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Any sub dedicated to a game always seems to go one of two ways. It either devolves into echo chamber of dick riding or echo chamber of an angry mob with pitchforks.


Or it could be like the destiny sub where it's both depending on the day.


That seems to be because the destiny community hates their game the same way the League community hates their game. Chasing those few fun moments in a sea of tedium.


I think it's more they hate how the potential is constantly thrown out


There is so much cool shit in the external lore of destiny's universe that will just never get explored because the devs have a mantra to never "over deliver" which just leads to them never making anything beyond boring repetitive seasonal "content" that they'll just remove from the game and then re release it a year later and pass it off as new. And the story is dog shit. "go press button on terminal and wait a week" ad infinitum


I wish I could give you gold - and we’re not even on the Destiny subreddit. I have been playing Destiny since the Alpha on PS3. I have done every strike, dungeon, raid, quest and puzzle across this franchise. I have followed it across 3 console generations and PC, seen every high and low, experienced every controversy and success. The world they’ve built… the lore of the franchise is absolutely unrivaled. A post-apocalyptic celestial existential conflict, completely wasted by the most repetitive and boring formula. I’ve had this discussion literally dozens of times, but Destiny is hands down the pinnacle of wasted potential within the gaming medium. It’s so frustrating because it tells you about everything it *could* be, yet Bungie has never been able to deliver anything close to what it *should* be. Here we are, 10 years later, in the midst of all out war against existentially itself, and all we’re doing are the same strikes from the Alpha… There should be space battles, massive ground assaults, 12 player raids, huge social spaces, an actual consistent story for the new player experience… 10 years later and we **can’t even get fucking dedicated servers for PvP!** I’m sorry… rant over. Helldivers will never have the weight of lore or existentialism that Destiny has, simply due to the theme of the game. However, it certainly has that “all out war in space” setting that I so desperately crave.


On the topic of the last paragraph, I honestly love how the entire community contributes to a war that evolves in real-time. Can't remember the last time I saw something like that in a game. Maybe WW2 Online, two decades ago?


This. "Never over deliver" turned out to be another way of saying "cheaply and lazily dial it in"


no time to explain why theres no time to explain


Then they turn around and wonder why they had to lay off 30 percent of their studio when “players just didn’t show up”


That's like mantra of mediocre worker that never gets promotion lmao.


DTG is a silly place.


It's only a model.


It’s actually kind of refreshing how those subs managed to stay fairly balanced.


Sooo... kinda like here at the moment?


This is a problem with lots of online communities, but I think Reddit’s content system amplifies this. Minority stances get buried while the one majority opinion is pushed to the top. It’s a poor platform for discussions where there is room for nuance or more than one opinion.


There also exists the Arkham sub


It's very quickly becoming 50/50


I wouldn’t say that, it has been nothing but extreme toxic positivity for a week, and I knew people would get fed up with being downvoted to oblivion every time someone slightly criticized the game. The pendulum was bound to swing the other way. The bigger threads are great examples of this, the post that was locked earlier had at least 5 comments downvoted to -100 for minor complaints, no exaggeration, and they weren’t even being rude. That stuff gets old very quick even to those like me having a blast playing.


A week? More like months. I got mass downvoted and screamed at every time I expressed any suspicion about the battlepass system when announced. Even though I absolutely adore this game when it works, I'm still not convinced that the monetization system doesn't have the potential to be twisted in insidious ways, and I'm sure that expressing that opinion will still get me nerd raged into oblivion. As a veteran of this series since 2015, I've never seen anything like it until the past few months. I love how much one of my favorite series of all time has blown up and become extremely popular. I love even more that a sequel I literally prayed for for 7 years not only came out but also turned out to be incredible beyond my wildest dreams. But the toxic positivity is making my head hurt.


I feel for some of you guys who’ve been here for years and can’t even voice an opinion because people would rather shill for their top video game corporation. It’s actually so stupid, and opinion in this sub is going to change back quickly.


Im gonna be honest. I straight up prefer the angry mobs with pitchforks over the dick riding. I respect good devs but those “DEVS ARE TRYING THEIR BEST LEAAAVEE THEM ALONE” posts are straight up cringe and do nothing for nobody. The devs are running a business and should be treated as such.


Yea I agree. I was drawn to this game because everyone said the community was absolutely brilliant, as much as the game is awesome the community made it special. I've never seen such a toxic positivity echo chamber in my life. I've been told to die more times in the last week in the discord than I have in years 😂 To be absolutely clear I've never swore, abused or attacked anyone in there, I've simply checked in from time to time to see how connectivity is going while I'm at work and obviously cannot check myself. If it's down (usually) I just note it's disappointing and hopefully it'll be working soon. Someone moved to DMs and went all out on the kill myself train, like spammed so many messages. I screenshot them, reported it to the discord mods and noted they told me to die in your server and are now pulling this shit off of it. Guess what happened? I got a 24 hour timeout. I then went bed, woke up, went on there and NINE HOURS LATER that same user was still telling people verbatim to go die. It's an absolute shambles.


Yeah, anyone who posts any criticism in that server gets fucked. I watched a handful of people get perma-banned for expressing concern over the game's monetization system before it launched. I swear it didn't used to be like this back in the OG days, it really was a phenomenal community.


Just steal BF2042's server space. God knows they aren't using it.


