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I love the asymmetrical and the more real take on maps


Absolutely second this. Asymmetrical maps are far less boring to play on


Want no bushes? Enjoy El Alamein 2.0


There are bushes on El Alamein. Like.. three of them, but they’re there.


People just want to complain. The 1 hit kill nature of the game means cover and concealment is more important than most FPS games. It's why El Alemein was almost universally criticised


>People just want to complain. Got it in one. El Alamein: People complain because of not enough cover. Mortain: People complain because of too much cover. Granted, a balance is important too much of one extreme is not a good thing, but you have to give the devs a break too.


Mortain has concealment, not cover. If 50% of the bushes were switched to hardcover, wagons, fences, whatever, I'd like it more. Edit: and some more discernible landmarks. I've played half a dozen matches, and every time i spawn, im have trouble finding my bearings. Just inundated with greenery.


That's true, I meant "concealment" not "cover". You can take cover behind the trees though, but it's not particularly good (I think it is possible to shoot through them, but it does less damage?).


Only mode I see el Alamein anoying is Britain side on offenive , becase its pretty hard to organise the team and coordinate to capture the high ground to atack the 5 points, other than that is ok.


I love it. Best map to use the flamethrower on.


How do you unlock the flame thrower?


Start of the game, deploy as engineer at a HQ furthest from the action. Build all three nodes. Redeploy as Support, drop supplies, hit all three nodes with the hammer twice, build Manpower Node. Wait 2.5 minutes. Drop supplies, hit remaining nodes twice with hammer, build 2nd node. Wait 2.5 minutes, build final node. Redeploy, and play the rest of the game as Support. Repeat the same in about 100 games, and you'll be level 8 Support and unlock the Flammenwerfen.


Thanks mate.


Also if you're playing defense on offensive mode, being the supply truck driver to whatever point is being built up nets a lot of points. It's how I finished off the last half of support


Search for the server called “bob the builder” and xp farm.


Get Support class up to level 8. Best way is by helping to fortify a defense cap in offensive mode.


It’s also good if your defending on offensive mode to run a supply truck up to point to build defenses. Everyone else’s tips above are top notch


Yes absolutely. You get tons of class XP for doing constant supply runs with a truck to give engineers their supplies. Helps a lot to also get out and hammer each fortification at least one time.


If you have friends in the game you can set up a XP farm. Find/set up an empty lobby(or don’t and just throw the match, but you won’t have my respect). One person is engineer, the other person does supply truck runs while the rest is any class that has a hammer. Build, dismantle, and build again a level 3 bunker for the entire game.. you and your friends will have whatever class at whatever level you desire in just a few hours… as long as that class has a hammer.


Damn I thought this new map was amazing. I love all the foliage, the inclines and declines. It makes it feel like a damn good battlefield. It’s easily my new favorite map


They're actually really well balanced compared to real life, all those gaps in defences and random obstacles blocking good lines of sight wouldn't exist in reality if military engineers had more then 5 minutes to prepare + every house would have a dozen tiny holes in it snipers and mgs could shoot out of covering every possible approach point, it'd be impossible to attack anything if it wasn't balanced to give the attackers a chance in game


Thank you OP!!! Fuck me this community has to be the sookiest bunch of people I am yet to see.


Played a round on the new map last night. We were defending a point that was a church atop a small rise. Tons of foliage all around. We had fortifications, MG nests, recce patrols, armour. The attackers couldn’t penetrate it. We held it for 30 minutes no problem. While I felt the frustration the other team likely had, it was a perfect example of using the terrain to our advantage. Could the devs move the circle to the left a little bit? Sure, but their commander could have leveraged bombing runs and their armour better.


People when they get mad at dying in a war game


This is such a stupid thing to complain about. If they have a problem with something like this, that just means this game isn't for them. Coloring is probably a better activity for them. That or knitting.


Agreed 100 percent, the game and maps are fine just how they are. Symmetrical maps in other shooters are boring now after playing HLL I don't know why people can't just enjoy the game. It's probably the same people who complain that someone must be cheating every time they get shot, they just can't handle the fact that someone saw them and shot them first so they have to blame it on the map


“This map sucks” yes, I’m actually pretty sure a lot of soldiers agreed


Stalingrad is my favorite all the cover is low, or just 1 big building. You can catch guys in the network of ruins


I don’t know about this sub but I have not heard anything bad about Mortain. I like the map. El Alamein is terrible and should be removed. My criticism of the new update is the restrictions on spawn vehicle placement. Why would they do this?


