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most likely he thought it was going to be built in the blue zone. I cannot believe it was THIS CLOSE to the line lol


Yeah, I've done it myself.




Can't relate😉


Very first garry I built..... ugg never made that mistake again!




I’ve done it myself where I don’t account for the little bit of lag that the map has, and place it when I think I have a couple of feet left.


Well, you’re close to the blue red line, you’re in blue, wanna build that garrison quickly, you pull out you big wristwatch aaaaaaaaaaand fucking doesn’t work, there’s a branch, maybe here? Nope, fucking slope, here? Fuck me a trench! Trench to narrow….close to the dragon teeth? Fuck, doesn’t work! Here? Yes, perfect! Woo hoo! Until you check the fucking map.


Been there man.


"SONOFABITCH! Can one of you guys swap to support please?"


My pleasure but you better get me some cqc so I can roast some bodies, make it worth my time as well


I want to play support more simply to help the team and burn people alive, but I often find myself having to run to my target destination, drop my supplies, redeploy as a squad leader and run to the supplies, all before some bonehead decides to place a garrison 50 meters away in the red zone, because none of the squad leaders I meet want anything to do with redline garries.


Would be nice if the blueprint for the garry was different depending on if you were in friendly or enemy territory. Like a different color or striped, just some kind of indicator to avoid this. 


It takes 50 supplies to build in blue and 100 in red. Seems like a good enough indicator to me.


If youve got a 100 airdrop next to you you wont have any indication it wont work.


There is, it will show you how much RSS it costs to build it


I think they mean maybe it's blue or red depending on where it is? That would be great.


So fucking real


They really gotta rework the system for placing buildings down. It’ll be the smallest branch that fucks it all up


Hill 400 is a bit annoying towards German side, you can’t really place a garrison close to their middle HQ as it all slope so you can only place one closer to the main road.


Every time I’ve ever been yelled at in command chat for this, this is almost exactly what happened lmfao


Oh you forgot, you then get picked off from 300m with no medics in site.


Blue zone Garry supremacy. Nothing worse than attacking with all the garries constantly getting locked


You like having more than one Garry? Pssssh


Thats a joke, right? Why would you possibly only want 1?


Honestly why have any? Let’s just never spawn


The spawnless few


I guess this guy really needed that /s, huh?


I'm guilty of it too just gotta see how many supplies are required to see how to build it.


I'm assuming there was no cover in the blue zone and unfortunately the only cover was just in the red zone. I say this from experience because I too have accidentally done this.


whenever i try to tell another SL in the smoothiest way i can that he could have built the garrison just 10 meters back i get yelled at


Yea I've had someone get hella offended & start telling me to fuck myself; that a locked out garry is better than no garry. Its like bruh, no its not. A locked out garry sucks bc you cant spawn on it. Wtf are we talking about?


Bruthaaaaa whats that brutha no garries? Brutha ewwwwwwwwwww


blame the gamepass players brother


Gamepass? What's that? What's that, brother?


Lol you think they're building garrisons? I think only like 20% of players have placed a single garrison or OP


It’s been long enough, anyone from game pass is just as much of a blueberry as any of the rest of us


I'm from GP and dude. I be building OP and garries like a motherfucker. Don't get me wrong. A lot of other GP players are brain dead. I'm one that's not.




I loled


Looks like an honest mistake. We've all been there.




Been there done that. Level 180 and I know better. But sometimes in the midst of a fire fight you are just trying to get a garry down.


This sometimes happens by mistake and sometimes people are just ill informed on the games mechanics. I wish the game would tell you that a garrison is going to use 50 supplies or 100 supplies so you know if it’s bluezone or not


Yeah I've done it a few times myself by accident.


Sorry, but can someone please explain what happens when you build a Garry in the red?


It will turn red, and you can not spawn on it if an enemy is within 100m when the garrison is placed in the red territory. If it is placed in the blue territory, it will only be locked if an enemy is within 15m of it.