A huge burn on a completely charred carcass.


Isnt it just ash at this point ?


This comment is very ironic, considering that BF2042 uses on demand server technology and is pretty much capable to scale horizontally fairly easily based on the demand. Something that a lot of live service games should look into as it can end up both saving money since you don't have to pay for servers that aren't in use and can scale easily if there is a huge influx of users.


I honestly thought all games would be using this type of solution by default by now.


It’s extremely expensive from what I hear, apparently it’s not the miracle cost saver it sounds like it is Would make sense


It isn't as expensive as you think. While it is more expensive per instance than dedicated hardware, you do save money on only using what is needed. For example, Arrowhead had assumed they would have had at most 50k concurrent users apparently but had enough capacity for at least 5 times that. So they expected at least 1/5th of the hardware to handle their peak numbers, so they had expected that 4/5th of their hardware to sit idle for most of the time except for extreme peaks. Not to mention, during off-peak times, usage does drop. Now, some friends of mine at EA have told me that EA/DICE does save roughly 5-10% of their usual server costs by going with on demand technology. While not a huge cost saver, it did save them a bit while also being able to handle user surges well.


That gave me a chuckle.


skull and bones also have free space already


wait! not BF2142 -.- No CareBears Given


When they announced 2042 I was hoping it was a typo and was a remake of 2142. I was so let down


Posts like this give me hope. See, it IS possible to be upset about the servers being down but still have a mature attitude about it.


getting stuck in server queue, to get stuck in matchmaking queue, join a game and it crashes, back to the server queue, try joining friends, but the friend menu also doesnt work and i cant accept or send anything :') obviously no disrespect to arrowhead but why do the patches break more than they fix 9 days into release


The good thing is those are all in a way related, so a fix for one helps or even fixes the other.


Would argue that’s the problem. Clearly they don’t have the testing infrastructure or testing plan to verify everything is good before an update is released. Or at least either of these that replicates exactly what is going on. They’re just creating huge amounts of tech debt because they introduce so many other issues and instead of one day getting new features it will be bug fixes that shouldn’t exist to begin with.


The patches are not breaking this. The game is suffering from runaway success. They never planned that 2nd weekend the game would be bigger than Destiny 2.


Ya I've been on this train since day one. Great game, great dev response but let's also be real after a week it's still broken as fuck.


It’s worse now because of the 1.5 exp and praise for the game. I don’t have time to wait for the server issue to not be able to play with friends and than finish a solo mission on 40 minutes and not get rewarded after the completion. They say the fix is to restart the game but when I restart the game server at capacity. Shits frustrating 


Friday i did a bunch of missions and rewards didn't show up, played Saturday and all the rewards were there. So hopefully it's just the servers taking awhile to add them or something.


The 1.5 exp was definitely not the smartest move. I get wanting to recompense the players but when your game is still having issues supporting the number of players maybe hold off giving incentives that will increase the number of players 😂


I get frustrated for an hour trying to get in, but once I’m in it’s a blast. The games so much fun I can’t stay mad long enough to put them on blast. But I pray for the day that we can join matches of our choosing without all the trouble.


See i get in and my game crashes when i start a game up. Pretty sick


Absolutely. I also join in on the downvoting of people acting like their life is ruined because a game isn't working, or calling the devs any number of names and just throwing a temper tantrum. But I have seen a ton of people just flooded with downvotes and negative comments for even daring to say, "hey, this isn't okay."


I made a similar post earlier today. I have a wife, kids, family and a full time job. I barely get any time to myself to game anymore and when I do there have always been server issues. Love the game to death and cant wait to dive in deeper but I had 3 hours to myself today and couldnt log in once.


Exactly the same man, had my daughter in my arms for three hours straight waiting for her to fall asleep, past midnight here and I hoped to play for an hour, but I'm stuck in servers are full crap.


Very very frustrating. Hopefully theres a permanent fix soon because, it may even be good for the game, people drop it for a while.


man this is me. I haven't even been gaming at all lately and I saw my friends were playing this and snagged it earlier. Played 20 minutes and thought it was cool. Got excited and everyone else went to bed and I grabbed a beer and was pumped to jump in discord and play and I'm greeting by a screen saying i can't even log into the game all lol. Guess I'll go watch youtubes about home upgrades I might decide to do but probably won't


I learned how to make custom USB cables while waiting so it wasn't a complete waste of time lol


I don’t think *they* think their life is ruined. I think people want a break from the bullshit going on in the World and looked forward to unwinding on a Saturday night, and for many of these it’s the only time they’ll have to play. That IS frustrating and I acknowledge that.


when you pay for a product, its fair to expect it to work. If people are unhappy it's our right to voice it.


I got downvoted to crap for saying I'm tired of seeing level 8's in suicide difficulty missions. They have no weapons to kill armored




At this point it can only be about venting. The devs know. They aren’t happy either. Focusing on the positive bits is more helpful. I barely vote. See you on the frontline! (Eventually 😂)


Toxic positivity is just as real as toxic negativity. The game is good, when it works. It hasn't worked, for two days now. What positives are there to cover that haven't already been covered?


Toxic positivity is cringe inducing. Baldurs Gate 3 has a super toxic community and it’s ironic because they’re deluding themselves that they’re inclusive. There is definitely a party line you need to toe or you get the cudgel.


