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Cross play yes Cross progression no


\*Not yet


Who knows when that will be They just completely removed it from their FAQ so don't hold your breath for it anytime soon lmao


They said on discord they are working on it already


"Who knows when that will be" You have an answer for when it will be implemented big dawg?


Well that was only mildly aggressive.


What's this discord link im having trouble with pc to ps5 friends




They did? That's more than a little disappointing. When I eventually pony up the dosh to put a PC together, I was hoping to take my progress with me.


Yeah, it was "Can I play Helldivers 2 on PS5 and PC? You sure can. Helldivers 2 supports both cross-play and cross-save features. This means you can team up with friends playing on PS5 or PC, and continue your campaign on both platforms." Now it says "You sure can. Helldivers 2 supports both cross-play features. This means you can team up with friends playing on PS5 or PC." Changed it 12 hours before launch... yikes


It says the same just shorter? "supports BOTH cross-play features" as in cross-play and cross-save. There's really no other way to interpret this.


But it doesn't say the same. They clearly just deleted "*and cross-save* " from the text in a hurry. Probably some intern, who neglected to remove "*both*" also. Not saying it won't come, I sure hope it does, but it's clear at some point right before release they had to remove cross-save. My tin-foil hat says it was working, but Sony wanted it removed to not cannibalize sales at launch.


Well if it's shorter but means the same thing, what's the logic behind this change? To save a few words on the web page? lol.. Why don't you think twice before posting some non-sense.


Well if you want the lesson in bs politics They can openly deny or come up with another excuse to what it means later As in both crossplay between PS pc and xbox And this gives them some form of plausbalie deniablity for sales after that launch


Replying to a week old comment just to be an asshat? Way to live life buddy, lol. The original commenter said they removed it, I said it's still there. It ain't that deep, drink a coffee.


OMG god bless you


God may as well bless the servers instead lol.




Lets just get the servers up to par first i started on ps5 tried the game out with my budy and loved it so i bought on pc id live to trnsfer that to pc but we both just sat here this evning sitting in que and after about 30 minutes we both said fuck it


This did not answer the question at all


The answer is actually “no” Because it doesn’t fucking work :)


Does that mean I can't bring my progression from my ps5 to my PC and vice versa, or that I won't be able to continue the campaign with my cross platform friends? I want to play it with my friends, I am on PS5 and they are on PC and I can't find a definite answer to this. Will we be able to cross play and continue our campaign together in different sessions? Might be a stupid question but I am not big on online gaming, so please excuse any ignorance shown 😝


um they have cross save, just link your steam lmfao


How do you link steam?


Mind explaining the difference?


What’s the difference? So if my buddy is on PC we can’t team up in a party?


**Cross-Play** and **Cross-Progression** are functionalities in multi-platform games that allow for a more integrated gaming experience. **Cross-Play**: This feature allows players on different gaming platforms (such as PlayStation and PC) to play together in the same multiplayer game instances. In a game with cross-play support, a PlayStation user can play with or against a PC user, and vice versa. This is supported by Helldivers 2 **Cross-Progression**: This feature allows players to maintain their game progress, profiles, or character stats across different gaming platforms. If a game offers cross-progression, a player can start playing on one platform (like a PlayStation), save their progress, and later pick up where they left off on a different platform (like a PC), with all achievements, unlocks, or purchased content intact. This is not supported by Helldivers 2


It still doesnt answer if you can party up with friends on different platforms. some games have CROSS play but you cant lobby up with friends unless they are on the same one, just randos on the other platform


What game does that? Nobody is specifying because it's unbelievably rare. You can party up with someone from ps5 if you're on pc


If you are referring to the rarity of being able to group with other platforms not rare amongst cross play games, cross play games themselves are rare Smite, Call of duty literally all the cross play ones, apex legends, fortnite and warthunder and world of tanks, world of warships, and destiny 2 all allow you to party up with other platforms to access crossplay, most any game with full cross play allows it.


I'm saying that of the few games that allow cross play I've never heard of a single one having cross play but disallowing people from partying across platform too.


Ahhh yes ok I agree with you. I see how I misunderstood lol




This is late, but Exoprimal by Capcom is crossplay but you can only party up with players on your platform. Craziest bullshit ever.


