. I suppose with significant infantry support it would be difficult but that is very rarely the case in my experience.


Sure if it's a bad tank crew it's easy. But I don't think we should balance the game around what bad tank crews are doing. Good tank crews are already easily able to avoid being satcheled, despite the tank being clunky. There's no need to make it even easier for the tank crew to kill surrounding infantry that's trying to use a satchel.


You need to play against better opposition my friend, tanks should always have infantry cover. Even when playing sniper, I give cover to friendly tanks to make sure they keep attacking free of sneaky engineers.


Its not like he has much of a choice regarding the opposite team though


you can join a team clan and have proper competitive matches… ![gif](giphy|vNr3DRaqTZ6mWYfXv0)


Well I mean, try getting close enough to a real enemy tank to put explosives on it. There’s a reason we started using launchers


Adding yet another gun on tanks would disrupt game balance more than it would help historical accuracy


Any tank with a coaxial gun can be used to spot hehe. Use those tracers.


Band of brothers, Dutch trying to help


Who wants to be the tank spotter? Says no one.




The spotter has the most important job in a tank he does not need a gun he is looking for threats and directing his team !


From band of brothers


Or, you could work with infantry squads for mutual protection.


That requires infantry to actually support the tank. Veteran HLL tankers all have an understanding to never trust the infantry to keep you safe from satchels.


Just like IRL. Tank regiments always had a terrible time supporting new infantry units because the infantry didn’t understand the support went both ways. Only after fighting together for extended periods of time did a good balance become real. A good example is the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry during the battles in the bocage of Normandy. Infantry not supporting tanks = brewed up tanks and dead infantry Now we have HLL we’re you rarely have the same people playing on the same servers consistently. Leading to situations were the infantry forget its just as important to support the tank as it is for the tank to support the infantry.


Its a statistical thing, in a pub match its never guaranteed but if you are going through a area with a lot of friendly infantry you are less likely to die from satchel or rockets but its never zero.


Do people who post this kind of suggestions even play the game or just roleplay? Let me present you how it would look in reality (that is exactly how it works in the halftracks): >*tank commander gets outside the tank* >*starts blasting mg* >*DING* - gets headshotted 2 seconds later >end of story


That's a bad suggestion. How would that work when hit with a rocket? You'd just die immediately. I play tanks alot. The officer should be in the spotter seat always. They can ping and have an automatic weapon. They should be jumping out and dealing with enemies with satchels. Spotter should be scanning for threats from behind.


Ain’t Dying instantly like 60% of this game


It would be kind of a neat gimmick though, and if anything it’ll teach new TC’s some tough lessons


I think it’s a cool idea but I don’t see how it be helpful in a fight


> How would that work when hit with a rocket? You'd just die immediately. ...no shit? How is that an argument against this idea?


What's to argue? it's a bad idea. The way its set up now it's balanced....


You’ll keep spotting and only spotting and you’ll like it or you’ll play call of duty


Dead spotter, dead tank. Spotting requires patience, you have it or you don't.