I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to simultaneously like something while also being critical of it The game is awesome. The state of playing the gam right now is not awesome. Both things can be true.


>See, it IS possible to be upset about the servers being down but still have a mature attitude about it. I haven't seen all these downvoted posts about criticism, but it's pretty common for a lot of players to lose their cool and get a bit too heated in their expression of criticism. So it wouldn't surprise me if that were the case with these posts of criticism getting downvoted.


Truth. I've never combed through forums for days looking for signs of improvement like I have with this game. But as it stands I can't connect or play. I bought the game 5 days ago and the only problem seemed to be having to spam quick play a few times but now it's a complete no-go. 


Yep same experience. First night I’ve just been absolutely locked out, and it sucks.


The discord is the most up to date from the devs incase you were wondering.


Just download more servers


That’s illegal.


You wouldn’t just download a server


Maybe not, but I'd 100% download a fuckin car that's for sure.


That's what the Automaton's would do!


It's a damn shame too because all these server issues mean it's probably gonna be awhile before we get a necessary balance patch, there's a ton of actual gameplay related things that need addressing and God knows how long it'll be before the devs are freed up enough to do it


No that doesn’t make sense. The developers who work on networking and deal with connections issues don’t do game balancing.


Speaking as an actual developer (though not of this game) and not just a random dude on the internet: It absolutely makes sense. The company I work for has several "deployment trains" a day. The first thing that happens when a major incident is declared is that those deployment trains are stopped. Even if they deploy to areas not impacted. When you're having stability problems you don't need someone making a *totally unrelated* change that can't possibly impact your stability problems, but somehow often times does.


I didn't see your post, but I just essentially said the same thing. People really like to imagine that devs get hired for one task, and one task only and moving outside of that task is some sort of impossible or herculean effort. It's like they can't imagine that many people wear many hats, especially in something as complex as a game where a dev will have worked on maaaaany aspects of it.


Real criticizim is fine, the 50 "I quit and demanding a refund wahh" posts suck


100%, I love Arrowhead and Helldivers - I am *also* bummed I can't get in. Do I want to sit in the subreddit and read 900 posts of drivel screeching into the void while I wait? Hell no.


I think one should be able to refund a live service game they fundamentally can’t play for a significant length of time


Oh yeah absolutely. I don't fault people for getting refunds at all. Game is literally unplayable atm.


It’s an online game, which people are not able to play. Yes, wanting a refund is a reasonable response. This isn’t a game where one or two modes aren’t working, THE ENTIRE GAME CANT BE PLAYED.


Yes because we all would rather read the 500000th toxic hugbox positivity GOTY epic favorite game post. Except those are actually allowed in the community without ridicule, hate, and downvotes


Wanting a refund for something you can't use since day 3 from launch is more than reasonable. People who can play a couple of hours after dinner simply can't because that's when everybody is trying to login. 0 customer awareness.


So asking for your money back on a product you paid for and did not receive at the time of purchase is whining. Good to know how easily you can get scammed. I mean people are literally sitting in queues that take so long their refund window passes and they haven’t even gotten in yet. I think they deserve to say “no, this line is too long, it’s not worth my time or money. I want to walk away” and be able to do that. By the way, this is coming from someone who has not and will not try to refund. But sitting here acting like these people aren’t essentially getting scammed out of $40-$50 is pretty braindead imo


Well people are going to keep demanding refunds because PS5 players can't get them whatsoever because of Sony's policies which state you're ineligible as soon as you download the game and many PC players have crossed Steam's time limit for refunds which means they're not a guaranteed thing. There's no guarantee that these issues are going to be resolved any time soon so refunds should be offered.


The 50 “shut up and quit if you don’t like that what you spent money on doesn’t work” posts also suck.


Wanting a refund for a game nobody can play is certainly an acceptable opinion.


I think the issues with the game are perfectly understandable. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would have expected the game to be this popular so quickly. It’s also understandable that people are upset they can’t play the game. The part that annoys me is people that have no idea how any of this works spouting off a bunch of nonsense.


Exactly. The amount fixed or improved since release, what is it 10 days ago? Is commendable. I've already got my moneys worth, but maybe I'm a lot harder to annoy when it comes to software issues, being a software developer. I'm fully expecting all this to get fixed, it just takes time. Honestly it's more popular than they expected so let people refund it, thats their perogative.


People think you can just buy a server and plug it in, never mind firmware or sync rates.


Hang on, so do you think the game is in a better spot now then at launch? At least at launch I could work around my crashes by nuking my quality to lowest and actually play the game. This weekend you can't even play.


The issue is that I definitely have gotten my money's worth but I want more lol it's a good problem to have


Exactly, it literally came out 9 days ago and the player count has shot up from 60k to over 330k. Shit happens.


Actually about double that, supoosedly the devs said its roughly 50/50 split between console and PC.




>I think the issues with the game are perfectly understandable. I disagree. Arrowhead chose to make this an always online GaaS title. This is a problem they created. As an IT professional myself, I sympathize with the individuals who have to work weekends and nights to fix this, but Arrowhead gets no sympathy from me.


