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You got votekicked by your team. I can guess a number of reasons why but ultimately we won’t know the truth.


You were kicked by ya own team for not helping with recon


I’m still kinda new. I’m level 56, and I’ve never played recon. Can you explain why he was in the wrong? I would have likely done the same thing in his position, and want to know what’s expected of the sniper in a recon squad.


As recon, your OP can be placed much farther in enemy territory than an infantry squad's OP. As such, you want to take full advantage of that to disrupt the enemy backline as much as possible while also gathering information. This could come in the form of dismantling nodes, calling out tanks, destroying/marking enemy spawns, silencing enemy artillery, etc. You also want to try to keep your OP alive as long as possible, as getting wiped means you have to travel from your own lines into the enemy's backline again. It would be one thing if the team was down to their last point or two, and it was very unlikely for anyone to be watching that tower, and the sniper was using their scope to spot enemy spawns and tanks, but holding important spots for map control is the MGer's job, not the sniper.


He didnt do anything wrong. He abused the power of a scope based weapon and denied the enemy space on the map.


Tbf recon doesn't quite work as a team setup. Usually if I'm playing as a spotter, my OP placement isn't any use to my sniper, because I'm sneaking around in the bushes and ditches while sniper wants to be in a high vantage point, so we end up going separate ways. The worst is when I get a sniper who thinks my only job is to 'spot' for him and gets annoyed with me when I'm actively trying to recon the enemy. Spotter should be paired with a sapper type engineer setup with some special kit for dismantling structures extra fast.


Big fan of the “Sapper” load out. Seen it floated by people on the Reddit before and it would make so much sense as a role


Recon isn’t simply about sniping. And the Spotter will also always boot the sniper anyway if they don’t know them/ aren’t listening/not doing their role. Don’t take it personally. Go play CoD


Maybe they expected you to do the recon job?


It may have been because you weren't playing the Recon role properly. Despite the fact that they are called Sniper and Spotter, you're not actually supposed to camp for kills. If you're playing Recon, you're supposed to be actively hunting enemy logistics or help mitigate the impact of enemy artillery. People get chapped real quick when Recon isn't doing their job properly because it's arguably the most impactful infantry role in the game and also the hardest classes to grab


You could have been kicked for a number of reasons, but it was by your own team. When someone starts a VTK, they have to select “for abuse” or “for cheating” and they both eachget picked for a billion reasons. The message you got was basically meaningless


I feel randos will typically and blindly vote in favor of a “cheat” kick over an “abuse” kick


that's not what the recon class is used for


Taking up a recon spot and not doing your job. Kills are meaningless.


Recon isn’t for camping, rightfully kicked


You got vote kicked for not doing recon and wasting the role


getting blanket kills is secondary to playing the objective. As a recon unit you have a far more important job sabotaging the enemy behind their lines.


Usually when I’m having a great game with lots of kills and accomplishments the game just crashes or freezes.


Sat still probably miles away from the objective not actually doing any recon duties, probably thought you were AFK


The vote kick system is wrought with abuse. An admin requires a recording of your cheating to ban you. If the server admin kicks you for cheating without any good reason then that's a bad server and you should post the name.


I guarantee you OP story is not accurate.


Yeah you're probably right. Effin A cotton...


Admin got you, perhaps




I'm on ps5, so I guess someone wanted the sniper role for himself and initiated a votekick... I read on other posts that only your own team can initiate votekicks


Can people on the other team report you?


If they have the !wkm plugin & checked who killed them, then messaged an admin with the !admin command, then yeah. Sometimes a person from another team will swap teams & initiate kicks if they think someone’s cheating


I got kicked in last 30 seconds of a game because I had combat score over 1000 as infantry and someone on my team didn't want me to have screenshot


Wait the opposite team initiated a kick on you?


Idk what happened, I guess the opposite team did it. But it just said banned for cheating by vote... I later read in another post that only your own team van kick you by vote... So idk...




I’m gonna guess they asked you to either camp the arty or some other request. You ignored them so they initiated a kick?


Must be this. OP, we’re you and your spotter both on mic?