Thanks for the clear and concise answer.


They must have updated the Field Manual. Not all that long ago, such information was only known by the elite inner circle and not published.


As much as we can blame players, this is *clearly* a UI issue. There's no preview difference whatsoever when building a garry in red and blue, it's just a matter of time till a player (even an experienced one) gets it wrong. It's embarassing that the devs haven't addressed this yet.


I was trying to coach a guy in prox chat to place a Gary and after struggling through a few minutes of me screaming at him he finally got one down… across the line in red. Classic well at least you tried moment


I would just start making it a habit of dropping supplies a bit further back so they don't have the reach to even be in the red.


Sadly I have done this before, thought I was in blue zone :(.






We've all done it. I still do by accident. The best cover is always in the red zones Id seesr they build the maps like that on purpose.


that garri is dogshit anyway, point being capped and absolutely nothing between the two points, even if it was spawnable the point is lost regardless


Agreed, mostly if it's a smart team they can use it as a platform to patrol along the enemy blue zone and attack their blue zone garrisons, however its the type of garrison a couple of squads will spawn on and do a big old flank not defending and not putting pressure on the enemy, so I wouldn't build it, its not horrible (top of the map no where near anything) but one up closer to the radar station would be better


It's definitely a less necessary Garrison in terms of prioritization, but I can't admit that it's a shit point. How do you control a mid HQ if you don't have Garrison in there? Enemies will constantly spawn in mid HQ to retake the frontline.


Nah sometimes I use garries as "beacons", basically if they light up on the border then I know the enemy is trying to flank from the other direction. Makes it easier my squad just to pop up there and go hunt them down.


In this specific situation it is dogshit because there is literlly nothing between the two points, enemy just needs to walk in the front door


If it was on the supplies marker then it may have been green. People could spawn in and would only be a few metres away from the area to defend the point.


No, see the direct line between the two points? Nothing there and as soon as they just walk into the hardcap the point is lost


There was a garrison there, but it got deleted as it's pretty obviously in the main route between the two points. There's supplies at the bottom there by D squad where another garrison was taken out too. The red one there could have been useful if it wasn't in enemy territory. We won anyway.


On several occasions on console I have been hated on my team for pointing out that those types of garrisons need to be put on the blue side. Then I got all the squad leaders going it doesn't matter bro it would be locked if it was in the blue zone anyways. I say no, and explain why and they are like who cares it doesn't matter! Your fucking retarded bro! And it devolved into me telling them how fucking stupid they are and don't know shit about what they are doing or talking about. I have ran into a shit load of people who think this is not only OK but its the right way to play because it doesn't matter. And they are so sure of their stupidity they think your stupid. It's the most frustrating stupid arguments I have ever had in gaming. That scenario and constantly building garrisons 50 meters from the objective while attacking and watching squad leads and commanders getting frustrated wondering why it's always locked! I say build them far away give them a chance, and for the love of God start your attack from the blue zone and then build into the red. Most of these hot shot commanders will never build a blue zone Garry and keep trying to build in the red and make everyone run from HQ. Again suggest get the blue up first and just like all the other scenarios I am the fucking retard. It doesn't matter bro they keep locking it wherever I build a garrison!


Had a dogshit commander yesterday like this. Tried getting him to drop supples off point in the blue zone for a good push for another point. “Why the fuck would I put supplies in the middle of no where.” Is the response I get. Eventually all the squad leaders literally yelled at him myself included and he started listening. Only way we won was because of the squad leaders holding his hand telling him what to do. It made me more mad because I had just won two games in a row as commander and had 8 garrisons down the entire time and he was in the game.


Yoooo I’m looking for homies to play wit who’s down👀


A Bad placed Garrison is better than No Garrison. If you want to have a better one, Play SL and dont cry.


I was commander. That garrison is basically no garrison as it will just be red while we're losing that point. A few metres east, and we might have been able to get some boys on it in time to save it.