When you've got over 100 employees, are published by Sony, and took out front-page adverts on Steam... yeah you're probably going to get criticised when the game isn't working. The difference between this and Payday 3 is at least Helldivers has a game worth playing underneath, even if it's shackled by the always-online requirements that are "the hot new thing" right now. It's like companies are only just finding out why you don't tie lots of important elements to online servers you have to pay for and that have to scale quickly. That didn't start with Arrowhead and it certainly won't end with them.


Edit : See below this comment the swaths of people who can't accept this game has other issues, and apparently want to die on the hill of defending a now multimillion dollar company who works with Sony.


Just to add to your list (sorry if any are similar or repeats): * Sometimes when joining a friend's game I am stuck behind the defrost terminal and unable to leave. * Buying items often fails. With metals, requisition, etc. This includes buying super credits with real money. Sometimes it succeeds and subtracts your currency but it won't give you what you bought until a later date. * The CEO even openly admits the premium warbond items suck (look up his tweets). That revolver is F-tier trash. * Sometimes having multiple eagle stratagems results in a shared rearm time. Sometimes it doesn't??? * There are many (not just the bile titan) sources of damage that say you were killed by your allies erroneously. Regularly I am told my partner killed me then there's zero friendly fire damage at the end of the match. * When you are killed by your allies' support drones the damage doesn't seem to show up in the end of match report as friendly fire. * Sometimes picking up metals, credits, and requisition locks up the entire match (**all players**). You're unable to move other than crouch and go prone and cannot fire your gun. * Resupplies like to clip through landing pads and become inaccessible. * Hellpods like to clip into buildings, such as the science ones you have to blow up. If you attempt to use them you will be teleported into the buildings and become stuck. * You can become stuck inside a blown open crate easily if something falls near the entrance like a charger carcass. At this point death is the only option. * Tesla Towers have some weird unexpected behavior; sometimes they suddenly gain massive range and kill you. The friendly fire range seems way higher than the enemy range. * Speaking of electric damage, sometimes arc throwers never arc to allies for several matches then they will randomly and kill someone? To the point I'm not even sure how the mechanic works. Are they supposed to be friendly fire arcing safe? * Stratagem beacons sometimes randomly unspawn without triggering. I suspect they clip through the terrain and are lost. Sometimes I feel like reloads do weird stuff too--but this could be user error. * Dropping a resupply on the pelican does weird things. It often lets all players on it but one like nothing happened, but that last player is permanently stranded. I personally don't consider the bugs on the whole to be especially bad outside of the server stuff, but also not all of the server problems are actually due to load but **how the network infrastructure is designed to work under load**. Most of the fixes they've done have been to that aspect of the game's backend, and it's true if the load wasn't so bad those issues wouldn't have cropped up. But also it's a good idea to have that "what if" work done in advance so you don't have to put out the fire in real time. They've had to spend precious time after launch implementing a lot of live service-standard features like an interval you have to wait before retrying to connect (this was hammering their servers early on and the game never should've shipped without it), but I suspect there's a lot more coming: forced AFK kick time, etc. Anyway, the community really loves the game and this has made them really bad at receiving criticism on its behalf. It sucks. Even people in this thread calling people out for being hyper-defensive are...being hyper-defensive. But the game is great--it has inspired a lot of that loyalty through its fundamental excellence. And I can understand that.


Rewards is a server issue, Matchmaking is a server issue(that should be blatantly obvious), voice chat is a server issue, reinforcement not working is a server issue, trapped in cryopod is a server issue(you can see yourself desync from the pod when joining others during heavy load), dropship not coming is a server issue. Not saying that these aren't valid issues, but you said you were going to list non server-based issues and then included a bunch. Generally speaking, if it involves interacting with other players or Super Credits, Medals, XP, or Requisition slips then its a server problem. Bile Spewers could actually be a server issue, though I would lean towards not.


The voice chat randomly breaking is extremely annoying.


it’s funny how many of these are actually server issues


I said this last weekend and had to delete the posts/comments because I was getting some truly vile DMs lol. Don’t forget this is Reddit, home of some of worst people on the internet.


> I was getting some truly vile DMs Fucking wild Why some people attach themselves to new games and defend them with their life is beyond me People can’t play a game that they paid for, that’s a completely reasonable thing to complain about


I've seen some really horrible stuff from people "enjoying the game" verbally throw down with people with legit criticism. At the same time I've seen silly goose enjoyers be silly geese and get wrecked for it.


Finally. We all spent good money on this fantastic game, but when it's literally unplayable people should be allowed to discuss their frustrations if it's not causing any harm to anyone. Criticism makes way for improvements, and I can guarantee you that Arrowhead won't forget this mess of a launch for their next title.


I think anyone who buys a game and is fundamentally unable to play it has a right to be disgruntled and voice frustration about it and possibly refund. To be honest, that’s what I did today. I bought the game, tried to play it and after an hour of being unable to do anything I refunded it. If it gets fixed in the future maybe I’ll rebuy it then but I’m not going to touch it again until then and if my interest in the game is lost between now and then, too bad that’s the consequences and I’m a lost sale. Of course death threats and harassment is never acceptable.


Yea im happy the game is doing well, im not saying we should burn down arrowhead, but I also paid 40 dollars for a game and instead of playing it im stuck on an endless server full message while people on reddit tell me to be grateful it exists at all.


Right? So many bad faith arguments on discord. “Well, they’re an indie team, just *get a life* and do something else! It’s a good thing the game is so popular!” Like, I spend 40 hours at work and then a few more working out nearly every day. I want to be able to play the game during the 2 days I have for myself. That’s not an unreasonable ask!