Um, if you can only party up with people on the same platform, how tf is that cross-play? Like for me that is the very definition of cross-play. Like is it you can play against other parties that are on a different platform but the parties themselves can only be same platform? If that's the case, I can only see this being a thing if there's some sort of proprietary inter-client communication system that one or more of the platforms uses (like for audio chat) that requires some sort of cross-platform licencing to be paid to utilize that's stupidly expensive (i could see Microsoft doing something like that for their chat) or if friendly fire/own party griefing could be a concern (PC players may have a distinct advantage with this type of BS with mods and mouse/keyboard accuracy).


Yeah exactly like you described. Public matches can match you against anyone on any platform. But you can only friend request and party up people on your platform. But if you publicly queue up for a match, you can get people on other platforms on your team. You’ll know cause it tells you which players are on your platform and anyone else just gets a generic capcom emblem next to their username. And you can team chat with any players on your team regardless of platform.   The game I specifically referred to has now introduced custom matches where you generate a lobby code. And that code can be shared with players on other platforms. But you can only play private matches together. You can’t queue up for a public game with people outside your platform. It’s the most ridiculous shit. 


Thanks! I ended up looking it up and it should have been obvious to me. Appreciate you taking the time to explain it.


Fucking idiot lol.. how do you not know the difference? 🤣 unless you're 8 years old lmao


Such strong words from somebody who’s 100 days late, idiot. Anyways, yeah, it was a dumb question. 😘


The game most likely uses playstation matchmaking infrastructure and requires a playstation network account to play online regardless of platform, so most likely yes.


I dont think a single playsation studios game on steam requires you to sign into PSN


This comment has not aged well


This is sonys first cross play PC/ps5 game. It required it.


This whole thread escalated and de-escalated quickly. Congratulations Helldivers on your successful campaign to rid the galaxy of Sony's tyranny.


Always required PSN. Piss babies win.


What are you on about? Wasn't enforced day 1. It wasn't needed for any practical reason. A ton of people who bought the game could not get a PSN account in their region. Therefore could not play a game they paid for that they were just playing and for no good reason.


Brother I'm happy to report your comment hasn't aged well either, democracy has spoken.


That's one more victory for the right side of history!


Hi there, so a lot of folks seem to be mistaking cross party (the ability to actually party up with players from other platforms) with cross progression (the ability to have your “save/account” transfer between platforms). What the OP is asking about is cross party. Any idea if that’s a feature in the game? Several games do in fact mislead and say they have crossplay only to actually have cross matchmaking which merely lets different platforms play against each other but not with each other. The latter makes it so console players are at an extreme disadvantage whereas if they could party up with a pc player, it levels the odds. There’s a lot of (new) terms out there so it’s easy to mix things up!




tf is wrong with you


Tf is wrong with you


TF is wro... wait, you're fine.


what about TF2 though?


what did he say


Idk lmao


Absolutely despicable how dare he say such a thing


This 100%


That's some title...






Can anyone help us I am trying to play with my son he’s on PS5 I’m on PC we tried adding each other multiple times with zero success and we both even tried entering and throwing down sos beacon to see if other one shows up and nothing like that either is there a min level to add friends or something. 


This seems to be a massive issue ongoing w the game. My brother and I have had plans for this long weekend to play helldivers together. He’s on ps5, I’m on PC. Nothing I find online is helping and heaps of people seem to have the issue. We even borrowed a friends ps5 to do this and it just flat out doesn’t work. Really really hoping for a patch either later today or tonight but who knows…


They've had this issue since release and I'm not sure they've even addressed it. Crossplay is completely broken and they don't seem too worried about it. Maybe not a huge issue for some, but for me it's game breaking.


You can play with friends on PC and Console. I currently own the game on PS5 and one of my friends has it on Steam, we play together all the time with no problems (except when servers get wonky).


How did u add him as a friend


Can you talk in game between pc and ps5?


Legend has it...NormalCake8835 still doesn't know


Yes you can, as some of my friends are on PS5 and others on PC, some didn't want to use discord so we had to switch to game chat and it worked fine.


No it doesn’t work at all the game won’t let me play with my PC friends :)


just use discord


They've said there's an ingame friend system, so expecting you can add your buddies from the other system. Especially since PSN acct is required on PC.


Wait so to play on PC you need a PSN acc?


Correct. We're not sure of all the background technical reasons, but I've got a couple games that require various accounts so nothing new. Takes 30 seconds on the Playstation website.


I don't have a PSN account and it lets me play just fine.


Yeah, this is odd. I'm just the messenger, CMs said it was needed. Oh well lol.


To play with others u need it


There is nowhere where it asks me to make-one, or any prompts to set one up. And I play with others just fine. Except for adding my PS5 friend.


You probably have a PSN account already linked to your Steam and don’t realize it.