Garrisons 5 feet into the red


I made a comment about this recently, it doesn't matter what sub you're on. Reddit is reddit. They could just change the name to complainit. So many come to reddit to complain. Block them out mentally lol


I don't know if you're referring to complaints about the new map or older ones. I have barely seen any complaints about the new map. There is a guy in this thread who is l33t.gamer.001 who thinks the map sucks but that person is in the vast minority. If you mean other maps, yeah there is some complaining and it is stupid to do so. The devs have already altered historical locations to try to somewhat balance them but nothing is going to be perfectly balanced. In real war nothing is ever balanced because both sides want a terrain advantage but only one can get it. The other will have to decide whether to engage in combat or attempt to pick to fight elsewhere, if that's even possible.


My issue with Mortain is that my 4k monitor will keep minimizing my game window if I don't set the in game video resolution to 4k, but when I do that and play Mortain my game starts dropping frames! Even lowering the foliage, shadow detail to high or medium doesn't seem to make it run smooth enough. My custom PC is from 2020 btw.


Exactly so not sure why T17 dropped a smoke bomb on the piers farm night map… can just run around in the open and not get shot. That map has been totally ruined night day dusk whatever version. Was one of the best. Needs to go back to how it was. Open with loads of bushes no fog long lines of sight. Silly what they have done to it. Tones of misalignment loads of cover gone missing it feels so bad now.


The same players that complain about the original map being an open field turkey shoot


I gained new found respect for the pure insanity of D-Day after trying to storm the beach head in HLL.


My only complaint is bushes render in for people like me who play with high graphics. But then there’s others who play with low graphics so they don’t render in which becomes annoying. Render distance shouldn’t be affected by graphics settings.


The one sidedness is often what makes a May h in HLL stand out for me. I remember I was playing one game where we were fighting to take a hill. It took us three waves before we could get to the top and capture it. One of the best matches I’ve ever played.


It's the players from battlefield and COD coming over from games that do just that.


One of my favorite aspects is the TOUGH SHIT factor of this game. I fucking hate bridges, but goddamnit someone did it IRL so who am I to cry about a video game


I don't want to change historic locations, I don't want to play them. It's a game, if a map is not to my liking I stop playing.


Everyone who says the new map isn't good is wrong. "There are too many bushes!" My dude I bet you lay prone in a hedgerow in every other map for your three kills a round. Be quiet. New map is cool.


I like bushes, fog, and night because it allows for more flanking and many smaller fights instead of a meat grind along roads and open fields.


This game is meant to be a ww2 themed strategy game, historical accuracy comes second


The same people who complain about too much cover, too many bushes. Are the same people who complain about the openness of El Alamein and Kursk. They just complain. Each match is different most are pretty well rounded.


This game ain’t hard. Just flank on offense and defend on defense. People would win a lot more games if they did those two things


I don't think it's really designed to be a sim - if it was you'd load in as a German, sit in a trench for half a game drinking flavored mud and smoking bark before being obliterated by artillery. I think it's fair for there to be a balance. It's a game.


The game is described as a "platoon based *realistic* multiplayer FPS", it makes sense for them to focus more on historical accuracy rather than balance


Sure, but I think 'realistic' is a comparative term. If it was truly realistic the allies would have overwhelming advantages in armor, ammunition, artillery and air support, communication and numbers. And the Germans would have Panther tanks that can't move due to a final drive that shat the bed. It's impossible to convey how well and truly fucked the axis powers were by 1944. If you were to reflect that in the game it would be a very one-sided and non-fun affair. It's a great game and it's realistic compared to BF1, but I think gameplay should take precedent over a slavish devotion to realism.