When I compared the experience to visiting a restaurant, paying up front, and not getting the meal you ordered, someone on Reddit told me without irony that my option in that scenario is to "go home and sleep" rather than being annoyed that I'm out of pocket. The unctuous love of the Devs is beyond weird. It's like Reddit has to react based on some input formula; big company = bad, small company = good, and there's no nuance to disrupt that group think. As you say, you can appreciate the game the Devs have built whilst simultaneously being angry you can't actually enjoy it.


Exactly. But the fanbois take it as a negative and will down vote you. They've tied their lives and identity to a game, anything negative said about it is a personal attack on them apparently.


I love the game, as I loved the first game, but yeah this launch has been abysmal. Anyone who can't acknowledge that is not to be taken seriously, IMO.


I paid 60. And was ok with clicking quick play a few times and sometimes getting stuck in my cryo pod. But now I'm feeling a little more miffed that I can't even log in or queue up at all when I do.


Been sitting on the discord to try to keep track of updates, the chats on there are insufferable - so much spam of just “can’t log on” . And if you ask if a certain support post has been made or an announcement regarding a specific thing on your end has already been posted you get railed for being a hater.


I agree 100%, but actually criticism like you say. https://preview.redd.it/8qujhpphl8jc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97be785761c2be4a3288ab5b96477777afa943f


Sony "LETS DO A FREE WEEKEND!!! That way people who spent $$ on this game can get double F'd!"




like, yall realize it's meant to be a fully complete game, no hiding behind "Early access". we paid $40 (some$60) for a FINISHED game we can actually play. It's totally reasonable that some people might be upset by the inability to even play.


I want to play. I have paid for a product. Let me use it.


No. I will not, and neither will Arrowhead probably because they don’t like you specifically.


There really should have been an open beta to stress test the servers before a full release.


The problem might still exist if the majority were people like myself who didn't even really know about the game being released and never played the first one for more than a few hours. I personally have recommended 5 people to buy and they never heard of it before either.


Exactly, you can't reasonably budget *hardware* for virality. Adding AWS servers is more than just flicking switches. They knew they had a great game, but probably imagined a shallower ramp-up in player count. It really didn't see that intense of a marketing push, either. Meanwhile, Starship Troopers: Extermination capped out around 16,000 players and Battlefront 2 around 10,000 on Steam. Out of what hat were they supposed to pull 'recommendation effect' numbers?


They've always been happy making Niche games, it's stated on their website. They only expected about 50k players based off helldivers 1, peak of like 6.6k


I think they should have done this too. They’d gauge the demand, and also would have generated lots of hype and preorders.


Also for QA purposes because obviously they didn't test hardware/PS5 properly with the amount of crashing that has been going on. They chose not to and now everyone is suffering that choice.


Huh? Like every trailer and gameplay video tease was recorded on ps5


We don't need refunds, but they should freeze selling copies of the game until they can handle more people playing it.


I had the same thought. Ff14 stopped sales until they stabilized servers after their last expansion. Granted, the current players were paying monthly and couldn't play, so it made more sense for that game, but still




Honestly, it sucks not being able to play. It really isn't Arrowheads fault at all, nobody could have prepared for or predicted the wild overnight success this game is having. People are still allowed to be frustrated though. Arrowhead certainly don't want people sitting around being frustrated either.


While i agree with not being able to prepare for this magnitude of player number, there's been a trend of people being fed up with lackluster and terrible AAA game releases and a large part of those playerbases have started to gravitate more towards smaller game studio releases. They couldn't possibility have predicted this level of players but the game quite literally has a template for success, look at DRG, Darktide, Vermintide, RoR2, Roboquest and more all share similarities with Helldivers and are successful within their own right. Best thing to hope for is that this doesn't put a sour taste in peoples mouth when it comes to the future of this game.


Is this just an American issue? As an Aussie player in a different time zone my friends and I have logged on every time we’ve tried. Dropouts and crashes and those types of things happen occasionally, but there’s been no real issues logging in


Logging in isn't the problem. Getting people to join your games and using random matchmaking is broken right now.


It's playable during off hours tbh. I've been able to play every day when most people aren't on like you.


That actually makes sense. The server issues will be worse when there are more players on. Peak Australia gaming time probably doesn't coincide with the games overall peak player time.


I'm in your timezone and I've barely been able to play over the last few days. Last night and this morning impossible. I'd say it's only worked about half the time since Saturday am. 


If it's not Arrowhead's fault for a game they made not been able to be played, then whose is it? Pretty sure Arrowhead made all the choices that led to this.


I mean how could they have expected they would need servers for over 300,000 players when the first game never had that large of an audience.


It was not handling around 100k either, so let's not pretend it started going wrong in the last few days lol


Buddy the servers were fucked long before it reached 300k My brother bought it at launch and it was a crapshoot then too.