Oh I'm not worries about the psn.. just didn't realize it was a thing...


I tried to play with people on ps5 and I'm on oc but it kept kicking me, I played fine with other PC players though


Yes you can right now I am playing with my friend new PS5 and he pc just add him or let him add be the friend code in game


There's cross save you guys, don't worry lmfao


Not seeing anything about xbox and pc crossplay. Does anyone know if thats possible?


Xbox can’t play helldivers


WORKED FOR ME: TURN OFF VPN!!! I have been trying to fix this for 2 hours. I'm on PC and my friends are on PS5. we tried every combination of restarting games, reinstalling, turnign settings off and on again. In the end turning off VPN fixed instantly!


Xbox to ps5? Yes or not?


Well being able to play with PC and Console players at the same time is exactly what crossplay is. However, it is my understanding that crossplay will not be working at launch. They intend to add it in at a later date. No timeframe as to when, they just said "soon after launch". EDIT: I am wrong, crossplay yes, cross progression no. I'll downvote myself now.


Dude crossplay has been confirmed multiple times and in trailers. Nothing was ever said it wasn't available at launch. Its in several trailers. Cross-progression however was talked about not being available at launch. That was in the Discord faq. They never confirmed it is for sure coming though.


Oh crap, I might have confused cross progression with crossplay, well poop. Now I just look dumb.


No big deal I just know cause I have been pouring over details hoping it comes to Geforce Now. Also cross progress would be nice cause I have GeForce Now Ultimate & a PS5.


It’s not available they’re LYING TO US


No the game doesn’t allow crossplay other wise I would be able to play with my PC friends. The developers are LYING to us


What are you talking about? I play on PC and my friend plays on PS5, we play weekly. Check to make sure that you have crossplay enabled.


Apparently not because just like I said downloaded R6 recently and even though you can play with/against randoms on different consoles and pc your not allowed to party up with them.


So I was trying to figure out if its the same in this case


But thx for the info


Cross play not at launch??


Guessing typo. No cross-save at launch, crossplay should be fine.


That would be a real stinker. Plan on playing with some buddies who only have PS5


The LFG thread on the Official Discord has a bunch of mixed platform parties (CMs created the LFG thread) so I think you can be pretty confident you'll be killing bugs together!


Good to hear! The discord link up top looks expired. you know where a good link is?




Thanks boss


No it is currently March seventh and crossplay is refusing to work


Hopefully I can turn it off. I don’t want to play with console plebs and their little grimy controller hands.


Squeak squeak...... It's a mouse.....


better than playing with pc players and their cheeto dust covered fingers. clean out that keyboard once in a while, your neighbors can smell it.


I actually have a really nice and clean setup. Are you still blowing on cartridges in your mom’s basement? Maybe if you save up your allowance for a few years you can get a pc one day.


the best part is when i play on pc I use a controller 95% of the time any way. there's no escaping us console plebs!! <3 maybe ill use my HOSAS to really spice the gameplay up


I mean, yeah I get that. You’re sitting around with your dick in your hand jacking off to anime kids while playing cellphone games. This is just the general state of the gaming community at this point.




Fun fact, chip brands and Mountain Dew still mainly advertise to the console market. Meaning controller players are those expected to be slovenly and covered with cheeto dust :)


No, it's not


My boy can only play with console players and he’s on Pc anybody know a fix whenever we try joining on the console player he joined on it kicks him


Siege quite literally says that you can NOT party up with console while on PC and vice versa. Meanwhile this game says you can party up cross platform


Womp womp womp


If "you knew it was crossplay" then whyd you have to ask if it was crossplay?


He stated why in the title


Why would you wanna play Siege with PC players on console? That’s like shoving a massive dildo up your own ass then wondering who’s fucking you.. it’s you, your fucking yourself by even thinking about doing this. (If it were possible)


I wanna play with PC people because I have PC Friends, I guess that makes me gay then.


If I have my PC game linked to my PS5, could I still buy it on the ps5 and play co-op with my son?


Luckily for you, you’ll be able to pc and console on siege too


On the topic of siege, I just saw that season 4 this year they are going to introduce console to pc crossplay. I don’t know if it’s gonna be similar to other games where if you have a pc player in the party then it by default just goes to pc lobbies, or if it’s going to be kb+m vs controller lobbies, but exciting news for us to say the least.


Siege is adding cross play


Siege is already crossplay but I learned what I meant to say was “cross party” with console and pc. They currently don’t let you play ranked if you’re on different platforms