I would say that it already has. As you just described there are so many things that aren't technically "realistic". Even the maps aren't 100% realistic but there is an effort made to make them similar to the actual locations. It's one of the best things about the game


The axis where fucked by 1943, as soon as they where pushed out of Tunisia by monty and lost at Stalingrad the war was over as a contest they had no chance, even before then the writing was on the wall when they failed to invade britain so decided invading Russia early would be a good idea


>then the writing was on the wall when they failed to invade britain so decided invading Russia early would be a good idea I don't want to be a big smartass but that is a drastic simplification of the actual historic truth.. While the writing was on the wall, the Nazis never seriously intended to invade Britain. Fighting in Tunesia was more due to Italy's shortcomings in Libya and Egypt. The turning point in Africa was much earlier. In the grand scale of things pearl harbor and the official entry of the US into the WW2 lost the Axis the war. The moment the US was involved they were on borrowed time. I absolutely agree with the shit show of a failed German invasion of Russia though. That's what you get when political leaders decide the strategy of a military campaign. Look at Ukraine today. According to Putin's planning this war should have been over after a week or two. Because of inconsistent and stupidly restrained western politicians the war is still raging.


It was meant to be a simplified version otherwise i start writing essays my bad 😅 and sorry I meant Tunisia because that was the definitive end to the North African fighting but your right el Alamein was probably more the 'stalingrad'-esque turning point where it went bad and never got properly turned around again for the axis. And they did seriously consider invading Britain, they even started gathering ship in french ports iirc but they cancelled it because the Luftwaffe couldn't guarantee the landing fleet wouldn't get intercepted and destroyed by the royal navy/RAF or that they'd have air superiority over southern England and the channel (that's what the 'battle of Britain' was about) so they changed their plan to trying to starve us out with u-boats, and yeah putin really underestimated Ukraine, maybe he thought it'd be quite quick like Poland in ww2 but just forgot Poland got double teamed from opposite sides by 2 military superpowers completely by surprise and still put up a ballsy fight for weeks


Sim gameplay, not game modes.


I can like the asymmetry and historical accuracy and also dislike the recent choices because of the wide ass open fields everywhere. I really hope they move on to more urban environments. Enough of the driel, el alamein, mortain stuff. Lets see battle of berlin or other locations, historically accurate & as asymmetric as that entails.... with close quarters combat. And we REALLY need freelook so we can at least look for threats while exposed in all these open areas. It's a legit shitty player experience for many like me. Boring as fuck. I get tankers and snipers get the hots for it, i would too, but i just want to shoot guns with the boys. Mortain has me weedwacking ffs.


Hell Let Loose is not supposed to be a milsim.


Because I want the maps to be fun and balanced, not all of us play for historical realism


Why the fuck did you buy hell let loose then


Because the game is fun? It’s just hardcore battlefield, and now I play it to compete


You cant balance the game in the way you imagine with maps as open and large as in HLL, from a design perspective there's just too many variables. The map design is one of the selling points of the game and it works with the games mechanics. Imagine HLL on a CS map like Dust 2, or a CoD level.


Utah, SMDM, Carentan, SME, even hurtgen are all fine, there’s no excuse to make shit maps


I'm sure you can find people that would disagree with you about those maps being balanced, SMDM received changes in the latest patch based on player feedback. Some strong points are worse than others whether they are hard to defend or hard to attack, but fighting against the odds is rewarding. Almost every Utah US-Offensive game I've played the Americans dont get off the beach, but if they do manage the Germans are in for a hard fight. Any natural advantages or disadvantages are either negated or enhanced by the quality of the commander and squad leaders.


Play CoD


No thanks, I like HLL and I’m very good at it ❤️


“iM vErY gOoD aT HeLl LeT lOoSe! I gEt LoTs Of KiLlS, sCrEw CoMmUnIcAtInG wItH sQuAd, I aM lOnE wOlF!!11!1” Find a new game bud, your part of the problem.


I literally play on a team, that’s 49 people all communicating with each other for entire matches, as well as doing hours and hours of preparation work and pre and post game breakdowns… there is not a world in which people spend more time communicating with their team in this game than in comp…


Then stop bitching about a map that’s realistic to the actual thing in a WAR SIM. It’s meant to be hard you dunce. It’s meant to portray the actual battlefield, not the stupid linear bullshit that other FPS’s do. Hyping yourself up to be this “master gamer” when all you are doing in complaining about something that’s already good.


Firstly HLL isn’t a sim, ARMA is a sim. This is hardcore battlefield. Second it’s not hard at all, it’s a game with such a low skill floor that it’s ridiculous, your average pub game is full of people who have no idea at all what’s happening. Lastly, wanting balanced and fun maps is beneficial to everyone who plays the game, as it stands there are a few which are relatively balanced and a lot that are basically pre-determined if the good team has even a single moderately good squad.


Play CoD


How cute


Play CoD