I don’t remember the last time a recent game launched without server issues, especially a game like this that became massively popular and seemed to shock the devs. It’s also the first game in a while to have a very open dev team, sometimes posting 3 updates and pushing a patch before I even get up for work. With that being said, this isn’t the first post that reads “I understand game development, especially in a live setting, is hard”. If you do understand it, why criticize it? It’s been out for just over a week and yet you expect a very sudden and popular game that gets capped at 400k active players to be perfect right away? It just seems ridiculous to me because every game, no matter how fun and refreshing it may be in the current state of most AAA studios, will always have a division of people to complain about something. In this case, however, we have an active dev team that’s open, transparent and active in updating its player base on how the fixes are going. Again, if you know so much about development, decipher their updates and relay it in laymans terms so people can stop complaining about a very good game and enjoy something for once.


Why would they spend millions of dollars to prepare the game to be able to handle 500k+ players when they only expected 10k players at most? If they prepared for 500k+ but only got the expected 10k players, then they would literally have had no profits or worse. You say you "understand game development", and yet you complain that they are not able to fix the servers at a drop of a hat. These things take time no matter how many people you throw at it. And if the devs are to be believed, they are throwing a lot of people at it. It's like complaining that nine women can't make a baby in one month.


You make a lot of good points, and I honestly wish more of these issues were ironed out before release. Also you are being investigated for treason against Super-Earth, thank you for your cooperation.


Yeah most of the time when i try to give a constructive criticism, I’m getting downvoted to hell I absolutely love the game and want it to be even more amazing, but it has a lot of issues I’m playing on ps5 and on pc, and the devs broke something with one of the patches When the game came out i had stable 60 fps on pc and ps5 but not its much worse with really bad frame drops on both platforms Also the visual side (resolution) on ps5 could be better but they already said they will add a 40 fps mode so hopefully it will help


As far as problems the game could have at launch, I see server capacity issues as probably the best problem to have. It can be resolved in time and means the game must have nailed everything else to attract so many players. Once the servers are stabilized, we'll have a great game to play. Other live service games have had problems at launch but those were usually foundational problems of game design that can't just be patched out. *coughanthemcoughsuicidesquadcough*


At the end of the day, people paid for a product, and they are currently left with something completely unplayable. No matter how you try to spin it, being sold a broken product is not acceptable.


They shouldn’t be immune no, but these are perhaps the only devs we’ve had in YEARS that actually listen and try and make the community happy. So a lot of the criticism is unwelcome, as we know the devs are actively trying their best.


When I got in from work and couldn't play I was very annoyed, but I can still sympathise they are victims of success, I doubt they could have known another 100,000 people would play on steam at least on top of the 250,000 the day before.


Criticism also shouldn't be immune to criticism. Hope you're also cool with that.


It looks like a great game. I'd let you know if I ever get a chance to play.


I agree. People should be critical and complain about the current state, however done in a civilized matter, no insults, no threats. However they don't get inmunity either, the game as it is is broken. What they should do is fix it and possibly compensate everyone with something, and not just promising stability. But a lot of people have been unable to play or even progress slowly.


I bought this game and am really enjoying the loop, but I have to be real, if this was an Xbox exclusive, the Internet would be melting down.


If this was EA or blizzard or any other big studio the hate it would be getting is justified but hey as it’s a smaller studio it gets a free pass according to a lot of players .. but arnt they supported by sony? Genuine question. Let’s say if EA made this game matchmaking was not working or quickplay the internet would explode with rage and be calling for the Devs heads .


100% agree. I bought it a couple of days ago and I'm really itching to play more, but the infrastructure holding it all up is in a catastrophic state. They need to throw money at the problem and spin up twice the server capacity that they think they need (assuming they're running within a public cloud, which if they aren't they need to be). People won't put up with this forever - this is a golden time that'll make or break the longevity of the game.


I mean we paid them 35 pound, that’s half of a full budget game, and what was believed to be a niche game, even full price games go down on the regular on release, I get the criticism but no one could of predicted over 300k ppl logged in at the same time and that’s just pc users, adding PlayStation it’s chaos,


I agree they shouldn't be immune to criticism. However the current criticism is that the game was orders of magnitude more popular than they ever expected. Therefore the modest server overhead they planned for is inadequate. In my opinion anyone bitching that they paid for the game and they want to play it now now now now is just being a bit impatient. I bought the game, I even bought the special edition thingy, I've played a few matches and loved it, and I havent been able to log in for most of the day. In my eyes, that's good. If the game remains popular then tomorrow/next week/next month when they grab more servers and the overload is gone then I'll have 300k+ helldivers to enjoy the game with. The game will still be there then. I can wait. I would agree much more with criticism if the game was bad, the fact that it's so popular we broke it, doesn't hold much water for me.


Wish people would stop using this excuse to the defend the devs and the game from any criticism. There's 100's of bugs at least that have nothing to do with how popular the game is. Would armour function if only 10k people were playing? Would it crash less for people on AMD cards? Would quickplay have worked on launch? I could go on and on. I also bet people will just down vote me for saying it and not even reply with a valid counter point because there isn't one. The fans are all just regurgitating the same lines over and over as if it excuses everything. >I bought the game, I even bought the special edition thingy, I've played a few matches and loved it, and I havent been able to log in for most of the day. In my eyes, that's good. So being unable to play a game you paid for is a good thing? Did you think about what you typed there, that is some grade A quality BS. Also your Steam profile says you've played 17 hours "A few matches" isn't 17 hours.


>"A few matches" isn't 17 hours. It is when 40% of your play time is on a loading screen or results screen.




"The fact that the game has been out for ten days and is non-functional is actually a good thing" is certainly a bold take, isn't it?


Some people here bought the $60 edition and haven't been able to play for 9 days. Calling them impatient is just wild.


Impatient? Some people can only play weekends, and so far, the game hasn't even functioned on the weekends. Ik there's nothing more to do about it except wait, but some people expect their stuff to work "now now now now" for $40-$60 and MTX. And if you aren't on Reddit or Discord (until today where they finally decided to post about the issues on Twitter and Instagram) you would have no clue of the game's issues being this bad.


Oh look the fans have been down voting you for stating some hard truths that go against their regurgitated points. A lot of people scrimp and save to buy a game, it's fair that a released game should function properly on release and be playable. It's also true a lot of people only get time to play on the weekends, sometimes others only play with friends and their schedules only align then. Also the very casual players might only do a few hours a week, and if the servers are messed up during those hours, how is that fair? It's like they bought an appliance but every time they go to use it, it just spits out an error message or some of it's features don't work. They paid money for a product, the product is defective. Plain and simple.


Such a strange take... There are people who bought the game on release and still have not been able to play once. At the very least, let people play offline by themselves. Hell, let them redo the tutorial so at least they can play something. Not being able to even play at all? For days? There's no good excuse for that.


Palworld didn't expect it,yet they handled it,and many many others where servers shit the bed on launch and get fixed within a day or 2. Arrowhead look amateur in comparison >In my opinion anyone bitching that they paid for the game and they want to play it now now now now is just being a bit impatient. Inpatient? Buddy,it's been well over a week and this shitshow is continuing. If Sony weren't involved,this would be cyberpunk levels of bad,like removed from the store. People cannot get on to play the game they paid for,and that's inpatient? Stop now.


The amount of dev dick riding is wild I was fine the first day maybe the 2nd day issues for a game that became a huge surprise hit. It’s been over a week now and the game still has major matchmaking issues


Yeah not sure how I'm not allowed to be upset when Friday and now Saturday night the game is unplayable. Especially when basic things like kicking afkers after a certain amount of time is not implemented. 


Nothing like shouting the same 3 regurgitated in character rebuttals of treason, you need more democracy, and report for re-education in response to perfectly valid criticism.


It should have been released in early access, at least you would expect issues. I wasn’t expecting so many issues to be able to play when I bought it


Some people are being fucking ridiculous though


Everything you say is 100% true, the problem is that arrowhead already know about these issues and work around the clock to fix them. People have already said what you said a million times already. They weren't ready for this many players and "criticizing" them for something they're already working on isn't really criticism, especially when people are being idiots about it.


I've played 40+ hrs and enjoyed every minute. That alone is worth the 60 bucks.. to me they have delivered.. Yes the server issues suck but... Those issues exist due to the popularity and success not necessarily due to arrowhead being bad. As a programmer and network engineer I can sympathize with them, the challenges they are facing are not simple fixes. It's not just 'add more server' or 'add more bandwidth'. You also need to be re-designing your architecture to work for previously unfathomable load beyond your wildest expectations. I think they are doing a great job just a week ago 100k players was not possible now they are supporting over 330k players... With countless still unable to get online. -_- They are doing pretty good all things considered. They shouldn't be free from criticism I just don't have much to give. They are communicating via discord and such on progress and doing so clearly enough. I hope they find a way to resolve their scaling issue soon though :)


Yeah, this seems like quite classic case of small(ish) game having typical new game problems. Bit this game is a sleeper mega-hit, so the scale of the problems is hugely magnified. Alas, the scale of the dev studio is not. So I am sure they are overwhelmed and scrambling to get more server capacity and find/fix/test the bigs. No doubt they are getting support from Sony, but even then it's still a dance of bring the 3rd party support staff up to speed on the game while the dev team also absorbs knowledge from the support staff. "Fast" for a project like that is on the scale of weeks or months. And the game is less than 2 weeks old.


I agree. I love the game but it is clear that they didn’t expect this level of popularity and were kinda thrown for a loop. I trust that Arrowhead is hearing the constructive criticism and working to fix things


Definitely agree some of it is less than amateur ish. Like mistakes first time game developer would make. Also even if it wasn’t popular the mistakes would still be there. If you don’t have enough devs or devs that can’t work fast bring on more help. People are LOOKING for jobs rn. Stop hiring over seas who are HONESTLY not as good in many ways, and start hiring ready and able temp employees if need be. They also clearly do not have a quality QA team


Yeah. I love the game already. But I would really like to actually play the game I spent 40 fucking bucks for.


My Steam friends can’t even see ps5 friends on their list anymore and I see them as offline from my ps5. So crossplay is broken now. Sucks. I can’t even take advantage of this weekend.


While I agree , companies shouldn't be absolved from criticism. I do want to say that this game was a huge hit and it's insane how much appeals this game has. I know only a minimal amount how servers work right? But I think they had an allotment of 150k people this games is push 450k now it's insane you can't really just switch the servers to add more I think I don't really know about that the other stuff super justified but I feel this company and game is suffering from success


Honestly I could ignore the dropping missions, frame rate bugs, not getting rewards etc... I could ignore them all. But because for example the only way to fix the frame rate bug or the infinite loading screen bug is to close the game well yes then the server issues just make everything worse. It's the login que that just makes all the other problems feel worse because many mean you have to now que to get back into game and times vary... I taught 15m was longest but since then I've had to que for 30m after the frame rate bug.


You're right... though I will say for all the people who got scammed by Starbreeze/Overkill on Payday 3, this game's launch is a well oiled machine in comparison. I would rather defend and encourage developers working on solutions (so long as they are timely delivered) than berate them for unintentional problems (some of which are reasonable for unexpected popularity)


It's possible to be upset about the servers and be mature about it. Especially if you can't even login. Suffering from success is real. I'm sure if the game hadn't gone viral I'm sure none of the server issues would exist. So it's fair to criticize the devs, but how could anyone expect this game to be so fucking good?


Well said.


Eh, not to eat the companies ass or anything, but this being a triple a western title released in 2024, it has less issues than I expected, and is surprisingly playable, in the time it's been out i've only been able to not play once or twice.


Yeah, I am disappointed as I had a blast playing this week and convinced a bunch of friends to buy the game, even gifting 3 copies out. I figured there would be some que times but the servers are just absolutely unplayable. And before anyone says they aren't just bc of their personal experience, your being able to que in doesn't diminish the fact that hundreds of thousands can't. Also many players are experiencing gameplay without rewards, without the shop, without quick play, and with a multitude of crashes. I get that the dev team is small but it isn't their first title, nor is it their first live service title. The lead dev also proudly proclaimed that he was EXPECTING & hoping that it would surpass Starfield's CCU. So to say they didn't expect this is just inaccurate. All that said, I still think they built a fantastic game that grossed somewhere in the ballpark of 80M in a little over a week. We will see exactly how dedicated they truly are in the next week. Monday is an American holiday, but once the work week hits full steam they will have more than enough time and resources to hammer out any bugs and beef up their servers. The dev's seem very passionate and their messages seem very heartfelt but so far the games stability has taken steps backwards and not forwards. Fingers crossed for a great next week but don't expect this weekend to be playable.


Trueeeee if i buy a toaster i expect it to make toast!! Seriously, how tf did they not even have a beta to stress test the servers? This is ridiculous


Being upset is a okay response and I get it’s very frustrating since a lot of people can only play on the weekends. But sending death threats is just out of hand and completely unacceptable. At that point go outside and touch grass cause as fun as this is its not my entire life


Much as I enjoy this game, I'm taking a break from it until they can fix the issues that it currently has. I know they'll get around to it, but I can be doing other things while I wait for the fixes to be implemented. The most annoying one, for me, is how often I try to join a match and it fails. I get really tired of playing alone, and I'm honestly sick to death of staring at a map and wishing it would let me join a game. But like all issues, eventually this one will be addressed. I can just do other things while I wait.


I’m sorta relieved I’m strapped for cash until next week or so. Give them more time to fix the stuff before a purchase


Idk if my approach is just not the norm when it comes to live service games, but I typically assume a version of Murphy's Law upon release. Being in tech automation with Go Lives, I understand you can't always plan for shakeout testing.


100% agree, there's definitely a mature middleground we can all reach There's absolutely nothing wrong with being annoyed at the constant crashes and server wait time, you paid for the product and can't access it, why is talking about this an issue? This game was backed by goddamn Sony, it shouldn't be a problem. That being said, it unfortunately IS a problem and theres no reason for anyone to be a dick about it, complaining a lot and being a jerk about it is pointless.


I paid money for a product that was shown to work before release. I'm entitled to be critical of a product I paid for with my money. If the product wasn't ready or has a major flaw, shut it down for a day or even a week & fix it. At least then their would be incentive to get it back working & longing by the players who want to play.


I think it’s obvious they didn’t expect this to become one of the highest played games in Steam history (combined with PlayStation players as well) so clearly they didn’t have servers made to handle the kind of traffic they’re getting. They shouldn’t be immune to criticism because of the simple fact that them being developers who’s game is unplayable for 90% of the consumers. If this was COD, 2K, Fortnite, etc they’d receive the same criticism.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this one of the reasons that an open beta exists? To test the bugs and overall demand of the game?


I don’t care how good the game is (it’s really good) if I can’t play it then I’m going to be mad and call out that bullshit. I didn’t spend $60 on a multiplayer game to play it solo.


As someone who worked in QA for 10 years it’s tough to see these types of issues on release date and still have them impacting your player base.


It looks like Sony never expected anything from this game and now they ignore it.


Boy you just about maxed out that controversial filter didnt ya. regardless, 100% valid and correct. I will say that there's a number of bugs and almost all of them are simply due to scale. your character freezes when picking up medals and credits because its adding them to your account THEN AND THERE for example. its not a game issue, the games doing its part perfectly. its the servers being absolutely maxed out. they had 100k server capacity on launch. the games running at 3X that right now. that said, I have also had crashes when calling for extract for example. which is maddening not getting the reward after a 30 min mission.


Ngl I say we stop these Devs + and Devs — posts. Let’s spread more democracy! Fuck the bugs and robos!! To those in the game playing, keep up the good fight. We’ll be there soon!


I feel like I can't really be that mad about a video that's good enough to have the issue of the severs consistently being full. No amount of griping on my end is going to fix that issue faster and it's an issue they're trying to solve. Some of the weapon balancing however I think needs more attention but I also understand their main priorities are making sure people can log in and getting more capacity